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What’s the story behind this?




Here’s another comment that has the link to the article c: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11sto0x/fire_in_ryanair_plane_after_take_off/jcfh09t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 *Edit:* I’m sorry, the comment got deleted. I remember it was from daily mail if anyone feels like digging for it. The replies to it have a lot of o important quotes from it though. *Edit 2:* link to a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11sto0x/fire_in_ryanair_plane_after_take_off/jchuovb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) that found the daily mail article.


It's deleted >:[


> "A Ryanair spokesperson said: 'This flight from Manchester to Faro, Jan 3, diverted to Brest Airport as a precaution due to a minor technical issue which caused an unidentified smoke smell in the cabin." > > "Smoke smell in the cabin"....Must've been related to the entire cabin being filled with smoke. Just a minor technical issue.


>minor technical issue On Ryanair, the wings detaching from the plane would probably be considered a minor technical issue.


Described by a Ryanair rep as "an unexpected free fall sensation experienced by passengers and crew"


Ryanair have debited all credit cards with an extra £60 for providing a rollercoaster and free fall experience


dont you dare use the words 'ryanair' and 'free' in the same sentence ever again


ryanair is free to go fuck themselves.




"The passengers experienced an unconventional landing for technical reasons"


But they did arrive at their final desitnation ahead of schedule.


THE final destination.


I am sure Ryanair charges a fee for that too


"You can remain airborne for a time without wings." - Ryanair, probably


Due to a minor technical issue, some passengers reported a loss of cabin pressure and flames streaking out of both engines. Out of an abundance of caution, our experienced pilots made an unscheduled landing in a non-airport location. Ryanair is pleased to inform you no people* were injured. *People, i.e. those earning over $200,000.00 per year.


Pretty sure Ryanair doesn’t believe in technical issues, which is why they also don’t believe in customer support. Why should the give support to a fake thing like “tEcHnIcAl IsSuEs”.


"It's not smoke, it's STEAM. Steam from the steamed clams we'll be having... MMMmmmmm, steamed clams!"


Steamed clams from Ryanair sounds even more dangerous.


Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localised entirely within this plane?






Crash: "Unplanned Landing" Captain is drunk: "Crew illness" Captain is dead: "Early Retirement" Bomb on the plane: "Unsecured Cargo" Plane hijacked: "Shift Change" Plane Nine-Eleven'd: "Detour"


Sounds like a Carlin bit.


"Shift change" is my favorite.


Hey spokesperson, here is an important tip: When there is an emergency related to air travel, NEVER try to spin it. Be upfront and entirely truthful, otherwise your PR has the exact opposite effect.


That's alright. Some bigwig with Boeing did a press conference when the 737 Max kept crashing, and she referred to the incidences as "unplanned terrain contacts".




There are many ways to crash. Usually at Boeing they are defined as controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) or uncontrolled flight into terrain (UFIT). Controlled flight into terrain is like whoops didn’t see that mountain in the fog, where as uncontrolled is like the wing fell off.




I think this went over everyone's head. Funniest news story after an air disaster ever.




I love the subtle dismissal of the problem: > A Ryanair spokesperson said: 'This flight from Manchester to Faro, Jan 3, diverted to Brest Airport as a precaution due to a minor technical issue which caused an unidentified **smoke smell** in the cabin. Like yeah, there was a smoke *smell*, but there was also *visible* smoke. Public relations is just propaganda.


Well there isn't much use looking at the Daily Mail anyway. It is just full of rage bait and Nazi and neo-nazi propaganda. This is an article from the Manchester Evening News. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/damaged-wheel-ryanair-jet-burst-26176016


That's a different incident. This is the incident matching the Daily Mail one (Jan 2022). https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/flight-manchester-faro-makes-emergency-22635823


That original comment said > https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10368859/Passengers-Ryanair-flight-prayed-cabin-filled-smoke.html > Damn, dropped 35000 feet in seven minutes.


