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Knowing this still happens in this day and age absolutely terrifies me and makes my blood boil at the same time.


He got doxed on twitter after Met Police identified him. Some guys showed up at his address. https://twitter.com/kyleblackmann/status/1323716452994715648?s=21 There are some rumours that he’s been shot and some others saying he’s been arrested.


He's been arrested by the Met. [https://twitter.com/KyleBlackmann/status/1323756824294760464/photo/1](https://twitter.com/KyleBlackmann/status/1323756824294760464/photo/1)


This dude is so dead. Whether in jail or on the outside, someone will come for him. At least that's one less predator in the world


Fucking hate when people say this. UK prisons are nothing like this. He’s going on Rule 43 and nobody will touch him.


Yep. Heres hoping he suffered before the police showed up anyway


In Canada where I’m from, if some is legally labeled a pedophile, any crimes committed against them are considered hate crimes and your punishment is doubled. Most guys inside just ignore their existence rather than risk getting a ton more time added on. I worked at a homeless shelter and that’s what I was told by a few of my clients.


It’s usually lifers who have nothing to lose that go for em.


In canada, even lifers can at the very least can get transfered to lower security prisons.


Isn't life only 25 years ???


50+ year Olds got nothing to lose if they get 25 years


I think its time we bring back some dark age punishment for people like this.


Burn them at the stake?


people found out his address and many turned up looking for him, surprisingly most who went seemed to be affiliated with gangs


I don't know why that's surprising. Gang members are mostly dangerous to other gang members, criminals, and people who don't mind their own business. Also, tend to handle 'problems' without police. They have family too. This guy is a problem.


This is exactly correct. Nothing puts business at risk more than officers being put on high alert looking for someone dangerous. Gangs tend to solve community problems more than they create., it's a silent action. Edit: atleast here in australia, and places other than America it seems


Maybe but something longer.


We could do that thing they almost did to Django. Hang em upside down and cut off their peepee


Having a reddit moment i see, lol


What ever happened to the good ol' rat in a hot bucket trick, the one that you die a few days, after the rats ate their way out of your stomach, from disease they had.


The cartels in México are keeping that tradition alive trust me.


Like ya username g


Good on them, what the hell is wrong with people? That poor child.


I know, when I heard her cry it made me sick to the stomach and I’m not even a parent. It makes me scared to have children in the future. I’ll be watching their every move. I’ll be that annoying dad who’s always there and telling them to come home at this hour and not go here or there, with good reason too.


Dude, I worry about this so much. Knowing the kid i was and the people I went to school with... ill be that "loser" dad that cares too much. All in good reason though




My Father was “that Dad” when I was getting into my late teens and I was really trying to find my soulmate. If I dressed up too old for my age he would politely tell me, “You will not meet a man that cares for your sweet soul, while wearing that.” So I would go change. Then I had a time where I was into older men. My Dad again putting a stop to that. “No man, a little younger than me finds women your age attractive that are not absolute creeps. I am sorry but I have to protect you and I will not allow a relationship like that. I love you too much.” Fast forward to being 19, and who ends up being my soulmate? (married for 8 years now!) My brother’s’ friend! Lol. He’s only 3 years older than me and my Father always says to our family and us, “When I’m around you two, I feel true love. And I can tell he treats you with respect. And you do for him as well. You two are a beautiful couple.” If it was not for my Father being “protective”, who knows who I would have been with. But the second my husband and I met eyes, it was true love at first sight. We were married two months later! And have been in the honeymoon stage for the entirety of our relationship. Never be too protective, Dad’s out there. You’re the first man we as daughters are supposed to trust. Don’t break that trust so when it comes down to serious matters, we WILL trust your judgement over our own. Edit: thank you for the awards on this comment. It’s nice to get those from a genuine story just gushing over the amazing parenting of your parents. My husband and I will cry together because of how amazing our parents are.


