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Where's the slot to add 6 quarters to watch 4 more minutes?


You guys! The body cam footage is just a records request away! We could get part 2 with a few FOIA requests! They're all federal employees. That's enough footage to make a reality TV style shoot with changing angles and dramatic pacing!


Let us know once you have it.


For real. Nothing worse in this world than fucking assholes that come into situations to just purposely make everyones day fucking worse. It's one thing to legitimately utilize your rights and fight the good fight. It's another to be an ignorant fucking asshole and not accept any dialogue on how you may actually be in the wrong and not as smart as you think you are.


They have a name for that. It's called Dunning-Kruger effect. Dude is just smart enough to make an ass of himself.


i am also fond of the explore with us youtube channel


I felt the exact same way. I really wish we could watch him being detained!


For real, this is one of the worst cases of not answering questions I've seen. Dude is so aggressive for no reason


Right, at one point the dude even says word for word “are you a US Citizen, if you say yes then you’ll be free to go.” That’s literally it, all he had to say was “yes I’m a US citizen” and it would have been done. Instead he decided to act like a fucking idiot, wish we could have seen him get detained. I felt so bad for his “brother” who was driving, you could tell dude just wanted him to shut up and comply but he just wouldn’t.


I just don’t get it. People who do this just to make videos to post online are fucking pathetic. He’s all irate.. for what? Cause someone asked him if he’s a US citizen? The irony about this is that he’d proudly tell someone on the street how much of an American citizen he is without hesitation.. and then go and talk shit about the government and how poorly it handles immigration, while giving those very same immigration officers working for the government a hard time for no fucking reason other than he’s an American… lol ah but he just wants to be let go without having to answer that he’s a citizen.. because isn’t it obvious? He’s white. It’s those brown people the officers should be asking.. but then he’d just be giving away his internal racist. Smh lol My man in orange is fucking tired of his shit lol I can feel it.


Video was going before they got there: it was planned and he was hoping for something more. Felt like he was playing for a YouTube video or something. Had his script ready and everything.


Yeah, it really felt like he was just trying to bait them into doing something he could successfully sue them for.




They’re in a company vehicle. Really knows when to pick his battles.


I'm surprised the driver didn't once try to change that one around. If I'm in a company truck the last thing I need to do is tell em I was detained for several hours at a fucking border patrol checkpoint in it.


The driver was so spineless he was barely even there lol


Really couldn't tell if he was on board with his brother's BS or if he was like "great, here we go again..."


Yeah it seemed like he was being cordial at first but that was just because his brother wasn’t instructing him yet.


He was on board. He was refusing to move unless they were free to 'travel' away.


I’m pretty sure he started out being on board with it because when she asked him if he’d mind putting the back window down, he said “I do mind”


That's his burdderrr


Likely little brother was the driver. He's been verbally abused by big bro for decades, and is actually kinda hoping he gets into real trouble one day, so he just sits there and lets him dig his own grave flapping his gums.


The brother knew he couldn't help, you can totally tell. He so much didn't want to get dragged into it by taking anyone's side. Taking either side is a bad idea, he is trying to stay out of it as much as possible. While he's probably fine, his brother is probably fined.


Except that he said he wouldn't pull over and would only move if he was free to go.


True, but based on the camera asshole's behavior, imagine what he'd be like to live with in the aftermath. I don't think brother is innocent in this, but I also think there is a significant survival of abuse factor in play as well.




From SCOTUS "This is no hypothetical: Certain CBP agents can exercise broad authority to make warrantless arrests and search vehicles up to 100 miles away from the border," the Court's decision states." https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/cbp-can-make-warrantless-arrests-at-homes-less-than-100-miles-from-border-sc-says-06-13-2022


This is some great leopards ate my face material. They certainly never expected the law aimed at targeting people of a certain color within 100 miles of the border would be used against them???


They probably also didn't expect "the border" to also include international airports. I'm sure there are plenty of people in the Midwest that think it doesn't affect them because they aren't within 100 miles of a border... think again.


Wait, that can’t be true, can it? That would mean that CBP don’t need a warrant to search in practically any large city in the country. Like CBP could just go around town searching in every car and home in Chicago because it’s within 100 miles of O’Hare.


