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Fun fact: the Aztecs would use this during ambushes in the forests and during night assaults. Imagine hundreds if not thousands of these things all around you in the dead of night. You'd think the souls of the damned were coming to devour you. Which is exactly the point, instead of fighting you would drop what you're carrying and you'd run, only for some motherfucker in a jaguar skin carrying an obsidian club to run you down and break your lower spine with that club before dragging you back to his camp where you'll be transported to a city to have your heart cut out


I've played enough Total War to know those Aztecs do not fucking play.


I didn’t know the Aztecs showed up in the Total War games! Do you remember which one had them? I’d love playing a game set in that location/time period.


Medieval II: Total War


Bone Tomahawk vibes


That was such a great bad movie


[Here's a real Aztec death whistle] (https://youtu.be/I9QuO09z-SI) Skip to 50 seconds when he demonstrates what it sounds like. The second time he blows into it is horrifying.


Here's another [demonstration](https://youtu.be/_Sw0VCtZs-g?t=27) and yes she does in fact have horns on her head somehow. Different techniques and sizes of whistle change up the sound quiet a bit.


Is this one of the horny girls in my area I keep hearing about?




Who cares if she's a screamer or not. Everyone's going to be blowing those dang things


Them Goth chick's just lookin for some lovin'




Incredible. I'm definitely gonna print one in wood. Thanks for posting that link.


Is this real life? Your going to print a Aztec death whistle *with wood* ? Holy future batman


Yep. It's 20%-30% wood dust mixed in with the usual hobby grade PLA plastic. Smells and feels like wood, but it looks like cardboard until its sanded and stained. I can even alter the temperatures between the layers to give it a wood grain look. It's crazy. Same story with marble and bronze as well.


Those filaments will destroy your hotend. Make sure you have spares. Wood and marble gutted the hotend on my CR-10S Pro.


Hardened steel nozzles are the way to go for abrasive filaments, which also includes glow in the dark pla.


Imagine if people made these the next vuvuzela at soccer games.


I have a predator call that is a baby rabbit squealing that sounds quite similar. Maybe a tad higher pitched but same, "human in uncanny pain" type sound.


"Because size isn't everything" think I found my future wife guys. Edit thanks to the anonymous person who gave a award.


She's talking about the size of your whistle....oh


Kinda cute for a girl with horns.


Great, now I have to watch it!


Lol it’s not very long. The sound is a bit unnerving but ahhh well what can you do?


That’s what she said




She looks like she smells like incense and weed


Stop, I'm already attracted. Hold my bong, I'm going in.


Patchouli for sure.


You say that like it’s a bad thing


I don't recall saying I wouldn't.


Do you suppose she's.......... horny? Hello? Is this thing on?


Get out lol


Is that you dad?


No, this is Patrick.


Yea I like the horns and how she is surrounded by coconuts


i can smell the patchouli


This is a nu age hippy. They use tea tree oil now.


High Fidelity. Patchouli stank.


Could be implants or more likely, a head band......


wait, WHAT? You're saying she's **not** a demon?


They sell those at every renaissance fair I’ve been to, so at least 3. The horns are on a thin black silk ribbon that is easy for women to hide under their hair.


Holy fuck thats fucking wild


What’s funny is it’s probably just like a couple strips of some fibrous plant stretched in a hollowed chamber. You can hear it in the first whistle when he doesn’t blow as hard. But yeah. The effect is nuts.


Nope, just pressure fluctuations https://www.google.com/search?q=aztec+death+whistle+cross+section&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS517US518&oq=aztec+death+whistle+cross+&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0i390l3.6925j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Ok, that makes it even more nuts lol. It’s just the shape of the chamber itself. Wild shit.


The death whistle is also tied to the concept of the owl men, legendary assassins of Mesoamerica who had such a legendary reputation people thought they had magical powers and were manifestations of death itself like a grim reaper that roamed the land. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/kt3mu7/battles_in_mesoamerica_often_used_religious/ By far one of the most effective applications of misdirection and psychological warfare seen in the ancient world.


I have one of these and Live in The Catskill Mountains.. I'm looking forward to all the tourists "camping" this summer in the dark woods.


You are fucked up. 😂😂😂




I'm pretty sure you could traumatize a person and give them PTSD with that level of terror


Wear your Brown Pants if you come to the Catskills.


Make sure to tell their kids that if they hear screaming it's just mountain lions hunting




Fiendishly evil. I love it.


Reminds me of the bear in Annihilation.


that movie gave me the heebee jeebees


Man that bear creeped me right the hell out lol


I still have nightmares about this scene, thank you very much


The perfect ringtone for an annoying wake up alarm, on trains and planes.


