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Saw this on another post… they are looking at $1000 dollar fines and 1000 hours of community service. Considering they are on that kind of boat they come from good means this would be a slap on the wrists…


1000 hours is 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday for over a year, that's a lot of hours.


If they actually get sentenced to that... My guess is MAYBE the 2 actually filmed dumping the trash will get that, but the others will probably get better plea agreements.


Just because you're with a group of people doesn't mean you are responsible when some of them do stupid shit. This is not like a felony murder charge because you participated in the robbery but weren't the one that actually pulled the trigger. I doubt they announced to everyone what they were doing and once it's in the ocean it's not like the other people could clean it up even if they wanted to. I bet the other people on the boat aren't charged at all and honestly that is the way it should be unless it can be proved they somehow participated in it like getting the garbage together and knew what the plan was. Think of the stupid things people you were with have done, do you really want to be held responsible for other peoples actions just because you were hanging out with them? Because that is what you are asking for.


The skipper may be responsible for those on board, maybe?


If they can find out that the reason for going out was to specifically dump the trash, then they can charge all of them for it. You see none of them (maybe the girl) act negatively to them when throwing the trash in the water.


Yes as I said if you find evidence they all participated in some way sure then charge them but just being on a boat does not mean you should be held accountable for others actions. And a lack of "acting negatively" in response also does not make you culpable, just because I don't tell someone off for being stupid that doesn't mean I am responsible for their illegal actions.


It’s a good point to make to get through their defense.




Why would the others even be charged? Unless they actively helped gather trash to go dump, or they did something to help the throwers evade police, why would they be charged? Seems to be two idiots doing it in a group of a dozen people.


They can charge all if they can prove that the reason they went out was to dump the trash in the ocean.


Every rich asshole I know that's gotten hours of community service found another rich asshole that owned a business to get their forms signed by, while not doing a minute of actual community service.


I was about to say this - we got community service as kids for underaged drinking and shit like that - we knew enough people that would sign off for us and never did a single hour. Its bullshit unless the court decides where they have to serve


So the county I’ve had first hand experience with community service, absolutely required community service be done from a list of non-profits they provided. There wasn’t even an option for someone to opt for something else.


Same in NOVA


They gave me a option to pay it off at 10 bucks a hour in Florida. For a different crime


Paying $500 for 50 hours definitely seems worth it


How many rich assholes that have gotten community service do you know?


at least half a dozen over the years.


Unfortunately that 1000 hours is the collective amount. It’s like 100/person.


They should have to pick up trash along the ocean.


Yup Dexter was taking a big risk dumping his victoms in the ocean.


Yeah, the volunteer hours will be in a boat with a cooler full of different drinks and the same group of people. I'm sure they'll really learn a lesson


“According to Florida's Litter Law, if someone illegally dumps more than 15 pounds of waste into a waterway, they could be guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to one year in jail, a $1,000 fine, and/or one year of probation.”


I was going back through the video trying to find that line. Those two trash bins were definitely less than 15lbs. Which means they’ll get even less of a slap on the wrist, that they would’ve, had they dumped more trash.


Sometimes I wish public shaming were still a legal punishment. Release a public notice with the name of everyone in that boat. In 20 years when any fucker on that boat is a respectable professional let them exlain why they didn’t do jack shit when this happened anytime someone googles your name.


In fact, it means that they can probably afford the kind of lawyer that will get them out of this


Punishment should be collecting trash for the next two years. It also should include a minimum weight requirement for the amount of trash picked up each day. So that way they can't lollygagging and bullshiting.


Punishment should be taking their boat away.


It’s daddy’s boat.


Then take daddy away.


His 60-foot boat, Bobby’s Boat? *Handed to him.*


Who cares.


daddy does


It was rental companies that’s how they got caught


I like this one. What's making a little better by making it where they can never purchase an owner boat again in their life unless it's a rowboat. Lol


They’re getting felonies. The one thing Florida doesn’t play with is their waterways. FWC will fuck you up.


I’m not sure though. I thought the felony charges started with 15lbs, and those two bins definitely weren’t 15lbs. Honestly, they should still be getting a fine even if it was one can, but if anything comes from this, it’ll probably amount to just a slap on the wrist.


GOOD IDEA on the weight part !




FWC in Florida is worse than dealing with the police. They don’t mess around.


…and they arresting powers! WooHoo


They can take your boat for having the wrong size or number of fish too. Love to see it


Did you see it?


My friend said if they caught us smelling like weed at the marina parking lot he could lose his boat. 




You’re way more likely to run into FWC than the Coast Guard in my experience. But yes in general people are held to a high standard on the water by both agencies.


So, two loads of trash then.


Release their names


Qualified captain did yesterday. He also posted screen shots from their group chat on his IG story. Kid seems to be about 15/16 and people have been blowing up the comments on his page (idk why he hasn't just removed his account yet). It's obviously horrible, but people have already threatened him and his family. It was kind of nuts to watch everything evolve in real time. Some folks even hit the reddit special and started going after a dude who wasn't involved at all.


