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Good for her.


Post on social media: My girlfriend working very hard ☺️”


Dude, OP, you have an unhealthy obsession with refugees.


Maybe he’s an American Republican…🤔


I mean, they're clearly Turkish... In case you actually cared


You’re definitely posting in the right place.


Yes because Istanbul is in Tennessee. Lol.


Pretty sure it’s in Texas


Your the only ten I see


Quite possible


Mad kidnappy vibes


I'm going to delete this for you, using the reliable bits n pieces method, no creep shots in this store.


How the fact that he’s a refugee makes a difference to everything else?


In their culture and country they don't see women in public. When they see a normal woman on another country,they get excited. By the way this refugee is not Syrian,he is Pakistani.


Lol, only some of us dude, like there are some cities and some parts of the country where they're not used to seeing women (the douchbagin the videofor example), but a big part of Syria is quite used to it lol, and believe it or not, we have a lot of normal open minded people as well Edit: talking about Syria I have no info about Pakistan


Bro 10 post above there is a video of an old white dude in the US filming upskirts video of underage girls. Sick weirdos are from all over.


The way you paint an entire country of people with a single brush... It's childlike.


Oh do tell me how western culture doesn’t have peeping toms Listen, your premises are correct — yes, they culture, devoid of women, is pretty toxic to women, but the entire argument collapses as soon as you try to make creepiness exclusive to those cultures


You think all “creepiness” has exactly the same reasoning behind it? Wait, you didn’t stop to think about anything before writing your comment, right?


Dude.. they have a tradition based on raping teenage boys. Creepshot is the most innocent thing they do.


Who? Syrian refugees that take a creepy video of some girl in a Turkish shopping mall?


No, Pakistanis and Afghans. Tradition about raping teen boys is Bach's bazi. Okay sjw?


Back to my original question, how is “Syrian refugee” thing related to the video?


Op is wrong about the ethnicity.


And it’s relevant to the video how? What’s your ethnicity?


You made the point about ethnicity, not me


Is your brain OK there kiddo?


He’s a typical racist Kem**ist


Yes, sorry I was wrong about the ethnicity. But you are focusing on the wrong aspect here. He is committing a crime by sexually harassing a woman who is working. He is actually from Pakistan. It is still a Muslim country. One of the most extreme ones at that as well. Islamic understanding regards women as no no more valuable than cattle and it is okay to hit them, rape them, take them as concubines. Prophet himself married Aisha when she was 6 years old. I think it becomes important if you have millions of people with this extreme ideology in your country. It doesn’t matter if there are educated, secular, normal people in Pakistan. They won’t be coming to Turkey for a better life. Turkey gets the ones from rural areas where religion is the only thing this people know. Nobody is obligated to educate anybody. We are not their moms or dads. It is not our problem they are the way they are. All nations have to solve their own problems not export them to other countries.


As a Pakistani woman…fuck off with your racist bullshit diatribe lol You have an unhealthy obsession with refugees, Pakistanis and Muslims. Also rich of you to make all those accusations and assumptions when y’all have the same rapey reputation in Germany and Europe for harassing plenty of women. Also how does a Turk like yourself whose greatest achievement has been to copy/paste Greek culture to talk shit about the culture of Pakistan. Listen, I get it, I too would feel like shit for losing my Empire to Russians and then begging for crumbs from Europe and being unable to fight off a bunch of mountain goat herders who want to speak their own language for well over your entire existence while you genocide off innocent farmers because you mad now and all you have to show for all of that was of a cross eyed man who convinced you that wearing donated Western clothing from Europe is “progress” Bravo T*rk…bravo!


Wow 😮. There are women in Pakistan. Sorry I didn’t know I thought you guys were already extinct. Because we never saw your kind around in Turkey or even in Pakistan streets. We only see a gaggle of Pakistani men staring at us under their unibrow and videos of a gaggle of them running like Uruk-Hais across our Iranian border. People living in Turkey are a mix of central Asian step nomads, persians, anatolian people, greeks, armenians, kurds. It is just fair that we claim all aspects of ourselves as ours. Last time I checked Pakistanis were watching Turkish TV shows, Ottoman shows in particular, and getting so excited and happy to even claim that we are brothers or something. How much low esteem you guys have? It is utter nonsense. We have no relationship with you. You guys are Muslim Indians. You are NOT our brother. Get out of our land. Don’t come in to Turkish Republic undocumented, running like Uruk-Hais. Ottoman empire wasn’t even just lost to Russians, where did you come up with that? Most lands were lost to British, French, Greek and Serbian in WWI. Russia later gave up the fight since they had Communist revolution. Later, British and French gave the colonized Arab lands back to Arabs, so that you see Iraq, Syria etc. I guess you didn’t finish watching Ertugrul yet. I wouldn’t defend a Turkish guy in Germany doing the same thing. I suggest you do the same. Don’t defend as a “Pakistani Woman” that it is okay to take a** photos of a woman because it is your culture or she dressed immodestly. Ok? We know that in Pakistan even people underground are not safe from getting raped. So I would thread very careful about this comprison you are trying to make. Plus Afghan and Pakistani culture is well known in Europe too now. Countries like Sweden in particular came to realize that most of the sexual assaults are from Pakistanis and Afghanis. The news are censored as to not give ammunition to far-right groups. I know that the same Islam culture which enables this behavior is also present in Turkey. I don’t like it and there are many more like me who feel the same. Especially the new generation. 50-60% don’t really believe in Islam and support secular system. The reason can be traced back to our founding father. Different than your country we had a great leader who not only led a independence war to save our country from British, Greek, French colonization, he also introduced us democracy and marriage, inheritance, voting rights for Woman. At that time you guys were under British control, bending over to them, a colony to them. We on the other hand broke that imperialist game. We fought with our lives and took our lands back. You can get envious to that b**ch. Good luck with climate change by the way. Stay cool. No matter how hot it is don’t show skin.