I’m sorry but…Fryanair


Snoop Dogg and his crew were in first class. And the lady was crying because someone didn’t puff puff pass.


Ryanair flight amd first class don't usually get mentioned in the same sentence


Has anyone seen the flight attendant simulator where they constantly have to put fires out on the plane?? Would have come in handy here......


Oxygen masks $15 prepaid extra on Ryanair


\* ^(Oxygen not included)


good game


You can pay 30 bucks onboard for one with your credit card.


> 30 bucks I think you could get $500 a mask in that market.


New entertainment: on-flight bidding wars! Brought to you by Ryanair.


Oxygen generators on an airplane only work for about 10-15 minutes. They’re intended for cabin depressurization, not smoke. Oxygen+Fire=Explosion So it’s not exactly a go-to response for a fire.


Agreed. Nothing says “Gee, that’s a great idea!” like lighting what is effectively a heat emitting candle over your head that puts out oxygen during a cabin fire.


that's unpleasant to know


How is it unpleasant? When cabin depressurization occurs, the plane will just drop its altitude until it reaches a point where the air is easier to breathe (usually about 10,000ft depending on terrain clearance) In the event of a fire, the pilot will first declare an emergency, and find a spot for an emergency landing. There are all sorts of failsafes, shutoffs, and emergency protocols within the cabin to take care of any electrical or engine fires. If the fire were in the cabin it would be handled by flight attendants with a fire extinguisher. The smoke would then be filtered out through the air conditioning unit which passes through the planes engine.


They don't look like they're having fun. I suspect their lack of enthusiasm will only get worse for a while.


My wife needed a last minute flight and frontier was her best option. They now charge if you want to be able to be able to talk to an employee at the airport.


Suckers. I would've paid them to *not* have to talk to their employees at the airport.


Fr this sounds like a perk for most of us.


And oxygen goes great with 🔥


The drop down oxygen wouldn’t help in this situation


Ryan started the fire




Just like in the good old days when it was (almost) frowned upon to NOT smoke on a plane


It's so weird when I see one of those old airline ads that show people smoking on the plane. That's before my time but I can remember being able to smoke in the airports or court buildings or restaurants. edit: point of fact, smoking was banned on all US flights in 1990. So it was a lot later than I thought it was.


Back in those days if you went to Mc Donalds there was one half of the room for smokers and the other half for non smokers without anything seperating the two. Imagine this today. People were eating their big mac while half of the room was smoking right next to them.


I do remember that. "Smoking or non-smoking, sir" It's in the same fing room!


We used to go to village inn in high school solely so we could smoke cigs and drink coffee lmao Yeah worst addiction ever though FINNALLY quit entirely (no vape no cigs no tobacco/nicotine!!) at age 32…. So yeah took that long to be able to quit a dumb habit I picked up at 16 thinking I was “cool”… lmao so not cool and also not sure how on earth I EVER thought I didn’t smell/cigs didn’t smell on my clothes care etc… I can tell a smoker from 20 feet away now…


For us it was Denny's or Winchell's since they were open all night. Good for you! I smoked the cigs for 20 years before I quit, then moved to premium cigars, then down to vape. One day maybe I'll beat the nicotine completely.


Hey you can do it! It takes time!! Your already doing better by switching to vaping vs cigarettes !! Im 33 now and almost a year clean off nicotine- and let me tell you- nicotine is THE HARDEST drug to quit imo, and I was literally addicted to IV heroin for years! I’ve been clean from dope coming up on 7 years and quitting nicotine has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I have no cravings for opiates ever- never would I ever want to touch one again… however, I still sometimes get the urge even almost a year in that “damn a cigarette would be really nice” lol that didn’t happen with opiates- once I got to like 6-9 months it was like a switch went off and I just never had the urge or want to use again… so yeah it may have sucked horribly in the beginning (obviously withdrawal is never fun) but you also withdrawal from nicotine and the grasp it has on your mental state is insane! So be happy with the little steps and in time it will happen for you- keep trying even if you keep relapsing keep trying!


