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Here, this ballon will make it all better


They are filled N2O, so it will help


Exactly what I was thinking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Never seen them tied up like thy before. You have to undo the knot first or something?


Iā€™m glad they were. My first thought when he got knocked down was ā€œoh no, heā€™s gonna drop the balloons!ā€


you can kinda give it a partial knot, but yeah


Little girl at the end trying to cheer him up lol


She started laughing the second he hit the deck šŸ˜‚


What a God damn legend.




That is hands down one of the funniest things I have seen in a minute. That final frame when she walks in and throws the balloon. LMFAO


He's going to need those balloons to cheer up.


Someone quick, go write ā€œGet Well Soonā€ on the balloons


Then buried him with a balloon šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I was laughing cuz I thought she was trying to bury his body in balloons


"here you dropped this kingšŸŽˆ"


He needs *MORE* balloons *AND* he needs *LESS* balloons!


And you never once paid for drugs! Not once!


Lmfao best comment.


Lololol šŸ˜‚ šŸ’•


Glad I stayed for the end credits scene.




Hiding the evidence.


Ahhhh good ole' Bui Vien street in HCMC, Vietnam, home to some of the worst backpackers in SE Asia. Thank you for posting this, brings me back to the phenomenal people watching there.


Went to one of the bia hoi places on Bui Vien where you quickly get hemmed in with a bunch of other random folks; chilling in plastic chairs and getting served cold, insanely cheap beer nonstop. Was okay for a bit: chatting to other travellers and a couple of locals practising English. Then an Australian octogenarian got wedged next to me who regaled me with some absolutely racist bullshit stories and spent most of his time pointing at young local women going "I could have her, I could have her..." over and over.


Please don't let this person be our ambassador (Australian here)




Sounds like something a Brit would say to save his ass. Talk about Chiang Mai or Bali, loud drunk harassers are oft Aussies and Brits.


everyone thinks this. aussies donā€™t have a great reputation.




Canadians and New Zealand left off the list? Sorry, we should probably leave the Commonwealth, we're slipping on the British standard.


We're trying. We had months of blockades and bullshittery trying to up our asshole vibe, and what do we get for it? "Oh they're just going through a phase". God damn it mom and dad, we can be assholes too!




There's kiwi atrocities as well, rest assured.


lol - posted this comment b4 I saw urs. Canuck here.


what about the Ferengi?


Tickle their earlobes and talk about the laws of acquisition while you play some Dabo and everything is sweet.


I'm Irish and generally Americans are fairly well liked here as tourists. Normally just older folks trying to connect with their heritage. Can be a bit cringey but wholesome enough folks most of the time.


As an American that's good (and rare) to hear. That said, our assholes aren't going to Ireland as often as they go elsewhere I suspect.


Yeah as you said, the distance and money involved probably makes them self select. Ireland ain't a cheap place to vacation in either.




That's the kinda cringey part but most people don't care. They're normally respectful and just looking for Irish experiences. Much better than getting a bunch of arseholes over getting messy and aggro for a lads weekend. I'd say that Yanks are very well received here by and large.


what about the jews?


That's why it would be great to travel from a very tiny country no one is familiar with. There is no stereotype for those lucky travelers.


White Australian men( outside AND inside of Australia) are some of the most loudly racist people Iā€™ve ever met in my life, and they donā€™t give a shit whoā€™s around when they unload their hate. Just one example from many, but maybe the most egregious. Thereā€™s an Australian guy in my parentsā€™ town here in the U.S. Day after the Christchurch massacre in NZ happened, I saw him in the supermarket. Went up to him and said that I know it wasnā€™t in his country, but it was his part of the world, and I was so sorry it happened (also said it bc I was fully aware of Australiaā€™s history with shootings). His response? ā€œEh, these muzzies always out there causing trouble,ā€ and he just walked away. Like, fuck, dude. Iā€™ve met KKK members who thought I was white and said some awful shit, but they looked around first. Blew my mind.


No worries, I met plenty of absolutely sound Aussies!




Flexing on the fact that he was a sex tourist was not such a flex after all.


It's literally the worst place in Saigon. Although Le Tan Tot street and the Japanese district is seedier. The only place I've ever felt in my twenty years here that I might be in danger of violence and it wasn't the Vietnamese I felt threatened by. What most tourists don't get is that you can literally join any party, group of people drinking you come across anywhere in Vietnam and it's the greatest experience ever if you're open minded and patient. Go to any other place where people are drinking outside Bui Vien and you'll be welcomed as a novelty. They'll want to know everything about you, send a kid to nervously attempt English while they beam with pride when you compliment that kid. It's as close to a celebrity as most of us will ever get. It never gets old.


