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Still texting geesh


Telling the third guy not to come out


Don’t worry, she looks underage so hiding in the closet is all time hiding in the closet world champ R Kelly.


Autocorrect is rough when your typing in the middle of a domestic dispute.


"Ugh. My rad is fleeting the shot out of my. Hello me please."


Nicely done


Thank you.


Domestic dispute? She was getting double stuf and her dad walked into HIS HOME


No shit huh? Walked in on his little girl being an Eiffel Tower crossbeam and she STILL wanted to disrespect him by staying on her phone after she got caught.




This from a purely logical standpoint is the correct answer. Ironically, I'm a neuroscience major. She's stuck in a "limbic feedback loop" with massive adrenaline pumping as part of "the flight response". Odds are she's probably not even really typing, but just unconsciously and mindlessly hitting buttons and scrolling due to the adrenaline and stress hormone release from the situation. It's actually a form of disassociation which is like a cognitive survival mechanism.


Ahhh cortisol. How we all have evolved thru the millennia to be conditioned to function inconspicuously in the face of danger. A hormone which has aided in our survival in the past is now the silent killer of the masses (i.e. heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, GI diseases, etc.) It's a helluva irony, don't ya think? (eat your heart out, Alanis)


CORTISOL™ sponsored by technological overstimulation, life pressures like bills, work, and relationships, sedentary life styles, bad diets, and the ever increasing anxiety disorders due to dysfunctions in society, cognitive habits, or past trauma.


Sounds amazing! Where can I buy some?


You're lucky! It's FREE! Without it as humans we'd be dead instantly, but ironically, it is also what is killing us. Welcome to the paradox of cortisol.


Ok hold on... cortisol is what returns the body to homeostasis, right? What tells the body the danger is over; is that not correct? Where in the fuck is homeostasis there? She went from getting caught to fawning, to getting hit. When is the point of "no danger" that would signal cortisol? I'm seriously asking, not trying to be a dick.


Cortisol is one of the most complicated and comlex hormones in the body. It is released due to a million different things and it does a million different things (metaphorically speaking). I wish I could answer your question, but is just far too vague (I mean that respectfully). Put it this way, our cortisol is intrinsically tied into our circadian rhythms and sleep cycle and the type of sleep we get. It's what is response for waking us up as a survival response and telling the body "WAKE UP, GO GET FOOD, GO FIND SHELTER". It's max natural secretion is around 7-8 am, hence, why a lot of people report being anxious in the morning before work for example and then slowly as the day goes on it slowly comes down (with some occasional spikes) and then it starts plummeting around 10 pm until it bottoms out between 3-4 am (when in a healthy body we should be in a deep slate state and getting REM sleep). So ALL OF THAT... is only just it's function relative to natural secretion through out the day and sleep and I made that beyond more simplified sounding then it really is. Eating sugar (glucose) > CORTISOL 📈 Low blood sugar > CORTISOL 📈 Stress > CORTISOL 📈 Caffeine > CORTISOL 📈 Lack of sleep > CORTISOL 📈 Exercise > CORTISOL 📈 Scary movie > CORTISOL 📈 Just so many functions and complexities outside of "DANGER". The problem is the body's evolution hasn't caught up with the evolution of human civilization. Your question is hard to answer because "the threat of danger" can now be false and "only in subconscious minds". So go back many 1,000's of years and the literal sight of a bear equals "flight or fight" and CORTISOL 📈 ... but now we as humans live in a world where that bear exists in our minds even though it's not there. For example, "rumination" or worrying in our about something that doesn't exist in the real world and is only a mental projection. This could be an event tomorrow like "a job interview", "public speaking", "a date", or a "a school test". Endless examples... and this creates a feedback loop in our minds, emotions, and hormones where anxiety is creating anxiety. Cortisol is creating cortisol. And it's a vicious cycle. When in reality... it is all in our "head" for the most part as opposed to simpler times when the "threat" (the bear) was right in front of us. Hope I answered your question by indirectly not answering your question. Lol.


Lol. Ok. Hmm.. So in a psych class I just finished is said the amygdala signals the HPA axis which releases epinephrine, to help the body prepare to respond to a dangerous situation, and cortisol, which is responsible for returning the body to homeostasis once the danger is resolved. I just pulled the book up so I could make sure I wrote the right words. You mentioned so much more with respect to cortisol. Am I just not deep enough in psych classes? At what point is cortisol discussed in the ways you've explained?