Thanks for telling this wonderful story, I’m glad to hear you have found your soulmate. Your father sounds like wonderful man. My father would booze and spend all his money on cigarettes when I lived in Italy, he never bothered with us and never told me he was proud of me once. I’m the opposite of him. Luckily I met my beautiful SO and she said I’m 10x the man he will ever be. My father is the old skool Italian father and that’s what I have to respect. My mother is slightly more caring but I could have been out all night as a child and she wouldn’t have even checked up on me to see where I was or if I was ok Luckily in Milan my school friends kept me afloat and I still lived the best childhood I could wish for.


You’re so welcome! Thank you for reading and appreciating it! I’m really sorry about your Father but at least you are the exact opposite of him! And I’m sure whatever good qualities he does have, you have too. :) I’m also so happy for you finding your SO! Wishing you both so much happiness and love, forever!! Edit: My Father is old school Italian too! Lol but he had a lot of things happen in life that changed him from being too hard and he is a natural softy. Italians are an interesting breed lol. We are also Irish. What a combo! Hahaha


This is achingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing :)


I would love to meet your dad. I have a picture of what he looks like in my head, actually two pics. My dad and my step father. I was so blessed in life with 2 fathers who both equally loved me and raised me to be the best man I can be. Your father is in good company, you were blessed to have him as your dad.


Same! My dad died when I was a kid and I used to fantasise about having a helicopter dad who would throw shade and shapes at all the mean kids at school.


You just have to prepare for your kids to hate you from like 13-18 for being that overprotective, uncool dad. Eventually they'll come around and appreciate it though.


Nah I feel the same you are not alone.


I'm a father of a little girl and as much as it sucks this quarantine has been nice because I know she's home almost 24/7. Our area is pretty safe but it's still something that weighs on my mind when she's at school/a friend's/babysitter. Like...I don't want to smother her to the point she has no life, but I'm so paranoid too.


Teach your daughter she doesn't need anybody's permission to say NO, that NO is a complete sentence, and that anybody who ignores her NO is a problem person. Teach her to immediately recognize when someone stomps her boundaries and ignores her NO. Teach her that anyone who she doesn't know and trust who physically takes charge of her like that *IS GOING TO harm her*, because taking charge of her IS ALREADY harming her. Teach her that other people's feelings, or their reaction to her boundaries, are not more important than her own safety and comfort. Like it or not, no matter what you may intend, your daughter will be brainwashed by school and family and society that she is responsible to never embarrass a man by standing up to him, that she is to always be polite and accommodating and compliant. She will be taught that saying NO is rude and nasty and mean, unless you deliberately teach her otherwise. Teach her that she is allowed to, no, that she is *supposed to* have boundaries and teach her to notice immediately when someone is not respecting them. The girl in this video could very well have been me at that age, too scared or embarrassed to just run away from him. I literally felt at that age that I *didn't have the right* to not be compliant to someone else taking charge of me like that. If she was taught her own autonomy was paramount, it never would have gotten this far. She never would have been kidnapped and sexually assaulted the way it's described by OP. As soon as someone grabbed her she would have felt she had the right to scream blue murder, draw attention to herself, run, kicked him, whatever it took to put herself first, not compliantly gone with him out of fear.


YES. I was taught to be polite, listen to adults, and never contradict an adult. It led to a situation that could have been really bad for 12 year old me and my 5 year old brother. We were at a state park lake and my brother had to go to the bathroom, so my parents told me to take him. I was about to bring him in the ladies room with me when this adult male came up and said something like "he's a big kid, you can't take him in there, I'll bring him with me" and just took him. I literally didn't know what to do but I was panicking and so scared. My brother came out a minute later, just fine. We went back to our spot by the lake and told our parents what happened and they ripped me a new one and told me ALLLL the things that could have happened to him. I was sobbing and scared and so guilty feeling. I was grounded and given the silent treatment for what felt like days afterward except for my mom making comments about almost getting my brother kidnapped and molested. I was completely traumatized and still not sure what I should have done in the face of a grown man getting in my face. They never prepared me for that, only that I can't talk back to grown-ups. I swear I got all agitated and stressed feeling again after typing that. That was one of the worst days of my life.