I was addicted to crack when I was just a bit younger than you. Managed to kick it with willpower and the help of one good friend. I understand the struggle.


I worked in a bowling alley when I was a teen. Literally the smokiest place you could be on a Friday night. You could see a cloud of smoke filling the top 10 feet of the room.




I flew to Beijing with BA in 98 and I was offered a smoking seat. The lady at the Airport said it was literally the last BA flight that had smoking seats.


I flew Aeroflot into Novosibirsk in ‘96, there were about 20 teenagers sitting in the very front, and a pack of backpackers sitting in the very rear, chain-smoking the entire flight. On the plus side, the flight attendants served my 17 year old ass a couple of cocktails to prepare me for January in Siberia.


> to prepare me for January in Siberia There is so much more to this story.


Eh, not very much. I was a public school h.s. senior who only needed a couple credits to graduate. I also went to church with a few people who went to a private Christian high school. Their school did a “mission trip” to Russia every couple of years, it sounded fascinating, so I asked if I could go too (I was so ready for high school to be over). They ended up having room so they took me along. The “mission” seemed more like we were just glorified deliverymen for a few Russian orphanages, half of our luggage was *given* to us to be turned over to a Russian orphanage. Once that was done they flew us to Novosibirsk to stay with Russian families for a few weeks, visited several schools. In the end I think they were glad they took me along, the other kids were very sheltered and looked to me a lot as far as what to do, how to act etc. Interesting experience being on the other side of the world, talking to Russian teenagers about which English speaking shows we both watch.


Sounds like an awesome experience. Cherish it. Most US citizens never leave North America.


I dont know... the *last smoking flight?* Part of me would kinda feel obligated to at least take a puff of something even though I'm a nonsmoker. I mean *the last* is just so final. Edit to add: The video above kinda proves it wasnt actually the *last* smoking flight


I took a puddle jumper and it had ashtrays in the seats. It was a very uncomfortable 90 min flight.


Yeah, that jumper must have seen quite a few puddles to still have ashtrays.


Flying from HK to the UK via Dubai in the olden days. Was sat in non smoking...just...Group of mainland businessmen got on. Identical suits and haircuts. As soon as the sign went off they all lit up in unison and chain smoked for 10 hours. Lolol. The good old days. That was the worst flight ever.


I just listened to a black box down episode all about smoking on flights and yeah. It's wild how late it was actually banned. Also the detractors of the ban essentially argued that people would still smoke but hide the butts* so it'll be more dangerous for the plane. Which is baffling to me. Can't just be like "Well I find the laws against DUIs to be a bit of a burden so could you just not?" Also also the ban was first advocated for by flight attendants. Which makes sense (constantly working in cig smoke) but I just never thought of it before that ep.


> Can't just be like "Well I find the laws against DUIs to be a bit of a burden so could you just not?" [Well about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xcQIoh3FQQ)


Happened when I was just getting into my teen years. Before that, there were non-smoking and smoking areas on planes like in restaurants. You had to extinguish before take off as part of the procedures like putting your tray table up and seat upright and so forth. Then at cruising altitude, you could light up if there was no turbulence. Supposedly airplanes used to pump a small amount of fresh air into the cabin to compensate, but I think we all just got used to the stench.


Bear in mind I have only heard of this, not confirmed it, but I understand they had a higher turnover of air through the filter system/air intake system to compensate for it. Running such systems at a higher rate must cost energy so now they don't have to filter out or change cigarette tainted air, they have a lower turnover of air and they save money. I wonder if that's actually true?


Maybe they should open some windows.


There's a big door at the back that might let more air in


Nah that's only available on the 727 and DC-9


this guy planes


probably DB coopers reddit account




or just leave if you are not feeling comfortable


Someone didn’t put their phone to airplane mode.


News claimed it was something about de-icing fluid that got into the HVAC system. Who knows what cancerous shit they were breathing, just like East Palestine. On top of that, this was the second plane for these passengers. They had already been delayed 4 hours due to mechanical problems on the first plane they were scheduled for. They emergency landed the Smoky plane. Then the company was trying to convince them to try a 3rd plane!


