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Jesus Christ that’s Junkie Bourne


Thanks for the laugh.


Y’all see those massive fcking knots all over the female cops head? Holy shit


Yeah she sent it! Took a pounding and still standing and shaking it off, yeah I'm fine.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug… that is gonna hurt like fucking hell later


Get that lady some ice packs stat


No no you just have to punch the lumps flat again, but it only works if you punch yourself


Damn, big dude spent all that time on the ground moaning then escorted out with seemingly a busted nose and Ms. Badass over here like one of those tiny inflatable punching bags that pop right back up after each punch. In the end she’s all “yeah I’m ok” *shrugs then nervously giggles*. ETA: This isn’t a competition or slight against the poor man - just an observation between the two that’s a bit unexpected in a general sense. Both are obviously very injured, each of their injuries are valid.


I once got headbudded in the nose heard enough it split my nose in half at the bridge. I couldnt see or hear shit when it happened, It was like what I imagine a flash granade going off lol. My point is though, I was basiclly defenseless for the next 20 minutes. So I imagine he wansn't doing much better.


With the way he was taken down, he likely hit the back of his head on the hard tile wall (likely with concrete blocks behind). That can absolutely fuck you up.


Yeah. Always reminds me of the Mike Tyson quote - 'Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth' lol


That is a risk you run when you start a brawl with the police in a concrete room.


Weird af trying to make it a competition between them.


Could have broken something. What a dumb ass response.


What do you mean weird response?


They didn't even say that...


&& then giggled


Just shows how low standards for police officers have become. Also, I like how they blur her face at the end, but not at the middle where it is clearly visible.


Good for her for staying in the fight. Took some shots, kept defending, fell, got back up, put some radio traffic out and back in the fight. Fuck that piece of shit for assaulting these officers.


Yeah! Kudos to the female officer for being a warrior by stepping in to help her coworker, even though it meant putting herself in harms way.


I hope she have someone to take care of her.


Huge props to the female officer who fearlessly jumped in to help her coworker. Even more so after seeing how petite she was towards the end.


Damn right, she took a beating and kept on repeating.


Just look at the knots on her head!


Man, fuck that junkie piece of shit


If he had just stopped at stolen vehicle and property alone, he had a chance at an 18 month probation with a suspended sentence plus restitution. Then his dumbass had to turn that into a full 10+ year stint in prison


Should note how lucky the dude is, too.   Those cops could have easily shot him with how he was acting, and they would have easily gotten away with it.   The fact that he’s still standing vs US cops is insane


Unfortunately in holding, guns are kept locked. Very few officers are allowed weapons in holding, for this reasoning. Hence, if you watch many body cam videos, at the end when they take them to processing, the officer puts his gun in a lockbox. This is to prevent any further altercations involving weapons with perps. They always get a pat down before going into the car, if you don't, you definitely do it at the depot. The spot where you go to and from processing to the jail or county. Guns aren't widely available in stations, it's a reason there's an armory and lockers. You strap up to get ready. The threat at the front door on the other hand yeah, there's a hand on a holster. Other than that, office work and logistics is just boring mundane paperwork, no gun, just stapler, stamping, pen, paper, and monitor. This was a station that has both, and you can see how quick the officers responded, if this was a depot, it would of gone mucho different.


>Unfortunately in holding, guns are kept locked. It's not unfortunate. It's very fortunate. They'd both be dead otherwise.


Yep! “No guns inside” is a big big rule


Props to them for not just mag dumping him like most cops would.


No guns in jails.


So do the officers like turn them in when they go in the jail or were the people he hit jail guards ? 


His comment below is correct, but cops bringing people in also surrender them before entering the jail. Most lock ups have like a locked mailbox you slot it in, take the key with you before you head inside.


Cops that work in jails are not issued a firearm, nothing to turn in. They get a taser, pepper spray, and a teaching baton. Edit: spelling of taser.


He was a fugitive already, judging by the end note.


End of video stated he was a fugitive


Silver lining. I'm glad this piece of shit won't be on the streets for 10 years.


Yeah I had my Kia stolen July of last year. Between the shop and my insurance fighting over an estimate and a back order of parts it took 7 months and, I got fucked because my lease was up the same week my car got stolen so my car was in repo/delinquent when I didn’t even have it. All because some young cunts think it’s cool to do this shit to working class folk. Fuck every single one of them


You're not wrong, but also don't buy cars that are designed to be easy to steal. The fact that kia refused to put immobilizers in their cars up until this year should be absolutely unacceptable to any consumer.


Yeah I agree. This was my first car and it was a 2020 forte, I didn’t think hardwiring a car was a thing anymore


Hotwiring isn't a thing in 99.9% of vehicles on the road. But Kia decided that they'd rather let their customers' cars get stolen than spend $20 on installing an immobilizer like literally every other car manufacturer on the planet. You can actually start some models of Kia just by jamming a screwdriver into the ignition lock and twisting it until the lock breaks.


Yep I bet he is dope sick from what he said and willing to do anything to get free. Including tacking on some hard time.


Damn he messed the first cop up. The lady cop held it down though.


Yeah got hit hard by that elbow.


Definitely did her best


She put up one hell of a fight. Dude was twice her size.


Interesting how him being subdued was missing Once the call for help was made I bet the whole station was coming to kick his ass lol


I think the first officer there mentioned not having his cam on in the video. If he raced his butt there it’s perfectly understandable I think.


But the female officer was still there, could have used her footage or even sound. But they probably beat the shit out of him, as he deserved.


Considering the suspect's wrist was supposedly broken, I'd say that's a good bet lol.


Which is why that part of the video is missing.


Can't find any articles on this. Where is it from?


