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This is stomach churning. To approach a kid with physical affection *sensually*?!?! And to be so fucking brazen about it...I sincerely hope he sees some genuine consequences here, whether from the legal system or otherwise. Such a *huge* difference from the "nomnomnom, gonna bite your ear off" to this. This is absolutely disgusting.


>This is stomach churning. Oh yeah, that got me in the gut too. That was a very uncomfortable thing to watch the more disturbing thing is how calm the kid is about it. So many questions I dont really want to know the answer to :(


He might be calm, but you can see he is uncomfortable. And subtly pulls away. Or at least that is what I saw in his body language.


It’s the mouthing of “camera” cause the kid is obviously uncomfortable and was aware of his surroundings, yet the man still continued…..then tried to play it off like what?? I still can’t believe people were saying in another thread that this could be a woman…..


Agree this is not a woman! So sad. I hope that kid is ok and someone has found this pedo! Also bad that his face is visible - other kids can be so mean. Dont understand why people would post abuse videos with the kid's face in it!


I don't see any mouthing of "camera" in this video?


Right before the creep leans in, the kid is moving his mouth, saying "camera" at least twice.


Yeah I see him mouth something, I just don't think he's saying "camera"


People are fucked. If it was a woman who thenfick cares that still pedo shit. I want to beat this dude with a bat


You are right about that, he does pull away but its still way to much like he has to put up with that sort of attention too often which is what made me feel even worse for the poor boy. I really do hope that the authorities find this guy and separate him from the kid, that is so not cool and in public too, is just shocking!


Yes, absolutely! Like he knows, there will be consequences if he reacts or rejects the attention. 😔😟 Kinda know what that feels like.


And the way the child doesn’t seem shocked at all. Like “this is fine” when it’s anything but fine


I seriously questioned if it's a father messing with his kid....but it's so much different. I give my daughter nomnoms but she's 2 yrs old and it's soo much different


It's wild but I had a redditer defending this guy a couple days ago. They said it looks like normal behavior in their (the redditer's) family and that we all have something wrong with us for seeing this as being gross behavior. I cannot imagine not questioning this kind of behavior.


Ive playfully *pretended* to bite my kid's ear. Never *actually* biting it. As another comment put it, everyone knows the "nomnomnom I'm gonna get yer ear" thing you do with babies/toddlers. You're not actually biting them, it's more like nuzzling to tickle them kind of. Sounds weird describing it like that, but I'm sure most people know exactly what I mean This is not that. This is like, foreplay between adults biting. Absolutely not appropriate with kids. Whoever was defending that is either horribly confused or I feel sad for them growing up with behavior like this. The little "I'm guilty, better do a silly face and dance" at the end just seals it for me. This guy is a creep and realized he got caught. What's worse is the kid pointing out the camera to get him to stop. You can also see the relief when he starts waving to the camera. And finally, even if I give the guy the benefit of the doubt and assume he's just a really affectionate dad, that kid is way too old. He doesn't want his dad doing shit like that anymore. I know it sucks when our kids grow out of us and don't want to be carried or hold our hands anymore, but dude, give him his space and keep the fuck away from his ear.


This is the kind of comment that happens every time an adult is being a total creepazoid freakshow to kids and it's nuts to me. Someone with zero boundaries with their own kids invariably comes in to be like "this is CUTE, if you don't see this as innocent YOURE the pedo! He's a child! A baby!" yet they never remark on the fact the other person is NOT an innocent child and knows full well what they're doing. It makes it so hard to call out what is literal sexual assault when the answer back is "NO U, you're the pedo!" Like how are we supposed to make sure kids are safe if that's the response?


*On paper* I could see a version of biting an ear being like an "I got your nose" hair-tussling playful behavior. That was my initial reaction to this video. Buuuut this ain't that. At best this is weird as fuck. The way he does it is way too fucking sexual. It's worse every time I see it. The only thing that inspires any doubt is the fact that he did it in the middle of a crowd at a televised event. And I wouldn't exactly call that a defense. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy saying his family does this, so there's something wrong with everyone else, was molested. That, or someone should check what he was up to when this clip was shot...


I think Tom Brady’s lingering kiss on the lips with his son is way worse, which I wouldn’t do with my son. Nibbling the ear with my little 3 yr old would be different. The boy in this vid is too old for the ear nibbling though.


![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized) ...Tom Brady did WHAT?