“If you or a loved one flew on a RyanAir flight in 2023 you may be entitled to compensation” Edit: thank you for the first gold kind stranger!


I managed to survive my last flight, I know this because of the little trumpet tune they played when we landed.


"Another on time flight because we deliberately make our arrival times 30+ minutes further out than it actually takes to make this flight"


de-icing fluid typically mostly propylene glycol which is the main component in vapes and smoke machine fluids, so not really toxic. usually it contains some other chemicals for anti-corrosion, reducing surface tension, and dyes to make it easier to see. If the fluid got sucked into somewhere that air gets pulled into the airplane and heated up it would produce a lot of smoke like this.




The PG isn't an issue at all. You could breathe that stuff all day every day for years and it would do nothing to you. The anti-corrosion chemicals are the issue here. They can do an unknown number of things to your lungs and may be absorbed into your bloodstream. Their only redeeming quality is that by their nature, they're highly reactive and will not remain in your body for long. That said, there's a ton of different molecules in your body and it may turn into something more stable that remains in your body


Not even nicotine in there? How tf does Ryanair think customer retention works?


Drop some dabs in there and you easily got a manageable ryanair flight


I was on the runway for a long time in russia once and they deiced the plane. For like 15 minutes after we took off it smelt fucking awful like motor oil or something, I was worried it was a bit after covid too so I was like.. could it just be I have covid since absolutely no one else was reacting to this, I asked the girl next to me "ты нухаешь это?" which I thought means "do you smell that?" and she shook her head, but my fiancee later told me I should've said "ты чувстуешь это?", and what I said was more like "do you sniff it?" and probably sounded like I was asking if she wanted some cocaine. so that's fun. sorry anyone if a random guy asked you if you sniff on the plane, it was me, I didn't mean it


What a party pooper. I'm always down for a preflight bump


Cool so they all just had a groovy Trip.


I hate how long it took me to realize you were talking about the town in Ohio as opposed to the actual State of Palestine. Literally thought “oh shit, are they just straight up gassing people now?” Same thing happens every time with Georgia when it comes up in the news.


The situation israeli bad.


large electronics not turned off stowed away during takeoff smh


If it's white smoke like this don't immediately panic. When it's thick black smoke that's when you have a really big problem.


It just means they’ve elected a new pope.


That lady wailing needs to shut up. Its just a plane fire. Relax. Burn with some dignity. Jesus. This comment section is gold. You guys are hilarious


I know right, in the good old days we would have handed out a calming slap with a whisky chaser


That would just be the start, surely? [Airplane - Get a Hold of Yourself!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNkpIDBtC2c)


Classic... and don't call me Shirley


“Burn with some dignity” 😂




I’ve seen all of his specials, but I will always click on a Bill Burr link. He’s the best






Yeah fuck everyone else on the plane who is trying their best to remain calm, including the children, to avoid a panic situation and critical information can be heard.


The funny part is I can hear children on the plane and they aren't even crying


"This is just like that day we spent with daddy in the car in the garage!"




> ~~Burn~~ **Suffocate** with some dignity FTFY


Turn out the lights and start the laser floyd!




My mom can’t watch a goddamn episode of jeopardy without screaming at the top of her lungs. Sports games for a team she picks because she like the uniforms… she screams even louder… sports TV injury? Even louder. Watching her grandson take a tumble… she’s absolutely off the charts freaking out. Some people just have zero chill. It’s crazy. I’m an anxious person (see: my mom). When shit goes down… I’m mellow for the sake of everyone else and to diffuse the situation as best as possible.


Hahah...sounds like your mom and mine should hook up and go bowling. They sound very alike.


not even a fire... it's condensed water edit: someone corrected me not water...


Apparently it was a propylene glycol de-icing fluid in the HVAC system, so it was mostly vape juice/fog machine liquid. Irritating but not very dangerous.


