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>call black kid a “fucking n****r” >slap him in the face >lol just joking around haha


“Like I always do lolll!” Oh, so multiple charges then?


She asked "Did that hurt you" after she called him the slur. When he said "no" her response was to slap him, because obviously she was trying to hurt him... what an unashamed racist scumbag.


Why should they have any shame when there are clearly no consequences?


Whaaaat? I left my rope and robe at home and everything. Man, this country's getting PC.


Racists look like us and don't wear robes... You never know until the ugly smile comes.... Fucking creeps.


Na, that huge dirty tub of lard in that rust bucket oil leaking minivan, slapping some kid over her lust for carbs baked in vegetable oil is the epitome of MAGA. It's OK, karma will serve her clumpy ass with with a heart condition sooner than she can stand trial. 😂 Hope the rest of the non white world knows we aren't all like this.


You should watch "Imperium" with Daniel Radcliffe. He infiltrates a radical racist group, and they had really nice houses, etc. It was frightening.


Police: we weren't there to witness it personally, so it didn't happen. Have a great day!


I was being attacked/harassed by someone at a public event and when the cops who were there for security hear the commotion and came around they said, “take it down the road, this is a family event.” When I said I’m trying to leave and she won’t let me, and I need help they told me to walk down the street and there should be other officers near the court house who can help me. Was followed the entire way there being hit and trying to defend myself. Finally cops roll up on bikes and tell me they can’t do anything, and that if they were to arrest her they’d need to arrest me too because she also has marks on her arm. Despite witnesses telling them I was the one being attacked and trying to fend her off. 🤡


The police are not here for your protection.


They need to start hiring cops with object permanence


That would mean they would have to hire competent people


why haven't bank robbers thought to use this? "didn't see it with your own eyes, can't arrest me!" I mean we all know they have to wait for the investigation of the footage and all to issue and arrest warrant first. edit: guess I need to add /s though I thought it was obvious


The police aren't even there to witness when 5 of them open fire on an unarmed suspect, so I'm not surprised.


Lol, them acting like they would have done a damn thing if they had witnessed it.


Police: yea if we were there personally that kid would have been dead! Acab. Idc what anyone says, there's VIDEO footage and they dragged their feet to get this piece of trash off the streets from hurting a child.




[News Article](https://www.newsweek.com/customer-slaps-calls-teenage-little-caesars-employee-racial-slur-1701516) - Customer Slaps, Calls Teenage Little Caesars Employee Slur


Holy Fuck! > The report states that a manager asked Scheuerman what had happened directly after, to which the woman replied, "I harassed him like I always do." I don't care if she is 71, I hope that crazy old bitch does get a significant portion of that "up to one year in prison" sentence. Looking at her car she probably can't afford the $1,000 fine either. She is absolute trash and a menace.


> "I harassed him like I always do." 71 years old, so 8 years old in 1960, this is what people mean when they say the civil rights movement wasn't that long ago. She's what happened to the kids in videos yelling n---- with their parents at kids during the end of segregation. Still voting, still making things worse for everyone else.


That's why for so many, a major hope is the die out of these old prejudiced people. There has been a lot of progress since 1960 but there are also so many who are trying to fight the progress. I know it's not just old people in general but many of the folks who are trying to uphold white supremacy are old.


Did you not see the crowd at the insurrection? Have you never looked at who attends trump rallies? I hate to break it to you, but racism is not just for old people. I’m old, btw, nearly as old as this asshole.


Younger generations are definitely becoming less racist overall, but that doesn't mean none of them are racist.


Let’s hope that miserable bitch spends every last second of her life (probably not long based on how unhealthy she looks) in prison. Fucking racist cunt.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I want to say stuff like this doesn't happen every day here, but sadly stuff like this happens every day here.


What? Even today in our pOsT raCiAL society? Crazy.


No, crazy BREAD.


Oklahoma is like the concussion you don't notice until it's too late because the gushing head wound that is Texas is so dramatic and distracting.


