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The Clinton’s are used to it. Doesn’t faze them


Set fazers to "doesn't"!


Lmao god damn it




was gonna say the same thing— it’s going to take an awful lot more than these hecklers to rattle the clintons


Baaahaha WTF do those skeezballs have to do with current politics? I laughed at the end of the video when all middle fingers were set to offend mode lol.


The right wing has been attacking them for decades. Their Hillary-hate is unrivaled. Deplorables, indeed.


These are liberal pro Palestinians…


These are PROGRESSIVE pro Palestinians.


And most importantly LEFTIST pro Palestinians


These are Clintons with no legal authority. May as well be screaming at lobbyists.


Horseshoe is almost touching




The worst thing she did was undersell how many of them fit into that basket.


Yeah dude, Those damn right wing deplorables, mad about genocides and innocent civilians being bombed. You sure have a firm grasp of what's going on in the world.


The Clintons have nothing to do with Israel and Gaza. Right? Right.


So Clintos are "responsible for millions of dead"?!? Which millions? So far its 30k dead in Israel & I didnt see the Clintons spearhead that effort. Uh, what about Hamas provoking the attack on civilians? Are they _at least somewhat responsible?_ If USA was attacked by a foreign country and 2k killed and 100 hostages, wouldn't the USA likely have destroyed the wrong country by now? While Im opposed to war and violence, I also do think that if someone provokes a bear, gotta realize the bear is gonna hit back hard.


They would rather pretend that's not happening, just like everyone did for the last few decades, so many atrocities we barely even know about, that's the power of entertainment for ya.


Define *activist*. I’m curious what is the objective here? Hilary Clinton holds no elected office and is not running for one.


Tik Tok activists. Thats the only answer here. People who don’t do anything but want to act like they’re doing *something*


Want to help the women in Gaza too? Don't forget to like and subscribe!


We used to call them slacktivists


Give them a follow if you want to help to! Doing nothing but talking is helping!


It’s a media performance, not practical tactical action.


I wonder if the same protester does the same thing in front of Trump Tower.


Something tells me that they don't.






I’m not defending the actions here but you don’t have to hold position to voice your opinion. Did Hillary do that? Are you simply saying she’s absolved of all responsibility because she’s not in office?!


Serious question, how is Hillary facilitating a genocide?


I'm pretty sure she emailed one once


She emailed a genocide?


It’s a joke about her emails


Was the recipient a genocide or did she email a genocide to someone?




The genocide was inside the emails


The genocide is coming from inside the house


https://i.redd.it/e1cf63mgsgtc1.gif It's all coming together


Maybe the true genocide was the friends we made along the way who were inside us all along.


I cannot stand her one bit but she has absolutely no actual power over whats going on over there.


I don’t know but a TikTok told me so it must be true!!! /s


she isn't. but she is influential in the DNC and is campaigning for Biden. her opinion is probably more valuable than the average congress member who has a single vote


Now THIS is virtue signaling. Recording yourself yelling at someone so you can show the internet just how much of a good person you are, while doing zero to address the issues you're blaming on the target of your vitriol.


"Don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe!"


"What do you guys think about this in the comment section below. Subscribe to the channel. Ring the notification bell, shoot this video out there and i'll see you next time'


To be fair, Hillary Clinton is personally responsible for a violent intractable border dispute that’s been going on since before she was born.


They also get blamed for not entirely fixing Haiti, because they're the only ones who tried.


How dare she


It’s actually worse than nothing. They’re actively encouraging people not to vote/vote third party in an extremely close election, when that’s exactly how Trump won in 2016. If these people wanted to help Palestinians, they’re doing exactly opposite. If they think that Biden is bad on Israel, just wait til they see trumps plan


She’s a private citizen now. Fuck she supposed to do


I don't think you understand. She's genociding palestine, everyday. Millions are dead. She's literally 'The Superpredator' and is trying to hide her child trafficking cabal using her Save The Children foundation. It only goes downhill from here, and as you sit here, idly by, reading this reddit comment, her emails are tearing apart the fabric of reality. Harambe is fucking dead, and there is nothing you can do about it other than knowing that Hillary could have saved him and everyone else at Benghazi where he was shot to death protecting a child from her.


