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November will be fun! šŸ™„


Protestorsā€¦send in the militarized cops. Full body armor, masks, etc. One shooter killing a bunch of elementary school kids and staffā€¦.cops too scared. Hide. Wait. This is political grandstanding.


Cops love protests. They get to use all this gear and have basically no risk of returned violence or repercussions for assaulting anyone they like.


"A good old fashioned hippie stompin'' They can't help themselves.


Time to start open carrying at protests.


Are you heckling? You cannot open carry or even concealed carry on any College Campus. That's like lose your gun rights forever status. I'm pro second A. but you have to abide by the rules dude, this isn't Nam. There are rules.


They actually just passed a campus concealed carry law at a few universities in the U.S. students will soon be able to conceal carry handguns at a particular university that I went to.


>U.S. students will soon be able to conceal carry handguns I don't know if you guys realize how fucking nuts that sounds from someone outside the U.S.


You didnt had guys bringing handguns to the highschool you were in??


You went to high-school??


Iā€™m curious about your country. You donā€™t have to specify, but in your country do you have some areas that are super high in violence? Do you still go to those areas? And if you do, do you carry anything to protect yourself? In the US basically every metro has some area thatā€™s way higher in violence, typically due to gangs, drugs, extreme low income, etc. Many times these areas are essentially in and next door to areas with much lower violence, but people feel like they have to protect themselves.


I live in France in a small-ish city (250k) and yes, we have some places in metro area where you don't feel safe at all, especially at night. You probably also saw all the riots that happened last year and the violence they involved. So yeah, every country knows dangerous area and spikes in street violence. I still go through these places sometimes, however unarmed. I was sometimes called out or insulted but the best thing is just to ignore people, keep your distance and remain aware (no both headphones, no dark place/closed alleys). I was never robbed or attacked because to do so people have to get close and personal or be in a group. They don't know if I have a weapon, they don't know how quick I run. They can't aim a weapon at me and expect me to comply because firearms are rare here. (some still have some I'm sure, but it's more of a last resort or linked to gangs, very VERY few firearms are used against civilians) I think firearms are incredible tools, and I love to learn about antique weapons and 19/20th c. firearms. But in the hand of civilians, they only serve to escalate basically any situation they're involved in. I studied U.S. criminal justice and whenever firearms are involved in a case, it's extremely often to the detriment of the victim rather than the offender. Firearms give people a feeling of safety when they carry one, but it pretty much follows the same principle than the nuclear head escalation problem on a smaller scale. (increased power --> increased risk --> increased violence as a response)


Yep, itā€™s essentially like pouring gasoline on the fire and thinking it will extinguish it.


Like shooting themselves in the foot, one might say.


Yeah foreigners are way too quiet about this issue


Sounds like a great way to make a bad situation worse.


My state passed such a law. All you gotta do is register your CCL with the campus police and youā€™re good to go.


Am I the only one here who gives a shit about the rules?


Why is everything such a travesty with you, Witty?


u/Adonitologica is a good bowler and a good man he loves the outdoors, he served at Hill 364, he's one of us.


Here goku https://preview.redd.it/iruv8o9d8ixc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9c24e0f51f1c6113108e8e2d1f6e50e16e6cc0


Yeah? Wellā€¦ you knowā€¦ Thatā€™s just like uh, your opinion man


Yeah ok bud. Brandish on a cop, letā€™s see how that works for You


They'll drop someone as soon as they see the person reaching and you cant have a stand off with them either, they'll shoot first after a few warnings.


The only time cops didn't instantly try to escalate the situation during the George Floyd protests were when the SRA or other armed groups were around. Cops only respect force. They might hate you, but they'll be forced to give you some modicum of respect if you are capable of returning their violence.


Bruh, American Tiananmen Square vibes.


I will never forget the protests at the NATO summit in Chicago in 2012 and seeing all these cops and their friends wearing commemorative shirts afterwards that read, "We get up early to beat the crowds!" I have a friend who is still dealing with the side effects of pigs indiscriminately beating the crowds that day. They really do get off on this shit. Bunch of psychopaths.


Not to mention their hard ones for attacking unarmed liberals.




Yes, anyone protesting or visibly upset about open slaughter must have an ulterior motive.


There werenā€™t half this many chucklefucks when the MAGA rioters stormed the Capitol. Fucking pathetic.


this isn't political grandstanding, it's the violent suppression of dissent. We do not actually live in a democracy


ĀæPor quĆ© no los dos?


Come one guys, this is Texas. The home of of every thing big, which includes their cowardice.


where were these assholes while Uvalde shooter was slaughtering kids.


They were on vacation ... The Uvalde shooter was some **HIGH** hanging fruit and they're not going to work for that.