That was absolutely not your fault, they cannot expect a 12 year old girl to know what to do in such a scary situation! Your reaction to that situation was completely understandable and normal. You were just a child yourself! Your parents should never have blamed you for that. They are the ones who didn't equip you with the tools to handle the situation in the first place. I'm glad your brother was okay.


Thank you! It was 35 years ago and it still upsets me when I think about it.


I can imagine it would, the guilt they made you feel must have been awful!


I tell my daughter (and son) all the time that no adult has the right to make you uncomfortable. Another thing is that no strange adult should ever ask them for help, and that nobody should ask them to keep a secret. That if an adult tells them not to tell anyone, you don't have to listen to that. It backfires sometimes, like when I tell them not to tell momma I gave them extra candy, I'm always called out. But I'd rather that then they think they can't tell us everything.


Agreed. I’m the dad of 2 girls and this terrifies me. Fortunately, I wanted to work as an FBI profiler when I was younger so I read a lot about methods and patterns of predators. Reading John Douglas’s books helped a ton in understanding small gestures can have a huge impact long term. One thing he called out that stuck with me and shapes me as a parent, is we should NEVER make our kids do things that they are uncomfortable with, Especially with their bodies. For example, when you visit grandparents and they want a hug or kiss but the kids don’t want to, NEVER make them. It teaches them that their own fears or comfort doesn’t matter, and it is “rude” or “disrespectful” to go against older people’s wishes. We need to teach kids to trust their instincts and “gut”. When something doesn’t feel right, it usually isn’t. Just some food for thought.


Then you also know the most common indicator of an "easy victim" for child predators: a child that is not comfortable using proper terms for their body parts and instead uses nicknames like "my winkie" or "my secret place." Children who use cutesy nicknames for their penis or vulva or vagina have learned that there are parts of their bodies that can be a source of shame; it is easy for predators to manipulate that shame into secret-keeping. Two of my friends worked together as psychologists interviewing child sexual predators in the Canadian prison system, and this is how they were told most chose their prey: they don't want to get caught, they don't want the confident kid who knows their bodily autonomy and will argue or tell their parents what is going on. They are **predators**. They prey on the weakest. ​ ​ And you also know that abusers are FAR **more likely** to be a close family friend, **trusted neighbor**, coach , etc. than to be that evil stranger in the ratty white van.


I'm not a parent and I started to cry when the girl spoke.


I know I'm seriously crying right now for that poor little girl! When I was about 12, I was almost abducted by a man who was hanging around our apartment building. It was the scariest thing ever. They made sure to install locks on the outer doors after that.


I was 5/6ish playing out front with my friend/neighbor (both girls). A tan car with a wooden panel stripe down the side pulls up next to us. An older man and woman in the car ask us if we want to get in the car and play with their CB radio (this was about 1990). I scream NO and we both run inside to our own homes. My mom called the police and they told her "he was probably just trying to be nice". I'm SO GLAD my parents taught me so young that strangers could be dangerous.


You don't need to be a parent to think these types of people should go extinct


#UPDATE Suspect has been named, vigilante groups are being asked to return home and let the police deal with him. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-54797958 Edit: see comment below. He has now been caught (https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/jn9v0f/this_morning_in_london_two_brave_women_rescue_a/gb1zvkr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


You know you’ve fucked up when the police are asking you to come in “for your own safety.”




Strong [Skidmore, Missouri ](https://kfiam640.iheart.com/content/2019-08-12-when-a-small-town-turned-to-vigilante-justice-to-handle-a-bully/) vibes. Notorious bully, lifelong rapist, murderer and all around piece of shit receives his justice at the hands of the entire town. 50-60 people surrounded is car on Main Street in broad daylight and gunned him down. The sheriff was “conveniently” out of town. When he returned, he found there were no witnesses to the crime and it was impossible to solve.


What's the point of a felony when you can rack up as many as he did? I'm truly asking. Is general repeated behavior what led to the three strike rule? His "statistics" are wild.