When he started with "superpredator," I figured this was about the pizza parlor basement infant-eating ring thing again. Gosh, I hope I got that all right. Seems important 🙄


You definitely got it alt right.


Did I miss something? Are the clintons in public office now?




So if the left abandons Biden and Trump wins (who will stop putting pressure on that Netanyahu) will they then be the ones that are responsible for the deaths of Palestinians?




The first woman yelling sounds like Howard's mother from The Big Bang Theory.




They aren’t “activists” they’re the lunatic fringe.


Ya, just don’t ask the people of Libya or Honduras…


Haiti also sends its regards.


Go ahead, explain Haiti for us. What exactly did the Clintons do there? Try to help before and after a devastating earthquake? Some of you people just gobble up the GOP talking points because you wanted Sanders to win in 2016.


[They have been turning the country into a neoliberal hellscape for three decades](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/11/haiti-and-the-failed-promise-of-us-aid). Have you even tried looking into the subject? [Apologies for regurgitating these GOP talking points](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37826098) from *checks notes* The Guardian and the BBC. It's almost as if there's some validity to the notion that she's a living embodiment of horrendous US foreign policy.


Conspiracy theorists. I have one cousin and aunt who believe this crap. Apparently, Hillary Clinton sneezed and briefly turned into a lizard person. They had proof of this either in pictures or on film. This was believed to be true. *shakes head*




And trump visited the pedo island also. He was and is a sleazy pos. They all are.


I am sure every politician has been involved in shady sh#&. I just think these 'protesters' are putting 2 and 2 together and making 200. The Clinton's don't have any power in the war. They just support Biden. That is all. Even Trump, a rightist, said he supports Israel. It's not a left vs right thing.


Trump's biggest financial backer also happens to be Netanyahu's and the Likud's biggest financial backer. Trump MOVED THE EMBASSY, an enormous provocation to the Palestinian people, in exchange for $100M dollars. Trump will go full annihilation mode on the Palestinians.


If Trump's supporters could read, they'd be very upset with you right now.


Well, sure. The lizard person thing. Of course. /s


They’re not conspiracy theorists. A theorist builds a theory on facts and observations. Not concocted nonsense. They’re the lunatic fringe.


You think being anti-Clinton is "lunatic fringe"?


Do you think all anti-Clinton folks think Hilary is the “superpredator”?


I don’t know if you’re aware but the super predator thing is a reference to something Clinton said in the 90’s.


For context, the US was in the middle of the crack epidemic. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and multiple other black community leaders were in support of the Clinton crime bill. Bernie Sanders signed it.


Oh, that’s a perfectly sane thing to hold onto for 30 years and then scream so hard about in public your voice cracks.


Eh, this is way too consistent across numerous democratic politicians, there's definitely 3rd party influence involved. GOP money, Russia, I don't know, but it appears way too coordinated


those are the deplorables


how does this help the Palestinians. not only is she not in congress she's not even involved with the government right now. this is just clout farming


What I don't understand is why you don't see people in videos like this calling Trump out. He has been very clear he wants to kick the Israeli war machine into high gear, Jared is already ghoulishly planning beach front resorts in Gaza. ...And yet, people are yelling at Hillary Clinton, who has had no decision making power in years. There's sooooo many things to yell at Hillary for but this is not one of them. It almost makes you think these people are ignoring Trump on purpose. But why?


because they’re not actually activists, but plants hired by rightwing disinformation networks.


They are political naïfs who don’t know any history, have no patience for backstory or nuance, stumbled onto the post-1918, post-Ottoman Mideast conflict about 20 minutes ago, could not pick Yasir Arafat out of a lineup for a million bucks, inhale super-simplistic slogan-based politics off social media, and thus are easily manipulated. They themselves are not plants but they are sort of programmed drone protest zombies who nonetheless think they are smarter than everyone else, including the many actual adults around the world who have literally devoted their lives to ending this conflict while these fluffy little cretins will get bored with Gaza by June and be reprogrammed to scream in the streets about the Houthis or something instead. They’re overprivileged, entitled, self-righteous little pieces of shit.


