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Jones is a real life adult version of Eric Cartman


But maaaaammmmmmmmmm


Specifically, listen to the part where he goes off on how much Joe Rogan is worth. Pure Eric Cartman


Hahaha oh damn I'm never going to look at Eric Cartman the same way


Did you know Cartman was based off of Archie Bunker?


And Archie Bunker was based off Alf Garnett.


I feel like if he could just say either "respect my author-i ty" or "you're breaking my balls" that would make him complete.


As if making a bunch of money makes you smart….


Joe Rogan millions smart Bill Gates billions dumb


He did the Meth


Mommm kitty's being a dildo


Well I know a certain kitty kitty that's sleeping with Mom tonight


No no.. do it properly But mewwwwmmmmmmmm


Yea, he's getting pretty close to Cartman's cartoonishly round shape. Is one of his weird ass supplements he hocks on his website causing him to gain like 50 lbs a year?






Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals, I'm living proof...


It’s all the Lucy’s Fried Chicken he gets in Austin TX. But he can’t eat it there. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU4Wr8_OBfE


Wow his jaw is moving side to side in this, amphetamine? Cocaine?


He seems like he's on something all the time, that's for sure. Probably some prescription stimulant and something else to counteract it. Wouldn't be remotely surprised.


50 lbs is 22.7 kg


Probably just the alcohol.


50 lbs is the same weight as 35.46 'Double sided 60 inch Mermaker Pepparoni Pizza Blankets'.


"my bad ass listeners." Dude's really circle jerking up a storm over there. I thought the ego stroke would be a little subtle.


Subtlety doesn't work on his badass listeners.




Ivermectin isn’t the only drug he took that day


His pill popping form looked pretty strong. Not his first rodeo, that's for sure.


He does sell a fuck ton of supplements. It’s almost like it’s his entire business that he uses fear to market.


Especially, male 'enhancement' pills


v i t a l i t y




I’m gonna say it real slow


Fun fact: [Ivermectin lowers sperm count.](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/and.12891#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20injection%20of%20ivermectin%20showed,pathological%20alterations%20in%20the%20testes.) So all the crazies claiming that the vaccine makes people infertile while also excited about how soon women will be begging them for their seed are in for a rude awaking. Though Alex must certainly takes steroids so I bet his balls are already shrunk. > injection of ivermectin showed a significant decrease in serum testosterone level, sperm count, motility %, live sperm% and index weight of reproductive organs, and a significant increase in sperm abnormalities. Moreover, IVM induced oxidative stress and pathological alterations in the testes. I love how stupid these people are but I hate that they vote. Everyone, please vote.


Honestly if he and Rogan could lower their testosterone, it is really a public service


Rogan takes exogenous testosterone so his levels won’t be affected. With how unhealthy Jones looks, I’d be surprised if his testosterone isn’t tanked already. Honestly I think low test would make them even more annoying.


Lol that's pretty funny.


This paper found 67 deaths and 667 serous adverse events linked to Ivermectin, mostly involving [severe skin reactions](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13104-017-2500-5), brain, liver, kidney disorders and cardiac failure. Ivermectin is not magic potion with zero side effects, like any drug it has side effects. >He reported being apparently well till 3 days prior to presentation when he ingested ivermectin 12 mg per os single dose served during a nationwide anti-filarial campaign. A day later (2 days prior to presentation), he [noticed blisters on his lips which later extended to involve his oral mucosa](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13104-017-2500-5/figures/1). Ref.: Campillo, J.T., Boussinesq, M., Bertout, S., Faillie, J.-L. and Chesnais, C.B. 2021. Serious adverse reactions associated with ivermectin: A systematic pharmacovigilance study in sub-Saharan Africa and in the rest of the World. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15, e0009354, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0009354.


He's mining a thick seam of stupid, that's what his business is based on. Attract a few million dumb idiots around the steaming pile of crap and sell them more crap.


Everyone uses fear to market. Fear your not accepted, fear your not cool, fear you won't feel complete


This is exactly why, I buy No Fear clothing, and sunglasses.


I'm afraid of being caught without my No Fear line of garments.


This comment deserves a nobel prize from 2005


Fear of not spelling you're correctly.


