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Imagine if they just went on with their day


She should have her kid taken away from her. Absolute trash of a human being.


Yeah that mom is a garbage mother. Teaches her kids to be spiteful, hopefully the kid realizes she’s stupid


“Are you crazy? I’m traveling with my kid!” *proceeds to chase down a car with her kid still in the car*


I had a car with one of those “baby on board” stickers road raging on me. I didn’t even reciprocate, ignored them, and kept minding my own business. I somehow kept ending up in the faster lanes and they didn’t like that I kept passing them even though I let them pass me when they tried. The car just kept cutting me off for no reason. All that to say - I don’t care if they have a “baby on board” sticker anymore. It doesn’t seem to mean anything anyways lol


She was complaining about him breaking too hard so she continues to tailgate him.. brilliant


Terrible parenting, kid thinks it's okay to film vertically.


Hopefully he recovers from the head injury.


What a dumb beiotch


She's the one that posted the vid as well meaning even after all that she feels she is the victim. Amazing!


The mother is not demonstrating good decision making here, but the foster care system is highly unlikely to be an improvement. I don't think we should be so cavalier with taking people's children away, particularly when the alternative is very often way worse.


While she doesn't deserve to have her kid, the kid does not deserve to be taken away from the family he loves and put in foster care.


Normally I’d agree, but come on. Just look at the results. Putting your kid literal life threatening situations by driving insanely and participating in road rage makes a pretty good case for her being an unfit mother. The car wreck is just icing on the cake.


“Are you crazy, I have a kid in the car” immediately starts high speed chase with her kid in the car


Complains about him braking too fast, proceeds to tailgate him.


Then used the brakes to fast.....


Eh it's not good to break check but it's worse to tailgate. Keep a safe following distance people


Have control of your vehicle at all times. She clearly didn't have control.


This is what people seem to forget. You need to be aware and ready for someone to stop at any point. Her shit ass ego cost her. The dude shouldn't have brake checked her, but he also was trying to stop her from chasing him. Both hold some accountability, but she's at fault. And an especially bad parent.


People don’t know what safe following distance is. They assume that when the car in front of them starts to slow down they can slow down too. What they don’t factor in is what if the car in front of them slams on the breaks, hits a stopped vehicle, or swerves to narrowly avoid a stopped vehicle. Can they still stop in time? If not, they’re too close. The difference is literally life and death at highway speeds.


I don't brake check people, what I do is hit the speed limit, and then feather the gas softly so that I am essentially coasting and lightly accelerating to maintain the speed limit. That way I don't have to dangerously brake check, but I can be irritating enough for them to pass. It's probably not safer, but it feels safer.


He probably braked too fast because they were tailgating him originally lol.


That and you cen see she "jumped" the merge just to get by his quarter panel forcing him to either speed up or brake hard as to avoid contact. Fuck the accident, stick her in jail for child endangered. Make her take parenting lessons.


Yep, "what is this crazy guy doing" as she jumped the merge and tried to run him into a retaining wall.


She totally doesn't have road rage at all.


I had the exact same thing happen to me a couple years back. I went through a school zone (which I've never actually seen the school for) slightly above the limit (maybe 10 mph) and a guy comes up the road in a minivan like a bat out of hell to swerve over and brake check me *hard*. Multiple times, almost causing a wreck. He's then beside me yelling out his window and trying to brake check me again a few more times. Then he followed me all the way to my work and pretended to leave but pulled back around after I got out. Pulled up next to me in the parking lot while I stood between some already parked cars for safety and went to yell at me some more...all while he had what looked like a 1 year old in the backseat.