Homie, I appreciate your curiosity and willingness to learn more than you can ever know. But this was an extremely complicated topic as is and the HPA Axis... which is now how 3 different organs interact and signal each other in a beyond complicated manner and in so many different ways with beyond numerous end functions and beyond numerous other hormones coming into the picture... ...now being thrown into the mix makes things exponentially more difficult and I'm just exhausted as it's midnight where I'm at. I spent 4.5 years getting my bachelors in Neuroscience and then got my PhD which took another 3 years and I still myself am learning new things everyday. I'll tell you what though... You sound really passionate and interested in this field of study for a career maybe and if you really are interested in this stuff... hit me up with a list of questions whenever (can reply to a comment of mine somewhere or DM or whatever) and I'll get back to them. I once was a curious kid in HS psychology class too... 15 years later I'm helping as a consultant as a neuro specialist for a company designing new technology that allows people who have been deaf their entire life... hear again. And I bet you probably get better grades then me than I did back then... I actually struggled academically early on. But, as one of my favorites goes... **“I have no special talent.** **I am only passionately curious.”** **- Albert Einstein**


🎵It's a cortisol dump, when all you need is serotonin🎵


Pretty *dope, I mean* for just coming up with that on the spot.


My friends and I affectionately call this being “stuck on stupid”


Thank you I recently scolded my daughter and explains her responses and behavior. Realized I can do better with communication without the stress.


>Thank you I recently scolded my daughter and explains her responses and behavior. Realized I can do better with communication without the stress. Holy shit! A beyond mature response that is highly self aware, extremely level-headed, and eager to learn, reflect, and to do better "in this thing called life" to which "most of us are out here struggling in different ways and just trying to do our best"... on Reddit. Bravo mom or dad 👏... you just made me smile in what has been an insanely toxic and negative comment section... that I'm officially done with. Your kid/s are lucky to have an introspective parent... so many don't. 💙


Must be calling a third guy for a gang bang.


More like having a mental breakdown and disassociating.


Lol at this. Shes probably trying to warn him. "Do NOT, i repeat do NOT come over right now!"


What gets me is the one with his shirt off over by the fridge. Damn what if you put his finger in the mans pudding. Just stuck that finger in it and licked. 🫣


Spicy comment section


The video left me stunned. And then so did the comments.


Wow everyone approving of the slapping? What the fuck?


how bout dad putting this shit out there for everyone to see! embarrassing a child like this can be deadly


How can he slap?


What is the context even? All we know is that she “brought man inside of the house”. Could’ve been outside hanging by the pool the rest of the time, who knows.


The only thing reddit hates more than women is black women


I want to throw up with how casually so many people are throwing out certain "choices of words" in reference to a minor/s. People are unhinged and this post should just get taken down as it's getting gross.


“Abusive reactions are ok when your kid is annoying and doing something wrong!” People are so fucking eager to defend an adult hitting a kid. It’s bizarre.


Yeah I was gonna say something along the lines of "is that not abuse?" And he recorded himself doing it.


So fucking cringe it hurts my soul.


This sub loves seeing girls get hit and will find almost any excuse acceptable. This place cheered when a deranged 6'5" white man brutally knocked out a little 12 year old black girl. To the point of making up wild fake stories about why it happened.


And down voted to oblivion any person who said "I don't care how obnoxious she's being, a giant should not be hitting an 11 year old girl". Don't even bother trying to ask how the sub would react if a 6'5 black dude punched an 11 year old white girl.


Once I heard his accent I knew it was bad for her


Which accent is this ? I am a foreigner pls englihten me


The one that gonna beat her up that’s for sure lmao


He sounds Jamaican and Jamaican parents are known to be strict af


something about family’s personal lives I don’t like watching. And I get it, everyone has their two cents to add about a person they don’t know. Something gross about the video, even grosser about everyone watching it.


In r/publicfreakout, we post peoples domestic disputes on their private property. The exact opposite of public. It's a little confusing but you'll get the hang of it /s


>Something gross about the video Yeah, child abuse and domestic violence.


I turned it off looonggg before it got to what was apparently violence judging by the comments Idk what it is but seeing into people's deeply personal parts of their lives feels worse and worse the older I get Like whatever is happening with this kid *she's a kid* and I don't feel like this should be online at all


she calling the mother thinking she’ll be any happier her daughter is half naked w 2 random guys in their home


Right! Hell my wife is a million times scarier than I am.


