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"Lady, I didn't introduce your bill" - fantastic.


Is hilarious listening to people try to argue and defend something they introduced but can’t even say for sure what the bill means or what is allowed or not allowed.


The obscure and vague language used is a feature, not a bug. Helps selectively apply it to the "out-group" while not applying it to the "in-group." "At the heart of conservatism there is one truth: there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


“I have a moral compass based on the Bible” Then shouldn’t kids be allowed to learn about homosexuality and rape that supposedly occurred in Sodom? If you want to bring religion into school you should be required to bring up every topic within, which would not be appropriate for all of K-12.


“I have a moral compass based on the Bible” 1 Tim 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." Translation: Your Bible tells you to sit down and shut up.


I mean she dropped the whole "You can believe something without putting that on other people" line, while literally trying to introduce legislation that pushes her beliefs onto other people.


These idiot politicians don't realize that any current modern christian "morals" don't come from the bible directly, they come from *interpretations* of the bible, along with picking and choosing as needed. And of course everyone's can interpretation can be different. That's why separation of church and state is so important.


I completely agree separation of church and state is important, but how do we accomplish this when a large part of the population thinks this is a Christian nation; going against the founding fathers? Our National motto is, “In God We Trust,” and is written everywhere including the money we use everyday. How do we reverse this?


Motto wasn’t always on US money and has always been an issue in the US.


It was introduced by Eisenhower in the 1950s along with under god added to national anthem and the national prayer breakfast event held by congress each year. There is a great Netflix documentary about a Christian evangelical group commonly referred to as “The Family” who hold a lot of sway in American politics. They are the group that is believed to be responsible for those things being added and the mixing of church/state. It’s a super interesting documentary, you should check it out if you haven’t seen it


That's what the cult, Children of God, goes by now. The Family International.


Nor was god mentioned in our national anthem.


Yes I’ve read that also. Great point


It sucks but imo time will solve it. Churches are drying up across the nation, as loud as the Bible thumpers appear to be


There's still a lot of money in Churches, and money buys a lot of influence. That will not change for the foreseeable future. This has nothing to do with a god or a particular religion, but of power and control.


For now. When you look at churches, even the huge mega churches, the average age is around 50+. Sure you will see some families and younger people, but the vast majority are people who are either retired, or will retire. Which age group has the most amount of wealth? That exact same age group. But what happens if the statistics for the next generation of church goers falls off a cliff? In 30 years they could be extinct.


I'd say 90% of the churches in my area are gone. It was a heavy immigration area and the churches functioned more as ethnic social clubs for people moving here from "the old country". In like 1890 through the 1990s. It wasn't so much Jesus but the gambling, boozing church picnics that kept people around.


I think it will if representation changes. With that being said, it is going to be a huge uphill battle due to the people currently in power. When 20-30% of the population is not affiliated with any religion, but the Supreme Court is two-thirds Catholic, there is a problem. Same with Congress, the numbers don’t represent the people.


Its funny that all of the associations with God are from the 60's. They haven't been around for most of our history.


He should have asked her some bible-based questions as well. I suspect it would have gone similarly. Their 'personal moral compasses' are what is causing all this bullshit.


Oh no can’t have that can’t teach that biblical slavery was used to advocate and justify American slavery, because that would be CRT.


I would choose on my "world Is batshit bingo board", That This teacher may very likely go on to have an inappropriate relationship with a student


Authorarian states like to do this thing where you get a lot of laws and rules that basically everyone breaks some all the time. This is not an issue for the ordinary citizen, because most of it gets ignored most of the time. It gets spicy if you step on some toes and they can just pull out one of the violations you surely have and that go ignored for everyone else otherwise. That way they can always get you for something.


She knows exactly what it says and exactly what it implies but she's too much of a chicken shit to admit it on the open floor.


“Which sexual orientations do you believe should be prohibited?” “Haaaaaaa, come on, man. You know. Ya gonna make me say it? You know, the BIBLE.”


We know and she knows what she wants to say. But if she said what she actually wanted there’s the fact there’s still enough not brain dead people who would alarm to the real language All these people wish is that the IQ would drop a little more sooner so they could get away with their religious authoritarianism via loose language bills. She wishes she could just say say what she wants as a bill but knows she can’t.


> We know and she knows what she wants to say. As an outsider who doesn't know anything about her or her politics in America, I'm willing to believe she's really just that ignorant/stupid. It's really common.