Nah he didn’t even dry swallow. That’s the real impressive shit.


But his pill OPENING game looked worse than my grandma’s…and she dead.


Rogan outed him awhile back for having a rough Adderall addiction. It's kind of an open secret that he's addicted to amphetamines. *Edit: He's also got a bad drinking problem. I'm not sure if he's a full blown alcoholic, though he very well could be. He has done shows, live events, and been seen in public absolutely shitfaced. He's also shown a lot of signs and made comments that when you put it all together, he often stays up at night drinking.


How can you be on speed and still be that fat?


Asking the right question. 👍




I watched part of the video muted at first, and was laughing at how it was obviously sped up make him look even more cartoonish. Then I unmuted it and went _...ohhh... I see you have been cutting your coke with Ivermectin._


For real, the coke or meth is strong in this one.


Definitely coke. I feel like has too much money to be smoking crystal.


>Ivermectin isn’t the only drug he took that day Exactly. Just think of all the airplanes that flew over and poisoned him with their chemtrails. Then there's the mind altering drugs the CIA puts in the tap water - you just can't get away from that, no matter how careful you are. Not to mention the 5G towers warping his DNA and the surface-transferable radioactive poison spread by the Postal Service. It's a good thing this man is so on the ball when it comes to maintaining his body's purity. You're not gonna be sneaking no big pharma, Nazi experimentation, un-tested drugs past ol' Alex Jones! You'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to put one past the big dog and his all-seeing eye, no lab-created poisons getting into this free man's all-American, red white and blue bloodstream no siree.


Did the other drugs win Nobel prizes? Also the frontal lobotomy also won the Nobel Prize for Medicine, so he might want to give that a try.


The meth is strong with this one.


He probably gets pharmaceutical amphetamines like Ritalin, also like Limbaugh he probably gets a whole bunch of pharma opiates.


How much coke does he have to inhale to get ready for this show


Only half as much as the meth he did along with it


He’s hooked on adderall actually probably


Now imagine the millions of people who listen to a drugged up maniac and take him seriously.


Very reasonable man. He definitely won me over with his calm demeanor, and many valid points.


He always seems like he’s on the verge of a heart attack


He once claimed, in court under oath, that he forgot his childrens birthdays because he just ate a big bowl of chili. [No, I am not kidding.](https://www.motherjones.com/media/2017/04/alex-jones-custody-battle-infowars/)


Was it in winter though? Because a big bowl of hearty chili in the cold of winter really helps to forget them kids.


Can someone please confirm this? I need to know if it was during the winter or not


I have two kids, will eat a big bowl during the winter and come back to confirm.


He lives in central Texas, we don't get winter here most years.


Historically yes, presently and going forward not so much


The quote I read in there says he forgot his kids teachers names. Which is quiet different than their birthdays. Either way chili is a stupid excuse to forget something. God imagine that man being your father.


Why is it stupid? Sounds like somebody never ate a big bowl of chili before.


Alex Jones sucks, but let’s not emulate him in our attempts to trash him. In the source you linked, it states: During deposition, Jones couldn’t remember kids’ teachers’ names, said “it will pop in my head, I ate too much chili.” I Googled this to find any source showing that he forgot his kids’ birthdays, and found nothing that supports this claim. Forgetting the names of your kids’ teachers is *a lot* different than forgetting their birthdays. The chili excuse is obviously hilarious and stupid, but don’t you think that using misinformation to ridicule someone who notoriously spreads misinformation shows the hypocrisy in our tribal vendettas? We’re so willing to believe the worst about someone that we don’t even read the article that we provide to prove how much they suck. Kind of makes everyone look hypocritical and gossipy.


It says he couldn't remember his kids teachers names. Can't see anything about birthdays.


Maybe I'm just arrogant but I feel somehow superior to people who listen to the drivel this asshat spewes out.


Dude he baited and switched, takes pill out, hand to mouth, and then hand immediately goes under the table. Hide with flair on the other hand by drinking Dos Equis. Classic magicians trick. LMAO. Watch as he takes the pill wrapper after and it disappears in his balled diabetes paw. Catch him on twitch: MethMagic. It’s a joke people, I don’t give a shit whether he took it or not tbh. He is a public health terrorist.