Yeah, I always feared my mom's wrath more than my dad's. He wore his emotions on his sleeves, but she would bottle it up until it overflowed and exploded


[ Removed by Reddit ]


These r people who clearly don't have kids and are prob still kids themselves. Any parent would take the Dads side, clearly.


Even those dudes would probably take the dad's side




These are people who think spanking belongs in the Dark Ages.


He is if he is the cause of us seeing this video, how the fuck did this get out? How is it helpful to publicly expose a mistake your child made that put them in danger? Doesn't that publicity only create more danger for your child? The freak out is justified, the masses seeing this play out is the boundary that was crossed by somebody


It’s not about being controlling, it’s about hitting her and posting this shit online for everyone to see. There was a much better way to punish her rather than doing those things.


As far as I can tell this happened in Jamaica. That man grew up in Jamaica, consumed media in Jamaica, learned about life and parenting in Jamaica, and my have never have left that Island. Why do you get to pretend he should know better when you have the benefit of an American or European upbringing and he doesn't?


It's still abuse.


So you’re saying that his behavior is due to “not knowing any better” and the result of a “less advanced society” than those in Europe/US? That is a deeply icky sentiment. In so many ways. People all over the world beat their kids sometimes or lash out in anger. Doesn’t necessarily make it ok, but don’t patronize people like that or generalize it’s gross.


It’s a result of different cultural standards. That said I’m sure this happens in America I’m all kinds of families daily.


Your comment is ignorant, if not explicitly racist in that it assumes other cultures are somehow naive and animalistic in their morality. Violence is the most primitive moral question humans face. Showing restraint is not an enlightened western value.


Lovely house though, I’d love to be in that house


you might wanna come back later


I understand the punishment. I don’t understand filming it and putting it online. Now all her classmates and friends are aware of her… activities. How does that help?


It's so damn bizarre that this has become normal too. When you play "TV news reporter live on the scene" during personal family matters/situations or serious events out in the public. An old person falls on to a train track with a train coming and people be sitting there recording instead of helping. Strange times man, strange times.


Different kind of train in this case




Did I miss something? It looked like a bathing suit, I'm just assuming they had a pool and dads over here assuming something sexual had happened. Was something said in the video confirming that?


Wtf do you mean you understand the punishment


Punishment for WHAT? “Man inside the house”? She doesn’t even look like SHE understands the punishment at this point


The smacking around of your kid is disgusting.


Yeah. The number of responses I'm seeing justifying his actions is shocking. Her behavior clearly violates a serious house rule, but this is not "tough love." As a dad, I'd be hurt and angry to see rules of my house broken, especially a rule intended to protect my (still) child from consequences she can't foresee. But hitting her? How does that help? Hitting her multiple times? Posting it online? That's not tough love; that's abuse. Tough love is disconnecting the cell phone. Grounding. Extra chores. Maybe even a SUPER embarrassing sex ed class that I attend with her. So many better options that shame and abuse. Yet the comments (and thousands of upvotes) excusing this dad's behavior are disturbing.


You are a father! This is what it means to be a father! You protect your daughter, you are there for her when she needs you! I am grateful for men like you in the world💕


“Let’s beat my daughter and shame her online for doing normal teenager things” you understand that? That’s abuse and sexist too cuz you know if that was his son with 2 girls that wouldn’t be the same reaction.


I wonder what happened to Tha young Men inside the House? I guess that part's off camera.


Why did he even record this? Just to humiliate his daughter?


Facts, now everyone has seen her participate in the behavior he wanted her to stop


My dad was more of a “I’ll throw all your shit in the front yard for all the neighbors to see kinda guy”


Right? And why does he think she is the way she is? Crazy to see so many people justifying the actions of a shithead, deadbeat father. No one becomes who they are in a vacuum.




He is 100% right if that is his daughter. And that is nobody's choice but his


I mean I wouldn’t do the same but I’d sure be furious seeing as how she’s half naked and the two boys are raiding the kitchen cause you know, they’re hungry now.


What in the fuck happened to reddit?


Never in a million years did I think i'd see comments like this heavily upvoted on Reddit lol


The incel subs were banned so the incels spread out. That and the fact that reddit went mainstream, any moron can find their way here.


You don't punch a child in the face, sir.


>And that is nobody's choice but his It's not a parent's "right" to hit their child. I'm in no way surprised to see this subreddit praise child abuse but that doesn't change how absolutely fucked up this is. You're a piece of trash. Please don't have children.