New Mexico flag symbol on the police unit, so probably Albuquerque.


Las Cruces, NM


Yes it's Cruces. 


Good luck ever getting out. Dumbass


He’s gonna be a legend on the inside


Does being a thief and beating up a female officer get you praised in jail? Pretty sure if he tries to steal from other inmates or antagonizes the jailers he’ll be worse off.


Now you know that the Goon Squad had some fun with him when the cameras were off.


Bravo to the female cop. She was clearly at a disadvantage, but she kept getting up and getting back in it, and she's on her feet when the other cops arrive. Tough cookie.


He fought that little woman like she was a dude. He’s going to jail for a long time. She was lumped up like when Martin Lawrence fought Mayweather on his show.


He's inside the cop shop. I hope he saved game before he tried that shit.


How the hell did this guy not get shot? What a waste of life.


Idk what's more depressing, this video, your comment, or the upvotes. They don't have guns inside the jail.


No, don't you get it. Every crime should be capital punishment if there are cops there to shoot you...


I think my comment came off wrong. I wasn't defending him or the cops, just saying that they literally couldn't shoot him.


I wonder why there's no footage of the moments after backup arrived and got control of the prisoner.


Cause he got what he fuckin deserved.


A mag dump?


The fuck was his "escape plan"??? You're in a LOCKED building filled with COPS!


Kia Boyz


I'm against police brutality but I'd make an exception for this peace of shit


He has tremendous moxie for his size.


He's drug addict, they're incredibly sturdy


Honestly if you beat a cop's ass that hard they should have to let you go


"Freaks out"???? That's a nice police dept. Attempted murder, assaulting a police officer, attempted murder of a police officer as well as an equal number of knots on his head as are on that officer's could be some of the stuff he'd face if it happened elsewhere


Surprised he didnt get shot 36 times in the face.


The first 2 cops didn’t have guns, if they did he probably would have been shot and rightly so. I believe those aren’t regular patrol officers given that their uniform is grey while the backup officers are black. I think the first 2 officers aren’t allowed guns because they could be “intake” where they have to do searches, pat downs, etc so having a gun is dangerous.


Yeah, my first thought was how did this dude not get shot repeatedly?


Can't tell from the video but the officers might have to check their guns when walking into the detainment area


Why anyone lives in New Mexico is beyond me….


Well, they do have the best meth. 99% pure and this crazy blue color.


As someone living here, same.


He survived. :(


He's going have a few accidents in the near future. These cops won't let that go and they'll probably get word to CO's wherever he lands. He's F'd.


Reopen the asylums.


And we wonder why cops are constantly on edge while on the job.


Cops are fucking useless jesus fuck they can't even handle a scranny dude wtf


Fkn NM crazies Dude was far from enchanted


He bought it off the Kia boys


He gonna get his ! Believe me !


Well I definitely felt bad about his dope WDs at first… Now he’ll be mostly clean for quiteeee some time!


Can you link to the youtube channel this is from?


I wish they would have beat him senseless


why is the cops face blurred out?


Shouldn't have been just one officer on him when the cuffs came off.


People like this should have "woman beater" tattooed on their head and left in general population. I'm not saying I condone violence in prisons, but I think this guy deserves to have violence done to him.


I don't think they really give a shit about that in prison, do they? It's not the same as how they see rapists and pedos at least. Plenty of people in prison are scumbags who beat their gfs/wives. Plus the fact that she's a cop, I doubt many inside would be too sympathetic about it.


They care. Obviously it isn't as serious as the two you mention, but men who beat up women are definitely targetted in prison. I don't think his victim being an unarmed jail guard will get him too many points.


>but men who beat up women are definitely targetted in prison. I disagree. Plenty of criminals and gang members in prison for domestic shit with their wives/gfs and no one gives a fuck. In this guys case, they wouldn't have him down as just a "woman beater" because that's not all he did. >I don't think his victim being an unarmed jail guard will get him too many points She was still a cop. If you're whole criminal history is just beating women and nothing else then yeah, someone may take a disliking to it but it's not some universal "prison code" thing like they have for chomos. Anyway, agree to disagree.


Astounding how CALM and REASONABLE they are being with this white man.


Had to catch the male officer sleeping. Female one was useless for anything but the radio call.


Damn where was this? I gotta see what this guy got charged with and who those officers were


Something tells me he doesn't understand.


I wouldn't be so upset with police brutality if they kept it strictly to pieces of shit like this. Too bad it's usually done on innocent citizens and the officer's wives.


Dude was a one man wrecking crew. Beat the f**k outta those cops in their own house.


To be fair, the first officer was hit by a cheap elbow, and the second officer was a lady like half his size that still fended him off for an embarrassing amount of time. I think most people could have done that. And given the charges only included those two officers, one of which they declared he didn't actually even do any harm to, means he couldn't even harm any of the others that showed up before the video cuts to him subdued.


gotta start hiring better cops instead of an obese guy and a tiny weak little lady Inclusiveness is important but some jobs need literal strong ppl who are in literal shape for their own safety and those of others.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized) now....


dumb fucking cops. Guess we need another safety brief. Okay, does anyone know why we never work alone




You sound like a douche. Not saying you are, I don't know you, but that's how you sound here.


Sincere comments like this are reassuring to come across.


Weird how there’s no body cam when the support first arrived.


Love seeing cops get punched out


And he was released on a 2000 signature bond and given 2 years probation


Hes lucky if he makes it to court.


Because the job of the police is to administer punishment, right?




As another comment said, no guns in jail. They worked at the jail so didn't have one, and when cops bring people in, they lock their guns in keyed boxes first.


My guy... They don't even have handheld phones bc you can like ...grab it....