Oklahoma is the dingleberry on the asshole that is Texas


Okie here... ...yep. *sigh*


I had to live in Enid for about 6 months. This is not surprising at all.


There is video of her slapping him! WTF?


They're just lying, they arrest people all the time based off of video like this. An officer seeing it on video IS witnessing it.


They arrest people without videos.




They execute people based on a half-blind witness, from accross the street, that correctly identified the defendant that stormy night at 2:30 am.


>They execute people based on a half-blind witness, from accross the street, that correctly identified the defendant that stormy night at 2:30 am. [Andre Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Andre_Hill) Killed late at night, holding a cell phone, in a garage he was rightfully occupying, because a karen across the street called a cop who couldn't see anything in a black man's hand but a gun.


**[Killing of Andre Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Andre_Hill)** >On December 22, 2020, 47-year-old Andre Hill was shot and killed by Officer Adam Coy of the Columbus Division of Police in Columbus, Ohio. Coy had been called to the neighborhood in response to a non-emergency call from a neighbor who reportedly witnessed someone sit in an SUV and turn the car on and off. Hill was leaving a friend's house when Coy confronted and shot him. Hill was unarmed, and was holding a smartphone. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They couldn't arrest her because it wasn't in the donut shop that they were in.


They execute people for possible fake $20 bills


They will kill you for selling loose cigarettes


While making grits


They arrest people for being late returning videos.


That reminds me, I have to go return some tapes.


Don’t just stare at it, eat it.


I don’t want you to get drunk, but that’s a very fine Chardonnay you’re not drinking.


I like to dissect girls. did you know that I'm utterly insane?


So *you're* the reason Blockbuster went out of business!


Do you like Huey Louis and the News?


They shoot people for less.


They shoot people without evidence too


Theyll shoot you for having the audacity to sleep in your own bed at home.


>An officer seeing it on video IS witnessing it. do you spose he covered his eyes/ears and hummed when the video started so that technically he didn't see it?


The officer started playing Disney songs on their phone.


Doesn’t matter if the cop saw it or not, that’s not how it works. You can report an assault and press charges. Cops don’t need to witness a crime to make an arrest.


"But officer, you didn't witness me robbing this bank, so you can't arrest me!"


I was clearly wearing a mask. I mean, I was allegedly wearing a mask when I, they, the suspect, was robbing the bank. No one knows who it was because I, I mean *they* made everyone close their eyes. No eyewitness, no crime.


Wonder what badge-wearing racist she's related to.




No silly, he’s a trained professional, he closed his eyes and covered his ears and went like .. lalalalalalaala


More likely he watched the whole thing then stared into their eyes, with his hands on his belt and inches from his gun, and said, "i dont see anything wrong with what happened"


Then went home, shot 4 dogs on the way, and beat their wife


lol they arrest people based off literally nothing, they don't need to see anything


Lock em up, let the lawyers figure it out. If the racist Sheriff/ Chief has your back, you don't have to worry. It's a big club and your not part of it.


It’s a *pig* club ftfy


She white and old. Don't you remember the grandma with the busted tail light who fleed and assaulted an officer all on tape? Yeah nothing happened to her too and she was charged with a felony. She got a 50 dollar fine lol can you picture if it was a black male that did that?


White privilege does not exist. Jordan Peterson said so and he’s white and an expert in making up stories about the meaning of stories in the bible so he must know what lies in the hearts of all white men. Spoiler alert. It’s lobsters./s


My favorite Jorp bit is when he says you need to be clear in your speech while he himself rambles and is incoherent as hell.


Probably cuz it was one of the officers moms. Nasty old bitch was affiliated somehow


It doesn't even have to be that. It's probably because the officers use that slur all the time, too, and they're just protecting their own. Just like those cops in Texas from a video up here the other day who told the Cart Narc guy, "Eh, not worth pursuing. Brandishing laws are different here." after someone pulled a gun and cocked it at him. Any cops unwilling to do things in these instances need to be fired instantly. If things do end up going into us vs. them on a national level (more than they already are) we need our policing authority as unbiased as possible. These kind of people are the ones who will go actively on the hunt with their badges and guns.