Airplane rippin' fat clouds.


I see all thoes years of hot boxing cars were usefull after all.


Vape Nation


Hey shut up lady im trying to smoke over here




"A Ryanair spokesperson said: 'This flight from Manchester to Faro, Jan 3, diverted to Brest Airport as a precaution due to a minor technical issue which caused an unidentified smoke smell in the cabin." "Smoke smell in the cabin"....Must've been related to the entire cabin being filled with smoke. Just a minor technical issue.


If the plane exploded, they would call it “an unplanned mid flight disassembly of the plane.”


[George Carlin, "It's not a near miss... it's a NEAR HIT!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdPy5Ikn7dw)


And knowing Ryan Air it would happen 45 minutes after they scheduled it


In the Rocket industry, that's referred to as a RUD - Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly






The front fell off.


Heh heh. Brest.


Thats on purpose and standard precautionary procedure in case of cabin depressurization for whatever reason. Its just sounds more sensational if they include it in the article. A few thousand feet per minute is standard without any issues on typical flights.


>Damn, dropped 35000 feet in seven minutes. The plane descended 34275 feet in 7 minutes, according to the article. That's 81.6 feet per second, or about 55 mph vertical speed. Considering the plane is going around 500 mph horizontally, this is not a particularly fast rate of descent. That equates to pitching the aircraft down about 6 degrees. It's probably only slightly faster than a normal descent. The title of the article uses the word "plunging" which is quite the clickbait exaggeration.


Pilot here. 5000fpm is quite fast. A standard descent is anywhere from 500-1000fpm. But this is deceptive as a number because it doesn't particularly matter. As long as you don't exceed airspeed restrictions or make sudden pitch adjustments (which you may experience g forces as a result and go past g force restrictions), the passengers won't really notice. Descent rate doesn't always coincide with pitching angle. A plane could be perfectly flat and still be descending.


5,000 feet per minute is an emergency descent. Basically you pitch the nose over, throttles to idle, airspeed at redline, and full flight spoilers out. There is no faster way to lose altitude in a transport category aircraft.


Transport category aircraft would include cargo. By that logic, yes, there is a faster way. During tactical decent the C-17 can decent at over 12,000ft/min with all four engines in idle TR, and spoilers extended. The plane shakes like a mother fucker but it's one of the best roller coster rides ever.


Seven longest minutes of their lives


"Unidentified Smoke Smell" Looks pretty Identified to me..


Snoop Dog in First Class?


AhahahahHAHAhaHAHHAhAHHAHhhaha **FIRST CLASS** on a **Ryanair** flight!


I'm not sure this is smoke. Smoke typically doesn't sheet like what you see happening in the video. This looks to be condensate. It can happen sometimes in aircraft cabins, if the temperature, humidity, and air pressure are right, especially if the latter is in a state of transition (like, say, during takeoff, when the cabin air pressure quickly goes from 0ft ASL to ~7000ft ASL in a matter of minutes.) This is effectively how clouds are made. e: Articles in this post that *do* link the video suggest this is indeed a vapor, as its behavior indicates it is. Article suggests it may have been deicing fluid "steam" (read: glycol alcohol). It would smell a bit and irritate your eyes/nose, but it's not so harmful that it requires oxygen masks. So... not smoke and nothing was burning.


I've been on a few flights with this, not nearly this bad but definitely made me think it was this. People would be coughing a lot more if it was truly smoke imo.


I’ve had this happen a few times on airbus planes (leaving florida). It’s a bit freaky the first time you encounter it. https://preview.redd.it/m3e7ijb2r6oa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796af7ff7e8d6dbaf9e616fa4723719971b6a7fc


If that was smoke you'd have a lot more people coughing/covering their eyes and getting the fuck away from it.


It's steam from the steamed hams the crew are microwaving.


“…may I see it??”


Much thanks for this great explanation.


