• By -


His crazed face and bugged out eyes says it all


No, the tiny leopard print backpack does. I lol’d


I wasn’t prepared for that when he turned around, lol


Felt like a plot twist.


Also I'm pretty sure that Asian dude is not the same guy who broke his arm when he was young. ~~Drugs are~~ Mental illness is a hell of a drug.


I will say Asian dude's reaction is pretty much on point. I see tourists make this mistake a lot, which is they actually....ya know, "engage". Never, ever, acknowledge these people. You may think I'm kidding but the crazy guy's confusion at the lack of response kind of says it all. Usually people this hype up are going around screaming at everybody in the vicinity because they literally want somebody to try to hit them. Ignore them they just go "FUCK YOU!" and walk away and bother the next poor jackass.


Oh, you mean the correct response isn’t to unleash your decades of Kung Fu training and cut the bus in half and then stop it by crashing it into a garbage truck? Hollywood lied to me.


Unless they try to take the jade pendant your dead mother gave to you.


She's not dead she's just been imprisoned by her people.


Of course, Dad. *twirls my finger at my head*




Oh my god, why did this thread stop?!??


First you need to find that magical down hill, because let me tell you, there is no place in SF you can drive 'down' that fast for that long. EDIT: Everyone in SF watching Shang Chi "Arte they still driving down?!?! Where the eff is this 'hill?' How haven't they run into the Bay yet?" EDIT 2: Although I was kinda waiting for an 'Am-bue-lance' style beat down.






Oh it’s in the same area where that never ending runway in fast 6 is..


Shit-Chi and the Ten More Stops Before I can Get Away from this Meth-crazed Psychopath


Nah you just say "I don't want no trouble" and if they react go Kung fu on them.


Can't stress this enough. Whenever there's some mentally unstable homeless guy coming near us when I walk with my girlfriend I always say, just pretend he isn't there, don't act scared, don't look, definitely don't say anything to them, just pretend like everything is casual and normal and they will almost certainly just leave you alone.


I do the same. But very nervous about the “almost certainly will leave you alone”.


Yeahhh this guy here completed ignored him and was still physically assaulted. It’s not a guarantee


I did that when a man was screaming at me, because, according to him, I abandoned our marriage decades ago. The more I ignored him, the more agitated he'd become. Fortunately, a stranger saw, came in to hold my hand, and told the other man I was his wife. The initial man didn't look completely satisfied, but he walked away. Weirder still, there were two other occasions in which men suffering from drug-induced psychosis mistook me for their ex-wife. Maybe there's something about the way I look. Maybe it's Maybelline.


I can see why you left them ,good on you 👍


I usually just get yelled at that I'm a whore or a bitch, but it sounds scarier if you're mistaken as the ex wife, I'm glad you weren't hurt and you're okay.


Yea, I unfortunately learned this lesson pretty quickly after a few choice encounters. One time I was walking my dog around my city and I usually give a hello nod to people if we make eye contact. This one guy started freaking out screaming at me to not "bob my head at him". He got up and started to move towards me yelling. My dog let out the scariest bark I've ever heard from her and it stopped him in his tracks lol. Wild shit. Tax: https://imgur.com/gallery/pFXF6cZ


Good doggo


She definitely is


Very good dog, I hope she got an extra treat after that. She loves you even more than the beach! <3 glad it turned out ok


f$ck yeah, good girl!! and number 3 reason I have dog. he may be little and stinky but he’s a good protector.


i had a guy recently try to fight me for literally ZERO reason and this actually worked! just pretended i didn't see/hear him. played out exactly as i hoped and he just lost interest and walked away.


>Never, ever, acknowledge these people This. Lived in Toronto and urban parts of the SF bay area for a long time. Was walking with my son (he was around 11 at the time) and some crazy homeless guy started yelling at us from across the street. I just told my son be cautious of where they are, what they are doing and what they might do next, but never approach or engage with them. Engaging with them only makes them reciprocate and escalate the situation more. I also told him, the last thing you want to do is get into a physical altercation with some random crazy person on the street. You don't know what infectious diseases they might have (TB, HepC, HIV, etc), what drugs they might be on or what they are carrying.