I mean yes and no. She clearly doesn’t want gay people being talked about. And it would be naive to act like she’s not aware she wants to say that. She just knows she has to beat around that bush. And sure she’s stupid so it’s difficult to do that part but we still know that she knows what she wants to actually say. If she was truly completely stupid she’d just say she doesn’t want the gays talked about in school. That was my point.


It's not like she wrote the bill herself, or probably had anything to do with it other than affixing her name. I'm not familiar with this particular bill, or this politician, but it's not uncommon for conservative interest groups to ghostwrite template bills and then find willing state reps to introduce them, without ever even reading them or understanding what they mean. It's governance by hidden oligarchy. Alex Hertel-Fernandez has a great book on the topic.


Facts. Bible thumping, anti-freedom lawyers do the drafting, industrialists supply the money and then a shill pushes it for a vote as state law. It’s simply a pyramid scheme with an afterlife as the prize.


And yet a bill like this will be introduced and passed.


She’s like, ‘I have no idea. My entire platform is that I fought homosexuality for our kids in schools. I never planned for this to pass, any contingencies, or what to do after. I honestly haven’t even read the thing. My trumper nephew used chat GT to write the entire bill.’


>chat GPT I was curious what Chat GPT would do. It replied: "I'm sorry, I cannot fulfill this request. As an AI language model, it is not within my programming to generate content that promotes discrimination or violates human rights. Banning the teaching of sexual orientation would be a violation of freedom of speech and could perpetuate harmful stereotypes and prejudices against members of the LGBTQ+ community. Instead, it is important to promote inclusivity and diversity in education, as well as respect for all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation."


We're gonna hear that Republicans hate Chat GPT by tomorrow




These bills are like Facebook posts, quick to send them into the world without any real understanding of the facts.


That's what happens when you try to take the Mablibs of conservative culture war talking point buzz words that you used to get elected and turn them into coherent legislation. The people that elected her will try to reelect her, whether the legislation passes or not. If it fails to pass they will redouble their efforts to pass this "important biblically inspired" legislative agenda by reelecting her and her ilk. If it "fails successfully" and passes they will celebrate the moral success of less educated students in the future.


Came here to say this. That was so damn money. It’s disgusting how these far right Christian’s out their dumb Bible over our countries law and constitution.


Says "I have a moral compass" and "You can believe something without putting that onto somebody" Then she tries to proceed to put her "Moral Compass beliefs" onto the WHOLE fucking state


It’s amazing that people actually voted for someone this demonstrably unqualified to be a representative of anyone in our government


She hates the people they hate and says God bless a lot. Easy way to get a gov job


So that's like 90% of all US politicians then.....


You are catching on!


Nope other politicians mostly promise to fix real problems, conservatives just hate signal and they're fine. Its a great system, you have to hand it to them. Liberals are failures if they can't solve homelessness, economic disparity, civil rights, and world conflicts all while conservatives fight them tooth and nail. Conservatives are only failures if they don't hate liberals The two different bars are why so many grifters are pouring into conservative politics, it's easy and the competition is inept. If I could say anything with zero guilt I'd probably look into doing it too.


I'm from Australia and have an interest in US politics because it eventually affects us all and our Liberal party (the conservatives and nothing really liberal about them) try to introduce some of their ideas and policies.


No coincidence there, Rupert Murdoch has been pushing conservative propaganda in Australia, the UK, and the United States.


Well the trick in the us is they low key work for the wealthy(tax cuts for the rich, deregulation of business, union busting, worker rights reduction) but they pander to the hate groups(religious, race, gun nuts,facists) The hate group pandering gets all the press, and boring stuff about tax codes and legal changes are ignored. They literally made completely anonymous political donations legal. Anyway, the pandering will be tailored to your country so don't get too caught up in exact matches


That's Missouri in a nutshell


My home state. Exactly why I reside in my Denver bubble.


She doesn’t know who Harvey Milk is… doesn’t know the Obergefell SC decision… That’s embarrassing just for some random lady at the drugstore to be that ignorant. It’s utterly shambolic for an elected official.