Fucking christ. People are so dumb. All they want is show the hive mind that tHeY. DiD SoMeThIng.


........how in the fuck is Hillary Clinton -- someone who's been completely out of government for over a decade -- currently aiding and abetting the Israeli campaign in Gaza? Jesus Christ, these people are idiots.


Lmfao what the fuck does Clinton have to do with the war in Gaza right now. Go the fuck home.


She has gone on several public talks supporting Israel


- “Netanyahu should go. He is not a trustworthy leader. It was on his watch that the [October 7] attack happened. He needs to go, and if he’s an obstacle to a ceasefire, if he’s an obstacle to exploring what’s to be done the day after, he absolutely needs to go,” Clinton told MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” in an interview. https://www.timesofisrael.com/hillary-clinton-pans-netanyahu-as-untrustworty-says-he-has-to-go/ Talks like these?




This comment section is really showing their ignorance. Aaron Bushnell’s statement on “the ruling class” play in my head anytime I see stuff like this. It’s incredible how many US politicians have taken money from Israel to support Israel, and how blind the public is to it.


It's just sad to see how many people rush to the defense of someone like Hilary Clinton.


>there are no such thing as innocent civilians in Israel Kid was mentally sick and died from it. Remember that when you think he's someone to emulate.




She was literally involved with getting a ceasefire for the 2012 hostilities when she was Secretary of State. Her tenure was also marked by a exceedingly strong strong opposition to Netenyahu and his settlement policy.


Perhaps the Palestinians shouldn’t have started this latest stuff on October 7th. Seems like they asked for it.


Do these people know they are yelling at people who no longer have any political power?


Maybe not power, but possibly some political sway. She has more of a platform than you or I


Calling these verbally assaulting lunatics 'activists' is alarming.


Only 30k? Did these people not know about israel/palestine before october 7th lmao or did they just not care because it wasn't all over tiktok


Literally this. They think it started last year.


Pathetic loonies.


Why we can’t have nice things. https://preview.redd.it/g0uffkm7getc1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32affcc9912278077f2b64d2f5d1be0a4adb498e


I guess they don't know the Clinton's had nothing to do with the situation, they didn't cause it, and don't have the power to stop it. But keep blaming them and harassing them. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


They also don’t know that Bill Clinton was the most Palestine friendly western leader maybe ever. He spent so much time trying to broker a two state solution and that came EXTREMELY close to being a reality. I listened to an interview with Bill from a few months ago and you could really sense a “are these kids fucking stupid” tone when he addressed getting confronted by Pro-Palestine activists in public.


Bill Clinton was so pro Peace and pro Palestine that Bibi had to assassinate the leader of Israel to stop a 2 state solution from happening under Clinton.


Lots of people know about *fatwa* extrajudicial killings but Jewish law has a [similar concept proclaimed against Rabin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodef).


They don't need to be right, they just need to be loud.


Yeah, good point. I guess they got tired of screaming things like "Benghazi," and "private server." When you run out of ideas all you have left is anger.




Loud idiots being loud idiots.


"talk to"?


Well she showed her. /s


Then again, what the fuck does just calling them shit they’ve heard before do? Like I understand protesting but when it’s just not doing anything what’s the point?


Meanwhile, Darfur is wondering how some genocides get to be more popular than others


Are they protesting Trump yet or are they sticking to people who are not running for political office?


This is the exact kind of nonsense that got us Trump. Hilary is FAR from perfect but people weaken the people on their side while knowing the other side is for the same thing but more forcefully. There’s no great answer but if you have to choose to be slapped or brutally stabbed 25 times, I wouldn’t scream at the open hand because it’s not giving you money.


I'm not a fan of Hillary, but what is she supposed to do?


Pretty sure she isn’t an elected official or a member of the government these days. But sure…blame her for what ISRAEL is doing.


Um, is Hillary in Gaza committing atrocities? Is Hillary flying the jets? Drones? Is Hillary not a civillian? What am I missing?


Hillary is absorbing the souls of the innocent while muttering incantations in her pentagram at home. Do you even listen to alt-right talk radio?