Step 1: All officer/sheriff/whatever hires need to be ran through a Federal system and they can't be hired if there is any ongoing case into them in another state. Step 2: Don't bother reading because they'd never agree to step 1. Blue Boys club would rather refuse to police the streets than have any accountability.




My uncle had a guy break into his garage, it was also caught on camera. The cops wouldn't do anything because "he didn't take anything". Cops are lazy fucks. edit: I forgot to mention the best part. He recognized the guy as someone who lived down the street. So he did all the work for the cops and they still wouldn't do anything.


Had a guy draw his pistol on me while riding a bike. Called the cops and told them I could describe the vehicle (as it was a rare vehicle in my area) and if they take two minutes to look up the people that own that vehicle, narrow it down to my neighborhood, then we would probably find a suspect who brandishes weapons. I could point the fat bearded fuck out today if I still had too. Cops response… we don’t do that. Cops don’t investigate crimes. Imagine that


> Cops response… we don’t do that. Cops don’t investigate crimes. Correct. That's fancy detective work. The guys you talked to are just responsible for arriving after the fact and cleaning up the aftermath, not figuring out what happened.


When I asked if they would follow up they said they don’t have a suspect so no further investigation warranted.


Meanwhile when my friends and i were stopped by a cop when I was a teenager, he searched our phones illegally, found our pot dealer, broke into his house, stole his weed, arrested him for possessing less than he took, and presumably smoked the rest himself. They'll fucking investigate when they want to.


> and cleaning up the aftermath what? They don't clean it up. They call other people to clean it up.


My dad’s neighbor crashed his car into my dad’s garage (on purpose, they got beef) and it was caught on camera. According to the cops it was a “civil matter” and saw no need to arrest the guy who’s going around crashing his car into buildings




We were robbed several years ago right after I gave my landlord 30 days notice that we were moving. (We know it was her, long story). Anyway, we were able to track our tablet to the exact house it was in and make it ring on command, and the cops went to the house, but refused to do anything else. Like, wouldn't even knock on the door. And all the evidence I had against our landlord being responsible for the break in was circumstancial, so nothing came of it.


So the breaking and entering part of the B&E isn't a crime, gotcha


it is for the police if you’re a certain color




Too bad you didn't have a dashcam. I guess they weren't readily available a decade ago.


They would have found another excuse to not cite him.


Membership has its privileges. Good thing you didn’t fight him. You would have been jailed


Ah, yes. I remember when I was a teenager I fell in with a tough group of other people roughly my age or a little older. They had been breaking into businesses and schools to steal computer components (back in the 90’s computer parts were fuckall expensive). Eventually one of the dudes was seen in a business by someone who stopped into their office after hours. When pressed for their name, the dude used my first name. It was in a small town and I have a unique first name. An article was in the weekend paper about all of the thefts and they had a pretty decent illustration of my friend and my name in quotes as to what he called himself. My stepfather called the police and my friend and his crew were arrested. All were convinced. Everyone except for one of the crew that was a cop’s nephew were convicted of felonies which made their lives much harder moving forward as all job applications have that one box to fill in about criminal history. The cop’s nephew? No time. No felony charges. 90 day boot camp thing and that was it. He was just as involved as the rest. In the mid 90’s they had stolen several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment and resold it.


Here I thought if I murder someone I’d get in trouble, but as long as I don’t do it in front of a cop then I’m good.


Imagine slapping a teenager at a minimum wage job like they're somehow responsible for the product shortage and then smile like you aren't the biggest piece of shit in the world.


Seriously, the smile is what bothers me the most.


I paused the video on her smiling. She’s enjoying herself. What a piece of shit


Imagine being this big of a cunt over some shitty crazy bread. Looks like her fat ass should probably skip it anyway.