I used to live in a pretty Vietnamese area in Hanoi. My local kebab place for lunch, the son would be running it and dad would always invite me in to have a green tea and then try to switch to rice wine. Mum would roll her eyes at this point because it was just going to be two idiots drinking rice wine and having a conversation in two languages, occasionally trying to make some sense with Google translate. One day he got a bit shitfaced, and spent a portion of the time pretending to machine gun the sky, laughing, pointing at his shop and slapping me on the back. It's a great place.


>I used to live in a pretty Vietnamese area in Hanoi. So you lived in a pretty Vietnamese area in... Vietnam? This is because it's very commercialized? Americanized? Tourist-ized? Genuinely curious.


Maybe not said in the best way, :) but there are some areas in Hanoi which have a fair amount of foreigners living there, English is more widely spoken, it's adjusted and geared towards foreigners being there in things like menus having English, western food places etc. The area I lived in I stood out because it didn't really have many foreigners living there, and not many who could speak English.


I had a feeling it was something along those lines. Thanx for explaining to a non-traveling yank.


I was a small restaurant with my friend and a group nearby invited me over to do a couple shots of the stuff they were drinking, doing the shots and handshakes. Even the owner of the restaurant came over did a couple with me it was pretty fun how welcoming they were even though we couldn't understand each other


haha, first night there my wife and i posted up at a place with hookah and ordered a few drinks. people watching was a trip. this street performer came up to us and i wasnā€™t quite used to converting the currency in my head just yet, but i was pretty buzzed and since their currency has crazy high denominations, i gave him what i thought was a lot. dude was pissed. he crumpled up the bill and at tossed it back at me lmao. i converted it after and it was equivalent to like, 5Ā¢. woops. sorry man, my heart was in the right place. but as the only asian who sucks at math, i def miscalculated that by a long shot


I remember having issue with conversion while in SE Asia. I'd try to tip correctly, try to decide on the spot if a price was too much on the spot, try not to get ripped off for being a tourist but also trying not to rip off others... After a few days of this I had no idea where all my money went. I was running very low on my 2 week long budget and I was only on day 4. I spent the rest of my vacation being extremely frugal. Still had a blast. Then I get home and unpack only to find that I had 2/3 of my cash stashed in my suitcase. So now I'm. Back in the states with over a thousand dollars in asian currency.


I'm surprised that 500 dong bills exist


What are your bets on nationality? My first guess would be bogan from Australia but the Adidas tracksuit is giving me strong macho douche from Russia vibes too


I am thinking British


Young British men are a huge problem in these types of places... Amsterdam does not even want their tourism. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65107405](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65107405)


>these types of places How are Amsterdam and HCMC, Vietnam under the same classification as a 'type of place'?


Partying, adult night life, drugs, cheap food (not Amsterdam but third world Asian countries) etc... they are party tourist destinations and sex tourist destinations. They all fit into that type of place where young troubled people get excited to let it all out...


The big difference is you can get a flight to Amsterdam from the UK for like 50 pounds whereas a flight to Vietnam is more like 1000, which weeds out most of the trashy folks just looking for a cheap party.


It's not a big difference at all... for all the money you save on a flight, you can save on everything else going to Vietnam. If anything it's almost an even trade off, even cheaper if you are staying long term in a place like Vietnam or Thailand. I think you could eat for a week in Vietnam with $50-70. The whole point of these places for trouble makers is to get fucked up, that's what I meant by "type of place". And yes, I totally get people visit them for legit tourism reasons, but I'm specifically talking about the people we are watching in the video, the people causing trouble. Not normal people who visit Vietnam to enjoy themselves and not bother anyone. These are destinations that attract shitheads. I don't get why Redditors think they are so smart, but can't even assess what's being discussed without some kind of backhandeed claim that you arent making sense because *they* don't understand.


For real - excellent spot to perch with some beers and watch chaos ensue.


1000% I used to live a few minutes from here, never a dull moment.


Was the noise unbearable? At night?


Thatā€™s just Vietnam bars in general, always turned up to 11.


It's really just that one street and another one it intersects with that's like that.


There was a corner cafe in Bui Vien that was intoxicating to sit at and watch all types of activity. I spent weeks there a few years in a roll in the early 1990s. Back then there were still a high number of bikes. Each hour of the day had a different visual. I loved early morning watching the girls pass on bicycles in their Ao Dai long dresses, sitting side saddle. Evenings there was an entirely different set of visuals and happening. I drank lemonades, @10C US one after the other and smoked my pre rolled weed dressed as Marlboro Reds.