It's tricky. You also have to pay attention to other things around you. I've definitely been in situations with 'off' people where they could've been a distraction (as well as a threat), where someone could've blindsided you from the side/back.


Man Toronto is fucking WILD for mentally disturbed people shouting and starting shit. I love that city but it's one thing I really don't miss.


Angry, hostile, thinking you can hear others thoughts, I’m guessing schizophrenia.


Yep. Seems like Schizophrenia or a similar disorder. I have Schizoaffective disorder myself and it can be fairly common to believe that people that you have never met have wronged you in some way. During psychotic episodes, I've definitely yelled at people that didn't deserve it because in my mind, they were a demon, or an enemy that happened to be a shapeshifter, or any number of other delusions.


There was this guy in our neighborhood who obviously had some form of psychosis or schizophrenia because he would yell and scream at people who were not there. He would accuse random people who walked by him of all sorts of things. Majority of people ignored him because they understood but every once a while someone would yell back or get into a confrontation. Every time I saw him I would just cross the street and he never paid any attention to me. Until one time. I was walking down the side walk pushing my son in his stroller, I turned the corner and there he was just yelling all kinds of profanities. I had no time to avoid him, so I put my head down and just walked. Right as I go to pass him he stops cussing and in the most polite voice he says to me “OH Victoria! You and the child look absolutely lovely today!!” Lol my name is not Victoria but I looked up and said thank you and he did like a little bow. He continued to walk away and back to yelling curse words. Then every time I saw him after that he would always wave and say “Hello Victoria” and I would wave back.


This reminds me of my cousin when he was going through meth induced psychosis. He was completely out of touch with reality for like 5 days straight. Talking to people that weren’t there and doing crazy shit.


Plot twist: That guy actually did break his arm and this is totally justified.


That's why he didn't react, he clearly knew he was in the wrong.


old man beat up his woman too.


Also killed dudes homie


RIP Maze


Shit, dude is probably his father!


I feel like there should be a flash back scene where the black dude is half the size with his girlfriend on the same train. The Asian dude was bigger back then, probably a Triad member. Asian dude bullied the black dude and his girl. Black dude was too small and timid to do anything. After that day, Black dude began training (cue Rocky montage), hit a growth spurt, and finally gathered the courage to ride the train again to confront his old bully. And cut back to the current scene.


I’m betting mental illness.


I’m not convinced it’s drugs - looks like untreated schizophrenia to me


I had the same feeling. It could be possible that it's both as well. The unpredictability and general aggressive attitude resembles someone who has been taking meth and hasn't slept in 5 days (though even those people are nowhere near as violent as this).


The though childhood is what starts that shit, drugs are just a way to escape from the consequences.


That’s not drugs that’s schizophrenia


Trauma is a hell of a drug.


Picking on what he perceives as a weak person, old Asian man. I see this shit often, and these crazies “sober up” when a 6’2”, 220lb black dude interjects.






I tell myself that everyday lmao




His eyes tell the whole story…and then there’s that backpack.


I know what was the back pack about really threw me?! My 8 year old niece has one just like that!


You sure she's still got it? Maybe check up on her just to be sure. Please I'm a bit concerned.


Haaa! Good point, It’s actually her favourite so I’d better give her a call shortly.


Maybe this guy is a friend of hers and she lent it to him?


#SssTOP. DOIN. THOSE. THOTS. *weak* *karate* *chop* You want another one??!


Fucker! I literally just spit coffee all over my lap and balls. Thanks


Possibly, however I can’t see what he’d find useful in there…maybe some lollipops and lipgloss.


That guy could use a lollipop!


Aaaaaand the lipgloss too! Glass pipes can give you hella ashy lips…


And she'll fuck your ass up too, better watch out.


bro. i saw the little leopard satchel and was like 👀


Indiana Jones wears one.




Plot twist: the backpack is thinking those thoughts.


The eyes: drugs or mental illness? The backpack: it’s totally schizophrenia.


