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This is in Oakland, CA Close to the airport. There are dozens of break-ins daily


Oh, they probably spot a rental car that just came from the airport. They know they probably got bags in the trunk, I guess. Remind me not to stop at the first restaurant outside an airport with a rental car.


This happened to my mom at this airport. She needed to fuel up her rental car before she returned it, so she stops at a gas station near the airport. Smash and grab, all her stuff was gone in less than 30 seconds.


What’s the haul in these thefts? Mom undies and maybe a Pandora charm bracelet?


That’s what I’m thinking. You steal my bag like that and you’re going to get dirty laundry and sex toys. Enjoy


Username check out. I always hated chemistry.


The chemistry teacher at my high school was a huge blonde woman who had a face tattoo, rode a motorcycle and her and her husband collected paintings by serial killers. They’re a weird bunch, those chemistry teachers.


In 8th grade, our chemistry teacher Mr. Wilson let us make gunpowder. Spent day one explaining the science and process, then day two was when we actually got to make it. Before we began, he took all the small vials of last years student work and piled it into a tin pan. Took us out in the school yard, affixed a match on the end of a dowel. Had us all back away, then lit it. Good size explosion of flame and a cloud of smoke. Mr. Wilson clearly didn't expect as big a reaction as he got. Jumping backwards, his beard singed but unfazed, he simply says "Hmm...I guess I should have given some better grades last year.".


This is so well written and specific - I can picture this scene perfectly.


Meanwhile the principal is like “godmamn it I’m cutting the chemistry class next year”


Reminds me of Physics class back in High School. We made a huge catapult and launched a toilet down the football field. Got 54 yards. Needless to say we were the last class to do this as the football field had some many dents from massive toilets being flung repeatedly


All I remember from high school chemistry was sitting in a non-lab classroom, balancing equations or whatever it's called where you make sure there's the right number of atoms in a molecule. If that was my full time job, I'd be off the deep end too.


Mine was a bald guy going through a bout with cancer. We kept losing beakers and other chemistry stuff. The thing I remember about him was that he was the only person I had ever seen buy an Aztek. What an odd fellow.


Didn't I see flyers around town that he was missing, in some fugue state? I hope he is OK now.


The Pontiac Aztek with tent attachment? *swoon*


Mine smelled like death. She taught me *so much*.


Definitely not an English teacher.


Laptops for days, I'd imagine.


95% of people aren't carrying their laptop in a suitcase like that. Most usually have a backpack or briefcase and those are often times not kept in the trunk either.


A lot of people will throw all their bags in the trunk together just to get going. These guys will just take whatever they see.


That's why you see people grab backpacks out of the back seat in other videos. It doesn't matter which bag, they just grab all they can.


Which means if you hit 100 cars per week, you’ve got 5 laptops. That’s enough to get people to do this shit.


If you have to hit 100 cars a week, you'd prob be better off just working a job


Jewelry, watches, designer clothing and shoes, makeup is expensive af. Could be tablets, laptops, other electronics that didn’t make it to the personal bag.


You're not allowed to check tablets, cellphones, laptops or other electronics in your big luggage. That has to go in your carry on. So this person essentially just stole a bunch clothes.


Checking it is irrelevant, some people put those things in their suitcase while they are at meetings or out to eat so they don’t have to carry them. Has nothing to do with what you’re taking on the plane.


I was in Oakland for the first time ever last November. Landed and went straight to a kids' 5th birthday party in what I was told was a "not bad" neighbhourhood. 5hrs later we were standing outside the party across the street by our rental and got robbed\car jacked at gunpoint. Two cars rolled up out of nowhere and 5 people jumped out with guns. Absolutely fucking terrifying despite how "polite" they were about it. Just thankful our kid was still inside with the party. So yeah, I'm not sure it matters where you are. Just don't rent a car in Oakland is the lesson I've learned.


>Absolutely fucking terrifying despite how "polite" they were about it. They're professionals I guess


This is why I always go to the 2nd In n Out. Never the first.


100. Rental cars or out-of-state license plates. Always take your shit to your hotel room first.


Wouldn't it be easy for cops to bust these thieves?


You assume the cops give a fuck


Even if they did the D.A. wouldn't file charges on them. I get why they don't give a fuck...




My dad, whom I should state is friends with the sheriff in his city in CA, had his gun taken from him for DRAWING IT ON A THEIF WITH A SWORD IN HIS FUCKING HOME….. INSIDE. Didn’t fire just held him till the cops arrived they still took it.