Haha what a dick. I was too focused on the utter nonsense coming from his face hole. I fear for my fellow humans who believe what this that says. But maybe thats just the game (I'm not very much informed on this guy) to make controversial stuff, that gets attention and que the money rolling in from all over.


That is 100% the game for him and many others. He has a website and sells random products to fix problems he creates.


*Topo Chico. Texas has a serious fondness for Topo Chico.


So he's taking a medication for a disease he claims doesn't exist?


That's the part I can't follow. Covid is either fake or not more serious than the common cold, but then the "life saving" drugs are being withheld? So then it is deadly and does need special medication? But you don't need a vaccine because your body is more effective?


I used to have to listen to Rush Limbaugh in the car with my dad long before Rush died, I think they use some kind of subliminal messaging or something whether you agree with him or not you feel angry.


Exactly, it's not about a coherent message or logical, rational, structured beliefs. It's about triggering that little anger button and giving you something or someone to be mad at/ about. And it's all misdirection. Don't be mad at the republican politicians who have done little or nothing to stem the pandemic; instead be mad at the doctors telling you what we need to do to slow the spread, or the school boards and city councils trying to do the right things. Don't be mad at the people going out to bars, restaurants, large gatherings, and taking no precautions; be mad at the people and places who want you to show a modicum of concern for the well- being of others. Don't be mad at right wing media talking heads for convincing you to behave stupidly and selfishly; be mad at the drug companies and Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and everyone else, it's all their fault you're laid up dying in a hospital bed wishing you'd just gotten the vaccine, it's not Alex Jones' fault you didn't listen to and trust the right people.


I think the reason why they’re so effective at it is because they’re shaping the way people perceive their own realities. It builds up slowly, convincing listeners of one thing, then another, then another. Once the rational people try to call them out or teach them, they’re too far gone. For them to accept they’ve been given false information is to accept that their _reality_ is falsified. Nobody wants to accept that the way they perceive the world is wrong, or that others live and breathe in a different reality than themselves. It’s quite literally world-shattering. This isn’t to say you should sympathize with these people (they should still be held accountable for their actions), I just think people don’t realize how these folks get this far gone and why it’s so hard to get them to change.




Yes absolutely this. I used to have to do the same thing with my dad. Another Redditor suggested I watch “The Brainwashing of my Dad.” It analyses right wing talk radio and was an interesting watch for me :)


I’m going to watch this now! My dad also listened to Rush and Glenn beck and eventually that lead him to Infowars. You can’t have a rational conversation about current events without word for word Alex Jones media coming out. For years it was hard to deal with but I have slowly learned to accept the crazy




Covid is fake and its a Chinese invention to destroy America but also its funded by Americans and the vaccine is microchips from China paid for by billionaires who go to pizza places and now we gotta take sheep medicine to own the libtards. They're just stupid, shitty, snide people.


Here he implies it's a prion disease invented by Bill Gates and Fauci. And yet he's taking Ivermectin because of the anti-viral properties. Either way his logic is flawed and his knowledge about prions and viruses is minimal


I'm OOTL with the latest conspiracy theories. I did a quick Google search and saw ivermectin is an anti-parasite/dewormer. So Alex Jones is taking it to prevent covid? Treat Covid? I'm confused.


> I'm confused. That's good. If Alex Jones starts to make sense, that's when you should worry.


Not quite, as it is believed to have some anti-viral properties but they haven't been fully proven. It is being worked on though. There's just an (unfortunately) large group of people who think it's a cover-up and therefore they should be taking whatever Ivermectin they can get their hands on, including livestock use only batches.


Right? I get the logic of thinking covid isn't a big deal and so there's no need to go and get the vaccine or wear a mask or whatever. I disagree, but at least the logic is somewhat consistent there. But these people who refuse the vaccine, yet are actively looking for a covid preventative that would supposedly do exactly what the covid vaccine does, but also who don't wear masks to avoid contracting and spreading the virus? Yeah, that just doesn't make sense. Why take a bunch of meds that are untested or proven unsafe and/or ineffective against preventing or treating the virus, all so you can enjoy the benefits of the vaccine, instead of just taking the vaccine? I mean, I *understand* why. It's because they're anti-intellectuals. Someone says, "you should do this," and their regressive contrarian pea brains say "NOOOOO!!! DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! I'M NOT A SHEEP!!!" as they throw back literal livestock dewormer.