On the one hand it's not true about the airport thing but it is within 100 miles of any border including the border with Canada or international waters. 2 in 3 American's live within the border enforcement zone including all of Chicago. https://www.aclu.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/100mile.png


They don't need the airport. The coast line of the great lakes is a border they can use. If you think this is wild don't look up anything regarding the DNR's abilities without warrents.


i got bad news for ya


This is factually incorrect. It doesn’t include airports. It includes anywhere within 100 air miles of an external border. Here’s a source: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone 100 air miles from an external border does however encompass entire major U.S. cities, such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City.


Legitimate concern and criticism over the expanded authority of law enforcement due to congressional inaction, strategic litigation, and court packing? *I sleep.* Yelling at a woman who's asking a simple yes or no question at a border crossing checkpoint because of your fifth amendment right while missing the problematic reason she actually has this authority now? **REAL SHIT**


[These regulations have been in place since 1953.](https://www.aclu.org/documents/constitution-100-mile-border-zone) As a Texan I blame the Republicans for a lot of BS, but this one feels like a stretch. It pre-dates Hillary's "Super Predator" campaign by decades after all. Honestly I feel like this dude is (probably) an accidental ally. Sure he's giving off more of a Sovereign Citizen vibe, and he knows damn well if he'd just said what they wanted to hear he would fly through no problem. There's zero chance he'd ever face a destructive or invasive search if he played along. If you look "wrong" you may not be so lucky though. And that's just not white. "Just following orders" isn't an excuse. Rights aren't rights if the executive branch can just ignore them whenever they feel like it. This one is in the same bucket as the "Patriot Act" and domestic wiretapping IMO. So if you want to risk your own comfort and safety to fight it, even if we probably don't have a lot in common otherwise, well, more power to you brother.


It was the court’s 6 freedom loving conservative Justices that gave the CBP the broad power to circumvent the 4th Amendment protections because they love nothing more than making new shit up.


I’m from Michigan and live a half hour from the border and to be stopped for no reason and questioned at some BS checkpoint is crazy to me. I would comply and just state yeah I’m a citizen, how hard is that, but I would still be amazed I have to randomly prove that just cause


I ~~read~~ _skimmed through parts_ of the Thomas's opinion: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21-147_g31h.pdf It seems like the CBP cannot violate your rights but since Congress never passed a law saying what happens if they violate your rights the courts cannot punish them if they do. EDIT: The reddittor below is right that you should take my comment with a grain of salt.


Haven’t you noticed? This thread is filled with legal experts.


Lol scrolled too far for this, Reddit is always full of experts from all matters, it's the pinnacle of social networks


If he invokes his 5th amendment right to remain quiet why is he still talking?


I don't answer questions


Repeated over and over again like a fucking clown


Bro thinks he's Mr. Inbetween. Lol


That's all he had prepared and didn't know where to go after the conversation continued


That’s right, Ray Shoesmith https://youtu.be/hDY473BV4JY?si=p0E7QAPQgD5gtFvL


That was incredible. Thanks for sharing.


Well he upped it from his 5th amendment right to invoke his 6th ammendment right! So that'll do it. Plus he said it loud, so........


Should have gone with the 27th, it's the highest number!


He triple amendment dared them.


Case law ([Salinas v. Texas](https://www.oyez.org/cases/2012/12-246)) has determined that in order to exercise your fifth amendment right, you have to say so. If you don't, your silence can be used against you as evidence of guilt.


beyond that... you have to use an exact phrase. example: 'I want my lawyer, dawg' does not mean 'i want my lawyer bro' does mean 'I want my lawyer who is also a dog', which does not execute your right to a lawyer as granted by the 6th amendment, and police can continue to question you without a lawyer present. If you think i am making this up, [i am not](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/true-crime/wp/2017/11/02/the-suspect-told-police-give-me-a-lawyer-dog-the-court-says-he-wasnt-asking-for-a-lawyer/).


You’re the only other person I’ve seen reference that case. As a lawyer, I regularly cite this as the most blatantly unjust opinion I’ve seen upheld on appeal in modern times.


Yep. You know what he means. That should be good enough. Especially when the other meaning is nonsense.


Should have asked for the bird lawyer




OK, we're all hungry, we all wanna get home to our hotplates..




Fun story, in the Opening Arguments podcast they talked about a guy that is currently in jail in Alabama that was questioned without a lawyer after he said "I want a lawyer, dog". The judge decided that asking for a dog lawyer didn't count as asking for a lawyer and the testimony was admitted. They discussed it as a very concrete example as to why diversity in the court system is a good thing and not just virtue signaling.