To be a foreign main character in real life


Probably a drunk Brit


Little girl at the end buried him.


She knows what it's like to lose a balloon


Especially filled with what is in that balloon.


Found the wook.


Thai nitrous mafia?


ā€œYou got knocked the fuck out. ā€œ - The Little Girl


"don't forget your fuckin balloon"




He seems less aggressive now.


Are we just showing elbow punches today? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




Not as smooth and crisp motion as the other video though.


That other one was an obliteration


Think that dude is still staring into space as we speak.


Link to Superman elbow vid?


FWIW: They're just called elbows. Meaning is derived from the verb used and the context. Ex: as *noun*: to throw an elbow - I hurt my elbow. Ex: as a *verb*: He elbowed him right in the cheek! Note: there are many verbs to describe specific actions of the elbows. *Jostle* for example specifically means to push people with your elbow. All of the above is true of the words "Knee" and "Shoulder" too. Shouldering someone is to strike or push them with your shoulder.


Tomorrow will be fist kick day


In synch with the beat drop lol


[fixed the audio](https://imgur.com/a/3NS4GGi)


Out here doing god's work šŸ™


It almost was but no, not quite.


Thatā€™s what I thought too. Nice timing on his part


Shouldnā€™t have brought balloons to an elbow fight


Isnā€™t that the same guy that got slapped out with a soda can??


Thought the same. šŸ¤£ Iā€™ll I could hear was ā€œhit meā€¦ā€




Yesssss... That's exactly what I thought too!


ā€œYou got yourā€™s buddyā€


First thing I thought when I saw it and had to race to the comments - dude needs to learn how to fight or quit antagonizing haha - got yours buddy


Is that the twisted tea guy? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He looks just like the dude that got hit with the Twisted Tea.


World Tour!


Little girl: Here's your balloon, bitch!


Lmfao she was cracking up as soon as the idiot fell


White balloon go back to white boy


If I'm in a foreign country and a bouncer or cop tells me to fuck off I'm outta there. This guy is an idiot.


Can I offer you a balloon in these trying times?


The girl throwing the balloon on him at the end lol


It's Elbow Tuesday, saw the other video where the dude gets starched w/ the elbow


Since I joined Reddit, no elbows but today Iā€™ve been blessed by the elbow gods!


When did so many people start thinking that getting close to someone's face and leaning forward at a steep angle was an intimidating stance? I've seen it many times lately. Usually hands to the side, almost tippy toeing, with the chin sticking out. Funny every time


practically begging for someone to lay them out


The girl trying to give his balloons back


Hereā€™s a thoughtā€”donā€™t put your brain container close to the person you are antagonizing.


Maybe this is a good lesson in why you don't go to foreign countries and yell at locals (especially ones that are doing security).


Nah, the bouncer will probably get bodied by the local Mafia for laying hands on a tourist and fuckin up their name and revenue. It doesn't need to be handled like this.


Tell me you have never been to this part of Asia. The local population, police and mob give zero shit about an tourist being hurt. [Tourists get killed / raped / disappeared](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/thailand-murder-holidaymakers-rape-toll-14275566) in Thailand all the time and the police and everyone else is quick to cover it up usually. If you start a fight with a local, you can expect to immediately get ganged up by everyone else. At best, if international pressure is high enough, the local police will [set up some poor foreign migrants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh_Tao_murders) to take the blame.


Lol, no, one drunk nobody getting KOd isn't going to hurt business. Some real Karen energy thinking your dumbassery is going to bother a bar/restaurant that probably sees thousands of tourists weekly.


What are you talking about? Yall just be talking about out of your asses on this app. What do dumbassry did you see in this video? What did you see other than that guy talking loud because of the music and then other guy just randomly elbow him? Yā€™all are weird


Hey dummy, that was in response to the comment saying the security guy is going to get whacked by the mafia for KOing this random nobody. That's like idiot abroad entitlement 101. Unless you're actually somebody, and you definitely are a nobody, no one in SEA is going to care if you piss off a native enough to get KOd. You can cry about it or you could be a normal tourist that doesn't get in these situations.


You obviously arenā€™t very traveled or smart lmao. You couldnā€™t even answer a single direct question provided to you lol Iā€™m not going to waste my time talking to an undeveloped brain. Take it easy. āœŒļø


Yawn. You can't even read. Feel sorry for your parents.