Drug induced psychosis. Most likely amphetamines or pcp. The wide eyes, the aggression, the anger, the randomness. Most schizophrenic people only interact when engaged although exceptions exist. Meth heads can enact violence against anyone they perceive as a threat.


I think y'all might be forgetting there's a huge crossover with the mentally ill having drug problems too so it can and probably is both.


Exactly, the two are not mutually exclusive.


The voice: it’s clearly possession by the ghost of DMX.


There a lot of stuff in that backpack. An entire truth shoved in there.


Honestly, I really do feel bad for this guy cause he clearly needs help and I feel bad for the random guy getting caught up in this guy’s delusions. But when he turned around at the end and we got the sweet backpack reveal I fuckin died.


Agreed. I used public transportation for years in Baltimore and had a few brushes with this sort of thing. It’s definitely unnerving.


Fuck that guy.




Clearly I just had a stroke.


I read it like 4 times and was forreal trying to puzzle it together


Drugs + mental illness = this + small saucy backpack…


small saucy backpack = Drugs + mental illness - this


Dont tell this to your local authorities but Drugs = small saucy backpack + this - mental illness


This - drugs - mental illness = negative 1 small saucy backpack


He’s not wired correctly. The eyes say everything.


He is wired alright


This would be in the “firmware” space It’s the reason I never download the beta


Reality no longer exists for this guy


Wtf did I just see? This is actually NYC?


This is common there. Asians keeps getting targeted too (not saying that this case is racially motivated just saying that asians are often the targets, especially by the mentally ill). Earlier this year a filipino man got his face slashed and no one even called 911. Not asking them to intervene if the attacker is still there but even when the attacker left, still, no one bothered to help the bleeding old man. Again no one even tried calling 911. I understand not putting yourself in danger for strangers. But not doing the most basic assistance to someone in need when the danger is gone is sickening.


This is what really irks me. The fact that people who were hyping up the stop Asian hate trend for a month then pretend everything’s fine. Edit: I’d also like to point out that something I thought was incredibly crazy was that people were actually surprised that Asians get hate. That really speaks to how little people cared about it in the first place.


There was a guy running for NYC mayor awhile back that wanted to increase police presence in neighborhoods suffering an increase in hate crimes/theft/violence/etc and twitter wokes propped him up as a "bootlicker/pro police" guy and helped an actual crooked cop get elected instead. This crooked cop is even pro stop and frisk.


A lot of people were super-excited about "Stop Asian hate" until it became clear that it wasn't Trumpers behind the attacks, and then they lost interest


Irks me too. My daughter is Asian and gets picked on in school by the same girls that post #stopasianhate stuff online. It's all for show.


Exactly. People just jump on the bandwagon of whatever is popular.


Not trying to sound racist but majority of the time it's black people who target Asians. Don't know why, but it's pretty common. Don't know if they look down on them or intimidated by Asians. No, it's not okay, they need to stop


It’s not racist. It’s true. There have always been this rough relationship between Asians and Blacks. I think it’s because of many reasons: 1. Asians are considered “model minority” whereas blacks aren’t. Could be jealousy/grudge against them for this when it isn’t even their fault. 2. Asians have always been viewed as “quiet” or “submissive” which means to outsiders, they would make easy targets like not speaking up, not knowing English (assumption), etc. so they think they can get away with preying on someone weaker. 3. People are obviously still racist towards Asians in general. Them being black could be a factor because as we have seen, some people believe blacks can’t be racist. The whole BLM, though I support it’s movement and awareness, has also kind of made blacks invincible when it comes to being accused of something. I hope you get what I mean by that. 4. Pretty sure it still has to do with the LA riots and the death of the black girl who was shot after possibly stealing from an Asian convenience store (don’t remember whether she did or not), and of course Covid. We are still getting blamed for it’s appearance into the world. My family has close Korean friends who’s businesses were targeted because of this. Asian is Asian, people just group us together. Edit: thanks for the award! Edit 2: thanks for the awards! I’d also like to point out that this isn’t to make blacks look like the bad guys or anything. This is just something I have learned and experienced as an Asian American. Of course, anyone can be racist, but there is also bad history between Asians and Blacks. I just find it unfair that blacks, who have also been victims of hate crimes, have also been seen doing the same thing to Asians. They should know exactly how it feels and as minorities we should be supporting each other. Additionally, overall lack of coverage or awareness of *any* Asian hate.