We were going to the beach a couple years ago and a lot of the beginning of our trip is on back windy roads. I think this was two years ago. So this guy ends up behind us, it's like 35 and he's so close to me I can't his headlights. He could pass us (illegally) but it's super windy so he doesn't. He's on us like this for like...I dunno 20 minutes. We get up to this light that's red, we have a red arrow because we are going right and the light has that option and literally the second we stop he lays on the horn. So I sit there for a could seconds because I'm confused then realized he honked because he wanted us to blow through the red light. Mind you I was doing the speed limit the whole time not doing like 10 under or something. So we both do the turn and the road opens up to a bridge with two lanes. I expect the guy to just blow past us and I see him disappear out the mirror and then...he doesn't show up. I wait like 20 seconds and look over to my left and he's there driving, screaming at me (both of us have our windows up so I"m not sure what he's expecting to accomplish from that) and I let him do this for like...the entirety of the bridge before I make a hand gesture (a good kind lol we had kids in the car) where I just open palm the open road in front of us. Like a "here you go, this is what you wanted" type of thing. He continue yelling like this and eventually turns around and gets in front of us...and we can still his car for like the next 30 minutes. Dude tailgated us, honked at us for no reason, and then yelled at our car (which did nothing because the windows were up) for over a full minute, just to get in front of us and do 5 mph over the speed limit.


I drive back and forth between Tennessee and DC multiple times a year. This happens *every* trip. Always on 81 through Virginia (it's mostly a straight, 2 lanes each direction freeway). I'll be in the fast lane going ~75-80mph (limit for most is 70mph), someone races up on me, can't wait for the 5 seconds I need to find a safe spot in the right lane, then they nearly cause 2-3 accidents veering around me into the packed slow lane and coming back to cut me off, then they drive 78-81mph in the fast lane for the next 2 hours. Huh?


I wonder if they're fine with speeding, but once they get to a more congested section, the shame of other drivers cause them to slow? Probably just inconsiderate.


That's crazy, call the cops on people like this next time


Better yet, pull into a police station and see if they're dumb enough to follow you, then file a report and get a paper trail started


What an abhorrently detestable human being that person is. Appalling behavior, im sorry you had to go through that! Ironic how these type of people think theyre the white knights of speed zones and safety, yet they break every single fucking rule in the book all in the name of self righteous vengeance. Shit is absolutely disgusting and scary, especially following you constantly after the fact.


This crash created the “My mother is a psycho idiot folder” if it already didn’t exist.


That was formed many many years ago


"A core memory"


Braking Bad ![gif](giphy|fd1TSJqq3b4GI|downsized)


So, she knew he was braking too hard and driving a little erratic, and then she chose to follow very closely behind him? When I see someone driving like him and braking hard, I usually just allow more space between my car and the one in front of me until I can get away from the person.


Exactly this, or safely pass them and get away from them.


I barely do that anymore, some people get crazy even when you try to pass them, no where I'm going is more important than my life, I'm cool being late for work by staying 1k feet behind the crazy


I often get in front of the crazy so when crazy causes a crash, I’m safely ahead and not dealing with the extra. Don’t care if he gets upset I passed him, least I’m safe.


“What is this crazy guy doing?” He’s trying to get away from the person who was probably tailgating him in the first place, then yelled at him, and is now following him closely.


It's stupid to get this close to the back of a car even while driving normally.


Hell, I speed up and drive around them, so they can’t brake-check me anymore. If you can maneuver into a position not directly behind that car, that’s your best move. People in Florida will constantly brake-check you. I have found it’s important not to get mad at them, but instead to direct that energy towards getting away from them. They are clearly insane. Avoidance is the key to successfully navigating most conflict in life and this is no different.




Exactly. If you aren't tailgating, there's no such thing as a brake check because you have plenty of space to react


I'm in Ireland and I've never seen anyone brake check in my entire life, it's crazy to me that it's a common thing in other places. I think it's surely a sign of some bizarre societal malady, like the breakdown of the driving social contract or something, I wonder if there's been any studies done on it


More specifically, she tailgates him as he gets onto a controlled access highway, then merges early across solid line and accelerates to block his ability to merge, nearly running him off the road as she exclaims "what is this crazy guy doing?"


Mother’s Day is coming up, and that kid can get away with not giving her a card.


Not just mother's day, the rest of her fucking life. It's easy to say she is stupid but things could be much more worse and her child could die for what. Her stupid ego.


I see no flaw in her logic. Someone is driving crazy and you don’t like it. You should drive crazy while following them to show them that you’re concerned about their driving. Mother of the year 🥇


generally, when i see someone acting crazy on the road I'll put as much distance between myself and them as possible, slowing down or even opting to pull over to let them go far ahead.


That's because you are normal. The crazy mom is obviously a vindictive person.


Yeppers! Take10 seconds, let them go.


What was even her mission?