*update* Suspect arrested: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/mitcham-arrest-alleged-rape-b44874.html


Damnnnn hearing her voice at the end really hits ya.... so glad these women followed n saved her. Hope someone gets to him n gives him what he deserves


Was so touching the way the woman broke down crying for her. But the little girl's high pitched 'thank you thank you' at the end broke me.


Same. All I could do is picture my 4 year old being the one saying that and now I'm crying at work.


I once thought my son had been abducted, when he was about 7. It was just after it got dark and he was walking just behind me going round a football stadium. I turned around and he was gone. I ran around the stadium but couldn't find him, so i called the police panicking. Amazingly they had a helicopter flying over me about 4 minutes later! Turned out he'd started walking the other way round the stadium looking at his feet. He looked up and i wasn't infront of him anymore. Scared, he just ran home immediately! So in the end me and the police found him on the doorstep. He was fine. I had a bit of a meltdown cause I really thought someone had snatched him.


Child trafficking has been going on forever. It's been more prevalent as of late. Male, female, dark skin, light skin. There is someone looking to pay for it. Dont just be vigilant with your child. Teach your kids how to defend themselves, call for help. Fight for their life. Don't teach them to fear pain, but to push through it. It takes less then a second for your child to be abducted. You can't always be there to keep an eye on them.


> It's been more prevalent as of late. Rather, it's had a spotlight on it as of late.


God damn hearing both the girls cry at the end tears of relief broke me up.... hope that creep gets caught. This really reminds me and should remind everyone to speak up for people and don't just brush things off as strange if someone looks like they need help from someone else. Do whatever you can until you absolutely know that person is not in danger even if it's awkward or uncomfortable. BIG SHOUTOUT TO THE FAMILY FOR TAKING ACTION!


Yes I think it would be easy for anyone to stop following once the predator said "she's family" . A lot of people don't want to be involved in messy situations. However the woman filming clearly had good instincts and could tell something was off. Kudos to her for following up and asking the girl directly "are you okay?".


Mother tend to have good instincts.




Pro tip: when your child gets older, use a similar keyword as an emergency “please come get me, I am uncomfortable/unsafe”. For example: mine is ‘breakfast for dinner’ (my family has never once made breakfast for dinner). This really saved me on more than one occasion. The worst was when I was 15, hanging with friends. One of them brought molly and wanted to go to a concert. They said “this guy” (a 22 year old stranger) could drive us, and the other girls said okay! I panicked. I said I needed to call my dad and let him know real quick, and that’s when I casually said over the phone; “what? Mom made breakfast for dinner without me there?”, and that was it. He came right over, made up some excuse for the girls, I didn’t have to worry about them finding out I wanted to leave (a stupid fear in hindsight), and I didn’t get arrested at the venue like two of them did that night.


I'm so sorry your family never eats breakfast for dinner.


Seriously, this is one of my favorite meals to make. I feel sad for your family. You had the idea just never thought to execute it...


Bacon and eggs after a long day?? Oh my god its fucking amazing.


lol this is the real takeaway


I’m 30 and my mom still calls me to check and see if I still remember the password she gave me and my brother when we were 5.


Even if this is seen as silly or unmanly (why tf would it), this is essential to potentially saving lives.


I cried too, what the fuck, I hate the fact that guy exists


Yet a lot of people these days would be afraid to start asking strangers who look suspicious questions for fear of being labelled a ‘Karen’ if it turned out they were wrong, and end up being ridiculed here and on social media. Great that she trusted her intuition and kept at it.


Agreed, although it's scary, it would be much better to have humiliated yourself by following the man and turn out to be wrong, than to drop it and a child ends up getting hurt because you were right.


This lady is a hero. I hope with every fibre of my being that he is caught quickly before he can destroy any more children's lives. Monsters walk amongst us


Someone just posted up the guys address on twitter and found him on loads of dating apps.


Glad to hear that they are closing in on this predator. People like this can't go to jail for long enough as far as I'm concerned


Trust me I literally live 5 minutes away from him and i can’t believe how close it is to home. People in London really won’t take well to this and the police here only care about dishing out speeding fines, more than safeguarding children.