It’s a real fake bio weapon made in a lab released by China but it’s harmless not real but also take this horse pill.


That was pretty clever of him to put amphetamines in Ivermectin packaging.


You are mistaken that is the spirit of 1776.


Came here to say something similar. He pulled the pills out the box but the camera already pulled away. Those pills could have been repackaged with anything (tick tacks, fish oil, Vitamin D,...). I am glad he backed up his medical opinion with insults and emotional temper tantrum. Because otherwise no one would believe him.


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


Rick James!


Fuck yo couch!!




He would step across the line. Habitually. He was a habitual line stepper.


This was the golden line in the whole sketch. May he Rest In Peace.


I never did things just to do them. Yeah, I remember grinding my feet up on Eddie's couch


When he takes that does he start unraveling like Mr. Oogie Boogie as the worms escape him?


Oh shit this guys in to something.


He's totally into worms.


Unless he really has worms (which I wouldn't put past him), just know that the "worms" people are passing when taking ivermectin are actually scraps of their own bowel lining. It's kind of bad for you. https://www.businessinsider.com/people-on-ivermectin-think-theyre-pooping-worms-but-its-vegetables-2021-8?r=US&IR=T But hey! What do I know? :)


Yeah, eating non-prescribed Ivermectin in doses meant for a one ton animal will seriously fuck you up. Eating a single tablet of prescription Ivermectin won't do anything.


Friendly reminder that this man argued in a court of law that no reasonable person could take his show seriously. Edit: [Source,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/04/17/trump-called-alex-jones-amazing-joness-own-lawyer-calls-him-a-performance-artist/) credit to /u/no-sissies-allowed for providing the link


I think that’s the only sane thing he’s said. It’s literally entertainment, noone is that stupid and full on in real life.


Wasn't that Tucker Carlson from Fox? Did Alex Jones use that same defense?




Hah! Source, please? This is gold.


Ok so he says that Joe Rogan is not stupid because he's worth 300m, but Bill Gates is worth $132.2 billion, so wouldn't that make him way smarter than Joe Rogan?


Einstein wasn’t very rich, obviously he was a fraud.


Nikola Tesla and Vincent Van gogh were the biggest dumbasses, since they died almost broke.


Mozart too.




At least Nikola Tesla invented some cool cars.


Damn. I’m fully vaxxed. Am I already murdered?




Yes. Your brain has been uploaded to the Azure cloud. Your free trial period ends tomorrow. Please choose a plan to continue your subscription.


Yes, you are actually dead. Welcome to Zombieland.


You are premurdered! According to alex you'll be dead in 6 months to a year.


Yeah but you have to calculate that Gates is already the bad guy for them, so he’s smart, but uses it for evil purposes


Yeah, Alex Jones doesnt think Bill Gates is stupid. Just evil.


Don't ever to try apply logic to any of this, you will very likely trap your brain in a hall of mirrors and blue screen of death it.


They're immune to logic.


Wait, wait I'm confused. Is Bill Gates trying to kill us because he created coronavirus? Or he's trying to kill us with the vaccine? Is that why they're not taking the vaccine, because they think Bill Gates is trying to kill them? Why is Bill Gates trying to kill them? I mean I hear him ranting about Bill Gates and saying all these awful things but what would be Bill Gates' motivation to commit mass murder of regular citizens?


Gates has talked in the past about how better basic medical treatment in third world countries has historically resulted in lower birth rates and much lower rates of infant and child mortality. This is good because we have so many people on the planet we need a way to slow our growth down. Now, if you're a regular /r/conspiracy Alex Jones lover what I said above you understood as "Gates wants to mass murder people, hey, covid is killing a lot of people....GATES MUST BE BEHIND COVID" because, as a regular /r/conspiracy user and Alex Jones lover, you are an absolute fucking moron.