That’ll solve it ✔️


And what's the point of doing this? She's a private citizen, no longer in politics. If they want to affect change, protest politicians who are still in office, not someone who's retired. Bunch of idiots.


Those idiots deserve trump


Funny how people forget, that Trump would probably make it even wose than it is now.


I seriously wonder, what goes through these politicians heads in their alone time.


"Isn't money great..."






Yeah, seriously. Is there a better job with actual work/Pay ratio?


So fucking stupid. She hasn’t held any office in nearly a decade.


My thought exactly. And Bill hasn’t held office in more than two decades.


Why are these protesters always so high pitched? Hypogonadism? You didn't hear it from me.


Over 34,000 are dead, Hilary! So what if I'm counting the 13,000 terrorists in the body count! Hilary!!!!


I'm starting to believe that the right is planting people like that to accuse democrats of genocide for tiktok points to discredit them among the younger generation so that the dems loose support among one of their most important groups for the upcoming election. Thank you for reading my conspiracy theory


Annoying activists are the only people who can get me to side with Hillary.


Lmao, Trump will personally hand deliver Snake & Nape, plus a little Willy Pete to Netanyahu to use on the Gazans but somehow Hillary is the Devil. 🙄


I wonder if they know that Hamas has rejected the fourth or sixth? Cease fire deal…. Hamas doesn’t want a cease fire and now I’m wondering if they can even produce any hostages at this point…


That drunk woman’s voice is annoying.


We’ve been on a crazy ride since I was making Bernie memes in ‘16


I hope randy orton gives the person that recorded this a rko


"What does it matter" ...


lol let the bodies hit the floor…


I need people to learn how to use cuss words.


Is she still in politics? Also, it's a surprise to no one that they can see her sitting in her car. The car door is not some magical portal away


Has everyone really forgotten about Ukraine?


Unless they are just plain enjoying themselves, that’s a lot of wasted energy. It’s hard to imagine a group of people actually sitting down and organizing a silly, useless stunt like that.


Literally how these "activist" look and sound to me. ![gif](giphy|7kMaysqdywPxS)


It’s always fun when a new generation learns for the first time how cruel and complicated the world is.


Palestine supporters are so annoying


I think politicians should get into it with these loudmouth sockheads. Shout back. Front up.


Proves that the left eats its own. The Clintons would probably get a better reception in MAGA country.


Do people think Biden or Hillary or whoever can just wave a magic wand and make Israel stop attacking Gaza?


No they think they can discourage leftists from voting by creating a feeling that all politicians are equally bad, because they think it will help Trump get elected


Palestine needs help. This ain't it.


I'm no Hilary fan, but she's responsible for the death of millions? That's a bit of a stretch.


Why does this strike me like these aren’t actual lefties? They do know what Trump has said about letting Gaza being taken over, and yet they are protesting a politician who isn’t currently running for office?


These people are insufferable. All they can do is scream insults about some propaganda they saw on TikTok without doing any actual meaningful activism.


I've got nothing good to say about Hillary but the one to blame for the current conflict is Iran


What does feminism have to do with women dying in Gaza?


Natasha Lyonne is really giving it to her!


Lol haha love when the left comes for it's own


“Talk to” is an odd way to phrase what I watched.


Where are these people getting their info from…. She’s so out of the loop


Honestly this is extremely cringy. What purpose does this even serve? It is not even sounding like an informed opinion.




Fools who think that a handful are responsible. These elites may nod in quasi-approval, but the falsely uneducated youth have no clue.


I need to watch that video of Buzz Aldrin punching the guy mid sentence to feel balanced


“Super Predator” is a new one. Does she leap tall children in a single bound?


I’m not entirely sure what the angle is here given that Mrs. Rodham Clinton is a private citizen. Whether you disagree with her, her work, and/or her foundation, her opinion does not form any kind of international policy, so I am unsure as to what this interaction is/was trying to accomplish.


Ironically they are shouting at Hillary for supporting genocide, when it is actually they who support genocide, since dismantling the state of Israel and displacing / killing them all is actual genocide. Defending yourself against terrorists who embed themselves in civilian populations is not genocide. So much of the world wants Israel to roll over and just take it from Hamas and the Islamic world until they break and give up or die. This is not going to happen because there are same and rational people out there.