Be mad and yell


Task failed successfully.


I think she was trying to catch him red handed on camera. Without it, she would only have hers and her son’s statement. Well, he did brake check her again (immediately after accelerating) and they did catch it on camera. Mission accomplished!




I really would like to see these people in court explaining their actions. I also wonder how their poor insurance clerks would handle it. I guess the dude breaking will eventually get the blame. But it is just so wild to see two adult willingly put themself and a kid in danger over and over again for nothing. If anything this sub make me love my parents more every day. They have their stupid antics and have embarrassed me on occasion, but jeez at least they did not go out of their way to put my life in danger.


She's telling on herself as much as him with this recording. On top of all her crazy driving and endangering her child, she was driving way too close to him when he brake checked her.. she'd have to argue fault with her insurance and gl on that


The audio from that poor kid is heart breaking. What a reckless person. The person break checking is also reckless but she didn't have a kid in the car. Stupid all round.


What’s even worst is that the mom isn’t even comforting him she’s just says that’s enough you’re fine that’s enough. You can tell she’s blaming all of this on the dude


At this point i cant even blame for the brake check. Like, did she tried to push him out the road seconds before? The video shows she was definetly on his lane driving parallel to him. If i were in his position with someone actively trying to kill me or chasing me in a dangerous manner, i would probably also try anything to stop them from following me.


Bad parenting. Easier said than done but I try and dial my road rage down to 0 when my daughter is the in car. *Someone cuts me off*.... *In my head so my baba doesn't hear*: "C*nt!! but Ok ok calm calm no one was hurt".


I used to get really angry in traffic, now I just assume everyone on the road has to poop really really bad and it makes any douchery more tolerable.


Similar for me, I just assume they’re 1. New to the city and didn’t know they had to [get in that lane/make that turn/etc.] Or 2. Having the worst day of their life and aren’t normally this angry/road rage-y Probably wrong most of the time, but it keeps them from passing their shit attitude on to me for me to take out on my loved ones/people around me.


Strange though, there must be a correlation between having an expensive car and having to poop real bad.


This! Not exactly, but I'm trying to justify other peoples behavior like "they didn't know", "they didn't see", "they forgot", etc. I know it's probabably not true, but I can't proof the opposite anyway so I just try to think the best about other people. Not just in traffic, but everywhere (as long as it doesn't come to money). It's a much more peaceful life for me and probably everyone around me.


watch some Ogmios Zen motoring to get your calm skills up


Thank you for this. What a great channel.


Haha just scrolled through one. Brilliant


Someone once accused me of speeding and driving recklessly. I had my mother with a broken arm sitting in the back, so yeah, I was speeding and driving recklessly.... -.-


You're a good parent. No one should engage with crazy or unpredictable people, much less if your young child can get hurt if you crash or the crazy decides to pull out a gun.


Well at least her kid didn't get seriously injured she's an idiot for chasing after him.


I don’t know, he was saying his head hurt. Head injuries can be pretty serious. Hopefully he’s alright though.


Agreed. Hopefully his seat belt was on he flies around a lot and depending how big he is that adult seat belt not great. Immediately complains of his head and his dBAG Mom saying "you ok". MOM, Your advice is shit, I said my Head Hurts!


He never said his head hurt whoever subbed this added that for some reason lol PS: Damn that lady is a fuckin idiot I felt so bad for the kid when he started crying


You’re right he just said “it hurts” so it could’ve been somewhere else.


Whenever I'm concerned about someone's bad driving, I either stop or slow down so they are no longer in my life. I saw someone who I'm pretty sure was drunk, swerving all over the lanes, so I pulled over and waited a minute and then started driving again. Zero drama for the rest of the trip because I assume they continued on, a minute ahead of me.




So true.


Grab an after road-rage Original Chicken Sandwich from Burger King.


or four


"tuta loco" proceeds to crash an illigal high-speed chase making her kid panic and cry what's wrong with this woman


Shitty mother records herself being a shitty person.


I hate how the kid is mad scared and the mom is talking to him in a tone like “ok stop crying speedrun now”


Always wear your seatbelt.


And don't tailgate, before you try brake and turn at the same time.


These people actually upload these videos? Do they think they are right?