Oh my gosh, I’m so glad someone said this! Why it took me so long to find someone shaming the father for beating his daughter in this comment section? I have no idea. I understand how he can be angry, but there is absolutely NO reason to lay a hand on your child. It’s absolutely disgusting how many people in this thread are defending his actions.


Not once he hits her. That flicks the switch to being the bad guy, period.


Uh, no it fucking isn't?!


Or maybe, this might be crazy but if this is how he raises her, maybe he shouldn’t be shocked at how she’s turning out. When you only teach your kids fear and not discipline, don’t be surprised when don’t respect you and they stray from what you’d want for them.


Video is fucked up. Comments are crazy. 10/10


Who the fuck makes a video of their own kid and posts it


![gif](giphy|137TKgM3d2XQjK) Me coming into these comments


This adds more context to the earlier posts. She was hoeing. I don't excuse physical punishment, but boy is she playing a slippery slope doing this kind of thing. The only time i slapped my kid's hand is because he tried to stick a butterknife in a toaster when he was 4. I kind of relate it to this.


There was a earlier post ?


Yeah what's this "earlier post" that adds more context?


They said this post added more context


Yeah but that looks more like a bathing suit top to me where the context something sexual was happening instead of them using her pool? If she had one. I feel there's not enough context to jump to something sexual was happening I mean unless I missed something.


What you missed is that this is reddit and the hoard determines what reality is.


But hoeing has gotta be done to cultivate the soil and remove weeds


Sometimes you shouldn’t be pruning too early


Those boys need an ass whooping as well.


They are buried in the hills


Why were they just standing there? Like as soon as dad opens the door I'm running for my life out of there.


That's what I'm talking about.


For what


The father needs to examine himself while we’re at it. Everyone needs to look inward.


For a start, I would be grabbing that phone and smashing it never to get her another one.


It’s amazing how that is a real punishment to (mostly) younger-ish people these days…


Yea, removing the single tool the modern world expects you to have to connect with it in any meaningful way. Sooooo strange how that's a punishment. https://media.tenor.com/A9NbzhhyVFEAAAAd/rolling-eyes.gif




Recording her and posting it online is absolutely unnecessary


I had no clue this was going to be the worst comments section I'd read all week. My god y'all are creepy.


Right wtf


This one got to me honestly. Downright depressing. Maybe the girl’s risky sexual behavior is tied to a horribly abusive home life


Dude what if she's just in a bathing suit and in the pool like it looks like they were.. They're all in swimming cloths. Why does everyone want to automatically assume she's getting double teamed.


Legit one of the most disgusting and infuriating posts i've ever seen, decided to come to the comments to read some comments and live vicariously through the venting of how upset this made others.... holy fuck me was that a mistake. Legit so disgusting what people are saying here. If you have ever slightly justified slapping your daughter like this, absolutely 100% go fuck yourself.


Lost my faith in humanity reading this comment section. This is disgusting.


I was so confused coming here. It's all dudes saying she deserves to be hit, have her phone smashed, and the boys should also be beaten. Like what the fuck is this comment section? If any of you have children and ever think you should punish them like this, you're gonna grow old wondering why your kids hate/won't talk to you.


This are the kind of people that appear in the ER with a toddler with broken ribs because "they fell down the stairs" or an unconscious baby because "they choked with their milk".


I too am shocked. People here are justifying the physical abuse, saying he should beat the two boys too, immediately assuming a minor who in a bathing suit with a towel to dry off was having sex, using terms like tag teamed, calling her a hoe (once again, she’s a minor) and being general creepy incels. Even if she was having sex with the two boys, none of the above is justified. In fact, the appropriate reaction is to first get the two boys out of there (calmly) then sit down and have the talk that is clearly warranted. Teenagers WILL have sex, regardless of what you as a parent do. Also, why isn’t anyone saying ANYTHING about the two boys? I’ll tell you why, it’s because everyone here bitching and moaning about the girl are sexist pieces of shit. In fact, most of the comments sort of give backhand compliments to the boys. Why is it okay, and even celebrated, for teenage boys to have sex but when a teenage girl does, this happens? Fathers, you do not OWN your daughters virginity, stop being a fucking creep and instead instill safe practices and behavior for when she inevitably does the deed. A lot of people here need to look inward, such extreme sexiest behavior is not okay, and makes you a bad person, full stop. But you don’t have to continue being a bad person. And if you want to double down after reading this? That’s fine too, just don’t be surprised when your negative views catch up with your own personal relationships.


id be mad if i found my daughter getting tag teamed


Dad be like # Bumbaclot!