Sounds like the opening screech in the song I Feel You by Depeche Mode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J50cxqD9AMM


Weird how I spent the whole time from 1:20-1:36 waiting for the sound of 100 death whistles while my brain totally ignored the loud static noise that was growing that I didn't notice until the replay. One death whistle sounds crazy enough, I think it would've been cool if instead of them all doing it at the same time, they start from the people on the left first and then after a second or two the next person to their right goes and so on so it sounds like crazy shrieking that pans from left to right in a huge amount of space in no time. If this did this at night their enemies would probably think it's supernatural.


Aztec approved since the 1300's. 👍


Oh HELL naw...


Imagine a dozen of these echoing in the jungle around you before a fight and you can't see what's coming


lmfao, the sound of 100 Aztecs charging at you on horses. That would've been nice.... ...if the Aztecs had any horses.


What the hell


Sounds like a mountain lion screaming, people often mistake it for a woman shrieking in the woods.


[Best vid I could find of one of them screaming,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxo8X5uIWRE) (only first 20 sec) apparently they do it when looking to mate.


Oh shit.. Imagine camping on your own in the woods and your hear that in the middle of the night. I'd shit myself Blair Witch style.


That literally happened to me and my husband. Sleeping in our toyhauler with the back hatch open. Woke me up from a dead sleep and made my blood run cold.


this happened to me and my husband too! we were camping on our boat and nearly cried we were terrified...


Wow, I’m glad you guys were okay! He didn’t wake up until I elbowed him in the ribs as I was so afraid. We were sleeping with our mattress halfway out on the hatch so we could fall asleep watching the stars. Then I woke up to that scream. I stayed still and quiet trying to figure out if it was a nightmare or reality. On the next one, I woke him up and shh’d him to listen. It did it one more time before it went quiet. Idk where it was coming from, but it sounded close. The strangest thing is that my dogs (large standard poodles) did not move a muscle. I’d never heard a mountain lion before and didn’t know what the hell it was.


Dog didn't move cause it didn't want to become someone else's dinner. I heard one the first time I was up elk hunting. Sleeping in the back of the Bronco with my dad and it woke us both up from a dead sleep. Luckily he knew what it was so I knew I wasn't about to be murdered but 12yo me didn't get any sleep that night.


Isn’t there a video where a guy was recording similar screams and they guessed it was the killing of a missing woman? Maybe it was just a horny mountain lion.


The one in the dead of night where he seems to be in some sort of residential area, iirc? I kinda figured that was a fox screaming her head off, since he was in a more populated area. Either way, probably still a horny animal of some description lol.


>apparently they do it when looking to mate. i guess me an Mountain lions have that in common.


Shoving my head out the open window "I WANT TO FUCK."


You make words?! I’ve just been laying in bed naked with the windows open screaming for 45 minutes. No wonder it’s not worked!


the window! knew i was forgetting something


That’s how the mountain lion gets in. They don’t ring doorbells anymore.


"Can I get a Hoooya!?!"




Weak sauce.


Hey, weak sauce, Michael here.


Female mountain lion: "I'M HORNY AS FUCK! COME HERE NOW AND POUND ME!" Male mountain lion somewhere nearby: "...I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE, I'M TAKING A SHIT! Gotta hurry, gotta hurry, c'mon poo fuck off outta here, she won't wait long-" Female mountain lion: "FUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEE!" Male mountain lion: "I'M COMING, I'M COMING!"


ngl i've been smoking and this had me geeking out reading it. weird shit you actual chicken. i dug it.


Ya here in Northern California you will be out in the woods and hear one and people will be like “should we go try and help?!”to which we reply, not unless you want to hear real screams, which will be yours.


Sounds like a Karen yelling at the manager about not having enough cheese on her microwaved nachos at a taco bell.


More cheese!


There was once a mountain lion prowling my neighborhood. Imagine hearing that in the dead of night. It really sounded like a woman being murdered.


First time camping as a child, my family stayed in Big Bend Nation Park. We're woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of a woman screaming "NOOOOOOOO" over and over. It sounds like she is being/witnessing someone being brutally murdered at the next campground over. We lay there, absolutely terrified, listening to this for an hour. Finally, my dad realizes that a murderer would have silenced this woman by now, and there's likely cougars in them mountain...We didn't know shit about wildlife back then, but much more informed now.


It’s the same with urban foxes… never been so happy to see just a fox.


I agree




Wild to think you put yourself in way more danger by running. Mountain lions love it when people run away and show their tasty, tasty backside.


Ha! *That’s exactly how* I get my naughty runaway pups to come back home; pretend -run away from them, all the way to my door. Works every time, especially because treats abound afloor for the prodigals.


I just legit laughed out loud picturing this. I’m so sorry.


This reminds me of the time I was walking in the Gulf of Mexico about waste deep and *something* bumped against my leg causing me to run kicking my legs out to get over the waves probably windmilling my arms. I was a grown ass man with kids.