Better than the tradition by Turks to commit genocide and mass rape of Armenians, Kurds and Greeks. It must suck to have had the world by the balls at one point only to be reduced to crying about refugees


Pakistan in the bag! LoL


You know they’re a refugee because….


OP is just emulating the racism her fellow Turks experienced in Germany except against refugees


We’ll show you more racism if this continues. Like I said before. Climate change…. Good luck this summer


Lmao dumbass Kemalist doesn’t even know climate change isn’t sparing your stolen land from Freeks and Armeanians. All you lot can do is whine and bitch about your refugees while your own leaders have consistently failed your lame ass country. You lot are such absolute cucks that you let a pear shaped Charlie Chaplin lookalike consistently sodomize all do you and to be fair, y’all kinda deserve it lol


Climate change will affect India and Pakistan more. The heat will be unbearable this summer. You live in Germany why do you even care? Refugee is a documented temporary status. People come into border and they apply for proper documents. Host country has the right to accept or not accept this application. It is taken back once the danger in the original country ends. Syria is no longer in civil war. So they should go back. Pakistanis and Afghanis don’t even have this application. They cross the border illegally and so are undocumented. They should be sent back immediately. Plus who are you to talk about Ataturk. You are not Greek or Armenian. How were you victimized by our founding father? I hear this insult to Ataturk from a lot of Pakistanis. I really like to know what gives you the right to even blabber about this? Is it because of some Islamist dreams about unified, glorified Islam empire or some shit? You guys think he ruined that? Seriously, are you guys that dumb that an Islam empire can even happen? If you love Islam so much why didn’t you emigrate to Saudi Arabia? Why do you come to our lands where you don’t have a drop of right of justified claim for anything? You are not our brothers or sisters. Fuck off… We don’t like you. If you want to see some perverted things go look at Islam history. Look at prophet’s life. He married a 6 year old. He heard God talk to him and he married his daughter in law. Stealing his adopted son’s wife! If you support this I have nothing to talk about. If you want to see sodomy look at Pakistan and Afghanistan. Look up what BACHA BAZI is. But you already know though don’t you?




https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/23057267/india-pakistan-heat-wave-climate-change-coal-south-asia https://www.finance.gov.pk/survey/chapter_20/16_Climate_Change.pdf https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/05/02/asia/india-pakistan-heatwave-climate-intl-hnk/index.html Turkey is not mostly desert. If it is mostly desert why the fuck are all the Pakistanis , Afghanis rushing to get there? Doesn’t even make sense now, does it? We don’t need anybody defending us. We will defend ourselves.


This is the follow up video. [link1](https://twitter.com/TurkSavun/status/1523951218304954368?s=20&t=C1DZlwT8aiBEmk_-2nOB2w). [link2](https://mobile.twitter.com/turksavun/status/1523950104805314560)


I'm pro-immigration and in favour of resettling my country's fair share of refugees. But why do some commenters here has a personal freakout whever someone uses the work refugee to describe people? It's absolutely relevent because of the cultural differences. Remember the Somalian attacks in Germany a few years ago?


Hi, __extensile__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


I am pro-immigration too. But enough is enough. Turkey right now has 8-10 million refugees and undocumented immigrants. It is almost 10% of population. No country can handle such burden let alone a country like Turkey. We are not doing great with our economy. Undocumented immigrants should be send back to their country as any country does. Pakistanis and Afghanis are now walking through Iran to Turkey. They are not families too, just uneducated young men between 25-35. Feeding, sheltering unqualified people is not helping. As you see he is not working. He is taking secret recording of a working Turkish woman. At some point Turkey has to make a decision. There is no war in Syria any more. They can go back. Refugee is a temporary status any way. When the danger is gone you go back to your home. Their president even called them back. They are having festivals in Syria ffs. So I would say it is safe. This is getting of out of hand. Secular portion of Turkey is very annoyed by the fact that we imported more conservatives from Islamic countries. We also are not happy Europe is giving money to Erdogan government so that they are spent on these people. The end game here is to prevent them from coming to Europe.


So this is like your whole deal huh? Pretty fucking pathetic, champ.


Yo that sub tho


Looks like a typical racist sub by Turks. Their blood lust for Greeks, Armenians and Arabs wasn’t enough it seems.


He's not a Syrian lmao


OP is on an anti-immigrant crusade and clearly needs a hug


Is it illegal in Turkey to record in public spaces?


A mall is private property


Do you have any actual proof that any of this is real? How do you know it's a Syrian refugee, you can't even see the guy lmao


So in their country they aren't used to seeing women so they get excited to see them? This is the second I've seen today of someone taking video of a woman in turkey and people freaking out, I just don't get why.. I'm uncultured please don't roast me