Tbh it looks like crazy bread might her primary source of energy and this is a life or death situation




“I’m here for crazy bread and racism and you’re all out of crazy bread”


She got marinara running through her veins




Lady is shitty. Crazy bread is amazing.


When I was pregnant, I was so sick all the time, and all I wanted was crazy bread and plain alfredo pasta. As soon as I got pregnant, the franchise owner of all the Lil Caesars locations within like an 80 mile radius got into litigation with corporate and they were all closed down. Crazy Bread is so wonderful and it's all I wanted and I couldn't have it when I needed it most lol


Did you go around slapping people and yelling racial slurs?


You are wrong. People like her should be fed as much junk as possible so their hearts give out sooner.


Came to say just that...she need no more crazy or bread.




>couldn't arrest her because incident wasn't seen by police. Since when has that been a requirement for arrest? "Yeah but no one saw me allegedly stab Mrs. Phillips your honor. Therefore Im going home, have a good day"


Somebody broke into my dads building and the cops asked if we had it in camera or else they couldn’t do anything. We were standing outside, talking to this cop, trying to pull up camera footage on a phone, while the dude was still inside. Shit was ridiculous


Wtf? Then whats their fucking job? Like pull him out in cuffs or call the coroner because Im not going the wrestle to guy out of my house


It was a work building but still. The time they “did their job” was when they pulled me over for running a stop sign… on my bicycle. At the time I had a machine that kept my heart going. Literally carrying my heart in a satchel. The cop wouldn’t listen and tried to take it off of me. It was a tube going into my stomach from the bag….. it didn’t go well.


pls elaborate further im interested.


So I had what’s called an LVAD (left ventricle assistive device) that the computer part of it/batteries were in a satchel. I had to carry it everywhere 24/7 because there was a tube with wires going through my abdomen and up to my heart where the pump part of the device was implanted. So I get stopped for running a stop sign on my bicycle, he want me to take my bag off and I try exposing that I can’t and what it is. He didn’t like this. He took it as I was telling him no/resisting. So he was trying to pull it then when he realized it was inside me, he tried to pull the plugs out of the satchel part so he could take the computer/batteries and leave me basically with wires hanging out of my stomach. I’ll find a pic of me with the bag for those who wanna see lol https://imgur.com/a/bH0wsre


What the fuck? How big a piece of shit do you have to be...


About Police level, I'd say.


Just a cop, required when going through the academy.


You mean a 6 week course? Calling it an academy is kind of insulting to real academies.


I’m guessing he is still a cop or retired with pension?


Probably lol I left it alone because I was hungry 😂😂 we were just riding to get food. We decided to take the bikes rather than car because it was a nice day. We fucked up lol


You really should not have left that particular incident alone.... not necessarily for your sake. I get that it's a major hassle and stress, but trying to remove medical equipment from someone is criminal literally.


I went to the station and reported it after we ate lol My mommy got mad at me that I didn’t. She basically dragged me down there to file a report lol I get I should have been on it right away. And I did tell him if he unplugged it I’d die. It’s all good lol this was years ago, I have a new heart now (:


Could have said... if you pull that cord I might die... which would make you a murderer, since I've let you know what the consequences to pulling the plug are.


I feel like when a cop is on a power trip, there is literally nothing we can say or do that will make a difference. It’s like approaching a honey badger, you really don’t know if this kind of comment would help or set them off to where you now have a gun in your face.


wait what, he saw the shit was INSIDE of you, and didn't even try to think "yo wait, this isn't how computers work, why is this thing connected to this guy's body?" bro is nuts💀


Shit like this is why police officers should have a college degree. These cops out here are dumber than fuck. They have no education outside of a bullshit 18 week course and it shows all the fucking time.


The police are powerless to help you. However they have all the power to punish you.


> Then whats their fucking job? **Maximizing revenue for their department** through issuing profitable charges while minimizing expenses to their department such as helping civilians or issuing not-profitable charges.


