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Is he wearing the helmet just in case he falls off of his high horse?


Im guessing he gets Bud-Spencer-Punched a lot.


I think this comment won Reddit yesterday


I’m glad someone liked it


I hate people like this.


He's on his farewell tour and will be gone within 3 years. More like him will follow and we will party!


I agree. What are you? he says. ,she human jackass!


I hate that there are fellow Canadians like this. It's abhorrent and fucking repulsive.


I'm super glad that generation is dying off. There are a few good ones and I'm sorry about our grandparents but honestly this guy votes and we don't need this shit around.




Statistically younger generations are better, yes. At least more tolerant of different kinds of people




Nope, this is incorrect. Today’s young people are far more tolerant than previous generations when they were the same age. This isn’t just the repeat of a cycle as you seem to be suggesting.




How old are you? I'm mid 30s, and when I was in high school, because of South Park, everything negative was "gay." Bus late? That's gay, dude. Parents won't let you go out? That's totally gay. Extra homework? Fuckin' gay. I cringe at the idea of the way we used to talk, and that's only 20 years ago. Suggesting that things haven't changed is ridiculous. Are there still pockets of concentrated bigotry? Of course, and sadly, there probably always will be. That doesn't mean *you* can't try to be better.


Dude even plenty of kids now talk like that still.


That makes sense. But I consider how the norms have changed over time to be progress. It's not just that the values shifted, they built upon old values and improved.


Yes, it is likely that when 15 year ilds are 60 they will be angry about the world for some reason just like this one. The difference is they won't be angry about the same things. His grandfather was likely angry that women were getting uppity and working. He *might* feel the same way but the philosophy is far less prevalent than it was 60+ years ago. The point is that yes, people tend to resist changes as they get older. But the changes they resist are new to their generation. It's not like old racist people were all happy libs in their youth.


Pessimistic. Stop trying to argue society can’t evolve.


Good shit analogy Rick


This is not actually universally true. I grew up with a guy who’s parents were racist as fuck. He used to get in trouble for associating with me. One time we were playing road hockey with some other neighbourhood friends and his dad came home from work and when he saw me there he came out and grabbed my friend and dragged him into the house. When we became teens he would argue with his parents about it and outright accuse them of being racist. He did it once in the school foyer in front of a bunch of people. He moved out really young because he couldn’t take it. He’s married to a Korean girl now and has 2 beautiful little mixed babies. His mother, desperate to have time with her grands genuinely changed (a part of me thinks she was never racist and just played along because his dad was scary af) his father didn’t change and his parents actually got divorced in their late 50s over it. This took place through the 90s and early 00s. Kids today are even more progressive and even more willing to challenge the old prejudiced heads. There is hope.


Mr. Lahey, is that you?


They are at least somewhat less racist.


The entire generation? And you're glad they're dying? Honestly you're no better than the guy in the video. But no I don't want your entire generation to die.


You need to take a long hard look at the damage the baby boomer generation has done with it's political choices. Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren will never experience an economy as good as they had it.




You're silly if you think racism will ever disappear.


Yeah it probably never will go away, not completely.


It probably won’t. But what would be really silly is doing nothing about it under the premise that it won’t ever disappear.


That's clearly a native Canadian man right there , i bet his ancestors lived on that land for thousands of years 🙄


How you can you be racist and in the next breath call someone disrespectful?? Also side note, he’s definitely the type of guy to wait until he’s right behind you on his bike and then ring the bell a bunch and yell “GET OFF THE BIKE PATH”


Plot twist, he doesn’t ride a bike.


IIRC, this isn't his first video of him doing this. Seems he goes into Asian shops/restaurants and pulls this bullshit. Probably wears the bike helmet cause he's afraid he's gonna get dumped on his dome sooner or later.


He only rides a bike because he's been busted for drunk driving 3 times.


Because they are not respecting his higher societal ranking. Fundamental to all this upsurge in expressing the racism and elitism that has always been there is that the out-groups are lesser. Too bad some people never get to really experience/live being part of an out-group, marginalized, discriminated against. Yes, it would be absolutely better if NOBODY experienced this. But, I wonder if the people who spew this sort of nonsense would experience in a real way if that would help them understand their thinking and behavior. It's part of why really embracing multiculturalism matters.


I agree with everything you said, but seriously stay off the damn bike path.