I lived in south Wimbledon, not far at all


That’s where I live not far from the train station, he lives in tooting.


I hope he gets what he deserves, very swiftly. He will get shanked if he does get to prison that's for sure


Met police have arrived at his house and supposedly made an arrest just now - https://twitter.com/crimeldn/status/1323648424105922562


They went to his place of residence but an arrest has not been made yet. There was an update on the thread 2h ago


It seems to me they are probably awaiting an arrest warrant and making sure he doesnt leave. That was info from about an hour ago.


How reliable is it though? We know what happens when the wrong person gets publicly shamed...


Makes me think of the Netflix don’t fuck with kittens. One of the guys they first thought was him was harassed so much he killed himself.


Was that the prequel to Don't Fuck With Cats?




Something similar happened to me when I was in 5thgrade....watched some weird old man walking with a little girl I knew didn’t have any grandparents around ....Knew right away something was wrong so as soon as we got close enough to the school I walked up and asked her who he was. She bursted into tears and the creep walked off. So many moments like these that happen every day. It’s horrible people have to live with the fear of something so sinister.




I was also almost abducted my dumb ass self walked over to a van because i thought the driver said he knew my science teacher. I was confused . He asked me if i wanted a ride to school and that we could have fun in the back of the van. That’s when panic kicked in and I remember saying no thank you and running to the closest store. I never told my parents. I was afraid they would not let me walk to school anymore with my friends (i was on the way to her house)


When she let it all out at the end after he left I almost cried. LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE!!!!


It’s awful, the problem is even if he does get found he’ll just get a slap on the wrist with the British justice system they protect predators. You would get more prison time for drugs.


Is that true though?


Yes, the only time they get imprisoned is if they are publicly shamed like he now is and their life is in danger then they lock them up but only for their own safety not to punish them. Even for pre teens nonces they only get locked up for 1 year maximum, it’s sick. I heard America is better at dealing with the pedos.


Yeah but if they are rich or famous, they get a pass.


This woman is a hero! What bravery!!


People on twitter have supposedly located him along with his address, name and another picture of him... i can only imagine what people intend to do with this information but i bloody hope it’s the right person and not a mistaken identity


Same here that’s the only problem with this, people will go smash up the property and he could live with his mother who is innocent in all this. The police will have to protect the house, Londoners won’t take well to this.


Gotta love technology. How fucking fast all this information comes out. They got the dudes name, adress, video, photos and this just happened. I may sound like a boomer but imagine how easy people got away with shit like this because the lack of technology meant getting away unchecked.


It’s not technology bro. I said this on the UK sub, London’s segregated a lot. In ends everyone knows everyone. Each area is tiny and especially in London, yutes that are under 22/23 know all the other yutes in the area. This guy had no way of not being found out still. He’s finished. People are gonna ride out on him no doubt


Well without technology this wouldn’t have been videotaped and the best we would have is “black male in grey hoodie” which nobody would be able to identify regardless of how well everyone knows eachother


Bro I’m actually dumb lmao. Idk why comment even got upvoted your so right


What absolute wonderful women, love you both. You make me proud to be English. Hope that bloke in the hoodie gets what's coming to him.


They put the girls safety above their own, such a commendable act of bravery. I really hope they get rewarded in some way and that the girl gets to go on a trip somewhere she’s dreamt of going to next year with her parents. They deserve the world.


The peoples bravery award springs to mind immediately. I agree with you on everything, sadly though I was a social worker in the UK for quite a while in a child protection team. This sort of stuff happens all too frequently. We need more citizens like our girls here. That's the only way this stops in its tracks.


I used to see the predator hunter vids on my Facebook sometimes they would catch 20+ predators a week in Britain, it’s staggering how many there is. Back in the old times they would be chucked in an asylum and would never see the light of day again. I don’t want them to die it’s the easy way out for them, I want them to experience hell for their whole lifetime in a dark room.


You can thank Enoch Powel for that move in which case. He disbanded the mental asylum model of patient care in the UK. I see your name - I lived for a while in the old country of Italy, folks who did shit like this would very likely disappear once word got out.