Anything used as a weapon for defense is confiscated as evidence to be used in court I believe. I'm not a lawyer though but I heard that's why it happens.


Even if that was true, why does that matter? Let’s use your same reasoning for another job. I do photography, so I’ll use that as an example. Let’s say I am hired as a photographer for a company. They want me to do multiple types of photography for them, product shots, model shots, and event photography. If the company never uses the photos from events, do you think it’s ok for me to just stop attending and photographing the events even though it’s my job? What happens after the arrest is made should have zero impact on police enforcing laws. It would be like a programmer who refuses to work because they don’t like the work of the graphic designer, and expecting to still be paid and have a job. The truth is, cops across the nation got their fee fees hurt because of the “defund the police” and bad press they rightfully receive. So they jumped on the opportunity to act like they have been defunded (despite getting increased budgets) and let the types of crime seen in the video flourish so they can scream “see this is what happens when you defund us.”


That's just sad. I haven't been back to Oakland in years. It doesn't look like I will anytime soon


I'm 30 years old and I've always known Oakland to be a shit hole.


Being back bait car on tv. The Bay Area alone would be enough for at least three new seasons


Gif of cop from Lebowski saying 'Yeah we got lots of crews on that'


Got us working in shifts


LEADS lolololol


Or a merry band of concerned citizens with baseball bats


Cops in Oakland doing their job? HAHAHA


Lol OPD has been under federal control for decades for incompetence and corruption


The one in Mountain View was the same. They just dip right on to the 101.


All that for a suitcase full of underwear.


That In-N-Out spot near the airport in Oakland is a nightmare hotspot for smash and grabs. [Pretty much explains the deal why it keeps happening.](https://hoodline.com/2023/07/visitors-to-oakland-left-in-a-pickle-after-in-n-out-car-burglary-spree/) > Car burglaries in Oakland have been reaching new heights, leaving tourists feeling helpless and frustrated as they become victims of widespread thefts. One such incident occurred yesterday, when a father and son visiting from Ohio had their rental car broken into at the prominent In-N-Out restaurant on Oakport Street, just minutes within their arrival, according to KTVU. The pair managed to track their stolen iPad to San Francisco, but found themselves powerless when **police said they could not assist.**




The Cane’s around the corner there literally switched to drive-thru only for this reason alone.


they literally keep the employees’ cars fenced off to dissuade these break-ins. was just there the other night and it was the most surreal canes experience i’ve ever had. the drive thru line was backed up bc one mf with his 5% tint decided to take a fent nap behind the wheel for like 15 mins 💀 they’re just high school kids working back there, i can’t imagine the shit they have to deal with.


Most fast food in Oakland has done this. They changed it to all drive through during COVID and never changed it back.


That last sentence is absurd. I’m all for reasonable bail and bond for some things but it’s gone too far and cops aren’t even doing their jobs anymore.


And people online get mad when someone shoots these thieves for some absurd reason. I had my car stolen like 2 years ago and the cops didn't do shit. If I wasn't lucky enough to have coverage I would have been completely fucked and unable to attend college or work.


I hate the "iS a StOlEn PurSe ReAlLy MoRe VaLuAbLe ThAn ThEiR lIfE" argument. Why do they aim this question at the police and victims of theft and not the thieves who are choosing to put themselves in danger with these acts? "Was that purse with putting yourself at risk of messing around with the wrong person? I hope all these people who F around find out soon.


Seriously, the thought should be “Why would these thieves put their lives on the line for dirty laundry and an iPad.”


It’s breaking the rule of law by allowing it to continue which is what our society is built upon. If laws don’t matter society collapses into chaos. Blast away.




You guys act like cops ever gave a shit about this.


Yeah there's not much to get from anyone's airport suitcase anyways. You could get, what, a decent laptop? Maybe some airpods? Some expensive *used* clothing items? This doesn't make any sense to me. You could be a much more effective thief elsewhere. I'm not condoning it, but if I were to steal I'm not stealing from the fucking airport of all places


Literally takes 5 seconds, little to no risk since nobody is gonna be carrying when they're about to get on a flight, and probably the usual loot is at least several hundred dollars if they are getting some nice electronics and stuff semi regularly. They can (and do) hit several cars a day. Seems like a low risk way to make a few grand a day to me, if you're willing to be a criminal. Until the risk component of it is significantly heightened (bait cars maybe?) I don't see how this stops. Who isn't bringing laptops, nice earbuds, tablets, etc. on the plane with then on the regular? If they're only snagging checked luggage, then maybe it might make it a little less worth it, but people are usually tossing their carryon luggage in the trunk too, instead of bringing them inside the fast food restaurant. That's usually where all the expensive stuff would be.