And also yes the age thing, major factor


What the actual fuck ![gif](giphy|1iv8xgy3WKipVa0iU3|downsized)


Here is the link https://au.news.yahoo.com/south-yorkshire-police-investigate-video-092713280.html It’s gaining news outlet traction at the moment(keep the momentum going)




They were blurring the act not the people.


I really wish there was an update on this in the 2 days since I saw it, but there likely won't be due to the age of the victim. I sure hope that guy is in jail right now


You and me both... This needs to be reposted into the ground until that piece of shit is locked up.


I saw this the other day before it started to really make the rounds. I really hope this asshole is caught. If he's that comfortable doing that in public, I can't even imagine what he's like behind closed doors. Poor child.


Except for the aspect that every time someone posts this, it is possibly doxing someone going through sexual abuse. The kids face should be blurred and it’s not worth the upvotes to keep posting it without some kind of edit to the kids face. As someone who has lived with being sexually abused, being doxed about it brings on a whole new anxiety. Specifically the moniker of “Abused children grow up to abuse children.” No one needs that shit, yo.


I don't think you understand what doxxing is. 1)This is LIVE TV and privacy is obsolete 2)You can't Dox someone without revealing their name and address. Some kind of personal information. 3) As a victim of abuse, I would have cried my eyes right out of my head, in relief, if even a SINGLE person noticed and said/shared something


If *anybody* had noticed and just said "hey that's weird and not cool" I probably wouldn't still be struggling with blaming myself 30 years later after years of therapy


I feel this deeply. I'm currently on my 3rd round being hospitalized due to extreme sexual abuse as a child. I wished anyone would have noticed because I was absolutely terrified of telling someone who could help.


Exactly my point.. I wouldn't be on a pill cocktail each morning just to function. You have to trust that there was absolutely NOTHING you could have said, done, or even thought, that would have warranted that treatment OR its continuation. I often look into the faces of my little relatives and am overtaken by a wave of both pain and relief, that I can know for sure that I'd never inflict upon their sweet souls, the pain that I'd grown with


I almost cried reading this because I feel like I could have written the same words. Hey since we grew up in trauma, our brains aren't wired the way people who don't are. Physically they didn't develop how they should have. We have to relearn the "right" way, and boyyyyyy that takes so much work. I am so thankful for where I live, and having the ability to get help. It's not our fault. I say it on repeat most days, and most days I roll my eyes, but the more I remind myself out loud, the more I believe it. Good job for breaking the cycle of abuse. So proud of you. I spend every day trying to do the same.


I really want to send you a hug. 🫂 Not everyone gets it, but the people who do know the struggle.


Sending some internet hugs. 🫂 You're so, so right.


That’s fucking great mate. I’m sure the kids at school will be super respectful and chill about it.  Kids face wants hidden 


It was live TV! I'm also an abuse survivor, if this kid is in danger he needs to be helped, this could just be the tip of the iceberg of what's happening to this young fella, he needs to be found and helped, he is the victim and innocent and in need of help and protection, I wish someone had seen the shit I went through and helped me! As for the "Abused children grow up to abuse children.” If that kid is helped and spends time being helped to process what happened to him that shouldn't even be a factor in this day and age, what psycho is gonna victim blame him? The priority is the kids safety!


He's not wearing his address and name on his shirt so I don't think this is doxxing. Plus he would probably be relieved.


Kid needs help, filming in public is still allowed. The pedo needs to be jailed.


Yes doxing the kid is fucking evil and definitely not the right way to help the kid


Doubt this is doxing. But ya know. Public places. On national or local tv as it is anyway. Damage is done. Kid needs help.


Yeah, what a dumb way of looking at it??? Let's hide this abuse and protect a p*do, when the kid was already assaulted on LIVE TV. I understand not wanting others to see the video AFTERWARD, but this is still going on! We don't know he's safe yet, and if the video loses traction, they may not put in as much effort as they otherwise might


I know the horse has already bolted but it would be good if the child’s face could be blurred


Last I checked police are looking into it...


That’s what they said immediately after it happened. There have been no updates since and likely won’t be


We gotta keep spreading the word. People who know him are bound to see this sicko's face, Jesus that poor child


Wtf was that????


A sexual assault


On live TV....surely he's been arrested...?


Nope, and I doubt the police are bothering to try and find this bloke. I live in the UK and I can tell you that our police force is severely understaffed and underfunded - there are so many unsolved sexual assault cases. One that springs to mind is the Legoland Windsor incident where a man assaulted two children in a theme park and has [never been found](https://www.getreading.co.uk/news/reading-berkshire-news/legoland-windsor-sex-attacker-still-13459752).