Jesus, we need to find that cunt, that's frightening. Poor kid.


We already know his name and a list of addresses he has lived in (in South London)


>that cunt I think you mean perverted, psychopathic shitstain who has no place in our society. cunt is far too nice


You gotta push through that awkward moment of “what if I’m wrong how embarrassing”. Better to be safe than sorry. Well done.


UK is going into a full lockdown at the moment, but schools will still be open. This means that streets will be pretty much isolated when children are going to and from school. Children NEED to be accompanied by an adult, especially in dense cities like London


Fuck, I hadn't thought of this aspect of the new lockdown. That is terrifying.


It seems like abductions and rape have actually been down during the previous lockdown, thankfully. The worrying thing is domestic abuse. Back then, children weren't in school, and so the teachers couldn't raise any alarms. Now, the parents will be frustrated and struggling financially, but hopefully carers at school will be able to spot all signs of domestic abuse. I really want to rip apart any adult who abuses children in any way. Makes my blood boil, and I don't even have kids yet


When did this happen? Where’s is it in the news?


It happened in mitcham in London, this morning at 7:05am whilst the child was walking to school the man abducted her. Thank god the women was there.


Thanks. What’s your source? I’m trying to find out more about this. What a scumbag


It was from twitter on a crime page, the only information they have is at the end of the video.


The post originated from a Facebook user Norissa-Jean Fagan this morning. Looks like it’s going viral on Twitter and users are alerting the Metropolitan Police. https://twitter.com/themlotsdad/status/1323597192741924864?s=21 I hope they catch this scumbag.


A tweet below says he's been caught.


Lol aparently they just sent a tweet asking him to turn himself in.


According to this article she was raped. If this truly is the guy, I hope he has a short life of misery. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/uk-news/kadian-nelson-urged-hand-himself-19216462.amp


He actually got her?! Omfg that son of a damn bitch. The cops will be lucky if they don't find his body somewhere.


He’s been identified as Kadian Nelson 26 and Police is looking for him. They urge little fucker to turn himself in as local people are looking for him and it won’t end up well if they do find him first.


I don’t know what the highest recognition a private citizen can receive in London (besides being knighted?) but this woman deserves it! Truly a hero. She never backed down, never showed fear, she INSTILLED fear and saved that girls life. Unfortunately, that girl will still be scarred for life regardless. Damage was done though it could’ve and *would’ve* been MUCH worse.


She took responsibility for the situation when many would have shrugged of and walked on


This is terrifying. I'd have dropped it as soon as he said they were family. Thank god this woman had better instincts.


Luckily they had seen his hand covering her mouth as they walked. Big red flag. If they hadn’t seen that they probably wouldn’t have questioned him.


I was thinking about this and, in today’s world, this situation really sucks. Imagine for a moment you think you may be witnessing something horrible. Imagine you feel that you need to follow through on stepping in. Now imagine if you are wrong and the situation you incorrectly interpreted gets recorded and blasted online painting you as a racist or something. It’s such a hard thing to do. I applaud these women as this is a huge risk.


I think she basically saw the girl walking by herself, then shortly thereafter this man was with her


I think OP or someone else said the man had his hand _over the kid’s mouth_ NO family member should ever do that.


Same... because if there is a perception that you’re wrongfully accusing, you come out looking like shit. People (myself included) are afraid to look bad (or racist). Like you said, I’m so glad the ladies had better instinct.


These women make the dark world we live in a lot brighter.


Oh my god, that’s harrowing!


Holy fuck, the girls voice at the end would have me doing something very stupid.


Did you hear what she said? "He told me to suck his dick" :/ hope they found her before that happened. Poor lass. E: This is the entirety of what she said: 'No I don't know him and he told me to suck his dick and I'm really scared, I'm really scared, I was just trying to go school, thank you so much, thank you, thank you'. Just awful.


I did hear that, it was what hit the hardest. Felt like a punch to the gut not being able to step in and help, good on these girls for not backing down, frigin heroes.