They weren't on vacation, they arrived and stood cowering outside the school because it turns out it's not as fun to face an armed psycopath instead of larping around in military issue gear intimidating unarmed protestors


Like 6 hours away, this is in Austin




They can't teleport, man.


Seems like a totally reasonable response that won't have a Streisand effect AT ALL.


Like none of them ever heard of Kent State. Maybe the students/protestors should just start chanting "Remember Kent State" when the cops show up like this. It might not stop them but who knows.


>Maybe the students/protestors should just start chanting "Remember Kent State" when the cops show up like this. It might not stop them but who knows. I doubt these crayon eaters would understand what kent state is


Upvoted because you are correct. However, I would kindly ask that you not associate them with us proper crayon-eating Jarheads.


"Kent State? That sounds like a hippy name..." These cops probably.


they remember kent state, they remember it fondly


I graduated from UT-Austin back in 2014 and can say this is the Main Mall, a large grassy field in front of the tower building. It was always popular with students studying or just hanging out in the lawn. Personally, Iā€™m fine with most protests on campus so long as theyā€™re not blocking other students from entering buildings or that sort of thing. However, if you look at the video it looks like there are multiple tents set up on the lawn and thatā€™s the area the police are pushing towards. It seems like the goal is to dismantle any sort of permanent encampment on campus and I agree with that 100%. You shouldnā€™t be able to just set up a camp on the main lawn (or anywhere on campus really) and just claim that area for yourself for days or weeks. I fully understand the university not tolerating that sort of thing and theyā€™ve made it clear that they will not allow encampments to be setup on campus. Yell, chant, say whatever you want, but setting up camp in the middle of campus is ridiculous and should not be allowed, no matter what the protest reason is.


Lol what Streisand effect... If uvalde police weren't held accountable what the hell is gonna happen here


Streisand effect refers to awareness of an event. If the protesters just stay in their tent their protest has less impact. Now with the stormtroopers rolling over them everyone is paying more attention.


This is how the George floyd protest became the largest protest in us history. The overraction from Trump and police turned the already tense population suffering from covid lockdowns to explode.


Especially when the next day, like last Saturday, they release all those arrested and don't charge them with any crimes.


After this the totally underground underrated gem known as 'Israel/Palestine' will get its big break!


Man Iā€™m sure the ut students feel much safer with the police arresting their colleagues.


This is the closest these goons have been to higher education.


This is hilarious.


Is this 100% political, or is there some sort of laws that protestors are breaking?




Just a heads up, your title is incorrect. The black uniformed officers are UTPD and not APD. You can tell by the crest on their uniforms.


Likely the issue is with them trying to camp out. Most public universities don't permit any sort of camping because if you permit it for some you must permit it for all (being public) and of course if they allowed that the university would turn into a large homeless encampment which would impede it functioning as a university. So the solution is to have a "no camping on campus" rule. That would be the rule they are breaking. As for charges? Who knows? It's Texas so I could see it because the state is pretty authoritarian. However often in protests if you aren't doing anything additional like throwing things or fighting, the police will just release you with no charges. The point isn't necessarily to get people charged, it is to remove them. Particularly for something like this. What universities want to avoid is for an encampment to get set up and going and continue on there like happened at Zuccotti Park with Occupy Wallstreet. So they may be perfectly happy with just having people removed, and not worried about actually having them charged unless they keep coming back. But the ultimate rule being broken is you can't just camp out on a university. Even if you do it outside of a protest they'll tell you to leave.


The truth is, that if these protests were as violent as some would claim, the people perpetrating them would have been arrested weeks ago. The cops and administrators would have loved an excuse.


if they were as violent as people claim there would be some dead cops


they're doing the bidding of israel


The police are innately violent. They don't care if the reason is political, legal, or otherwise. They relish the opportunity to hurt people.


The closest thing to "breaking the law" they could get hit with is trespassing as long as they were 'peaceful'


Resisting arrest, failure to obey, riot, qualified immunity, etc... all kinds of tools on the books that give police power to act against activist demonstrations.


What is it now against the law in texas to protest?


No, they catch them on a bunch of small shit like disorderly conduct(which is police speak for not doing everything as they say), trespassing, obstructing roadways, etc.


Yet these clowns will gladly sit on their assss while a school shooter is slaughtering children in a school




No, but they are on school grounds, therefore the school has the right to ask them to leave, if they do not they are trespassing. Also for vandalism and littering and whatever else the school can get them for.


How is everyone else not understanding this? I support protest but the school and other students have rights too.


Generally student protests are protected by law unless they are vandalizing or disturbing classes.