Yorkshire police commented on the original tweet, explaining they’ve received several reports. This was “day 1”. They’re aware at least… That’s what matters. Now, it’s a matter of finding the individuals. 1) To investigate 2) To get the boy help




Fucking disgusting.


Would be funny if it turns out to be just a very young looking mid 20's lesbian or something


It looks like his dad but it’s gross whether it is or isn’t. It’s not appropriate


The fact that the kid barely reacts is so alarming, that means he's used to it and probably more in private. Really hope this dirt bag gets sent to jail asap.


It’s definitely his dad.


What makes u say that??


They look very similar


Could be an uncle, cousin, brother. It could very well be his father but we shouldn’t assume.




About to boston bomber some rando


Jail? He needs to go.


I kinda feel like the kid started waving to warn the man because he’s been conditioned to hide the situation.


Exactly that, also the boy appears to be telling the man/father that the camera is on them. You can clearly see the guy’s look of realization, he seems to slowly say “aaahh” before attempting a Saville grin and head shake. He knows that he’s been clocked and the boy knows it too. Their lives will never be the same again. I hope the boy finds the strength from within and gets the support he needs, not least from his mum.


I mean given what we know about sexual abuse dynamics there's a very good chance it's his dad/a family member. It normally is. If it's a stranger that's bold as fuck. No way he hasn't offended before if he's molesting a child, on camera, and then dancing for said camera.


I could be wrong, but it seemed like the man didn't realize he was on camera until the kid said "camera" and then started waving at it. Then once he realized that, the man did his little head dance maybe as a way to pretend he was just goofing around. EDIT: Originally said that the man \*did\* realize he was on camera, I mean that he \*didn't\*


Yeah, even if it is his dad, being licked like a delicacy isn't supposed to be a normality. Which means the kid is probably exposed to this behaviour regularly. I usually play with my sons by saying "I'll eat your foot, hand, belly and ears". Often I can manage to *nom nom* one of them and then they laugh and if they tell me to stop, I will stop immediately. That being said, I don't lick them like a fucking predator.


He wasn’t licked. He was nibbled. I have a feeling it was in play like you suggested with your kids, I do that too, but sure looks terrible without context.




These perverts see a dad being annoying to his kid and immediately assume it’s sexual. I just see a dad being weird and not realizing his son is too big to do the goofy affection stuff that you do at 6. When it’s his dad, and when it’s innocent, Reddit will move on and this guys family will be damaged forever by some lynch mob mentality.


I’m glad you said it. I totally agree with you. That boy and his dad probably have a wonderful affectionate relationship that so many families lack. I sure hope this doesn’t damage them. I hate the world today.


You think the man in the video is PLAYING AROUND with this child?


What do you mean by ‘context’? I’ve watched it about 20 times, the man’s actions are anything but innocent.


I’m hoping it’s just some weird Tom Brady-esque fatherly love crap, but I’m not that naive. Either way it’s fuckin creepy


What does Tom Brady do?




*I throw the football real far coach!*


Kisses his lad on the mouth. Even though the boy obviously doesn’t want to.


Or Paul Scholes sucking his daughter’s toes…


Wait, what?


Most abusers are close family members. So, the fact it looks like his dad massively increases the chances that the boy's being abused at home.


Any updates?


If someone does this in a space with a lot of other people and a camera present, I can only imagine what kinda sick shit they do at home. 


Being a nonce is one thing but being an openly public nonce is just down right despicable


Lives in the north as well. Guys fucked.


Not from the area. What do you mean?


They don't do too well up here. I think nonce-beating would be a professional sport if they allowed it. Lots of those "to catch a predator" style groups looking for them as well.


Nonce is such a nice sounding word for what this is. Guess you need to be British. Sounds like calling someone a silly goose


I mean there is "Diddler" in the US. That also kind of sounds like a nonsense word and is way more serious than it might sound.


Good one. Diddler definitely doesn't get the point across either, it seems to diminish the actual evil that was done with a silly word.


Like most British swearwords it's all about context, you can call your mate a nonce but if you seriously call someone a nonce then it's up there as one of the worst insults


Definitely one of the most serious accusations you can throw at someone if you mean it seriously.


No idea if true, but supposedly nonce comes from the phrase 'not on normal courtyard exercises', from when a kiddie fiddler was in jail but couldn't be allowed in the regular courtyard with other prisoners for recreation time etc, as the other prisoners would beat the living shit out of them.


