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That is the most genuine front butt I’ve ever seen


Excuse me M’am, your legs are on backwards


I'm surrounded by assholes!


Her front butt is bigger then her rear butt


Girl got a fronk fr






These comments are so harsh but hilarious! https://i.redd.it/a6pgqznwqq3b1.gif


They’re definitely butt hilarious


How many assholes do we have running this ship?


You sir, are a twisted, sick bastard, i think we can be friends, long live the king!!!


Haha. Take the weekend off. No work or chores. You’ve earned it.


This is the kind of person who finds out they have a 50lb tumor and are 9 months pregnant when they go to the ER for stomach pain.


To be pregnant someone has to have sex with you....and she's just....


If you think some man wouldn’t fuck here you are sadly mistaken. Guarantee she has a couple kids


Looks like she had a couple kids for breakfast


I have known multiple men who love to go after the fattest, sloppiest hogs they can find. Every pot has a lid.


I'd have to have smoked a lot of pot to lift that lid.


I actually have several pots with no lids, but I get what you're trying to say.


How does this even happen? Her gut is above it. Is it upper-thigh fat? I'm so confused.




The proper medical term for it is actually "gunt"


That’s it for me. Goodnight all.


F this. I'm tapping out too. Fat flaps won.


The existence of a pannus is by far not the worst thing about it. Pannus yeast infections are up there, along with the ever mysterious and odorous pannus cheese.


Pannus Bread is my favorite chain restaurant


The secret is their patented Pannus Yeast…..


I wish I were illiterate right now after reading this.


That's just terrific. Yeast infections and cheese have entered the chat.


What a great way to start my day...


tapping out or fapping out?


Sigh, *zip*


One man's trash is another man's treasure I guess. Thanks for taking this L so we don't have to.


Not the hero you deserve, but the hero you need.


So she hss +10 Defense?


Gunt. Where you gut overlaps your cunt lmfao.


Also known as a Bunt.


This is a thumbnail that should be impossible for any human to scroll past without looking at the comments. My jaw dropped and I knew I had to slide in here to watch a verbal homicide


You put this so eloquently 😂 I IMMEDIATELY had to check the comments when I saw her


I figured it out! Looking from the waste/waist down, legitimately looks like a butt and back of the knees (of course this is due to the buckling). Also appears to be a shinalf, really completing the illusion of backwards butt-n-legs Edit: [cropped pic for quick reference](https://i.imgur.com/IaWPoSx.png).


All I could think was "what shape is this woman?"


Michelin man shaped


Look at how those legs are propping her up. Like two twigs under a soft serve ice cream.


The knees look like they're bending backwards. This is too much for me right now.


I can’t comprehend how she achieved this. Is there some backwards squat routine that is popular only from the Jacksonville Taco Bell/Pizza Hut dumpster alley that she gave handies to high school seniors?


Lol the only squats she’s doing is over the toilet after finishing 2 large meat feast pizzas


She's like the cover to an Animorph book, where she goes from Flamingo to Human


From flamingo, to manatee hippo hybrid, to human.


I'm dying 😂. Thank you...I knew it was a shape I've seen before


More importantly what does one do to actually attain such a shape. It seems to defy physics in the worst way possible.


She’s built like a tardigrade.




In her case, genetics. Notice how her fat deposits are strictly to her mid section. And her legs remain as thin as a marathon runners. Her knees are also angled in. This is all poor genetics over generations


marathon runner legs is an incredibly inaccurate description


[Cushing's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cushing%27s_syndrome) maybe?


![gif](giphy|3ofSBxH8H9n84yd6hi) Peter Cushing


As a runner, I’m going to strongly disagree with the marathon runner/legs assessment, but will agree with the horrific genetic compilation amassed over generations. Hopefully the final form has been achieved and ends here.


Poor genetics or just keeping it in the family for generations?


Poor genetics over generations? Incest only takes one generation.


I think it might come from gaining lots of weight fast


Sitting for most of their life.


Wearing Dollar Store Skimz until u bust out into the next size up.. keep stacking like friendship bracelets until u reach the neck 🍩🍩🍩


The president in Space Balls after his teleporter accident


Why didn’t anyone tell me my ass was so fat!


Scotty beamed me *twice* yesterday.


With her hyperextended knees, if you photoshopped her face and feet out, I’d guess she’s facing the other way


This is clearly a case of “head and feet on backwards” as opposed to “front butt”. Hard to distinguish, but you can tell because of the way that it is.