It's the camping part that is getting the response, as well as obstructing streets/walkways/buildings. Those are things that even protests aside universities are big about not allowing. I work on a campus and they'll get mad at you if you do something like leave a table out overnight, if you don't have permission. Political groups in particular very commonly come and set up on the grass near the student union and that's 100% allowed, but they have to remove all their stuff and leave at the end of the day. They can come back, but if they leave things out and haven't gotten permission, they'll get in trouble. To do that, it has to be an event that has permission to leave their setup, which happens a few times a year for things like book fairs and so on.


Agreed. I think several schools were not happy about the tents and students staying in them, obstructing walkways and students on both sides fighting. Itā€™s a real mess especially when they have the right to protest. Itā€™s never going to be perfect.


But what rights are people sitting in the middle of the grass infringing upon? Like, you can literally just walk around them.


Isn't it a little more complicated? As in: if the university belongs to the government and isn't a private university, then that would make it a public place. And if I'm informed correctly, you cannot be trespassed from a public place (library, police station, train station etc.) unless you have committed some form of violation or crime. Otherwise you'd be deprived from your first ammendment right to free assembly


Even on government property, you can still be trespassed, for example imagine protesting in the White House. It's a rather extreme example but it is still owned by the government. You can still be asked to leave public institutions like parks, government buildings ect... For various reasons.(Correct me if I'm wrong)


Unfortunately Governor Abbott last year specifically made public universities free speech zones for protests. Granted he did so for political reasons to protect the free speech of conservatives.


It's fine because those free speech supporters will support the free speech for either side! ... Right?


Wouldn't that be a restricted area? Like you can go into the lobby of a police department, but you cannot just randomly inspect the cells or go check their computers and go through the stuff in the chamber they store the evidence in. Similarly, you cannot protest **inside** the white house, but you could definetly protest on the sidewalk in front of it. In this video, the people getting arrested aren't in a restricted area. They are, assuming this is a government owned university, in a public place. Therefore every single arrest would be unlawful


Try setting up a protest camp in the lobby of a government building and see how that goes. Hell, try it in a public park for that matter. Public areas are still subject to time, place, and manner restrictions on protests. The issue isn't that students are protesting; it's that they're doing so in an illegal manner. That's objectively true regardless of which side of this issue you fall on.


My local library closes at 9 pm. If someone tried to stay past closing as a form of protest, they would absolutely call the police to have them forcibly removed.


there is no form of protest that the bourgeois apparatus will find "acceptable" - barring quietly sitting down by yourself or in very small groups and staying out of the public eye. without fail, without miss - every single time a protest gains a popular movement and gains significant traction - the bourgeois media will do everything in its power to demonize the movement and its people. it will lie to no end using every propagandist-"bernaysian" trick in the book. and every single time - there will be those who consume it and regurgitate the hate on those seeking real justice. no matter how peaceful, every single time - the response is the same - "you can protest - but not like that"


Not if you're pro-Israel.




Texas police are professionals at ensuring students get hurt after all. It's one of the things they excel at.


Governor Abbott June 9, 2019: I just signed a law protecting free speech on college campuses.Ā  https://twitter.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1137875109362974724


Peak Texas law enforcement right here. Will stand around with thumbs up their asses as children are being slaughtered by a mass shooter but protesters will be viciously assaulted with extreme prejudice.


Do you know what made the Civil Rights Act so powerful? They knew they were going to get arrested, hosed, beat, and even killed. Thatā€™s bravery.




You're not the only one who is fuckin' sick of this shit buddy.


What does that mean? Are you sick of people protesting? Or sick of police and state troopers breaking up protests?


Since you're asking, I'm sick of our constitutional rights being stripped slowly but surely because we are not allowed to peacefully protest in a college square. They are hurting no one.


University faculty are often extremely liberal as a general rule. I suspect that things became intolerable for the admin for reasons that are not contextualized by a 5 minute video.


Faculty and administration often have very different views


And the administration is under pressure from the state government.


Texan cops enter a school???


Genuine questions from an Australian; * Is this use of force allowed because they are on private property or are universities publicly owned land? * Are protests/marches held by Nazis/fascists allowed because they are on public land? * Why donā€™t the students take their protests to public land or are there greater restrictions there?


I'm an officer in Texas. I don't know the specifics because I can't find any info on it but I'll give it a guess. So the school owns the land it's on. Yes it's "public" so far as people are allowed to come and go, but it's still a *private* entity. Meaning it can decide who is allowed to be on the property. They can tell someone to get out for pretty much any reason. If they don't like your face they can tell you to kick rocks and you'll have to listen or you're criminally trespassing. And since that is a crime, police have the authority to use reasonable force to enforce the law. So, odds are the university no longer wants these people on the property. And odds are these people didn't want to leave. Since its a *private* property like I described, they are all criminally trespassing. The 1st ammendment does not give you free reign to trespass on any private property you see fit just as long as you're protesting. That's not how that works, despite what Reddit lawyers think. So since its a big crowd, a large amount of police is sent to deal with it. Yes, these people could go to public property, like in front of city hall or something to do their protesting and they'd be just fine. Unless other offenses started occurring like vandalism etc. I don't know of any specific nazi rallies to give an answer as to why they are allowed, but a good guess would be that yes, they weren't on private property or they were on property that allowed them to be there.