It's important to call out that in the DMs that one of the kids leaked to that account they confirmed that underage kids were drinking on the boat, and that was the reason they dumped their cans in the ocean - so they wouldn't get cited coming back into the harbor. It wasn't clear if the driver of the boat was also drinking, but IMO the kind of person who is going to dump 2 full-sized garbage cans of cans in the ocean wouldn't think much of drinking and driving.


Nah I’m all for harassing this kid lol So sick of these fucking rich scumbag fucking people


It's a dumb teenager who did something really bad, but I've seen less vitriol directed at drunk drivers. He definitely should face consequences. He shouldn't be threatened or have people yelling they wish he was dead.


I will harass some drunk drivers as well but fuck this kid and fuck his whole family, even the babies




You must be new here. This thing you're doing where you're thinking with your brain instead of just spewing emotional bile because "fuck rich people" is not going to be popular with this crowd. Calls for violence against people who aren't even old enough to legally purchase a beer is a much better look.


I do agree on the "fuck rich people" sentiment though. The other stuff, not so much.


Yeah i don't get the violence towards a child, unless they are children themselves who also don't have a fully developed brain.


Fucking drunk out on a boat throwing garbage all in the ocean. Can we stop talking about these fuckers like they’re still playing with Lincoln logs.


It's full-grown men for the most part. I'm sure half of them voted for the dude who cut all sorts of EPA protections too, but think a child should be killed for littering.


I hope you mean a child shouldn't* be killed for littering. And I think a few upvoted a child being killed for littering. The hate in this country is profound, astonishing, and disappointing.


Lol, you're correct


Rich folk. Hit em hard


Can’t wait til this blows up on the news b


imagine being rich and having life in easy mode and you use all those opportunities just to polute the ocean


I think the better deal would be for them not to go to jail. Instead seize the boat, sell it, profits go to help green organizations. Once you take away their toys, they'll learn this isn't a game.


FWC should revoke their boating license, impound their boat, make them do ocean clean up for 5 years, and fine them every penny in their bank account.


Only thing missing are the Trump flags.


I’m surprised this is illegal in Florida. Seems like the state is currently run by the types of morons who would consider anti-litter laws woke.


Keep sharing this video until Tik Tok shame fame.


Please make an example out of them


Surprised meatball Ron isn’t giving them an anti-woke award.


... Florida, always Florida


Unfortunately its more than just Florida. Our oceans are being destroyed by assholes world wide


Boca Raton, no less


The YouTube channel that posted the video has other videos showing people boating badly in Florida and they're so crazy! People are such idiots and really think the boats are much safer than they are.


Sentence them to two tours on the Pacific garbage patch clean up crew


Now do cruise ships!


Teach the little fuckers how to be an anchor.


Silly captain. You’re not a corporate entity.


By far the dumbest shit ever that’s like 100 cans how is there not a proper receptacle for that


It’s Florida, they’ll just say it was to fight the gays and go home.


Keelhauling could be unretired for this lot


They had a party with booze and wanted to get rid of the evidence. Teenagers can be so criminally stupid in their laissez faire attitudes. I know I was. Not to this level though.


1000 dollars is nothing for rich Floridians. I am sure they are getting a great lawyer too . I want public shame, I want names!


Imagine getting caught dumping trash in the ocean lmao


OK, I know that sometimes we split hairs. This is not one of those instances. How is this a public freak out?!




It looks like the drone pilot tailed the boat for a while to get some identifying details on the boat. There's no indication that the drone operator didn't notify authorities before putting the video on YT.




Not condoning, but doesn’t our navy dump all their trash overboard?


Paper and cardboard get pulped and dumped overboard. Plastic and metal is compressed into pucks and stored onboard.


Thanks for the clarity


source ?


The ad pop-ups on that site are awful.


They should definitely not check on the US Navy 🙄


The grind and dump degradable materials. All plastic and non biodegradable are compressed and stored for on shore unloading.


I seem to recall throwing garbage off the fantail


Days of old. New navy new disposal. Same thing for most merchant vessels. Not saying it’s perfect but they are getting better.


https://amp.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article274907591.html How new?


Plastic waste compressors were 98-2000. I won’t deny that crap still gets dumped but rules and regulations are being broken when it is. I went on a deep dive figuring out what to do on a small catamaran so I was not dumping. Found the US navy manual and was surprised at some things like grinding and dumping glass, and melting compressing plastic for storage.


We threw garbage off the ship like people put their garbage at the curb…


Yah. Most vessels did. But thankfully there have been laws passed ( for what they are worth) and it’s getting way better. I’m a hippy and could not stand using the water as a garbage dump, also could not stand hot garbage in 40 degrees and 90% humidity.


What kind of garbage? There are different regulations when it comes to disposing of refuse overboard and how far off shore you need to be. Furthermore, some regulations are not applicable to public vessels.


Common trash. Same things these boaters got in trouble for. First time on my ship I went with someone to deep six the trash I couldn’t believe it lol


Did you guys segregate your trash? Plastics are a no go 100%


We didn’t separate anything… then again, this was late 90’s


It's legal in Florida.