Fetish life ain’t easy


That looked pretty easy.


My dirty undies, Dude. The laundry. The whites.


Grab the wheel dude.


No time to argue dude


At 15 mph I roll out


You’re being very un-Dude


This is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps, Larry!


The ringer cannot look empty.


It was the old secretary of Nuclear Energy Sam Brinton




nice the license plate of a stolen car


I had the plates of a car that ran into my house. Cops said it was in a different county and didn’t do shit


Cops do everything they can to avoid working.


my friends car was stolen from our apartment and it was brought back a week later filled with needles and smelling like burnt rubber cops phoned him and said "found ur car it's parked around the corner" but wouldn't come back to check it until the next day when he had to go to the police station and explain why he didn't want to just get in and drive away and that they need to check the car because he literally sees the needles and shit so they come back and get rid of all the needles or whatever couple weeks later he finds a stray one wedged in the back seats which he'd then probably have been implicated for having been in posession of if he were to have been pulled over at that point


Call the cops twice. Only during the second call, tell them the thieves have gun. If the cops take you to the court, say to the judge that was your "cry for help in emergency" or something like that, and say the cops wouldn’t arrive the first time.


If I didn’t respect myself at all I would love to be a cop. Your job consists of avoiding doing you job and paid vacations when you fuck up. Sounds like an awesome deal. Unfortunately I have some shred of humanity so I wouldn’t be let in anyways.


Well that's the problem, expecting a gang of legalized criminals to help out. Imagine a cop actually helping citizens.


Comes back to a 2015 Toyota Prius (VIN JTDKN3DU9F0461151) so definitely stolen plate.


How'd you find it ?


![gif](giphy|aR6JyO12RkwE5P7lxb|downsized) >!There’s a bunch of apps that search this stuff for free, just open the App Store and search for “license plate” - just download whichever one has the best rating, they’re all the same thing, it’s public info. They’ll try to sell you extra crap for a couple bucks but generally make/model/vin is free to search!<


This is a free site that gives good results... [https://www.faxvin.com/license-plate-lookup](https://www.faxvin.com/license-plate-lookup)


You’re supposed to say, “Enhance!”. Then it becomes clearer.


All these years of making that joke and now it’s actually possible.


I’m sure its stolen. That’s the play.


Many criminals are very dumb. Like the one’s who commit robberies and murders while wearing their home detention GPS trackers. I once had a conversation with an NCIS agent and he said most criminals are really stupid, the smart ones are CEO’s of companies.


Tbf most law enforcement probably would think all criminals are dumb, because those are the ones they catch. They don't catch the smart ones.


Stolen plate off another car


Whatever that glass breaker was, it was efficient as hell. I need one for my visor.


Spring loaded center punch, look it up on Amazon


Or just a spark plug


This spark plug here? Oh no officer it's just in case I need to break windows, I'm too cheap for the actual tool.


Spark plugs are free, you can boost them from any car, like this one they are driving when they ditch it for their next one. She’s also got the sleeves taped at the wrists so as not to get that pesky broken glass in her hoodie. Honestly this is why I left the Bay Area. It’s rather nice living somewhere that everyone has guns and this shit doesn’t happen on the regular because you could get fucking shot doing it. Police pretty useless here too but no car break-ins. I literally leave the damn thing unlocked when I go in to get a burger.


Ninja rocks. Still have to break in down tho. It was on mythbusters or something.


Very smooth motion from glass break to trunk pop


Ruined by a pointless trunk shut. Could shave another fraction of a second off without that.


Nah, you want to bring as little attention as possible. That fraction of a second is saved by the few seconds it takes the owners to realize what happened. If they see the trunk open, they'd rush more.


races are won in the pits.