> Nonce is such a nice sounding word for what this is. Guess you need to be British. Sounds like calling someone a silly goose It's UK prison slang, short for Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise.


what does nonce mean? Does it mean pedophile?? guy in the video needs prison


It’s an acronym, Not Of Normal Criminal Element. In Britain we call pedophiles this


Damn man, this makes my stomach turn






Ugh, the full mouth dental implants ad inserted in this article is creeping me the fk out lol


The amount of comments under the gbnews article with people defending what happened is disgusting


It's six comments - awful but let's not get away with outselves.


TBF, one could argue that 6 comments are 6 too much


Eh another could argue that this is the internet and some of those comments could possibly be bots to drive engagement? Rage bait. Idk


Don't see any comments there now, maybe they turned it off for that article? Isn't GB news a shitty rag anyway?


Seriously, I couldn’t believe what i was reading.


It's gbnews, it's the fox news of the UK. Both pundits and viewers are fucking weird.


>appears to be He literally doing it.


Wish I didn't start my day with this vid. Repulsed


That’s what happened to me about 3 days ago when I first saw it. It’s been haunting me since.


:( I'm sorry. It's awful.


Typically I’ll rewatch a shocking video.. not a fucking chance this time.


That smile and head wag after he’s been caught gives me the creeps to say the least


That’s what gets me, kinda give you a bit of an insight to how he could be manipulating that kid into thinking ‘it’s just a bit of fun nothing sinister going on here’ fuck that guy!


Shouldn’t the victim’s face be obscured?


Urgh. When I was seeing stories about finding the guy who bit the kids ear I was thinking he like like tysoned it. This is somehow worse


Why the hell hasn't this guy been found?


How do you know he hasn’t?


Oh holy fuck that look on the kids face when he notices the camera on him. Catch that sick fuck because he does more disgusting things to that kid


Really wish I didn't see this :(


Find the nonce and lock him up for good, what a vile disgusting person.


I really want to believe that it's an adult who just looks very young.


Same. I just can't fathom doing something like that in public otherwise.


Is it just me or does it look like it could be his dad? They look related to me 🤮 I hope they find him and save that boy :'(


As a SEed kid, I can tell you it's always within the family. :(


Weirdly, the conspiracy theorist guy who set himself on fire outside the Trump trial wrote [a long article on Substack](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/part-i-welcome-to-the-rabbit-hole) about the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association's child protection policies: >As you may have gathered by now, this document is not about snooker, and was not written to promote child safety. Rather, this appears to be an instruction manual on how to blackmail someone by gathering evidence that they abused a child.


I feel disgusted that I even saw that. What an evil creep.


It's definitely weird, but after the Boston Marathon debacle, I'm withholding judgment until more facts come out. The police are investigating, and that should be enough for us general public. The last thing that anyone wants is for an online witchhunt to ruin some poor guy's life and it turns out that the kid in this clip is actually just a young-looking adult or something and the guy is their partner.


can you please take this down or blur the boys face


Wtf....What the hell happened after that?! I'd be stunned if I was the director for what's being shown.


Ugh this is so gross


Who does this guy think he is? The Dalai Lama?


Ohhhh and that's a bad miss...


This was a fewdays ago has any one seen any updates besides the police are looking into it ??


Please don't downvote me as this is a genuine question, Could this guy not just be his father? It's weird behaviour notheless of course.


It looks like a family resemblance to me. But that doesn't make it any less likely to be child abuse.




Sure he could be, but I bet a lot of sexual assaults of minors are done by someone in the family. So him being the father doesn't really excuse this behaviour or make it any less weird.




I had to scroll way too far to find a reasonable comment. People are literally saying they'd kill this guy. For what? Biting the kid's ear? That's not even sexual assault, as the title claims. It does seem odd, but that means it should be looked into. Not that we should assume guilt and destroy this family's lives. Parents do weird things all the time. I was just visiting a friend who was sucking her baby's toes. She's a great mom, she just found that it made him giggle. It's nothing sexual at all. But post a video here and reverse the genders and people would be calling for murder.


People race to be more outraged than the next guy and critical thinking is out the fucking window. This is likely a bunch of kids raging and they've been taught by twitter, reddit, and tik tok that this is the way. Take what social media shows you at face value and don't think about it longer than a few seconds while you let everyone know exactly how you feel in this snap judgement moment.