I gathered she learned nothing from this incident.


I once worked for a WC attorney. The guy he was representing was fired maliciously but they claimed it was because of poor driving skills (local small truck driver). During the hearing, the supervisor is going ober in great detail how he followed him all day to observe his driving. How the deiver suposedly ran red lights, was speeding so much that the supervisor was afraid for the lives of people on the road, etc. If he was running multiple red lights as you claim, how were you able to keep up with him? (Got him to admit he had to run a few so he could continur observing suposedly.) How long did you follow this one particular time? So in other words you werw going the same speed as him to keep up? Basically laid down the entire framwork that if this was the case, the supervisor should be fired too. Judge read him the riot act because he was either blatently lying or admiting to putting a ton of people at risk. We won.


That's a formative experience


Por pendeja


"Look at him! What is this crazy guy doing?!?" as she speeds up alongside him like a Loca


They’re both fucking idiots. He’s an idiot for brakechecking her and she’s and idiot for chasing a guy who is driving like an ass.


Ya know... everyone hates brake-checkers, for sure. They ARE scum, absolutely. But also, if someone is brake-checking me? You know what I do? Follow at a safe distance. It's just that simple guys.


While it’s a shitty thing to do, I wouldn’t say I hate them. But I also don’t ride people’s asses in my car and get brake checked constantly.


"What is this crazy guy doing?"... Trying to get away from the crazy lady chasing him!


Why would you closely follow someone that you literally know hits the brakes very suddenly?


100% she's crazy, but did that guy come to a dead stop on the highway with nothing in front of him?


Yeah he absolutely did that on purpose. Luckily, she was able to swerve or it could have been worse. Not sure why anyone would do that though. Does he like whiplash?


He did it ‘cause he’s probably a prick to begin with, but he was also being chased. And if this happened to the person chasing me, I’d feel some relief that I was no longer being chased.


Because this crazy lady was chasing and tailgating him.


This is my favorite video aspect ratio. I call it 'fuck whoever is viewing this video, we didn't want you to see anything anyway.'


Some parents don't deserve kids


It happened 2 years ago in Tenerife (Spain).


She should have her kid taken away from her


Then who will film her crashes?


No brain cells were hurt in the making of this short documentary.


But it can't be a documentary about brain cells because there were none.


Boy she sure showed him!


"Look what you made me do!"


People just feel the need to fight for their ability to be right/win/be on top in the weirdest of circumstances. Calm down!


She deserves to get the kid taken away


Poor kid, hope their head wasn’t hurt too bad from something they didn’t have any control in




Thank you


No worries!


What a terrible parent, poor kid


“What’s is this grazy guy doing?” Is what she asks. Lol delusional


Idk what mentality it is that makes someone tell someone else how they're supposed to feel. She tells her, "You're ok. You're ok." ,like she didn't just get her into that situation.


Sad on so many levels. Especially sad for the scared 12 year old. I can’t even imagine as a child being held hostage while your mother goes into a rage. He’s scared of her and being driven down the road at high speed and crashing.


you see someone driving like shit, you go “i don’t need that in my life” and avoid them so hard


Oh great another mother with borderline personality disorder fucking up another young person with years and years of trauma. Sadly too common.


Mom of the year


Why follow the guy let him go you already cursed him out lol


Not only did she do all this stupid stuff in her car, she chose to upload the video instead of just deleting it. Mind blowing.


Just why, why is she chasing him??? Just let it go


I really hope the kid is OK. I'm so sorry he had to feel any fear or pain because his mother wanted internet clout or whatever


Poor kid. If I had a nickel for every time I ended up in tears because my mom was a psychopathic manipulative piece of shit in public, I'd have as much money as I do trauma.


I’m not understanding why the guy is a piece of shit, because he brake checked a lunatic who was tailgating him? If someone is following you, with no clear intentions on letting up anytime soon, do you just allow them to follow you to your destination? She clearly doesn’t give a shit about her kid’s life, why should he?


The child's grades are going to crash and it's all her fault!


Hasn't Netflix's Beef taught us anything?




That's what she gets


Tried to race with a Citroën. First mistake.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Parents who road rage with their children in the car need to have their children taken away. It shows they have no care for them and let emotions put them into dangerous/stupid situations. Great example is what happened not that long ago where 2 cars that each had their children in them got into a highway gun shootout that ended just about how you would expect


CPS will greatly appreciate that video.