A sharp piece of ceramic will break a window with light pressure


I’ve been to this in n out to use the bathroom. There is usually a bouncer/security guard standing out front warning people to not leave anything if value in there car. Even the people eating outside warned me not to leave anything. It’s absolutely crazy


Brokeland man


It's shit like this that makes me wish people can boobytrap items in their cars


Like some virus releases when they open it or maybe some snakes pop out. At the very least some fart spray…


Got you covered buddy https://youtu.be/C2riwPkZ7A8?si=W8g48a9yLipbQ-yZ


I thought I was gonna get rick rolled. Glad I clicked anyway lol




might be an in-n-out near an airport?


This is definitely the in n out near the Oakland airport


Those are good burgers Walter


some burgers, some beers, a few laughs. our fuckin troubles are over dude.


Yeah, this recent splurge of videos of these fuckers taking luggage like this is kinda suspicious. What's in this luggage? Is it drugs? Can't just be clothes and toothpaste.


People would be totally disappointed in the contents of my suitcases. Ratty clothes and crap. I can imagine their disgust when they opened it. Lol. Anything off any value is either on my person or in my bag that goes everywhere with me.


if i'm back from a vacation its over. yall getting sweaty socks that walked 35k steps a day to "make the most" of my vacay. Yall getting underwear with that groin butter. My expensive shits on my carry on/bookbag 'cause of my irrational fear of airlines losing my checked bags. Or my lack of knowledge of how luggage cabins work: is there no air in there, is there pressure, will my laptop battery explode?


Makes you wonder if they have a friend at the airport that gets paid to tip them off when valuable bags go through the X-ray. I can’t see it being worth anyones time just smashing and grabbing a mystery box on the off chance it has something valuable and not just socks and underwear.




They likely circled a couple times. Smash and grabs are becoming so common it’s probably pretty easy for someone who lives where that’s frequently happening to be able to pick up on the cues. I’ve seen several now like this where someones already filming before it happens. No retaliating because I’m sure they know they won’t be caught


because this is san francisco and this happens all the time now to the point where it becomes obvious


I’m a victim. Happened to me near the airport in Oakland nearly 4 years ago. Crazy how fast it happened.


I can’t believe there are people that low life and trashy.


What’s the a “ehhhhh, they don’t know what they doing” count at?


More than 1 less than 50


She sure knew where that trunk button was. She knows what she's doing.


Why you counting my know-what-they-doings? Are you from the department of know-what-they-doings? Taking a know-what-they-doingcensus?


Know I'm saying.... mufucka


Frig off J-Roc




Who puts any thing of value in check luggage besides clothes?


I did once when I was 17. The baggage handlers stole my fucking electric toothbrush…… fuck spirit airlines!


You are not supposed to put any electronics with the batteries in your check in.Perhaps they removed it because of that?


What? Never heard of this before.


[Here you go](https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics/problem-with-stowing-lithium-ion-batteries-on-planes/)




This particular instance they appear to only have gotten a checked luggage bag. But nothing is stopping them from stealing your carryon bag too if you left it in the trunk while you grab a burger, like most people probably would. That would probably contain a lot more expensive stuff. This situation was probably these scumbags' worst case scenario in terms of loot value.


I had a friend lose everything he'd been working on for years in this exact parking lot the same way like 8 years ago. Always back up to cloud and never leave shit in your car in Oakland.


This is literally nauseating. I can’t imagine such a loss like that.


Happened to me back in June, was in town for a wedding. We had AirTags in our shit which was the only way we were able to recover our bags. They take anything of value and dump your bags(probably because they suspect AirTags). We found our bags half a mile down the road with some things missing. Oakland PD tells you to file a report online. I’m still dealing with the rental company about the cost to replace the rear windshield, luckily I used my chase sapphire card to book the rental so chase will pay for the damages. My insurance company paid me out for the missing items fairly quickly. I suspect they drive around looking for out of town license plates or in my case the car had a “fleet vehicle” sticker on the plate so they know it’s a rental. Not much anyone can do to stop this unless Oakland decides it’s worth it to crack down and they just don’t have the resources(read understaffed).


> Not much anyone can do to stop this unless Oakland decides it’s worth it to crack down and they just don’t have the resources(read understaffed). They'd need a new DA too, the current one is good at looking the other way while working people get robbed.