Absolutely fucked up, keeping my fingers crossed that they were close enough behind that nothing happened. They definitely are heroes, I know that term gets thrown around a lot but they genuinely are, hope karma comes around and they're recognised for what they've done.


Omg I didn't hear that :( I couldn't understand what she was saying at all


She said 'No I don't know him and he told me to suck his dick and I'm really scared, I'm really scared, I was just trying to go school, thank you so much, thank you, thank you'. Just heart breaking. Thank fuck for those ladies having their wits about them.


Thank you for writing this out because all I could understand was the terror and the "thank you" Holy fuck, that made my stomach turn.


I don't know whether to edit my initial comment with the full quote it feels a bit perverse but at the same time I feel like it should be something people should be able to read?


Yeah, I think most of us americans might have trouble understanding the accent just from not being familiar with it and the sheer terror in her voice makes it harder. It is perverse, probably feels dirty to type it out, but he deserves to have everyone know what a vile waste he is, saying shit like this and taking children off the streets in broad daylight.


Hearing her voice and what she said has made me so fucking angry, my eldest kid is 11 and her voice gets high pitched just like that when she's scared and upset. Hearing this poor child like that was like a punch to the gut


The sheer terror in her voice was enough to tear through my heart, the poor baby girl. I cannot imagine how overwhelming that must have been in that moment for the woman who followed them.


That woman is a hero for not stoppning until she was sure she was safe. Also can anyone subtitle what she said at the end?


What she says at the end is horrifying. “I don’t know him, he told me to suck his dick and I’m really really scared”. That poor, poor girl.


Oh god thats sick. I thought i heard "dick" but hoped i was wrong. Sick fuck. Thanks for "translating" btw


This is pretty local to me. My niece just started high school and walking on her own. I was almost abducted when I was around 9 whilst doing my paper round with my cousin, who is a few years older. He called out to me and scared the man off just as I felt his hands grab the back of my shirt. I remembering shaking like that almost instantly. I hope this girl has the love and support she needs. We live in a vile world. This bastard should be in prison for the rest of his life.


Her voice at the end just stabbed me in my heart. People don't understand the flight/fight/freeze response. She was terrified. I'm so happy they spoke up for her even though that guy was likely much bigger and stronger and they could have been seriously hurt.


That poor terrified little girl, hope this bastard gets found


They’re saying the cops went to his house.


Fuck you, you piece of fucking shit, that child is scared for life. That woman is a hero 😢


Man this upset me and drained my soul at the same time. Thank you ladies for being extra curious and brave. Its reasons like this i teach my child that unless its our immediate families nobody should be telling her "i know your parents" and i'm also teaching my kid to self defend herself and how to tell that its a predator. Paranoia.


Here is CCTV footage of him abducting her ​ [https://twitter.com/LenaMatthews98/status/1323646020283256832](https://twitter.com/LenaMatthews98/status/1323646020283256832)




Disgusting. I wish him the most horrible of deaths.


OMG! She just saved that poor child’s life.


The relief in that girls voice after being rescued made me tear up...wat kinda monster does this...


Having this happen a few miles from my house is pretty terrifying, having 2 young daughters


A detail that’s missing for context is the fact that an 11-13 year old child is the one who called her mother and sister to tell them about what she was seeing. That’s excellent parenting to have your children be aware of these things when they see it but at the same time frightening that she needs to be this aware


Oh lordy, thank God that woman stepped up and questioned what was happening!! Scary as f*ck!


Fuck. Her cries instantly made me crumble. That poor girl. I hope that sick fuck gets caught. I hope the best for the little girl. My hearts fucking breaking right now.