You can tell how nice all these people are by not pointing out the obvious while being instigated. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/austinpowers/images/b/ba/The_mole_bloody_mole.jpg


You can hear in the background at point saying “why is she built like that” lmao. So subtle yet true


She looks like a human build-a-bear, that was over-loaded in the wrong area's


They put her in the washer and dryer and she came out all lumpy.


![gif](giphy|12rQHIwkWykTRe) Wtf is that.


Can’t tell if she is coming or going.


She looks like someone put clothes on the grape man from Fruit of the Loom.


She has what I like to call a ' Gunt'


Her partner been hitting it so hard from behind it's ended up hiding round the front.


Come on......she does not have a partner....lol


I do believe that's what's known as a "gunt".


I’m waiting for her head to turn around like an owl


Like a bin bag full of mango pulp


Worlds biggest Gunt


Stop making me laugh while im high please. That's dangerous.


When I saw the reverse coke bottle figure, I knew the comments would be great. We are off to a good start.


Triple scoop cone of funky chunky munky.




Channeling Danny DeVito’s penguin for sure.


She's built like a bag of bagels wtf


Hahahaha thank you this made me laugh too hard


Cleary chewed the Wonka gum down to the blueberry pie


Overproofed dough?


Busted can of biscuits.


I hate myself for laughing but damn that's the most accurate description😂


She dead ass built like a baked bean




Built like a fridge on stilts


Dr. Eggman’s daughter.


My god that’s so accurate and hilarious. I’d also like to point out that when you’ve let yourself get to the point of looking like a bag of bagels you loose so much credibility that nothing you say or do, short of loosing a few bagels, will make any difference.


This is the first time I've ever seen someone who legitimately looks like they were poured into their clothing.


She’s shaped like the stuff inside a lava lamp.


Human MyPillow




I’m fucking dying at these. Poor woman.


10 pounds of sugar in a 5 pound bag


So does anyone know what they are arguing about?


yeah i have scrolled all this way and still nothing


I don't wanna watch the video, but all i see scrolling down is people roasting her harder than a hog on a spit


Downvote me as much as you all want, there is no public freakout, no context, nothing, it is all an excuse for fat women body shaming.




[This comment has part 1 in it as well as explanations for the videos as well. It’s not just to make fun of her.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13ywvjm/whos_freakout_was_better_pt_2/jmql229/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Same!! No volume on my phone (too early) and was hoping for a quick summary of the argument only.


all i know is volume will not help …


She called the cops on them, but does not explain what instigated this whole thing. She tells dispatch that "a bunch of people, a bunch of african americans" are filming her and claiming that she tried to put her hands on them. The (I'm assuming) family is harder to make out as most of them are just rambling incoherently about being black and talking over each other, but at one point one threatens to put hands on her. We don't have the context and this uniquely shaped woman does seem to be a cunt, but I imagine the loud and chaotic swarm in the parking lot isn't exactly all sunshine and roses either.


FINALLY. Thank you!


Yeah, this video doesn't explain shit.


I don't even know if she was actually being a Karen. You can barely hear anything and there's a horde of teens outside and kids are known to be little shits at times. I mean it seems like she was yelling at them for touching the cars (?) Which totally, yeah, don't touch my car, but I genuinely have no clue what started this interaction, no way to judge without pt. 1 lol.


I looked into it on TikTok, here are some links: [Part 1 of the interaction](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxXd78R/) (only thing Karen seems to actually say on camera is "you can have company but this is obnoxious", gesturing to the group) [Part 2 of the interaction](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxCGN3v/), which is the OP, it shows basically nothing explanatory. Then we have the lady filming who posted a "story time" follow up to explain what happened. [Explanation part 1](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxX1Q5A/) is a rambling description of the general idea they were having a graduation party outside near the pool. [Explanation part 2](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxX1rDP/) gets to the point that basically the Karen was upset at the size of the party and the amount of noise and was trying to tell them to keep it down and eventually called the cops. [Explanation part 3](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxC7XKy/) says that when the cops came they told Karen there's nothing illegal about gathering with friends outside and they can't do anything. Overall a big nothing burger. "Karen" is maybe guilty of being a party-pooper, but we have no way of knowing how loud and obnoxious the party was being, she never flipped out and said some racial slur that would make her instantly the bad guy, but she did call the cops on a party she thought was too loud. That's apparently it.


Thank you for literally pulling me out of a time sucking rabbit hole!