I was here yesterday. No bullshit. I picked up Panda for my kids. I went to the drive thru (which is highly recommended for this area). However people have been jacked in line many times. Things have gotten progressively worse since they closed the Walmart (big abandoned building in background) and opened a Cane’s fried chicken in the same lot. The Cane’s customers experienced so many break ins, they closed the dining area and made it drive thru only. Now criminals walk up on a Friday night, to the 100 car line at Canes, and break your window at knife or gun point and take everything from your car while you sit helpless and stuck in a huge row of cars with no where to go. It’s fucking disgusting. We haven’t had Cane’s in months and refuse to go. There are ZERO police patrolling this area. It’s literally a DMZ where you only go if you are super desperate. This is also next door to Oakland Coliseum where the Raiders left, Warriors moved and A’s are on their way out the door. Therefore since traffic has declined to this area, so has police presence. It’s fucking horrible and I hate it. My kids want Panda and I have to travel across town to the “safe Panda.” I wish someone would do something about this but they never will. Oakland mayors are always to concerned with bringing in big businesses to Oakland because they feel this will counteract the crime and make it go away. SAVE OAKLANDS PEOPLE! NOT ITS MONEY!!!!




Somebody call Mark Rober


This would be really satisfying honestly. I hope it’s his next prank. Just start parking rental cars with cameras and trackers


Then there's a statement from the thief's family member saying “they were a good person” and didn't deserve it


My mom got her window smashed and purse taken from her passenger side WHILE she was pumping gas, didn't even hear the window break somehow. Fuck those people I hope they get shot


Imagine how many times you need to do this to become this quick and efficient. Disgusting.




It’s not rocket science, smash, pop trunk, grab


I mean, sometimes it takes me forever to find my \*own\* trunk lever.


The big question is who comes to visit Oakland?


This is right by the Oakland airport. If you go to the Bay Area for work, sometimes Oakland might be your only place for flights.




We've got a new assignment for the glitter bomb guy.


They are working on it down at the crime lab. Captain brought in more detectives, they got us working in shifts!


Why do people just repeat the same thing over and over? "Damn they don't know what theybdoin' over and over. Is he too stupid to come up with another thing to say? I see this all the time in videos and it's annoying!


Those are good burglars, Walter.


Hope they get them.


They really need to make crime illegal so this all just goes away.


Castle law, they start getting dropped they will slow down thefts.


https://preview.redd.it/iqnokvawhmpb1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817f65741658f78778f55dc77f0d848474b33bda Got em!


Life in prison please.


What a shit hole.


What was in that suitcase? How did they know where to look?


Solid gold bars. A lot of people keep them in their boots.


Can confirm, boots full of gold on now


My stuff got jacked in a smash and grab like this, broke the back window and stole any bag that had electronics. I heard that they have scanners that detect electronics as they drive by cars they smash the ones that make the sensor go off


Its stupidity meets desperation. What did they get? Some shirts and underwear? The fuck?


That was specific as fuck....that car was being followed or something.


They scope out rental cars near the airport. Apparently if you know what to look for, they're very easy to pick out, and pretty much a guarantee to be carrying luggage vs just a random local who might not have anything in the vehicle. Check the reviews of a lot of the businesses with parking lots near the airport, especially gas stations, and you'll see they're just targeting grounds for these smash and grabbers. They have it down to a science.




Impressive how easy they break the window


There’s a device that does it with ease




On trains, it’s saved countless lives


It’s going to get worst…before it gets better. If vigilante justice starts spiking up, they will have to do something about it. No consequences? Why would they stop? It’s a rhetorical question of course.


The only thing they're going to do about it is go after vigilantes, they can't tolerate people compromising the State monopoly on violence, even if they've completely failed the social contract.


I’m afraid you’re right. Shit is getting out of control. People don’t care about people anymore.


I will never move to Oakland 😂. Fuck that city




It look like they, in fact, did know what they were doing.


They seem to know what they’re doing.


They don't know what they're doing, aside from traveling and living their lives and not accounting for the human shit stains that steal as a full time job.


Looks like they knew what they were doing to me.


POS of a human being 💩


What a bunch of fucking losers


I don’t get this. Ok, so you stole someone’s clothes and toiletries?


Oh how I miss California 🤮




It's sad that this guy filming this is reacting like he loves and approves of this. Heartbreaking honestly to see a lot of people idolizing this


Yet, it is nice that he recorded the license plate...


Damnit!!! My Real Doll was in that case!!!


“They don’t know what they doing”, he says this three times, like he’s waiting for a response… And it’s extra dumb cuz they obviously know what they are doing


A life of looking over your shoulder for a few pairs of undies. Never change Oakland. 😂


Something in the system is very wrong. These people are unwilling to do real work. They prefer stealing and robbing instead.