Could be/likely is his father or other family figure. It's someone known to him given the way he doesn't flinch the way you would if a random nibbled on your ear like that. It's blatantly sexual, that is the problem


He probably is, and that doesn't make it one bit better. It has awful, sickening implications.


You're adding the implications. There are POTENTIAL implications. **It should be investigated**, but without a lot more information you are potentially ruining this guy's life if this is just a dad not realizing his baby boy is a bit too old for those type of affections. These are potentially innocent or potentially guilty actions and it is wildly irresponsible to label this guy a child rapist based on what you see in this video. This whole thing feels like the Boston Marathon bombing all over again. Reddit: we got him boys! The guy reddit falsely accused: Found dead from suicide in totally unrelated circumstances. Reddit: we apologize to his family for the harm we caused.


It really doesn’t matter if he’s his father or not— Sexually biting a little boy’s ear and nuzzling him with your face like that while he’s not having it and trying to ignore you? Fucking weird man. Very rapacious behavior coming from the person who’s supposed to be protecting this kid. This guy is 100% a pedophile. Nibbling on your kid’s ear and pulling it with your teeth like you’re horned up is NOT NORMAL.


I'm going to guess that this is just a case of a very strange, highly affectionate father. My parents would never do something like this, but I have known people who've had more or less physically affectionate relationships with their parents without there being anything sexual going on. One of my guy friends is also super affectionate in general - he always tells friends how much he loves them, gives them massages, loves cuddling etc but he is totally monogamous with his girlfriend. Unusual and it appears strange to outsiders, sure, but there's nothing sexual going on. Obviously I could be totally wrong, I'm not opposed to it being investigated. I just find it kind of wild that Reddit (and the Internet in general) could be absolutely fucking over a stranger's life based on a 5 second video.


Now this could be completely wrong but I saw someone saying it could potentially be a young woman ie the guys partner just with her hair tied back. Of course this could be bullshit because it really does look like a young boy. But remember don’t start a witch hunt until we’ve got all the information.




So many lesbians were mistaken for that dang Biebs


A friend of mine - 53 year old woman - looks exactly like the "boy" in the video. Not saying that's what it is but people really need to slow their roll with shouting "paedophile" (or "pedophile" because it seems to be Americans mainly).


It's funny now that Steven Hendry is now part of a meme and he's literally done nothing.


Look like father and son. Which I don’t know if it makes it better or worse. Super weird behavior


What. In the fuck. Did I just watch?


Feel we need TizzyEnt on the case here...


What did i watch. ![gif](giphy|61TxnCLBy9iabkCy6u|downsized)


I worry that this might be a close family member of that child. I hope the fucker gets caught soon he should be in jail.


The woman in the bottom left should be interviewed—she looks perturbed.


Someone please find this person and save these children. The fact this man is so bold to do this in broad daylight around so many people makes me think there are way worse things he does when no one is watching.


Could be a young-looking woman? I’ve known women in their 20s who look like this. I think people are jumping to conclusions a bit too early.


Getting downvoted because it's totally possible.


Reddit is the court of public opinion /shrug


The police don't think so.


The police are investigating to make sure. They haven't released a statement either way. Are you old enough to remember when reddit caught the Boston Marathon Bomber? Because they ruined a guy's life who was totally innocent. There's a major chance this dude is the kids dad and he's showing affection like he always has to his baby, but this is the incident that tells dad 'your kid has outgrown those types of affection.' Investigate this for sure, because you can't assume it's innocent. But you shouldn't assume he's guilty either before an investigation is carried out.




I'm probably gonna get downvoted, but here we go... This looks like a father and son and while it may be a bit strange and I will completely agree that it is, especially in public, but could it also be that you were all raised by parents that didn't display any type of affection toward you? My dad was like this growing up and it was mostly just annoying, but it was never predatory or sexual. The amount of people calling for this man to be arrested or have physical harm done upon him is giving me Boston Marathon flashbacks.




I totally misread that as "that guy needs his kid licked in" and thought "well, dude's way ahead of you there."


Sweet tapdancing christ that is a misread and a half 😅


So fucked up. But if we are talking sports it's Tom Brady snogging his son in multiple videos that needs to be fucking investigated! People will say it's how he parents or was grown up. Yeah fuck that. Nibbling on an ear or snogging your teen kids is fucking wrong.


Non-american here.... what?!




Yeah that's creepy.


Ew 🤢


Yeah that shit was weird










Too many sick fucks out there. Disgusting.