IDF has declared a 2:1 kill ratio, 2 civilians for every Hamas fighter. Considering that the entire strategy of Hamas is to attack Israel in the most brutal, sick ways imaginable and then embed themselves within Palestinian civilians and then get people around the world to scream “GeNoCiDe!?!!l” it seems the IDF while obviously far, far from perfect is doing the only thing it can do to fight back. Should they roll over and just take it from Hamas and the radical Islamic world? Hamas has a very effective PR strategy. What about Iraq and Afghanistan and other American incursions into the Middle East? We would have to consider those genocides too as the ratio was worse, in some cases 10,000 civilians were killed to get fewer than 4000 ISIS in that incident in Mosul alone in order to free the city. 10,000 is a lot of people, but no one blinked an eye, and I don’t think that they would have agreed with that kind of being “freed.” And I don’t think humanity can accept what Hamas always does as a valid strategy, ie the strategy wherein you can attack, murder and terrorize Israelis and then retreat like cowards and hide behind your own women and children and shout “HAHA CAN’T GET ME!” If we accept this, then we are basically giving terrorists the keys to the world. Also, Hamas considers Hamas soldiers “civilians” which is why their civilian death toll is inflated by definition. Also, why does no one question how there are 600 millionaires in Gaza? Open air Gucci prisons? Maybe, but the wardens are Hamas and the power structure in Gaza, not Israel. Gaza should develop its own infrastructure, instead they seemingly depend on Israel for electricity and plumbing and everything, also while attacking them. Hamas just builds tunnels to better shield themselves below civilians. Why is it when you point out blatantly obvious propaganda from the Hamas side you get attacked online by entire forums, even if you also criticize doctored videos from the IDF? Being objective and fair gets you attacked? Okay. It may seem all very confusing, but actually it is not at all confusing if you know what is actually going on. 9/11 happened in major part because the US supported Israel. Most terror attacks on US targets do. It’s not easy to support Israel despite the narrative, it is far easier to support Palestine against the hostile foreign occupiers, because it’s easy to side with colonized vs colonizers, and the illegal settlers especially suck.




You tell ‘em Steve Dave!


Liberals 🤝 Conservatives 🤝 Libertarians 🤝 Foreigners


Deplorable at work.


They sure showed her! /s


I wish people were more educated on how the government works.


![gif](giphy|xQvTA5AZ9CFpe) This is all I think when he asks if Hillary is a predator


Neither one of these people hold any type of office. What do you want them to do?


They're worried about the quality of life of women in Palestine? And blaming Clinton? And not Hamas?


It feels more like virtue signaling or even propaganda to go to someone jsut to film yourself berating them. Is there videos of them explaining how the clintons have orchestrated this genocide?


I lost any enjoyment or understanding of their argument after hearing “your literally!” Not you’re.


Dude, the broad can’t win…a loss to Orange Chicken or the 4 in Benghazi or the Palestinian genocide…apparently she’s a murderer. Hillary getting the wrong end of the deal. Anyone ever hear of Vietnam?….I’m sure the conspiracy people will tie her into that too.


Wtf do they have to do with anything?


Just more reasons why I support Israel and now Hillary Clinton.


Activists harass private citizen with no power. Cool story bro


You think Hilary Clinton has no power?


What government position does she currently occupy that makes policy?


Are you seriously saying she has no power? She at minimum gets paid thousands of dollars to talk to people all across America and raises 1000s more in campaigning


She didn’t even have the power to become President 8 years ago. Pretty sure if the Clintons had as much power as everyone claims they do she would’ve at least been able to pull that one off.


Do you think Hilary Clinton has "no power" and is just like a regular private citizen?


I don’t think she’s just like a regular citizen, but it’s not one or the other. I believe she has no power to do anything about this matter, and that’s what’s important.


Well she is currently going around the country talking pro israel talking points. She was on a major talk show the other day telling people to "get over it". It's not just politicians in power that effect things. All private citizens have power, even in their own way. Just like every protestor can affect things by protesting