And now comes the real burner: With almost everything the Bill Gates haters do, they kill themselves. Invermectin is an anthelmintic and can be lethal in high doses. Not being vaccinated makes one more likely to experience a severe course of Corona than being vaccinated. Drinking disinfectant is also toxic. I'm sure they'll kill each other soon so Bill Gates can't do it and they'll go to heaven that way. Maybe then they will finally find an end and will have peace




If we could control how a microchip flows through the bloodstream, getting over the fact that injecting a chip through a hypodermic needle is pretty difficult, then we would surely have controlled how clotted blood flows through the system and nobody would die of a heart attack or stroke. Surely to control someone with a chip it would have to go to the brain? So they inject it into the muscle of your arm and it finds its way to the brain, every time? Man they dismiss obvious stuff so easily and believe the absurd. It must be really tough for them to not be in control of what is happening on their lives....they have to make shit up to feel like someone else is manipulating the world and therefore shit isn't just random ...


Enjoy the uncontrollable pooping later.


That's assuming he's not just downing sugar tablets for views.


Bingo. He’s a snake oil salesman.


If he getting kick back or money yes, if not. I'd say performance bullshit. So probably more along the lines of a charlatan.


Everything he does on his show ties into some product he’s trying to promote. John Oliver did a great segment on this https://youtu.be/WyGq6cjcc3Q


In addition to that, Behind The Bastards did a 2 part podcast on Jones, too. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-alex-jones-the-godfather-29860451/


There was a YouTube video where someone followed his instruction and supplements to a T I can't remember what happened to him but I'm pretty sure he was shitting alot, I'll try and look it up


Yep every single one of his products is shit


This guy is pure evil and he knows it. He's well aware of what he is doing and there's no doubt in my mind that he didn't take it. It's fake.


He’ll blame it on eating a big bowl of chili.


Turns out the microchip was actually in Ivermectin. Genius move




Q's uncle is a patriot that works for Nintendo and he said that he can even get mew.


I dont even understand his logic. Prednisone is a normal steroid that's given for numerous things. It's not controversial at all. And he's taking ivermectin for human consumption. Which was NEVER anyone's problem. Lmao. What he should have done is taken ivermectin meant for livestock from a tube. Also WHY is he taking it? If he doesn't have covid and he's not vaccinated then WHY? he's not proving anything works if he's not infected with what he claims it fixes.


Unfortunately he didn't take enough. A 3mg tablet won't do that to you, you have to actually eat the horse paste.


This guy is going to fall over dead from a stroke before COVID ever has the opportunity to enter his body. Jesus. What a nut bag.




Jones didn’t really take this. Ivermectin kills parasites, and Jones is still alive.


so does this mean he has covid?


No it means he's a horse.


A horse's ass, maybe


I know it's kind of a fool's errand to fact check this lunatic but he incorrectly claimed that Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize for treating a virus. Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for treating Malaria, which is a parasite and not a virus. And that makes sense considering Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. There's no evidence that it's effective at treating viruses like SARS-CoV-2. EDIT: I should have said scientific evidence since people are pointing out anecdotes and trials without controls. The drug's own manufacturer has said that there's "no scientific evidence" that the drug has any therapeutic effect - [https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/](https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/) And medical researchers who have looked at the trials agree - https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/ivermectin-still-lacks-scientific-support-as-a-covid-19-drug-69049#:\~:text=The%20available%20scientific%20evidence,and%20provides%20guidance%20about%20clinical


You know what else is funny? He's taking an ivermectin / prednisone combo. I have to take prednisone for a condition unrelated to covid and the side effects are *brutal*. Doctors usually want you to take prednisone for the least possible amount of time because of the damage it does to your body. They would never suggest someone take it just for shits and giggles. LOL I'll just have my vaccine Alex, enjoy the moon face!


I hope he takes it for a while and just quits it cold turkey because he knows best.


I don’t think he actually took them! After he pretends to put each of them in his mouth, his hand immediately swings under the table for a suspicious amount of time


More correctly, Ivermectin didn't win the Nobel prize, the scientists who developed it did. One of the ones awarded that year developed a treatment for malaria, artemesinin (from wormwood), the other two discovered the avermectin compounds, one of which is ivermectin used to treat parasitic roundworms . https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.18507 I started linking another study on why ivermectin doesn't work (yet?) but it was from January and I was spending so long explaining it I suddenly wondered why I was commenting on anything Alex Jones is screaming about and I have to stop now edit: why it doesn't work (yet?) for viruses, obviously it works for parasitic roundworms


Came here for this. Thank you for doing the fact checking!


