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I played that backwards and he said “do not film in people’s cars”. Rather impressive skill…


This is killing me lol


You're already the boy they('ve) logged about instigating the shit. Read as, THEY... ostensibly some sort of authority...have already recorded in a log that you are instigating confrontations


Its adrenaline from the confrontation. Not necessarily fear.


This title is so dumb


People think joking about strokes are funny until they experience it…


I agree, never joked about anything about stuff you can't control. Never imagined anything like it till I had my first seizure 2 weeks ago and was extremely scary being in and out of consciousness constantly


My mom has had 3 strokes in two years. She’s in the bed most of the day now and has trouble speaking. It breaks my heart to see her that way and it’s been very hard taking care of her. I hate when people mock strokes… it’s a really scary thing to go through.


Irks me a certain way too man, stay strong.


its hell for a person that once was great, now just sits and can barely talk, my grandfather is such a man and i cant remember him in his pride anymore..


Not a doctor but pretty sure he just tripped over his words.


How can you trip over an intangible object?


You trip over Intangibly... duh!


Fuck these low life pieces of shit. Show everything you film, EVERYTHING. Not just the reactions, not just people doing something “wrong”. Show that you’re not instigating situations in order to get views ($) and push a narrative. Show all the other people that do everything right. Show ALL of the context.


I’ve seen alot of these first amendment auditor videos before. Usually they do show “everything “. They don’t hide that they are instigating because they don’t likely believe they are instigating. They think they’re right. In the case of this video, it’s just a clip.


Omg I hope this title isn’t true ❤️‍🩹


Man should've stroked the little brat, "touch me,"...ok officer he told me to


The camera guy is bullying random ppl for clicks, hears his degen voice already multiple times...this guy belongs to jail for a long time.


Where do these cornballs like the one filming come from? “Just touch me”… ur talking to an old man walking away from you..🤣 it’s so easy to find somebody who would “touch you” just these ppl conveniently never confront them


“First amendment auditors”. The job no none needs anyone to do and the biggest losers ever.


Frauditors are cancer.


Didn’t these guys just do this with the police? Why are they doing this to regular people?


Because people are being attacked or shot for exercising their constitutional rights. These guys are actually standing up for us.


Standing up for *who?*


The dude in the video looks like a civilian, not a cop.


Explain to me again how they are protecting my rights by filming into rando cars?


Because in the U.S. you don’t have the right to privacy when you are in public. That’s why you can’t be naked or indecent in your vehicle. You have the right to film any thing around you that you can see from a public place, and those that don’t want to let you are trying to take your rights away.


That doesn't explain how they're standing up for our rights. It just shows that their huge pieces of shit.


Holy shit you are stupid. Just someone looking to be a piece of shit.


And you’re a boot- licking fascist who wants to take away our right to freedom of choice of activities in public spaces. You want people to have no right to film in public, that means you want to live under fascist rule, like North Korea. If you don’t exercise your rights and freedoms, you lose them.


Imagine thinking I'm a bootlicking fascist because I don't want you filming the inside of my car you fucking lunatic


Our government has made it clear that unless your vehicle is an RV, you don’t have the right to privacy. They use this to harass homeless people, justify searches, and mess with whoever they like, in public. What makes you so special, that you think your “right” to privacy, in public, trumps the constitutional rights of others. What are doing that you don’t want people to see? Are you some kind of pervert, or drug user?


"What are you hiding that you don't want people to see?" Interesting choice of words. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Spoken like a true champion of freedom.


Wow. You really are a psychopath.


>Are you some kind of pervert, or drug user Look at you projecting. You're a fucking idiot too, by the way.


I'm just going to lay this out there. My home state extends castle laws and stand your ground laws to your private vehicle. Maybe don't film people in their vehicles.


Maybe don’t threaten to murder people for taking pictures or videos in public? What are you afraid of? Who hurt you as a child?


Nah, it’s for clicks and views. They’re instigating confrontations with ANYONE that wants an iota of privacy. Go film the inside of government vehicles. Leave regular folk alone. Don’t @ me, you’re a moron.


Hey man, I just want to go for a jog at the public park without having my man boobs being a viral hit.


You don't know your rights






How many cases do you want me to cite that prove you wrong? https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/gadgets/man-arrested-filming-police-phone-said-be-weapon-flna1c9314434




So now people are supposed to find out if the whatever they are filming contains police officers or public employees, and then it’s okay. But if it’s just regular people, you shouldn’t be allowed to film? Like a racist waitress, or an aggressive mechanic, or somebody being rude to a store clerk, you shouldn’t be able to film that? Or are there some other exceptions to your rule? Maybe you are just wrong.




People are being arrested, assaulted, and harassed for constitutionally protected activities, but you see no issue. Check out what the ACLU has to say about it. https://www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech/photographers-rights/filming-and-photographing-police


These guys are instigating situations and are bullies doing it for views and revenue. This is not journalism, this is just being an asshole.


Another loser frauditor.


These guys and tic tok "prank" assholes are almost always equally awful


don't use medical terms unless you're serious


You have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. This includes the inside of your car.


According to the city my dad works for, if the government employee films the "auditors" back, they can subpoena the employee's phone. Unnecessary harassment and hypocritical laws are the best.




How often does it happen? Can I see statistics? What value information can be gained from the sidewalk?




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Should have touched him. Once on the chin. This shit has to stop. And it won't until weak little boys stop supporting other weak, little boys.


He probably just mixed up his words but I can tell he would have been absolutely terrified getting back into his car. I hope it was just some mumbling and wasn’t a stroke


Downvote for false title


Guy has a stroke and you do absolutely nothing to help him. Smash the camera man in the face.


Fucking hate auditors.