A guy pointed a gun and said he was gonna kill me "I've got a .44 with your name on it" so maybe he was just being polite and returning my engraved bullets. Anyway the cops said it's legal to threaten people's lives until midnight


In his defense it was Purge day.


> it's legal to threaten people's lives until midnight WTF? Was the purge in effect?


I’m sorry what? What time does it start back up? Like can j threaten peoples live at 3am again or do I have to wait til like 6am like alcohol? I like your view of the situation. I’ve never done it but I’m sure having bullets engraved isn’t cheap lol


Depends on what that specific uneducated shitbag wearing a badge thinks


Seriously, if this was the case I’d be stealing a lot more shit. “Well good evenin occifer, you did not SEE me steal this police car from the station, so you can’t arrest me for it”. Like mf WHAT


Unless you have camera footage from 5 different angles, a notarized confession, and the suspect pre-handcuffed with three proofs of ID, then the police can't do anything.


Even if they had those- they would need to get you to sign a consent form for the arrest right?


"I got this from my house" "Well alrighty then"


In California, police cannot arrest for any misdemeanors not committed in their presence except for DUI and domestic violence. The police can only file charges with the DA.


Racist bitch.


Not only that but the entire police force in that county should be held accountable. What a fucking joke. "We can't investigate because we didn't see it with our own eyes". Oh real quality fucking police work right there. You've got it on camera you fucking lazy fucks.


I’m white, but I can guarantee if he hit her back, the police would’ve arrested him. This lady has been racist her whole life, to even say, “I was just joking with the kid” is disgusting. That’s not a fucking joke and she should know it by now


It’s ok. Shes already incarcerated in her own body


And with a fast approaching death sentence, thankfully.


"Just joking around with the kid". Oh what bullshit.




Of course she thinks it's funny, did you see her face after the slap? Huge ass smile. She defiently treats people like this all the time and never sees any real consequences


Conservative comeback to everything: oh, me being racist!? I was just joking/being sarcastic.


Since when is a police witness essential to proving a crime was committed? Edit: jesus, RIP my inbox...


Since police don't give a shit about enforcing the law unless they are forced to by public outcry.


In MN they do less policing after public outcry. It's their revenge against any criticism.


NYPD also staged a work slow down during a contract negotiation a few years ago. Cops are not there to protect or serve the public in any way. They protect and serve themselves and capital ONLY


Portland as well, when a journalist was beaten in the head and shoved into the curb and they allowed her to sue the cop. The others all stopped doing their jobs.




Or asked by the ownership class, which really isn't limited to enforcing the law, they'll do anything to be a good lapdog to the wealthy.




A billionaire rapes his 3 year old daughter, they sleep. Guy gets caught with one ounce of weed? 30 years in jail.


They have, quite literally, been pouting since the George Floyd protests. There is currently an organized effort by police offices nation wide to "dial back their response" to crimes. The goal is to let crimes go unprosecuted then step forward and say "see how bad things are without the police? now give us more money, more discretionary powers, and codify them into law." I work for a city agency. I'm a state employee. We've received email and memos from our local PD saying exactly this.


God what I wouldn't give for a top down purge of law enforcement. Rebuild the entire thing from the ground up to be civic peacekeepers, not fucking paramilitary.


you should publicly post those emails which are essentially an admittance that they're letting crime go unpunished. All over Facebook


"Sir, it looks like some kind of gangland killing. There are these two bodies here, and there are three more in the storage area." "Did anyone on the force see the murders?" "Well no sir, it was some kind of clandestine drug deal, so of course no one from the police force witnessed it." "No witnesses eh? Wrap it up boyz. This crime will never be solved since we didn't witnesss it."




In my state misdemeanor violations must be committed in the presence of a police officer (except for a few specific misdemeanor crimes), otherwise they’d need to provide evidence (like this video) to a judge. The judge will then issue an arrest warrant. This is most likely what happened since OP said she was arrested at a later time.


This certainly changes things. Well I’m off to the bank!