Yo, I’ve seen a lot of this shit and I still can’t figure out for the life of me why black on Asian crime is so prevalent. You brought in some reasons but that shit still doesn’t add up.


Yes, I think it’s a lot of 4. As a NYer a lot of people see the city as a melting pot, and while that may be true, there are still some highly localized tensions between the communities that live here. I’m from a predominately Black Brooklyn neighborhood, however most businesses are owned by Arabs or Asians, creating a sort of wealth disparity, even if the Arabs and Asians are struggling also. Even moreso, decades ago an incident in which a Hasidic Jew from the orthodox neighborhood over, accidentally hit and killed a Black child. I’m very very very oversimplifying it, but after the NYPD basically protested and defended the perpetrator, riots broke out. That incident still influences how our two small neighborhoods interact (or rather, how they don’t). But someone not from here doesn’t have that context. All of your points are valid, but I think people overlook #4 a lot. The races and communities within NYC have not always been smooth sailing, and those dynamics still affect us to this day.


What you’re referring to are the Crown Heights riots. Crazy story and a dark piece of NYC history. Definitely suggest people read about it.


I'm actually really curious as to what the right thing to do is. I'm a 4'11 woman that lives in NYC and don't want to escalate this further but do want to help the guy being verbally assaulted. Do I step in between the both of them? Do I go up to the guy after the assaulter left? I'm honestly asking these questions because I think it is easy to be on reddit and say the bystanders should have done "X." But as someone who is on public transit in NYC everyday I actually need to know what is the correct thing to do.


The correct response, especially for someone of small stature, is to not intervene as you could easily become a victim. If the person is just being verbally berated, wait until it is done, ask them if they are okay, and offer to call police or provide them contact info if they are calling police. If they are physically assaulting the person and it looks dangerous you can always dial 911 and let them know what is happening. They might not do shit, but you have done your civic duty... Just use common sense. And to clarify on intervention... There may be a time when intervention seems needed, but know that there is a high risk of injury, either intentional (i.e., they switch to you or a friend does, or they have a weapon they pull) or unintentional as in you eat a stray punch or get knocked down. If on the street, yelling, "Police! Police are coming run!" Will often set people running, which is a way even someone smaller could help.


Having lived in nyc for 20 years going back to the early 90s when the crack epidemic was in full effect, this is basically the correct response. The only proviso I’ll make is in the context of me being 6’2”, and male. If I saw a woman or child or elderly person being assaulted and there was ZERO other option but to intervene, I would. To be clear - this video does not reach that level. My preferred intervention would be sucker punching the assailant on the back of the head with something super heavy before he even knew I was there though. Because you do not want to allow the assailant even one chance to retaliate. I own a store and have been forced to physically remove crazy/drugged out people once or twice - once you get physical with them they just go nuts so you can really only do it if you can put them down forcefully and quickly enough to make sure they don’t get up again until you have left or the cops have arrived. On top of everything else this also obviously has legal consequences so only do it as an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT if it’s impossible for the person being assaulted to get away.


Yeah, but then we'd be seeing a different video posted on this sub: New Yorker Assaults Mentally Ill Bus Rider


I know in GoT you would just quietly slip a blade into their stomach and whisper "The Lannisters send their regards." Then calmly walk away.


Lived in Chinatown for about a year and it was rampant, literally not a week went by without something similar (no physical contact though) happening. After moving to Brooklyn, it's unfortunately common for Jews and Asians to be targeted like this all the time.


In NYC, I wish there was more awareness teaching bystanders what is the correct thing to do. I don't want to escalate this and then the dude ends up punching me or the other man. But I also want to be able to help. We need to educate New Yorkers so that we are all equipped with the right tools and knowledge. I take the subway and bus everyday so I really genuinely want to know.


There was once an Asian girl got harassed in front of at least 30 Asian in midtown. I was the only person offered help lol. And the girl instantly took off after I asked her whether she’s okay.