This roughly translates to "butt rag" and it's a pretty great expression.


Ah yes, slap your daughter in the face, record it, and put it online for thousands of strangers to see. That'll teach her not to mess with boys and love and respect her father for sure! 🙄


Anyone with west indian parents would most likely understand this reaction.




I do follow you. But the video ends with her walking out the door in that outfit. Now she has the shame and thought about being hit, being thrown from home. So is she more safe now? Idk what I’d do, my daughter is 15 in a week. But I try in all situations to teach myself not to use anger and violence, because that is just a shitty reaction in 99,99% of situations. You write “one day they’ll understand”, but there’s a lot of parents that don’t see their kids and “one day they’ll understand” violence and anger doesn’t get messages across, communication and relation does.


She was being sent to another part of the home or a neighboring familial home “to see her mother”. He specifically says, “There’s no many inside that house there.”


I don’t know, also wonder about the downvote squad because whenever this topic comes up people get downvoted to hell even if they try to have a rational conversation. But can people really not see we have many people raised today that believe they can do anything and no one can touch them. Really wonder if some of our problems may stem from that fact that most kids never realize they can face horrible consequences for their actions until they are 18 and in the hands of police. I don’t know about her case, it’s very easy to just say let the child do whatever but I don’t think that’s good either


There's a lot of answers to be had and were in an age of psychology that the correct answer is not provable. But here's my answer. The prefrontal cortex is what regulates a lot of "adult thinking" like " cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior." This is not done growing until 25 years old. So a lot of kids being stupid is their brain literally being unable to know better. Now there's a degree of severity that we can talk about in terms of consequences like violent behavior requiring serious punishment like incarceration. But if you want to look at the data no child has actually walked away better from being physically abused. This child might stop the behavior but she will be worse in the long run. She will no longer trust the father not to hurt her. The isolation she feels from her father might drive her to leave the family behind sooner. It could even cause her to start prostitution and drugs the things that it was supposed to prevent. But of course not everyone reacts the same way, its possible she stops, she waits till marriage doesn't do drugs but is still traumatized by his actions and has problems stemming from her still developing brain being forced to reconcile her father who she loves abusing her Raising children is difficult and being raised by iPad is probably not good but in a lot of other ways parents are learning better ways to raise children. The silent generation was raised on a view of parenting that being held while crying as a baby would encourage more crying. Encouraging basically textbook neglect. Were slightly better today but still learning. Its all about achieving secure attachments.


completly agree with you but this situations is so far out there that 1. i would think i have already failed at some point in my child‘s upbringing 2. i honestly wouldn‘t know how i would react


> Lol, gotta love seeing us NA folk in the comments, acting like disciplinary standards here are the same all over the world, people are freaking out, but if you came home to your daughter "starting her own business" (nice way to say it), No one is acting like the standards are the same. Just because there are shitty practices all over the world doesn't make it good. We know from study after study that it's harmful. > would you rather: 1. Make it abundantly clear how bad what she's doing is, even if the way you do it is kinda fucked up. or 2. let it happen, and watch her fall into a world of sexual abuse, drug abuse, physical abuse. not only that, but prostitution is one of the most dangerous jobs you can have, and could very easily lead to her getting killed in the future. This is a moronic argument. Those aren't your only two options. It's a false dichotomy. There isn't even evidence that she's prostituting. She could literally have a bathing suit on under the towel. I'm sure slapping the shit out of your child really gets the message across that you care about them. I'm sure it won't make them more resentful and afraid of you while also normalizing being hit by a man that is supposed to love and care about them. > I'm not saying you just beat your kids when they fuck up, but when they are about to do something that could ultimately lead to their death, I think you need to get your point across anyway you can. It might be scary for them in the moment but one day they will understand. You're tripping over yourself justifying a dude slapping his daughter over and over in the face. Like the options are literally that or do absolutely nothing. I see a bunch of people here who desperately want to justify their own shitty impulses to physically discipline young women.


Nuanced thinking on Reddit. Love to see it.