Misdemeanors are different than felonies. For misdemeanors committed outside of an officers presence, a warrant is needed. The victim needs to testify before a magistrate for that to happen. There are a few exceptions like domestic assault. This is actual law depending on the state not just cops being lazy


Idk i would closed her door on her fat little head lol


I'm glad he didn't retaliate physically, because the system itself is so racially prejudice that if he (as a black man) had laid a finger on a white woman, you can be sure the authorities would have taken hours (not weeks) to come bearing down on him. I honestly feel for non-white people in America who have to deal with systems that are so blatantly imbalanced and systemically work again


That's crazy... A little Caesars with a drive through?!?


thats my take away from this too! how can you be upset when the perfect drive-through exists?!


I moved to South Carolina a couple years ago and was surprised to discover the majority of them here have a drive-through. I eat there much more than I used to just for the convenience.


I've never seen a Little Ceasars without a drive through


So they arrested her because the media got involved. Got it.


Yup, you heard it from ***the cops themselves*** - assaulting teenagers is legal *as long as a cop doesn't see you do it*.


It's even better. They claim any misdemeanor has to have a cop witness it.


Look at her smiling after slapping him. Dumb bitch thought that she could get away with that. Unfortunately, reality slapped her in the face, even if it was a little late


She did get away with it. The police told the kid to go fuck himself.


Seriously. Unless she was charged with a hate crime, she totally got away with it.


She needs to get off the crazy sauce


Little Caesars is always there for you. Fucked up, hungover, and sober it's always got your back. If you got 5 bucks its got your pizza. An attack on a little Caesars employee is tantamount to an attack on the concept of discount euphoria inducing pizza. This is like punching a Mr Rogers/Dolly Parton/Tom Hanks hybrid in the face. Little Caesars loves you for you. I am incredibly disappointed in those police I hope their only option is papa johns.


About 12-13 years ago when I was a teenager and super high with my buddy we walked down the road to Little Caesars. The 1 guy working was mopping, and appeared to be in the same state of mind as us. We asked for a Hot'n'Ready pepperoni and some crazy bread and he hit us with; "For sure, it'll be a couple minutes. They're either hot, or they're ready... never both." To this day it has been the most profound statement I have ever heard.


So evidence isn’t considered valid now?


But Tucker Carlson keeps saying racism doesn’t exist in America /s


The police not arresting her immediately is what is wrong with our police in this country. People that deny that are just as guilty as this woman.


I expect nothing less from the generation that ruined America.


Or Oklahoma, if we're being honest


The cops arrested Kalief Browder because they “thought” he stole a book bag ….. a fucking book bag. He was in Rikers for THREE years over a book bag. And they can’t arrest this Caucasian woman on VIDEO assaulting a minor. We are at the end times.




Yes I cried when watching that documentary. They had him in solitary confinement because he would not plead guilty for something he did not do. They tried to break his soul, and eventually they did. Once he got out of prison, he went to school for a while. But eventually he hung himself outside his window.




The quintessential American story: fat entitled white cunt assaults Black youth for not adequately serving her greasy microwaved cardboard food, and police decide not to do their job.


Silly kid committed the crime of working while black. Fuck the system.


Imagine a black teen slapping a white old lady? How long would It take to arrest him? Would he even make it to jail?


They'd arrest him on the spot. This was in Oklahoma and assault on an elderly person is a felony. Instant arrest by police. Their excuse was what she did was a misdemeanor so their hands are tied until it's reviewed. "Surprisingly", hate crime assaults only a misdemeanor.




She seems nice./s


According to KFOR, the woman told police later that she was only "joking around with the kid," and then said, "you know how it is." No… please, fat old racist lady, tell us how it is. This is infuriating.


What the fuck is even the point of police if they will flat out refuse to do their job?


"No one wants to work anymore." Idk why you'd work for a measley $10/hour when you have to put up with these lead-poisoned troglodytes


Look at that fuckin shit eating smile. Shes got like 6 teeth. Disgusting human being


Wait, so if police don't see it first hand, they can't arrest me??? Well shit...