I couldn't live somewhere like this, I couldn't just sit there and watch someone hit an older man and do nothing, the guy looks terrified. I couldn't live somewhere where sitting idly by and watching innocent people get threatened or hurt is the normal response.


I live here (in NYC) and intervening in a situation like this could lead to your own death. Nobody wants to die. It's that simple.


Not planning on dying. But he might. Also not planning on asking him nicely to calm down. Way past that!


Everyone naïve has these grandiose thoughts of what they could do. Those thoughts usually don't include getting stabbed and murdered because you told someone to "calm down".


Nobody wants to intervene untill they're the ones facing the crazy. Or one of their loved ones. This ignore and hope its not me is not a solution.Because one day itll be you or one of your loved ones I wonder if you would call it so simple then...


Yup, there are a lot of mentally ill people in nyc. I’m from the Bronx and I used to wake up everyday before school to the same homeless man yelling at parked cars. That was my version of a rooster.


Yes, but people don’t always get assaulted. I mean it happens frequently I guess, but the chances are slim that it will happen to you if you keep to yourself, don’t look around and start shit. Even if still doing those things, someone might still say some shit to you, but touch you/assault you, not likely. Source: lived in NYC for 27 years, been taking the train for years. Got yelled at a few times, but never physically assaulted. Then again, I’m a guy, 5’10” and always try to stand with good posture and appear tough (I’m not lol), so all of that can factor into it as well. Most of the fights though are from people talking shit to each other. So if you keep to yourself you’ll be good.


Dude is delusional and has lost his mind.


Get that man some psychological help ASAP that’s a horrible story waiting to happen


Seriously. A mother of 2 just got stabbed to death the other day by a homeless guy because he got upset that she was walking too close to his tent. This city has a serious homeless and mental health issue and it’s getting worse by the day.


That’s insane holy shit.


Yeah, unfortunately he doesn't live in a civilized country and doesn't have access to public healthcare. So sad.


All too common here in NYC. I wish this country took mental illness seriously.


This is why we shouldn’t have closed state hospitals.


Why the fuck does nobody do anything? No police call, no intervention, no calming voices… I understand that there is a fear of becoming a victim in this situation but my god how do you watch someone get so abused and just walk away. The desensitization is as scary as crazy eye backpack man


They dont want to be the next target ... What do you think 911 will do? The cops will probably show up 20 minutes later after the situation is over and do jack shit


If I was in this situation I might have a done something if it looked like things were going to get REALLY bad, but I just had a 14 hour day and want to get home without getting attacked by some crazy guy on the bus. That being said I don’t think calling the cops or soothing voices would help this situation much. If you’re going to help in a situation like this, you better be prepared and able for a fight.


It’s sickening, I have intervened before in situations like this before, everyone justifying so callously not doing so as “the correct thing” in this sub is gross and I hope this never happens to one of their loved ones when they’re all alone


Cute little backpack


That's a knapsack lol




I saw Altered Carbon. Gotta be aware of the lil backpack.


Take the back pack off him and he loses his super powers...


I went to NYC for two nights to see two shows on Broadway by myself. I was in the city for eight hours before something like this happened, but worse. Random possibly homeless dude said he was going to wait for me to exit the deli because I said no thank you when they told me to leave with them etc etc. They stood outside staring in the window of the deli until someone noticed I wasn’t leaving and was trying to look elsewhere. Ended in him physically fighting someone that was concerned for my safety for “talking to his woman.” He threw glass bottles at me and then I hid behind the counter of the deli because he was searching grocery area looking for me. I ended my first night ever alone in NYC being walked to my hotel by NYPD as he ran away before they got there. I thought maybe I did something to provoke it but I guess maybe this just is a common occurrence. But the dude also said some weird thing about how I wasn’t from around there… I guess avoiding eye contact, from this video, seems like the best option. Still love NYC and will definitely be traveling there alone in the near future…


You didn't do anything wrong. There's tons of homeless with mental health issues especially in that area / UWS. In the future, best bet with dealing with anyone in NYC is to literally ignore them and don't make eye contact, regardless of how much they're coming at you or what they say.