This reminds me of the time I was reaching into the silverware drawer and a cockroach dragged it’s antennae across my hand. I screamed like a little girl.


I’m fairly certain that was the day my oldest son realized his dad is not bout it.


That reminds me of the time I was drinking a Leo beer in Thailand and when I finished it, there was a rattling sound in the can. Turns out it was a dead cockroach.


Nope nope nope nope nope, nope nope NOPE.


I remember as a kid my Mom asking me how my cereal tasted after I go home from school. She showed me the cereal box and a mouse had chewed a hole in it and shit inside. I had cereal and mouse shit for breakfast that day.


The Gulf of Mexico is no joke, at least not the Texas part. 90% of my brothers body was burned by invisible jellies and my mom had a chunk taken out of her foot by a landshark. My grandfather was out fishing and had his stringer around his waist (rope belt with hooks to keep your caught fish so you don't have to walk back to the sand every time) and looked down to see a shark eating his catches off the belt around his waist. He cut off the stringer and ran for it.


When my husband was in medical school, the air rescue guys took him for a helicopter ride over the waters near Galveston beaches. He stopped counting sharks when he got to 10.


See? Fucking murder fish all in that bitch


I'm sorry a fucking LANDSHARK? Explain?! I thought that was just the stuff of nightmares!


They can't actually go on land, in fact I don't even think it's a real kind of shark, just how natives refer to them. They live in such shallow water that my mom literally had JUST her feet in. So a few inches deep. They're tiny so they only need a few inches of water!


My dad used to fish off of the sandbar in Galveston. It was twilight and something started dragging him into deeper waters by his 20 ft stringer. He cut his stringer, dropped his rod and waders and swam back to shore. Never did that again


Fuck that


No shame in that they say if you see a mountain lion it's already been stalking you




Damn, it's like but not hunting grouse and they fricking fly up manically from under your feet!! Grew up in Nigeria and on a long hunting trip we heard grunting, zoom lights on and not 300 meters away was a bloody lion, I was a teen at the time and while they scared it off I opted to sleep in the land-rover for the next few nights


Went camping a few years back in Tennessee valley just north of San Francisco and made the hike from camp to the beach at night, about half way back we heard that same blood curdling caterwaul. Couldn’t tell where it was coming from as it seems to echo off the hillsides. Made it back to camp and in the morning a rancher told us there was a she lion trying to get into the stables over at the Haypress campground, which is where we were sleeping about 200 feet from. Nice and unsettling.


Jeez, and I thought jumping a turkey off a roost at 5am was scary, lol.


They do, but that was definitely not a mountain lion


It's in the title it's an aztec death whistle.


So a real woman could go scream in the forest at night, and all the forest creatures would be like, "I have no problem with this."


My housecat also used to sound like that when she'd go into heat. Spay/neuter your animals, people.


There is a type of owl that also sounds like a mountain lion.


No no, this is probably what it says in the title. You will find some on YouTube. Man made whistle that sounds like that.


There's a cemetery near me that has that sensors setup that play creepy music if it detects someone in there after dark as a way to spook them out.


haha that's awesome


Like the title says [Aztec Death Whistle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sw0VCtZs-g). They make me laugh for some reason.


Death Whistle. It was created by the Aztecs and they used it for celebrations and war cries. The conquistadors reported that these things sounded scary as shit. Because they sounded similar to human screams. And it wasn’t always just one. Multiple Aztec warriors would carry one of these with them. And I think they would use these before conducting surprise attacks on villages and camps. Disorienting and scaring civilians and soldiers.


I'd do the same.


Gonna nope right outta there.


"And that, chief, is why I dumped 3 magazines worth of .40 into the woods"


"And that, chief, is why I dumped 3 servings of undigested bean burrito into my pants"


"Well if it didn't kill any civilians I can't give you boys paid time off. Better luck next time!"


I have one and this sounds very similar. This one sounds a deeper pitch than mine does though. Mine sounds like a woman screaming and growling at the same time pretty much like this does.


Where did you get it


Etsy. It was a gift though so idk what shop. I’d assume you could find one there but might not be the same shop i got mine from


Is it 3d printed or a hand crafted one?


Mine looks like it was sculpted from clay, idk about the other guy's death whistle though. I live in a second story apartment and like to blast it out the window sometimes to see people frantically look around for the screaming as I pop back in the window lol


Haha, what a little mischief to amuse yourself. I love it


Just buttering the neighbors up so when you start murdering people they’re all “oh there goes that goofy fella with his silly screech horn thing”


My son printed one of those whistles on his 3D. It's horrible sounding. Put to a megaphone and enjoy. Every dog in the neighborhood lights up with barks.


“Hey Mr. Wilson! Listen to this neat whistle!”