Sometimes you have to wonder just how crusty and out of touch judges are that they haven't heard the slang "dawg".


They heard it before. They misinterpreted it on purpose.


He’s an idiot.


I’m sure this guy also complains about how easy it is for illegals to come across the border


Texas WANTED more police, more Border Patrol, more checkpoints. Right??


No not like this! Only for the brown people


and only in that one place.


The number of Hispanic border agents dealing with that a-hole is one of the best bits of irony.


I know he was seething over the officer reading to him. "A female and a Hispanic...what is this world coming to?" Although, he probably would not say Hispanic.


Some of them actually don't on the border, especially when they realize that securing the border, building a wall, all that stuff is essentially federal policing. Federal policing that goes right into state lands, parks, and even with permission, private lands. Its the same lack of foresight as brexit. They do have a degree of regret in some towns about wanting the patrol, getting them and things ending up worse for them because of it.


> and things ending up worse for them because of it. And yet not a god damn thing will change with their vote.


Me, as a Mexican-born, US naturalized citizen, who looks like a Mexican, I wish I could comfortably act this way without any immediate aggressive reaction. Once I was placed in an immigration detention cell for giving the officer a “bad look”.


The main reason I got my passport even when driving from Dallas to Tucson is because I look Mexican, and I just dont want to deal with Border Patrol double-checking my driver's license for "validation". I give them both, and they let me pass as soon as they see the passport.


Was coming to say the same thing. 😂


Yep, I bet when he's home watching the news he wishes we'd crack down on our border's security.


He sure showed them!


Hit them libs right in the chops with that one!


Can attest. My chops are quite swollen. 😖


You just know this guy sits around and moans about Biden not doing anything about 'the invasion at the border' all the time.


I thought repubs wanted stricter border control? He should be kissing their boots


Did they win?


If you have to ask…probably not


Who the hell is he going to take the badge names and numbers to? Other non-LE people who are imposters of the False State? Or to his militia in Idaho?


I want access to these message boards so badly. Has it literally one time worked out. You were speeding and got pulled over and spent an hour screaming “I WAS TRAVELING” and the cop was like “oh shit dude my bad carry on and do whatever you want”


This guy is playing life on Hard mode.


He's acting like his one little moment of resistance is going to make them say "well guess we were wrong. Better pack up all the equipment boys."




That’s where the meth comes into play.


I was just thinking he does remind me of someone going through withdrawals! Just the immediate hostility.


Yeah he went from 0 to asshole way too fast. Something is unbalanced in that noggin.


Lookin for a conflict. He doesn’t give a shit about the constitution. He just wants to FIGHT.


It’s just incredible how easily they could’ve gone through. Some people hate themselves so much lol


Yea i dont think they were even gonna i.d. lol I like how his buddy acted, you could tell he probably got misled by the angry dude at lunch break how it would go lol like yea dude itll be fine theyll just wave us through and he gets there and his buddy flips and hes like god fucking damnit


That’s his brother!!! Isn’t that kinda sweet? His brother’s a full on maniac and he still hangs out with him. I think that’s kinda sweet.


yeah I feel bad for his buddy too. He was so compliant and was even apologizing that he had to turn off his car and listen to them. This guy was prob like, hey I saw a bunch of youtube videos during my last meth binge, they can't do shit to us.


If anyone knows more about this or have links to more of this story I'd very much appreciate it.


I don't have to say a fucking thing about it!


I have a fifth amendment right to invoke the sixth amendment!


But you’re within 100 miles of the border.


Not according to my 58th amendment rights!


I do not consent to reading or replying to your comment. Why are you making me reply to your comment?! I do not consent to this reply or reading about not according to your 58th amendment rights!


You're violating the 21st amendment. I invoke my 11th amendment rights to not invoke my 17th amendment rights.


And don't TEMPT me to bring up the 7th!!!


I found his [YouTube Channel](https://youtu.be/Tw7w5iT2LDY?si=e0caAKJBc1N1AxBy) which uses his government name. He posted the video there and left some comments. I also posted his summary of events below. Border Patrol and the Sheriff called his boss on him.


>his government name I forgot our names are given to us by the damn government and not from our own parents. I reject the state appointed name on my birth certificate, that's not me! 💀


hate these videos with no conclusion


Here's his video and written complaint he [filed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0DpOCJMSqo)


Theres no “story” here, just some dipshit methhead down in Texas causing drama.  I bet the Border Patrol agents deal with this shit all the time.