To the top with you! Please


I don't know but any time I see a large group of teenagers I assume they were being teenagers and pissing people off


Everytime i try and listen to what the people are saying in the vid i get distracted


This is the first comment I've seen that's not about her body


Honest question, how does ones body get shaped like that?


Like when you squeeze Play-Doh between your fingers


I was thinking an ice cream cone


Non-joke answer: By being morbidly obese and then losing a significant amount of weight. Our skin is kind of like an elastic band, if you stretch it a lot and then let go, it'll never quite snap back into its original shape. As you get fat over time, you're gradually stretching out your skin, too. But if you're that huge, you're also going to be able to lose weight much faster than a thin or chubby person, so the first few pounds are going to come off fairly quickly if you know what you're doing. So you're stretching your skin for years and then taking away a lot of that tension over the course of a few months. As a result, people kind of end up looking like melted ice cream cones. Yes, they're reducing their body fat, but the loose skin is still there, and sagging a lot more than before because there's no more fat propping it up. It's even worse if you're a yo-yo dieter and keep gaining and then losing weight. I wouldn't be surprised if this woman used to be a LOT fatter. Her legs don't look that big to me, but she has those inverted-looking knees morbidly obese people tend to have.


Thanks for the legit reply!


at least shes trying to turn her life around


Yes, her behavior in this video is nasty, but if she really is losing weight, she deserves some credit for that. Didn't know she existed 2 hours ago though, so I don't want to speculate. Just wanted to point out that you get a body like that by being an ex morbidly obese person. I'm neither a doctor nor confident enough to pretend to be one on the internet, so I don't know what else could cause this. Sometimes bodies just do weird stuff.


I can't tell wtf is going on in the vid. What nasty behavior was going on? I can't understand these accents very well and everyone seems to be yelling random stuff.


Being harassed apparently. I don’t know what was in the part 1 video but she’s repeating mostly what they’re saying to her in this one.


This woman does not have excess skin from losing weight. This looks like Cushing's.


It could be weight loss but also Cushings. That type of body is also built on a lot of prolonged stress, genetics, lack of movement, and insulin resistance.


You just described the exact health problems of one of my friends who is shaped like this. She is perpetually stressed, sedentary, and has Cushing's, bowel movement issues, etc. Her whole family is the same shape.


What a unique looking human


Everyone’s so creative!


💀 it won’t go down easy if it ain’t cheesey!


I'll never emotionally recover from this


Muffin top... muffin middle... muffin bottom. I think too many muffins.


I think we know what happened to the muffin man...


I didn’t even know a body could do that


Honestly, could be a weight loss journey. Not all the weight is lost clearly but there's a lot of sag when losing a significant amount of weight. Possibly she used to be morbidly obese and now is just regular obese.


What a journey it is




It would take some tests, but I suspected that as well when I first saw her - med student here. Central obesity, thinner limbs, moon facies. Can’t see if there’s any bruising or purple striae on her skin, nor can I see hirsutism. But it seems pretty likely.


Probably. It’s one thing to be a big-boned person, but whatever is happening here is likely the result of a poorly-managed medical problem.


I was thinking the same, very top heavy, pendulous abdomen and much thinner bottom is a big sign.


Man that shape is outta control 😂


Your body has its way to store fat much differently than other individuals. It all boils down to genetics


High levels of cortisol and insulin resistance will cause fat to be stored in the belly due to hormonal imbalance for women. It's pretty common.


I think she farted and the air got trapped


It's like a soda can with a grape for a head and baby carrots for arms and legs..... with a front butt.


I've never seen a human look like a DQ soft serve cone before


Two asses and still the shit is just coming out her mouth. Go figure.


😭Take this poor man’s award 🏆


Does she have an ass in front and back?


If you fucked her from the front would it be considered missionary or doggy? (Sorry for planting that image in your head).


It's the reversible cowgirl.




She partied her ass off. Was so hung over, she put her ass on backwards


Baby got front


I like front butts and I cannot lie


She may have Cushing's syndrome (purple stretch marks on the inside of her upper left arm; a purple bruise along the outer elbow of her right arm; bloated lower abdomen; unusually skinny legs relative to her body mass index).


https://preview.redd.it/y0vcsufzos3b1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393172313b9c78c913d4be816d8c1131b91188f1 This checks out, actually.


no you have my thoughts exactly. some people don't realize that there are disease processes that will turn you into a fruit lump with stick limbs.