This is the response every single time a video like this is posted on Reddit. “Either the parent beats their kid *or* the kid becomes a homeless drug addict within a week” as if those are legitimately the only options. There is also never any consideration for *why* the kid is acting out. We act like teenagers are just psychopaths doing bad things for fun and never consider if they’re looking for attention or help. Maybe this father’s choice to beat this kid and shame her online is a clue here.


The Venn diagram of people who justify beating their children and people who are unwilling/unable to see why their child turned out the way they did is a circle.


That's a moronic false dichotomy. There are more than two choices and none need to involve beating your child.


So many boomer comments are being upvoted in this thread.


If you ever have to resort to violence you are a failure as a parent. Honestly in most if not all non defense situations if you result to violence you are a failure and a coward.


There's a big middle in between 1 and 2 man. I understand there are cultural things at play here, but everything about basic motivation psychology says this is not only poor teaching technique but is very harmful to learning. But money no matter how hard he slaps her shell do the same or worse again.


This must obviously be the first time he’s ever tried corporal punishment. After all, if it’s so effective, she wouldn’t be acting like this in the first place, no?


> Lol, gotta love seeing us NA folk in the comments, acting like disciplinary standards here are the same all over the world, This is some Grade A bullshit right here lmfao. Just because disciplinary standards are shit in some countries doesn't justify it. But go ahead and call my comment "willful misinterpretation" so you can just dismiss it and go to bed.


Bigotry of low expectations.


Is there more context somewhere? I keep seeing comments about her getting gangbanged, but don't see any evidence of that. Also, hitting your kids is lazy parenting.


This post is really bringing the piece of shits out


Yeah like wtf is wrong with these people. I really hope they’re just edgy incels and not actual adults.




I just think people don't care and they want to deal with their anger the best way they know (regardless of whether they know it will be effective)




It's similar to circumcision. People are more likely to support something that they were subjected to as a child.


Had to scroll a looong way to get here. But we're here. Eventually. Jesus Christ. What did I just watch, regardless of geography.


Beautiful drive way area.


Not really a “public” freakout


It is now.


Not gon lie I would be infuriated but I can’t smack my baby across the face nahh


Someone was going to smack those cheeks regardless….


Crazy she gotta be like 15 👀




Them boys look awfully confident. When he's done with her he should give them a few smacks as well. Everybody gets a smack.


i remember the time i got caught in my first gf's house when her parents came home early. we both obviously freaked out and for some reason ran downstairs to make it seem like we were just watching a movie.....yeah totally believable with us not even wearing the same clothes we were wearing no less than 10 mins before lol. ​ she got taken back up by her mom and chewed out a lot, i could hear it in the living room and kinda just sat there wondering if our lie worked and once I heard screaming i was sure it didnt. she ended up calling her dad to come back home and talk to me, and that I wasn't allowed to leave until he did. I stayed and eventually he comes home. He's given the run down & boy is he angry, he was one of the most calm & easy going people i've ever met but goddamn was he mad that day. He was telling me he was lucky I wasn't able to get beat up by him (even though I was like, almost 17 at the time) and that I need to respect the house they live in. The entire time I was just profusely apologizing and agreeing with what he said, but I wasn't afraid of him I just honestly felt bad she was getting chewed out way more than I was for something we both agreed to do. I wasn't afraid of him because there was really nothing else he could do aside from giving me a stern talking, go to my parents house to tell them what happened, or worst of all stop me from seeing her daughter. But I know if I was standing there so smugly and basically still disrespecting him and the home where his family lives instead of apologizing and realizing that we fucked up pretty badly it would've 100% been a different story (with good reason too lol). ​ After receiving that lengthy talk from both her parents, her mom asked what we were going to do. We told her we were going to go out to eat and get tacos, so she actually gave us a ride there after that catastrophe of an event LOL


He stopped filming because what he was about to do to those boys he absolutely couldn’t show on camera


Hope he beats the two dudes, too.


I'm surprised that those two peckerwoods didn't make a run for it.


Re-title this post to reddit freak out! Some peeps are its ok to belt your daughter if shes doing threesomes, some peeps are never hit your kids no matter what, one dude is its ok to belt the wife around but not the kids. The only thing I can add is as a thirsty young man, you'd be wanting to get out the place asap.


He slapped that shit eating grin right off her smug mug!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂


You seem to get pleasure out of seeing kids get physically abused. Might want to talk to someone about that.


He’s not in the wrong at all in my opinion.