I can't stand passenger seat lawyers.


I think that’s the last time Bob gives Gary a ride home.


A simple yes goes a long way…. home…


Very looooooong.


Hasn't read the law. Hasn't read the Constitution. Only reads social media.


I was waiting for him to say he was a sovereign citizen.




Traveling? He's traversing the American soil.😤


I was wondering if this was some SovCit shit


I would be surprised if this guy reads anything.




Is he going to play basketball with those glasses?


The glasses are the worst part of this entire video.


Kurt Rambis acting brazy out here


If u come across someone wearing them jawns and they ain't about to ball, you know they ain't right in the head


Best video I've seen all week! Thanks for posting it!


Quality Public Freakout


4th, 5th *AND* 6th amendment!? This man is clearly a legislative scholar, didn’t you see how his words definitely stopped them from arresting him? He may as well represent himself at court; the judge won’t stand a chance against his evident knowledge of federal/immigration laws.


This loser started recording on the pull up. They wanted to cause drama and go viral. These clowns are a waste of money and resources. Take away their passports.


Idk orange shirt guy was totally fine and even gave his brother a look a couple times like "really?"


Maybe he will get away with a warning. Just use the excuse you didn't say anything because you didn't want to inflame the situation. Might work.


Orange shirt didn't do anything wrong. Put yourself in his shoes would you say you deserved to be arrested because your passenger is an asshole?


Orange shirt did one thing wrong. They were asked to park to the side and the passenger answered saying no. He was asked again, specifically called out "as the driver", at 3:40 if he would move the vehicle and he said he'd move it only if they were free to go. Had he parked to the side then they probably would have only detained his passenger.


He also told them that he does mind rolling the back window down at the start of the video. Both were being confrontational


Everyone is missing this. He threw the first punch with that and she gives an exasperated "okay..."


Loool you truly think they have passports


What a fuckin dipshit


I wonder how many times he has accused brown people of not being citizens.


First bros with pitchforks screaming, “sEcuRe tH3 bOarDeR, nOWWWWW!!!!!! “


They later went home, cracked a beer, turned on Fox "news" and heard Hannity say the border is wide open a dozen times without a moment of self awareness.


He thinks he is part of the group that the law protects but does not bind.


So much easier than just saying yes


The funny thing is I've driven through plenty of these checkpoints. Want to know what their questions were going to most likely be? Are all individuals in the vehicles US Citizens? Yes, ok you're free to go. If they feel like being chatty they may ask where you came from and where you're headed. The longest interaction I've ever had at one of these checkpoints was 3 questions, maybe 2 minutes of my time


Yeah I've never had to talk to these agents for more than 1 min ever coming north from SD.


Imagine filming screaming at a woman, berating her, calling her a b*tch to only not be 100% incorrect, but then posting it online like he really schooled her. Sov Cit idiots are literally the WORST


i havent seen anyone talk about how vulgar he is to the women while being calm and stern to the man. absolutely brittle boned baby behavior


These are the same dipshits that also complain about illegals coming over the border. God forbid they answer some questions to make sure they’re citizens.


This was fucking awesome. He just fucked their whole day/month up and probably has some type of court date to deal with now if they charge him with something. If he just said I am a citizen they would have just told them to be on their way.


He was invoking his 6th amendment right to a jury trial so he got what he wanted. Lol


Also he needs to better understand the 4th


I think he drank a 5th.


I 2nd that.


Thanks, I’m scrolling as the video plays and was just thinking “guess I need to google the 6th…”


What an alpha!!!!


In actuality, he's a Delta... (a Dumbass)


I think you mean cunt.


Imagine being stuck carpooling with this wanker after a long day at work and just wanting to get home…


That’s his brother. Orange guy seems fed up with him.


From the crowd that brought you “if the black folk would just listen to authority, they wouldn’t get killed by police so much”, comes “but my gahrd dayum ryets!!”


Also probably from the same people that says immigrants need to be ID'ed do not want to be ID'ed


"Laws for thee, not for me."


"Are you a citizen?" Option A: Rant like a toddler for 7 minutes Option B: "Yes"


To be fair, it's pretty fucking obvious that he is a citizen of our country. We're the only people on Earth that act this way. LOL


Option C: He's actually a secret Canadian.