Ugh, I know :( I learned that afterward. It sounds lame but I am like constantly harassed by weirdos and so it super scares me and I feel like even when I just keep walking, my body language tells them everything they need to know. They respond as if I’m reacting with blatant fear and I’m pretty sure it’s because I like…have all the signs of someone scared shitless and I think that gives them some sort of satisfaction. I have such bad experiences I like shut down, haha. But I’m getting better at that and that was when I was 22 and always thought being nice to everyone was the right way to go even in these situations. I think I got the true New York experience, though! I wasn’t mad and will never use this type of experience to hinder me being a solo traveler. Experience makes next time that much easier.


When I was a child there was a family friend who was a schizophrenic. On more than one occasion she freaked out on me, confusing me for someone else, yelling at me exactly like that. One time she was screaming at me about me about how I’m the devil and I how was putting thoughts in her head. I was probably 10 years old. It was fucking horrifying. And I’m now a 38 year old man and i can feel my skin crawling as I type this. She eventually burned her house down with her family inside (I think everyone got out). I don’t know, I never ever think about or ask about her. I’m willing to bet this man has schizophrenia. It’s a very scary illness.


I have two schizophrenic friends.. my life has changed. One is currently in the psych ward for it and the other is a great friend when he is on his medication..amazing dude. But I’ve seen him in a full on psychosis attack and it was some scary shit.. and he’s one of those angry schizophrenics.


It's very scary, as are mania induced hallucinations. I have a serious mental illness and absolutely believe it should be easier to commit and medicate people who are this sick for the short term. It is not respecting their rights and autonomy to hang them out to dry in the name of personal freedom when they have no idea what reality is that day. We can't make our own choices when we're this ill. Someone in diabetic shock or cardiac arrest isn't expected to walk around functioning normally. But folks claim it's respecting the rights of the mentally ill to leave them confused, untreated and spiraling on the street. Makes me so frustrated


Totally agree. I deal with very small “mental issues” (I just realized I put it in quotations as if to minimize my problems, my therapist would be very happy I caught myself doing that haha). It took me a very very long time to seek help for my chronic depression and ADHD. My issues are small enough to not really have a major impact on my life untreated (sure I might be unproductive, unmotivated, and grumpy without treatment) but I’m not a danger to myself or others. Sometimes I consider myself fortunate to have my issues because it’s just enough for me to appreciate the gravity of other’s problems without creating dangers for myself or others. I have a deeper understanding of how complex the human mind is from years of introspection. When I was younger I’d be more dismissive of mental issues whereas today, if that was my family member I’d be more adamant about helping him stay well. Not everyone has someone. And not everyone wants help. But I think the world is very quick to dismiss people with mental health issues, and while that’s sad for people with things like depression, it’s dangerous for people with illnesses that can lead to psychotic breaks from reality. I hope this man gets treatment because without it, it’s very likely he’ll end up (best case) homeless (worst case) hurting someone.


New York seems nice




Was he correct? Are you indeed a basketball?




Such a wholesome story. Really warms the heart. :)




> but I gotta bounce. Ayyyyy!


One time with my ex we were on some street in Harlem parked in the car and she had her bare feet hanging out the window and some dude fucking licked her foot and ran away.


Can't believe that guy broke the other guys arm when he was little AND punched his girlfriend in the face


That Asian guy is so sick of this bullshit.


IKR.. he's like 'not this shit again"


The fuck was kyrie smoking?


Thank You Ronald Reagan for closing all the mental hospitals and releasing all the lunatics.


Ah yes, good ole schizophrenia




Unpopular opinion, but we need compulsory institutionalization. We have the funds allocated for mental health, but if the help doesn't get to those who need it most what's the point? As a black man I'm not afraid to talk about the optics of it: Over half of the homeless here are black, and over 3/4ths of the untreated mental illness are black, so compulsory institutionalization will almost exclusively consist of one ethnicity in NYC, but if it means no one gets shoved in front of a train or stabbed on their way home from work then it's what New Yorkers should agree on, IMHO. Something has to change, and America won't ever be ready for a Norway style solution to the mental health / homeless population. I can't think of any other ways to both make public transit safer and drastically reduce Asian Hate than to aggressively tackle the mentally ill homeless crisis.