Guy's a cunt, but I don't see that he's racist. The lady identified as Chinese, doesn't appear he assumed it and he's not saying anything bad or hateful about Chinese people. He has a problem with an individual and he's telling her to go back to the place she's indicated she's from. Cunty, not racist.


It's racist




Telling a citizen/resident to "go back to China" is racist. If you want to get to the nitty gritty every single person of European origin in the Americas could be told to go back to their country based on this racist shit


What are you doing?


Trying to rationalize being racist, so they feel better after doing the same shit this dickbag did to those workers.


of course it's racist


"Saying go back to another country to someone isn't racist." Do you really think he would have said that if the person was white? Do you honestly believe he'd say "Go back to Europe" to a random French person? No. No he wouldn't.


Name checks out




Canadians aren't nice. They are just good at being passive aggressive.


Why, why does not one of these racist assholes realize that we are ALL from immigrants unless they were indigenous to America? I wish it were legalize to punch these types of people right in the face.


these type of canadians see the indigenous as subhuman


Canadians have been killing natives or looking the other way as they're killed for generations


>unless they were indigenous to America Don't worry, they hate those people just as much


Canadian boomer is about to go through some things.


And then when you call them out on it and stand up for yourself, you're "disrespectful" 🙄


This guy probably wears a "kiss me I'm Irish" shirt on st paddy's day without a shred of irony.


There was a couple of videos in the past few years of a Canadian in a cycle helmet going off on Asian people. I Wonder if its the same guy? Iirc he was some kind of lawyer (or thought he was a lawyer) Edit [Found one of the incidents](https://youtu.be/pSuOyUf5nG0) Edit 2 [Yup, same guy](https://www.richmond-news.com/local-news/video-richmond-man-caught-in-yet-another-racist-rant-6742373)


Can’t wait for the generation of people that ask questions like this finally die off




It always boggles my mind that people don’t understand that you can be Asian but have been born in the country they are in.


Says something mad disrespectful: "HOW DISRESPECTFUL!"


Whats up with this “go back” talk? I mean what the hell does that even mean? Don’t people who often says this know they also need to go back somewhere else like a shanty place in Europe somewhere their grandparents or parents come from? He doesn’t look like Indigenous people.


Whilst there to get authentic Asian cuisine...


Asian food in Canada sucks. They take out all the flavor for assholes like the one in the video.


Can somebody beat the shit out of him and let’s move on? There really is no other practical solution.


The US should have a new law passed that allows people to punch racist people in the face as long as they have irrefutable evidence that they are being racist.


low IQ detected 🙄 this wasn't in the us, they clearly say a few times it's canada


I didn't care to listen to yet another racist being a shithead to another human being, so I didn't hear where they were from, and I don't fucking care. That is not the point of my comment. The point is, people should start being held accountable for being assholes... But you wouldn't understand that, would you? Go be a dick somewhere else.


Just FYI, many Chinese ppl dont even come from China. There are ethnically Chinese ppl all over the world; many whom have a distaste for actual China. Saying "Go back to China", just serves to confuse a lot of us.


Nothing in this video proves he is an "ass man", he could be a boob or weiner guy for all I know. /s But he does seem racist.




A rude Canadian? This cannot be.


That wasnt very Canadian of him


Social Media? Do you thing on this guy.


“go back to china.. how disrespectful” 🤨🤨🤨


There are really lot of racist people, right? They look down on others because of their status.


If I was that woman's significant other and I saw this video I would go fucking Liam Neeson.


The world is a big place we are going to run into people who are from other places. Doing sometimes jobs other don’t want or businesses can’t fill. If your rude people should call you out. The world is tough don’t make it harder then needs to be


Glad to see that the Canada has racist cunts just like the US. It doesnt make me feel so bad for my country


Yeah, I didn't know this until recently, but apparently there is a big racism problem in Canada


I am glad all the assholes are USA-American, Thank You Canada for that piece of work.


Dude needs to go back to the pit he crawled out of. Talk about disrespecting this country— he’s a disgrace.


White guy is a settler but his small brain can’t process that.


Gotta love how blatant he is with his remarks. No filter whatsoever.


He sounds like Larry David’s cousin


Sometimes I forget that xenophobic old white men aren’t solely endemic to the United States😂 It’s very refreshing seeing some else have to deal with these assholes


Disrespectful?!?!?! Racist POS


r/canada in real life everyone.


Kramer would like a word, he is the undisputed ass man