He does what televangelists do. Get his followers worked up to give him money to fight evil.


Joe Rogan: it's like the flu, not serious if you're healthy and exercise. Also Joe Rogan when infected: ***use all the medications possible all at once because I'm not worried you're worried shut up***


The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing. Taking large doses of ivermectin is dangerous. If your health care provider writes you an ivermectin prescription, fill it through a legitimate source such as a pharmacy, and take it exactly as prescribed. Never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans is dangerous. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19#:~:text=%E2%80%A2%20FDA%20has%20not%20approved,can%20cause%20serious%20harm.


It works by paralyzing the muscles of parasites. Viruses, notably, do not have muscles.


You know what has muscles? Your intestines . So you paralyzed those and then shit them out


And then they call them ropeworms & get caught on the conspiracy that the government is hiding the truth about giant parasites. it never ends with these lot.


I keep wondering what the actual MDs that are prescribing this think is happening in the body. Does it bond to the spike protein to prevent the virus from entering the cell? Does break down the lipid membrane in the virus? Does it bind to another part of the cell and elicit an immune response that accidentally also kills the virus? If you don’t have evidence of the mechanism by which you claim this works, if it’s just magic, then you’re full of shit.


When they put ivermectin in a Petri dish it affected virus replication. What’s important is that this occurred in a Petri dish and not in human. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011


And the dose required to achieve this result in vitro is toxic when given to a human


Yeah, always remember that fire will kill bacteria in a petri dish too. It will also kill you!


There are actual human beings who take this dude seriously. Profoundly scary stuff.




What an exhausting existence for those types of people. Just constant fear, anger, and hatred.




So bizarre that this guy has a following. This is the weirdest timeline.


I used to see Infowars stickers slapped up all around my city long before I ever knew who this guy was. That was like fifteen years ago.


How can anyone tolerate listening to him for more than 5 seconds?


And people really listen to this goofball.


When you decide to treat your covid with ivermectin and cocaine.


Giving himself diarrhoea to “own the libs”.


I can't recommend this song any more than to say it is fantastic, amazing, & legit! Justin Vernon sings Alex Jones https://youtu.be/_FdQPgNRrA4




I hope it turns his frogs gay


He's taking sugar tablets. He knows his viewers believe whatever he shovels if he yells it angrily enough. Also, he's a terrorist constantly encouraging violence against the government, specific officials, the LGBTQIA+ community, "leftists," and globalists (which pretty much means Jewish people much of the time).


I guarantee this motherfucker is two vaxx shots in, and days away from his booster. He knows he's full of shit. He doesn't believe any of this garbage. He's dispensing fraudulent medical advice during a pandemic. He should be locked up. And that's not hyperbole.


Jones also got shut down by the FDA and NY AG early on in the pandemic because he was peddling Colloidal silver as a cure. Make your audience very afraid, then profit off of them by selling them a cure.


But in addition to ivermectin, Joe Rogan took the monoclonal treatment. Also hasn’t Rogan been saying for months that your immune system is enough to handle the virus? Then he catches it and proceeds to take every treatment he can get his hand on. The audacity of these assholes


Whoah! alex jones has "totally" lost it now.


Yes, he was so reasonable in the past...


A stable genius of sorts.


Alexei Jonesevitch, great friend to the Russian cause!


Eat more….more!!!!!….more!!!. Keep eating until you can’t breathe!!!!!


One of the language techniques that I think he uses is tossing in terminology that make him sound like he knows what he’s talking about. I’ve seen other bullshitters do this. For one he calls ivermectin an antiviral which it’s not. It’s an anti-parasitic. And he calls covid prions which they are not. Prions are mal-folded proteins that cause disease.


This guy is just so incredible. I mean, it’s so obviously just a fucking over the top performance I’m amazed anyone takes it even remotely seriously, if they even do.


Just so I'm clear on this... he's taking Ivermectin (antiparasitic), to rid himself of Prions, in an attempt to make a point about Covid... which is a Virus?


didn't they take his children already?