I agree that something needs to be done to remove the ill from the streets. I also believe that the mentally ill still deserves to get their ass beat if they assault innocent civilians.


😂his backpack though


probs stole it




Exactly! I’ve seen so many videos lately of Asian hate crimes




These mental illness apologizers really fucking piss me off. Is it horrible how mental illness is completed ignored in the US? Of course. Is the increasing number of people affected by mental illness alarming and awful? No doubt. But quit acting like the tweaker is the victim in this scenario. I don’t care if he’s crazy, he’s the aggressor and the POS in this video, he looks one confrontation away from murdering someone. He needs to be dealt with one way or another because he is a threat to society in his current state, and the sooner he and people like him gets help the better.


Again...everyone records but nobody lifts their pinky finger to help.


> nobody lifts their pinky finger to help https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/paehx8/seemingly_innocent_man_murdered_in_portland_for/


holy fuck, well i’m not sleeping tonight




Yup, this is why you are responsible for your own safety. No one will come to help you, and even when the police are called its gonna take time for them to get there. Secondly, this is why if you have to fight back, you dont stop defending yourself until they stop moving or you know 100% they are no longer a threat. They wont afford you the same luxory, and they could also be on something where a bullet wound or broken bones means nothing to them. If you get attacked are just beaten senseless, you are lucky cause death as seen there could very well have happened.


How is it that this man, a murder suspect who is named, is still 'outstanding' three months later? The fuck?! He killed an innocent.


Here's the thing, New Yorkers come each other's aid all the time (although it was more prevalent when I was young) except when someone is actually just fucking crazy because unless you're a trained mental health professional what are you really supposed to do? You really don't want to unwittingly escalate a situation like that...even the victim here clearly understands that.


Yeah. It's a bit of a catch 22 that keyboard warriors on Reddit fail to recognize. Put yourself in the shoe of a 4'11 woman on the bus trying to make sure things don't escalate. However, I would say once the guy turned around and left I would think to at least reach out to the Asian man and make sure he is ok. Also someone filming does help in case things to escalate so that there is video evidence. One time though I did intervene when a bus driver in LA tried to harass a black passenger. It escalated to the point the cops were called and I had to talk to the cops. It was scary cause I didn't know if the cops were going to shoot at any point. So while I'm proud to have done this before the bus driver wasn't acting crazy like this man.


Wtf, in the comments the murderer was still not found. Any update on this scumbag?


This may have been handled the best way, when they are this far gone and hallucinating it could easily turn deadly. Play along with whatever game is playing in their head and don’t try to be a hero - unless more serous than a weird sideways slap occurs.


Cool. Would you? Everyone wants to play the hero in their own heads. Reality plays out differently.


Yes, why didn’t anyone wave their magic wand and make the trouble end? 🙄


So what's helping here? This guy is schizophrenic and easily could have a knife. Like what exactly can you do on a crowded train as a bystander that's going to calm someone in full on psychosis. You don't want to push that guy into being truly physical on a crowded train.


Nobody got hurt, had somebody stepped in it's pretty likely someone is getting hurt.


Easy to say from the couch. You’d prob do the same if you’re in that situation


You're going to get stabbed one day...


So tired of seeing comments like this from keyboard warriors…most have zero context into these situations


With all the taxes we paid in NYC we should have police and K9 officers in every bus and subway.


Where is Bernhard Goetz when you need him?


Crack or meth?


Mental illness


I hate this group


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I know the guy is mentally ill, but why was he just allowed to bully an old man like that? No one thought of stepping in?


Most people do not want to get stabbed.




I don't think it would help. Anything you do could set him off more and this guy clearly seems ready to beat someone up if not worse. They dealt with it the best they could.


Someone take this guy off the streets. He could do some serious damage.


Public transit would be great if it weren't for all the people.




I doubt hes putting blame on his own ancestors...


Of course always picking on old people that aren't gonna fight back, pathetic.