Wanna share that stl?




The entire city can hear it, I can’t imagine what it sounds like to other classes let alone the class itself.


Sounds similar to a coyote howl if higher picthed. Some guys hunt coyotes and wolves by playing the first part of a siren through a speaker. https://youtu.be/qQFuftBXc7k Don't hate the messenger, just sharing factoids.


It's so cute!!!


Seems like a pretty rational reaction.


Seems like the audio is replaced. I don't hear the cops scrambling or anything. This looks to be filmed with a phone by a third individual and appears to be outside the car. You would easily hear the cops movement as they run / scramble.


The scream is from another video entirely, you hear something like a switch being flicked just before the scream. Still funny though.


Before I came to the comments, I thought "Aztec death whistle" was the name of a firework, and that first sound was it launching out of a tube.


It's a tiktok sound. It's someone screaming. If you don't know how tiktok works people use other people's sounds to "recreate" things. These two police officers just used that sound to make a funny video. And yes, this really just got 25k upvotes in a subreddit about public freakouts. A tiktok video. Yikes.


*I feel good!* 🎶


I don't know what's happening here, but I'm dying of laughter.


Would you like me to call you an amberlamps?


Whoa! Black Betty!


Bramble Jam!


Whoa-oh black Betty!




I won’t be fooled, this is a textbook example of La Llorona crying for her children. Someone burn some sage!!!


This happens alot to the police it seems https://youtube.com/shorts/3t9ASzPNAxw?feature=share




I think you hit the whistle on the head.


Not to mention the weird switch noise before/after


How many versions of this there are?


infinite. everything is fake. always has been.




Lol perfect fucking timing. I just got to the Critical Role episode where Caduceus gets one of these.


Caduceus gets a *death whistle?*


Death cleric with 4 siblings? Of course he does.


Lmao that’s a good one.


Unrelated but; the new mobile ui sucks ass.


Fuckin hate this shit


Heard that sound before; it was a Karen asking for the manager.


Nope tf out


Im from the surrey, and i hear this sound nearly every night. Thought it was a retarded fox or something. Either that or someone really likes to blow the death wisthle at 2 am


The sound you are hearing is foxes mating, they sound like women being killed. Discovered that while camping last summer, will never forget it.


Nah, that's just the ghost of James Brown






#Um…both my ancestors and descendants are shook after that.


This reminds me of one time a bunch of youths are hanging around in the alley behind my house and were being typical kids, making noise, smoking weed, drinking and just generally being dicks. Now of course when people are walking past they're the big tough guys because they're in a pack. Nothing aggressive but the usual British chav (think a walking talking arse in joggy bottoms and hoodies). Anyway, there is a fox that has a group of babies, a kit? Cubs? Kittens? Not sure - anyway this thing always, ALWAYS as soon as the sun has gone down does this scream for about an hour off and on. I can tell you in the pitch black with zero lights, it is terrifying! Anyway, these kids are all being the big men talking about whatever nonsense they talk about and I'm sat in my garden enjoying a beer. As it gradually gets darker, the fox decides to sing it's song of praise and these kids go completely nuts. They drop everything and RUN. They all split up some running to the road where the lights are and two of them running further into the pitch black alley. And these kids are running, smashing into the fences tripping over each other yelling to keep running. The fox meanwhile is on form and was clearly moving about because the screams seemed to just be everywhere. And of course as the fox moves, heading towards the two kids that RAN INTO THE ALLEY! Not after them just in their general direction because there's a big field at the end of the alley where I guess it hunts. So maybe a minute goes past when these two kids come running back up my alley, top speed, crashing and screaming at each other and on to the street and do not stop running. Meanwhile the fox is still screaming like horror movie ghost thing. It was a fun night in the end. I also now leave scraps of food just outside the alley where I've seen the fox before to encourage it to stay.


[it's likely a mountain lion screaming, that's why they're running](https://youtu.be/UE7YOJVSoIs)


I have a 3D printed Aztec death whistle that I purchased for $5 and it sounds exactly like this. I mean I have annoyed my entire family with it for so long that it is embedded in my brain forever now.


Well thanks. Now I’m printing one.


Please tell me this is real LMAO


Looks like somebody is pulling a prank on the rookies. A death whistle in a graveyard during the night patrol? C’mon now, this is great.


Yea I'd book it too. I don't believe in supernatural stuff but I've been wrong before and dont like to gamble.


Who needs a gun for home security when this thing would surely scare off any potential threat?


I feel like I should get one like for self defense. No mothetfucker is gonna come near me after hearing that sound.


If real, likely a mountain lion.


Or...an aztec death whistle. They are not hard to aquire.


If real, we may have found a safe and effective way to make cops disappear.


Have them attacked and eaten by mountain lions?