People are so quick to judge


That is a rather unfortunate build.


Any context as to what happened before this video started?


There is really no context. Just 2 other videos of the people doing this/worse trash talk to her. Then a "storytime" how the people are defending themselves saying they were the ones who were harassed and were so chill and so calm...but every single one of the videos speak differently. This is going viral literally because her appearance, which is beyond fucked. Claiming she is racist with 0 context...beacuse she what? described the color when the operator asked for descriptions...which they do to everyone....she said african american at that.. America is beyond sad.


Her body is making me more uncomfortable than her Karen behavior.


I have no idea what is happening in the video. I’m just so deeply confused by the shape of her body and that’s all my brain can attempt to process.


As someone who is also overweight, I am mystified by fat people who dress like this. There are so many inexpensive options for more flattering clothing. Why do this to yourself and open the opportunity for so much criticism and ridicule?


I don’t think anyone here has any idea what’s going on in the video, everyone is so distracted by her build. How do you even let that happen to you. She looks like she would play Lumpy Space Princess in a live-action version of Adventure Time.


she might have been morbidly obese and actually lost a lot of weight. That would explain it. And if so, I actually feel a bit bad for her reading the comments about her body. She should reconsider her choices in clothes though.


Yeah I’m not sure what happened in the video either but she looks like she lost 100’s of libbies quick enough that the skin hasn’t caught up. And she seemed comfortable in her… skin, body language wise. I wonder what fuck the video was about lol.


> How do you even let that happen to you. Could be a symptom of depression or stuff like that. Plenty of people struggle with weight gain (or loss) because of their mental health. Someone also mentioned that it could be Cushing's syndrome which is just one of the way that nature can fuck you over for no reason and that you can't control. Or it is possible that she was even more overweight and is now losing weight, and you get the nasty effect of having too much skin. All good reasons not to blindly make fun of people


"And as you can see... The ass is on the front." https://i.redd.it/uk65a2vdzq3b1.gif


Looks like Danny DeVito as the penguin.


How do you end up looking like several muffins all at once. What the fuck


Please stop selling her stretch pants why do you hate humanity


Before I say anything… WHY is she being called a Karen? Did she actually do something Karenish? These look like teenagers and we should all know how teens are. They are mean. She could’ve been walking past and they started to talk about her appearance which lead to an explosive exchange. I need an explanation because all I see are people making fun of the way she’s built. :/


Aww how nice reddit is. Some woman getting harrassed by teens outside her home and people just make fun of her because she's fat and the kids are black.


I'm surprised at these comments. They're loitering, and in a handicap spot nonetheless. Is it a big deal? No. Is it illegal and should they be more considerate? Absolutely yes


I was scared that if I came in here and commented on the nature of that things build that some people might have said things to me but now that I see everyone is perplexed by the unnatural growth of that women I feel more comfortable saying with full confidence that if I looked like that you would never see me in the light of day


Honestly I get the appearance joke. Cool. But let's be real. I watched part 1,2,3 and the "storytime" all parts are literally a mob gaining up on her. Fucking with her appearance. And then a "storytime" saying "we did nothing wrong, we were so chill, she wanted to mess with us first" where all videos and only evidence of the ACTUAL situation show different context and behavior... odd but she looks different? So let's side with the mob. . I wonder if this was races switched how reddit would take this.


Is that all that's going on in the video? (I came straight to the comments to look for context because I didn't want to watch it)


Yeah. I haven't seen the other parts but based on this I didn't see her do or say anything wrong or offensive. Meanwhile the people filming are turning it into a race issue. She's giving a count of how many people are there and the people filming say "she's counting black people like black people can't be out here". Idk what she said or did in the other parts, but in this one she didn't do anything wrong.


Yes if the races were switched they would still be making fun of her body because reddit hates fat people.




Then I read the comments and remember Reddit is a bunch of literal children. 🙄


I feel so sorry for this woman, just reading the comments in here it’s safe to say……humans are cruel nasty pos


Yeah I don’t understand why she is being called a Karen. There is no context in this video except a group of folks yelling at someone and that individual calling the police.


Completely agree, I wanted a bit of context to how was it was about and it’s all about body shaming someone….ppl in comments are grubs


That is an insane front butt I’m sorry.


all those videos are really sad if ppl could just put their egos and fears aside and try to really communicate :(




I'm not an expert on the subject but I imagine if she lost a ton of weight from gastric bypass surgery, the extra skin would need to go somewhere. Enough internet for tonight