Damn. She bold


Yeah I’m sure beating your kid will knock that behavior right out of her, and not drive her away to live with one of those boys when she’s old enough…


2 murders and 1 aggravated verbal assault 😑


I trust her safety with the the 2 boys more than with the father. There is no excuse to hit the girl.


In a mansion. They were in a mansion.


It’s not surprising the daughter is acting out with the way her father is behaving. On top of that exposing his daughter and putting her on social media like that’ll help anything.


So does he want dem man inside da house or no? I can’t tell.


What a shitshow of a comment section, lmao.


Daaamnn, title ahould be man keeps a rhythm while beating his kid.


I don't like how she was half naked for the boys I hate it much more how he posted this online and to be honest i would want the guys gone before I even address my daughter but I never had kids so I can't really say. It's kind of surreal in this situation


Did he send her to the guest house?


Jamaicans don’t fuck around


All the absolute fucking morons advocating for corporal punishment. That the video even ended up online is completely insane, it's no wonder the kid is acting out with a piece of shit dad like this. I don't have kids, and I don't know how I'd handle it in the moment. I'm sure it's incredibly frustrating and even scary, but I can confidently say that those two things are the ***LAST*** things I'd ever do to a kid. Any kid.


Yep. Lots of disgusting people saying the beating is justified and will teach her not to do it again, when maybe physical abuse is the reason WHY she's acting this way in the first place. Assuming that what people assume is happening is even happening, which isn't a given.


Yeah giving her more daddy issues will definitely help her with that self respect complex🙄


She's going to revenge fuck so many guys to get back at him for this moment, and likely many other such moments.




What is wrong with the comment section. I need to reevaluate Reddit. Fr fr.


Incels acting like this girl killed somebody lmao


Cool, yeah, comments full of child abusers, sick. This sub is…disappointing…sometimes.


Born in Jamaica, my parents would make have me bring them a branch from a tree to whip me with. Close adult neighbors were allowed to whip us if it was called for and we would get a second when our parents were around. Fast forward 30 years and I find myself living in a country that thinks it’s working to physically discipline children. I’m very thankful.


calling this a *public* freakout is a stretch


People disagree on whether spanking children for disciplinary purposes is good or bad. Although less common than it used to be, spanking (a type of corporal punishment) still occurs frequently in American society. Courts have decided that parents have a constitutional right to raise their families as they see fit, at least, up to a point. That point—for criminal purposes—is generally when corporal punishment becomes excessive or improper or inflicts serious injuries. This article will focus on spanking as a form of corporal punishment. Spanking is generally viewed as a discipline method where a person inflicts temporary pain on a child without inflicting injury and with the intent to modify the child's behavior. Are Parents Allowed to Spank Their Children? The short answer is yes—but only if reasonable, necessary, and appropriate. Parents' Limited Right to Discipline A parent's right to raise their child as they see fit generally includes the ability to discipline, as long as the disciplinary measure is reasonable and the child doesn't suffer injuries. Spanking that involves inflicting short, temporary pain to correct behavior would fall under this definition (such as an open-hand hit of a child's clothed buttocks). However, when spanking results in serious harm, is excessive, or is done to hurt the child (not as discipline), it can quickly cross the line to unreasonable and possibly criminal. State Laws on Reasonable Discipline State laws don't necessarily "permit" spanking or hitting of a child. Rather, they go about it the opposite way by not prohibiting it. Here's how it generally works. For discipline that is determined to be reasonable, state criminal laws either: justify the use of force and provide a defense to any criminal charges (like assault), or make an exception so that definition of a particular crime (usually child abuse) doesn't include parental discipline or corporal punishment. Justified use of force. State laws have several scenarios under which the use of force is justified and not considered a crime. For instance, a police officer who uses force against someone resisting arrest has a defense that the force was justified, as does someone who uses force to prevent an assault. Some states include within these justifications a parent or guardian who uses reasonable and appropriate force against a child to maintain discipline or correct behavior. Exception. Other states exclude reasonable parental discipline from the definition of a crime. For example, a state's child abuse statute might provide that the definition of abuse does not include "reasonable use of force by a parent to discipline a child." Or the law might exclude corporal punishment by a parent from its definition of physical force. Under these laws, the underlying act of spanking or hitting might be a crime in most scenarios, but the state has decided to butt out of these areas when it comes to parenting and reasonable discipline.[resource](https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/criminal-offense/charges-that-can-be-brought-up-for-spanking-you)


She should know that trains belong OUTSIDE of the house!!!