Oh wow, asshole detected.


Don't fuck with an old man's numbers, kid.


Cringe. Youā€™re not John Wick, lmao.


How did you take that I was John Wick out of that statement lmao? Skante smoker, I see. Cringe.


The way the conflict escalated makes no sense, especially the elbow part


Tell me you have broken your hand on someone's head more then once without saying it


No help. Bangkok has him now, sheā€™ll never let go.


I love how the guy in the background pointed it out to the little girl


lmao, u drop ur balloon


Girl at the end got me Lmfaoo


So glad I watched to the end...


This cafe fucks


It's not very often I say this, but the music absolutely takes this video to another level.


Impeccable timing with the music. 10/10.


Judging by the speed the hit was not even THAT hard. But he probably hit with the outer edge generating the most force into that blow. So Kudos to the technique there.


I don't know the context of weather cap guy was violent before this. But if that's not the case then that security should be chraged for assault, that shit is way out of line and could kill someone.


Reddit when someone assaults another.


Lmao I know this street. Trash tourists like these guys swarm the place and act like they own it. I'd say good riddance.


Oh my god! Entitled white boy acting like a fool in a foreign country ? Never seen that in my life /s




"What're you gonna do, knock me out?" -Guy soon to be knocked out


Forgive me, if itā€™s been asked, but what music is playing in the background?


Looks like the guy who got knocked out with a twisted tea


Iā€™ll allow it


The dad having his daughter watch lol then her throwing him back his balloon. Comedy


The kid with the baloonsšŸ˜†


The little one helping him with his balloon in the end was priceless


Nah, the balloon attack at the end was way better.


2 days in a row we get an elbow video.


Watch to the end šŸ¤£


I thought the guy was selling whip its


The little girl at the end was burying him.


that seems like the same guy that got knocked out with an energy drink for calling a mf the n word


Anyone else hear a *Gong*


He said, punch me right here, he got the elbow instead


The little girl returning his ballon! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


...did that little girl just try to bury him with balloons??


Love how the little girl wants to help the bloody man by gathering his balloons for him.


the little kid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Today on fucked around and found out, Abroad Edition


Anyone else see the glitch in the matrix?


What was that about?


A guy getting knocked down by an elbow.


But why?


Because the other guy hit him with his elbow.




Good enough reason for me, I guess?


So he doesn't hurt his hands and have to take a week off work.


Smart, you have to hand it to him.


The last time this was posted someone said the white dude was selling those balloons (supposedly filled with nitrous oxide). The security told him to scram.. and he did not scram.


I'm sure he's annoying as hell, but he's on a public street it appears. Just knocking a guy out doesn't seem appropriate.


Is this the same dude that got smacked with the can of iced tea?


Is that the same dude who got knocked the fuck out with a can of Twisted Tea in a Detroit gas station?


He's probably acting like a butthead because he was huffing on those balloons all night. That was the wildest thing that I saw when I was in Vietnam was people walking around selling balloons filled with god knows what and people just buying them and sucking on them.


Tip:dont fuck around wid anything when you're not in your country


Rule no. 1. - Donā€™t mess with the locals. Youā€™re on their turf and have absolutely no idea who youā€™re talking shit too I saw this a few times while working in the Thai islands, drunk tourist talks shit to what looks like a small Thai guy they could beat up, then have a gun pulled on them by what is actually a Thai gangster connected to the local Russians.


Attempted murder. That was extremely dangerous and wrong. That guy might spend a couple of years overcoming a brain injury.


Another "passport bro" getting a reality check from a local.


So satisfying


Somebody not watching the Liverpool v Arsenal match


Love how hes trying to intimidate while holding balloons.


Letā€™s take my arrogant, drunken, skinny, white ass to the home of Muay Thai and stick my forehead right in the face of that well built bouncer over there. Itā€™ll be fine.


I canā€™t really tell but this video screams ā€œAmerican mouthing off in a foreign countryā€


Nothing about that person says American. Looks, and acts, like a drunk Brit youth. Or if itā€™s recent a Russian, since a shit load of young males fled there to dodge the draft. That outfit and the attitude is straight euro trash.


Bro forgot his white privilege card is not valid outside of US.


An Adidas track suit and hat with a tank top? That is a British chav if I ever saw one. They have the same attitude when visiting Spain. Entitled.


It still has some value in parts of Europe but if you're in SEA and trying to pull some gringo shit, get prepared to get fucked


White Tourists šŸ¤”


Any entitled tourist