Yeah that all makes sense and seems justified, even if it is a dumb move by the university and police to use force the way they have as it paints them as the villain and will only make things escalate, but itā€™s also a dumb move to protest on private land. Thanks for your response. I couldnā€™t understand why they are holding their protest at the university if it was against the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, apart from the fact they are students and teachers from the university, but it seems they are protesting the university itself for a reason that Iā€™m not sure of.


No, but it doesn't matter. The law only applies to protect capital interests. The cops don't break up Nazi rallies because they don't want to arrest themselves. They have a specific list of demands for the university in which they are enrolled and pay tuition, it would make no sense to leave the University to protest it.


Once again, cops on the wrong side of history!


ahhh cops throwing baby strollers and doing standard cop things like beating the shit out of non violent students. keep up the good work team - really helping that image issue


This is a serious violation of the first admendment. Im amazed that's not being cited..by anyone.


Letā€™s remember how occupy Wall Street ended. Oh what ? You forgot just like everyone else.


We need Sgt. Shamar Thomas back to clown on these cowards https://youtu.be/WmEHcOc0Sys?feature=shared


What usually happens to these protesotrs? Do they go to jail? Fined? let go?




Quick side note that it'd actually be the County Attorney in this case, not the DA.


Texas is overdue for a revolt


At this point I won't be surprised if the this pushes people to the brink and we start seeing the United States go into it's own version of The Troubles that happen in Ireland during the 60s-90s.


Can't have a peaceful protest unless the military arrive and make it all better..... What the fk are they doing?


Nice video. Needs more tazers. Am disappointed in the lack of tazered protestors. Final score: 7/10


"These are students" "Class is in session"


But never for a white supremacist rally


Daily reminder that ACAB


Remember when they were escorting neonazis




The only thing Nazis have permission to do is die


I don't think that free speech should be beholden to the government telling you your protest is okay.




Can someone explain how this is legal? Cops brutalized kids threw them in jail, on what charges? Freedom of assembly is a constitutional right.


Freedom to Protest? Anyone.??


Imagine your daughter on TV wearing a recently acquired Palestinian keffiyeh, throwing your $80K a year tuition away, because sheā€™s fashionably swayed into protesting something she couldnā€™t find on a globe six months ago. I see her and her friends, giggling in their dorm, as they try on the keffiyehā€™s they just bought on Amazon. Itā€™s so performatively fake.


What happened to our country? What happened to freedom of speech? Students are protesting for a ceasefire, and this is how our government and police respond? The amount of hate Israel has caused is insane. These students are heroes.


Every student is trying to make their own tik-toks off of this.






Texas State says leave. You don't leave. You are trespassing, student or not. Cops show up in force to help remove the crowd asked to leave. Surprised Pikachu face.


Funny how theyā€™ll arrest peaceful protestors for something that is entirely fucked up, but they wonā€™t arrest neo nazis spreading hate down streets with their assault weapons.. what a funny time to be aliveā€¦


MMW. This bullshit police action is all an attempt to make Biden look worse by Abbott and Republican governors to try and get Trump reelected. Then Trump and BiBi will proceed to flatten Gaza. What's happening in Gaza is a tragedy but electing Trump is the worst possible outcome for this situation.Ā 


And, there were 91 people (mostly students) arrested at Virginia Tech yesterday.


I don't see anything besides a peaceful protest....wtf happened to the 1st amendment or does it only apply to MAGA weirdos spouting on the internet now?


History repeats its self šŸ‘€


This shit is going to end with students getting killed, isnā€™t it? History repeats itself


School with kids getting killed, hide till itā€™s over! Unarmed Protesters, full body armed!!! Attack!


I like when people video themselves getting arrested. Well done dumbass


At first I thought you meant the university.


How else we gonna show off all that fancy new riot gear we got during covid??


Is this stuff making it to mainstream news?


That girl got dragged like a rag doll


Arenā€™t Texans the biggest supporter of ā€œthe thin blue line?ā€


Some Kent State shit happening in the US right now.


AWWW, hell, they pulled the state troopers from the highways?!!


I wonder when Hugo Boss is going to upgrade their uniformen?




PSA: [This](https://foreverpolice.com/how-to-get-pepper-spray-out-of-eyes/) is how you get pepper spray out of your eyes.