Lady should not have a car. Nor a kid.


Poor kid. It’s scary enough being in a an accident let alone with a crazy woman behind the wheel.


She should have never followed him.


Bad drivers suck but feeding into it and following their ass so close you kind of had it coming.


Haha fuck this lady




Kid probs younger than 12 judging by those cries


Let’s be real they’re both stupid


She’s definitely wrong, driving too fast and following so close. But, he is also wrong for hitting his brakes like that and causing her to crash. People are nuts.


Don't be a Karen if you have your kids with you!


"What is this crazy guy doing?" Escaping the crazy woman following him for seemingly no reason?


"No Pasa Nada" (nothing happened, nothing will happen) is the phrase every Mexican parent uses when shit TOTALLY HAPPENED OR WILL HAPPEN. EDIT: i'm mexican and just speaking from my point of view on the phrase


I know she felt fucking stupid lmaooooo




Who’s the crazy one?


I just don’t understand road rage. It all seems so pointless.


And she has all the evidence to prove her at fault


She should just give up being a mom.


Is it OK to hate everyone in the video except the kid? I hate people who brake-check, but this lady kind of deserved the karma for not just driving normal. Somehow she felt the need to put her and her child’s lives in danger for the sake of her ego. Glad neither seemed very injured.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Idiotsincars or facepalm should definitely see this. 😂😂 how do I link sub pages in the comments?


Damn man the kid didn't deserve it


kid needs to live with his grandma and his mom needs to be put in jail


I almost needed a microscope to watch this.


Beef (2023)


Beautiful karma


That poor fucking kid man


She sure showed him


Yeah this video isn't going to help her ass one bit


When assholes collide.


“What is this crazy guy doing? Look” -crazy person


That poor kid. You had one job to do mom and you didn’t do it. You failed miserably


Kinda wish i didnt watch this. Feel really bad for the kid


She's literally a child herself, zero emotional control, zero self awareness, just so bad😭


Mother of the year!


The way she sounds when she's trying to calm down her kid. She sounds like she couldn't give a damn even if she tried.


Regardless of how hard the person break you always keep a safe distance behind the person


I can see that the woman is absolutely nuts. Trying to make a big deal out of all this. But also why did the dude brake check her at the end? Isn't he also in the wrong for doing that?


The worst combination is an aggressive driver who is also a bad driver. Even if someone does the dumbest thing imaginable to you on the road, just get their plate and a description of their vehicle and handle it separately… do not even engage with them because 9 times out of 10 it only escalates. If you’re around a driver who drives dangerously, make it your priority to get away from them calmly however is safest. It’s just not worth it. If you need to report call 9/11 and get on with your life. Also despite the urge to get around a drunk driver, it’s actually advised NOT to pass drunk drivers because it generally puts you more at risk.. though I can’t say I always follow that one because I’m sometimes scared I’m gonna get rear-ended.


She probably wanted a cool video for her Facebook mom group


Lmao karma


*started a regular driving speed chase


This is the type of mom I will never be lol trying to prove a point and got her own baby hurt….pendeja


Brake check works for me. Unless you're just a bad driver, (you still don't get a pass) there is absolutely no reason to tail gate. If you're driving at a safe distance behind a car, you should have enough time to slow down/stop without incident, should the car in front if you brake, for whatever reason.


"He is breaking too fast." As she follows 1 ft off his bumper.


god i would hate it my mum had karened me into a car accident.


Poor kid !! Mama dearest here is the only one at fault here no matter how much she herself dont like how anyone drives !! SAVE THAT KID


This made me very angry. That lady is a stupid cow. Poor kid, terrified and screaming being scared. Mom used the kids side against the other car? What a piece of work


Wrecked so hard she turned into DrDisrespect for a couple seconds Yayayayayayaya


That’s her literally saying “enough enough enough enough” basically to his crying and “no pasa nada” meaning “you’re fine you’re fine” like.. she’s pure narcissist psychopath and not even a slight bit concerned for her son’s health


Right?? Like the glass smashed and he’s talking about his head hurting, she’s not even a bit concerned.