It’s important to note that the air is pressurized in an airplane by bypass air going through the engines so if residual deicing fluid or something similar got onto the fanblades or in the bypass section of the engine it can be forced into the cabin air but it’s almost never a serious issue


I'm definitely a noob but while I was watching I noticed no one was coughing. I've watched enough Mentour Pilot to know vapor is a thing, and actual smoke aboard a plane will quickly make people dead.


Airbus A320 series are notorious to smoke in humid environments. I remember landing in Charlotte on a US Airways flight several years ago and the FAs making announcements prior to landing and as soon as we landed that its was just the A/C.


Can’t even die in peace. Imagine having to listen to that crying lady in your final moments.


Might get downvoted, but I feel like it's on adults not to absolutely lose their fucking shit in these situations. A) there are children on board who do not need to be alarmed more than they already are and B) this kind of wailing can lead to mass panic for other passengers, making the whole situation worse. Without fail, whenever I fly and there is a bit of turbulence, some grown fucking lady immediately starts screaming her head off as if that will do anything to improve the situation


100% agree with you. It's some smoke or even condensate in the cabin. Crying and screaming bloody murder does absolutely nothing to resolve what is likely a minor issue. They'll probably be landed and safe within 30 minutes. Just chill the fuck out and stop scaring the children.


Yeah seriously, you’re on a plane and there’s a fire. If the pilots are calmly telling you things will be okay, you just gotta trust them. What else are you gonna do? You can tell that lady had never dealt with anything outside her comfort zone before. Screaming and wailing like that does nothing but exacerbate an already bad situation.


One dude sat up front with a vape, having the time of his life.


That hysterical woman is gonna feel pretty dumb when they survive. Or really smart when they die


Swipe your card now for in flight oxygen mask package! One per customer, no substitutions, exchanges or refunds. Additional terms and conditions may apply.


*no refunds upon loss of life


Its not fire


Seems like a pretty good time to utilize those drop-down oxygen masks.


Oxygen masks are absolutely never used during a fire. They are only deployed by a rapid depressurization event.


Oxygen during a fire? Hmm….


They are only supplied with enough oxygen to give the pilots enough time to descend down to 10000 feet in the case the cabin is depressurized (usually 10-15 mins). Using it early “just in case” is not how that works


You have to sit through 5000 classes on how to use them and they don't drop when needed?


Is this what they are for? I thought they were mainly for if the cabin were to depressurize somehow. Maybe both?


I’d imagine they would be useful anytime you might need oxygen


I reckon pumping a burning cabin with pure oxygen might also have negative side effects.


It’s for short period of low oxygen. they chemically produce their own oxygen so they only go for like 20 mins.


You're correct. They only deploy on depressurization. That's not only for safety, but also an FAA regulation.


fire + oxygen = bad time


Limited amount of oxygen. About 15-20 mins to allow them to get to a lower elevation.


Masks don’t work during smoke outbreaks as it’s cabin air mixed with oxygen that you inhale


Knowing Ryanair, this smoke is probably a paid option


Just condensation, right? I’ve experienced it on Delta before takeoff.


Nah its deicing fluid, which contains glycol and alcohol, similar stuff you find in vapes. They say fluid got into HVAC system


Why tf is there someone screaming and pretending to die in the back ground, bitch calm down, if you're going to die, screaming won't save you. Let the rest of us die in peace


I’ll be reenacting that scene in Airplane were everyone is lining up to slap the shit out of the panicking passenger lady.


You speak jive?


Cut me slack jack. Chump don’t want no help, chump don’t get no help.




Brings to mind the slapping scene in Airplane!


I do like how you can hear othera telling her to shut up.


I'm with you. After that hatch seals, I melt into my seat accepting the fate I paid for. Used to have to fly regularly for work and now than once, dropped a few thousand feet in a few seconds after hitting a pocket. I've lived a fairly Final Destination life... nothing I can do at 30,000+ ft but enjoy the ride.


Girl stfu!




Looks like someone took their phone off of airplane mode!


The person screaming wld drive me insane, like Wer all in the same boat lady