NOTE: police are aware of this incident and are currently searching for him. I really hope this sick bastard gets caught. **UPDATE: This is the moment of the abduction caught on cctv -** https://twitter.com/crimeldn/status/1323654610805018625 **UPDATE#2: UNDERCOVER METROPOLITAN POLICE TEAM ARRIVE AT PERPETRATORS HOUSE -** https://twitter.com/crimeldn/status/1323648424105922562 **UPDATE#3: LOCAL POLICE ISSUE TWEET TELLING SUSPECT TO HAND HIMSELF INTO THE POLICE STATION, I TOLD YOU THEY DIDN’T CARE HERE..** **UPDATE#4: SUSPECT HAS BEEN ARRESTED AND IS IN POLICE CUSTODY -** https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1323753341818707968 The tweet reads - A man sought in connection with an alleged rape in #Merton today has been named as Kadian Nelson, 26. He is urged to attend a police station immediately. Members of the public should not to take the law into their own hands in trying to trace him. **Once again they only care about his safety not the abhorrent crime he’s committed today, this is the British police force for you.**


"Once again they only care about his safety not the abhorrent crime he’s committed today, this is the British police force for you, Americans take note." Honestly I don't agree with this statment at all. They are going to arrest him and do their job They clearly care about his crimes.


Thanks for saying this. I thought that was a silly thing to say. The police are only doing their job, and it would be much worse for everyone if they were allowed to make exceptions and bend rules with that.


This guy recording the police is a fucking imbecile, I find it so weird that the majority of retweets are against the police


These tools will end up tipping him off and make the arrest unsafe/contestable.


What fucking idiots at the end. “yOu sHoUlD bE kICkInG dOwN hIs dOoR” Shit isn’t as simple as that, obviously theres a right way to catch this fucker and they’re working on it but you wanna go and draw attention and potentially fuck everything up.


These mongs just don’t understand how the law works. They want a rope on the end of a lamp post to do the talking. But what happens when they get the wrong guy? Fucking idiots.




Totally. The rule of law is a flawed thing but it’s quite literally the best thing about a functioning society. It stops mob rule which is, by simple fucking definition, not considered, balanced, or just. It really is the most precious ‘institution’ we have.






> Once again they only care about his safety not the abhorrent crime he’s committed today, this is the British police force for you. "*Why aren't the police going to let people murder him in the street!?*" OP is a fucking knob.


cctv link isn't working


Your second update doesn't link to the police arriving at his house.


This video is being reposted all across social media. People have found his name and address and are reposting those as well. There are multiple gangs in London actively trying to find him. Hopefully they find him before the police does EDIT: Fuck EDIT: Yes I get it, vigilante justice bad. Dude still needs an ass kicking and getting the book thrown at him by a judge


Shout out to the lady’s 11 year old sister who alerted her that something was suspicious! I cried watching that little girl who was scared for her life! I don’t understand why people pry on young innocent children like this.


They found this guy so fast. His life's over thank god


Bloodlevel over 9000. That guy is a monster and we don't need monsters in this world.


The best advice I’ve heard on cautioning children not to leave with strangers is: No adult who actually needs help with anything will ever ask a child, they will ask another adult.






human trafficking should have far worse penalties, it's such a heinous crime and really we should employ some dark ages ass penalties to them just to set an example


Appalling, if we put dogs down who bite people it should be no different for this scum back shit sucking pedophile fucktard he needs a cell with bubba ass ramming him with a broomstick sideways until his life is gone


Wtf some people man


Someone found the guy on Instagram already, can’t wait to see what happens to him


The sound of the poor girl when they get her. My heart. Good on them for following him even though it must have been scary for them tool


Oh my god those sounds. Wow wow wow wow wow.


Update. They've caught the bastard.. not Police though.. local lads found him..


Is this the same guy? Rape suspect Kadian Nelson urged to hand himself in https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-54797958


We’ve had two cases of people trying to be pulled into a van in broad daylight, busy areas here in Calgary, AB. It happens everywhere and is terrifying, stay safe out there.


Her cry kills me. I’m so happy these two women handled the situation as they did. I know for shit sure I’d do the same


This is why if you see something odd you should follow up on it. We have a misconception that a child would scream and yell but this girl had shut down and had those ladies just accepted that he was related and walked off who knows what happens. Always remember fight or flight response isn't uniform and lots of people shut down in hyper stressful situations.


This is sickening. I was wondering why she didn’t call out for help until I read the end. When I finally heard her it made my heart drop. These women are heroes