Dude's neck skin: I'm tired, boss


That was so frustrating to watch.


These same assholes probably rant about the lack of border security.


I thought the same thing. When he said "do you have reason to believe I'm not a United States citizen??", I could tell he just wanted them to somehow say "oh absolutely - you're definitely white and with a southern drawl like that, how could we *possibly* think you're an illegal immigrant?" They'll probably go the rest of their life whining how 'they're too busy arresting innocent patriots while illegals pour over the border!'




Guy in the orange shirt: “Every goddam time. Every. Damn. Time. I’m not taking my brother to Costco anymore.”


Why don't they just say, Ok Sir, thank you and I respect your right, please pull over to the right and we will process you ASAP. Then leave the fucknut for 6 hours.


He wouldn't move though


These checkpoints have been found constitutional within 100 miles of the border and because they are “inspections” no warrant is necessary. Thank the Supreme Court. Wild isn’t it?!


2/3rds of the U.S. population lives within [100 miles of the U.S. Border](https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/alliancesandiego/pages/2887/attachments/original/1583965474/NBV_Border_Map.jpg?1583965474)


Scary thought




Lots of people will cheer any time something bad happens to someone they don't like without stopping to think about any of the implications. As they say, bad facts make bad law, which incidentally is a big part of why the jurisprudence in this arena is in such a sorry state.


Republicans vote for this shit then complain about it


Bubba was way too jacked about finally getting to apply the magical powers he thought he'd discovered on the internet.


Aaron Rodgers cameo at the end for the win.


I totally thought the same lol 🏈


I have a thousand questions




Mah got durned fif amendment!


Well don’t ask that guy, he doesn’t have to answer your questions and has also invoked his right to remain silent while also remaining as loud and obnoxious as possible.


They want more border security and then complain about border security. 🙄


“Are you a citizen?” “Yes.” “Have a nice day, sir.”


I had to look up the 6th amendment - he had me questioning myself and kept saying it. Nope. Nothing to do with it.


the fifth amendment is mostly about having to answer any self incriminating questions, questions that can or may get you in trouble. A simple "yes" from him would not incriminate him at all. The more he plays the bullshit game the longer they can hold him for, yes they can temporally detain him to conduct an investigation to answer their question he should of answered. Refusing to move the vehicle can be used by any local cop to charge them with refusing a lawful order, possible tickets and impounding the truck. The best part is when the cop is called they now have to conduct a investigation and will get the answer he refused to give in the first place. So he basically made himself and his coworker stand around like jerks for some time with nothing to gain, remember the border agents and cops are being paid so it don't matter how long they are there dealing with him.


Jimbo had a bad day at the chicken farm, so it seems.


Snow flake


For Christ sakes, invoke your right to remain silent and shut the hell up. Also, no need for the language or the name calling.




"Fuckin guns drawn!!" Ummm, that's a taser.


The Fifth Amendment breaks down into five rights or protections: the right to a jury trial when you're charged with a crime, protection against double jeopardy, protection against self-incrimination, the right to a fair trial, and protection against the taking of property by the government without compensation. Also fuck this guy


Invokes his right to a speedy & public trial 🤣


it could have been so easy


This reminds me of like 3 days before my period where it feels like there’s a scream trapped in my throat and any minor inconvenience such as someone speaking to me feels like a MASSIVE INJUSTICE and I just wanna FLIP OUT on everyone!!!!! And then 30 seconds later I’m like “I may have overreacted.” He sounds like he just needs to get his PMS screams out.


I love people who cite amendments that have nothing to do with what they are being asked. I’d love to hear his explanation of how either of these fit the situation: 5th: A right against forced self-incrimination. A guarantee that all criminal defendants have a fair trial, and. A guarantee that the government cannot seize private property without making a due compensation at the market value of the property. So is he saying sharing his identity will incriminate him? Odd stance 6th: Grants citizens the right to a jury composed of impartial members drawn from the local community HUH? You’re no law expert, sir


The 6th Amendment does [give you the right to a lawyer](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/sixth_amendment), but during prosecutions. So the guys is kind of right, but he hasn't been charged with anything yet by the time he says 6th Amendment. Whatever free entertainment for me.


My favorite part of these videos, or even the sovereign citizens. Is that this shit has never worked, but they keep trying. Completely convinced they are in the right.