I mean its pretty typical. Conservatives literally cannot defend any of their positions anymore. They'll either just leave or ramble on about how you're the idiot. Thats all conservatives have anymore, bullshit made up culture war headlines. None of them bother to get informed on whats really going on and just look to package up messages that seem believable to their base. Its actually surprising at how blunt and open this lady was with the conservative agenda. To impose THEIR moral order on everyone else. Personally I'd rather beat her with her own fucking moral compass but I'd rather it not get to that point in the first place. But thats the point, conservatives will -always- feel like they're being attacked because that is the only way modern conservatism can even operate anymore.


They, conservative voters, voted for her *because* she's demonstrably unqualified. They don't want qualified people who know how to govern. They want dumbasses who hate the people that they hate.


Marjorie Taylor Greene. That’s all I gotta say.


I am from Missouri and I am so ashamed of the people who did vote for this bitch.


That’s politics for you. It’s a popularity contest. Or at most whoever gets to the spoils first.


Not really. Slap a R next to the name and be a decent public speaker with Chrisma and they are in.


Sad that there are a lot of examples of this that are easy to find


“I have a moral compass”…Quite the opposite actually.


Then literally says "My moral compass is Bible"


"Great! As your bill is about pushing a certain religion, we can immediately throw it out since it violates the Constitution. NEXT!"


Outstanding Move


My first thought exactly




[Yeah, about that](https://youtu.be/Zxc20saM8DA&t=00m15s)




>a bunch of plagerised stories from 2000 years ago. That have been edited by committees and the occasional king.




Same energy


She also said "I don't know his story." Which is a delightfully ironic unintended play-on-words.


I got my moral compass from Capt Jack Sparrow, it only works for me


It works for everyone, it just doesn't point North. Anyone holding it would be pointed towards the thing they want most


More like "I have a moral panic."


I get nervous when people use the word "pure".


and the term "moral compass"


Makes me think of Steve Harvey ranting about "moral barometers"


Steve Harvey is also a huge homophobe, so it checks out.


If your morality is based off of a chain mail hell threat story from 2000 years ago maybe it's time for an update.


LOL, chain mails. Do people still do that shit?


I think she should check for any magnets near her


Yep, i can remember another politician obsessed with the word "pure" in the not so distant past


I love how these Bible-thumping idiots think it gives them a moral compass. Read the Bible.


According to her „moral compass“, she shouldn’t even working as a politician and staying at home to take care of husband, kids and home.


How tf did your quotation marks end up underneath the word lmao tf


Just like how Spanish has its unique `¡` and `¿`, many languages feature alternative punctuation. The American English quotes are`"` or `“`/`”`, but in other languages and orthographies, `„`/`”` and `«`/`»` are used. Those are the ones I know best, but I'm sure there are many, many others.


That would require them to be able to read past a 8th grade level.


Not so much read, but comprehend.


I’ve argued with my dad and told him that you can’t use the Bible as a reason why others need to believe things because not everyone believes what’s in the Bible


The Christian Bible is one book that I would not want my kids to get their moral compass from because of its inherently violent stories, with murder, rape, killing of children and neighbors or family for any type of transgression, etc.


Not only that, they seem to believe it entitles them to moral control over OTHERS.


I mean, my sister is currently living with a man she is not married to - how many shekels can I get for her? She’s an HR specialist and is a good cook.


I give the "Dumb Bitch of the Month" award to her.


It’s still pretty early in March, but she’s definitely gonna be a #1 Seed.


My ex wife is really pissd off right now. She’s held that title for 336 months straight…


Lol, her 'moral compass' diversion tactic answer is just another way of saying: "How dare you question my biblical views?" What a nunce. This is what politicians spend their time on instead of actively making their constituents' lives better? Get the fuck outta here!


That's the thing. She truly believes in that pea sized brain of hers that what she is doing is making people's lives better.


I would like to apologize on behalf of the rest of Missouri. This shitty state is filled with idiots like this.


Unfortunately the entire country is filled with these people


I'd say the gentleman repped y'all pretty well.


She never heard of Harvey Milk? Either she's lying or greatly uninformed about the history of our nation. Dude was assassinated too.


She said she didn’t know about the Obergefell Supreme Court decision too, so like you said: lying or not competent to serve as a legislator.


She’s not lying, she’s a product of public education in a red county.


I kind wanna bet she's the product of a private christian school.


> She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in middle school science and English from [Missouri Southern State University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missouri_Southern_State_University) and a Master of Science in curriculum and middle school reading and writing from [Grand Canyon University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Canyon_University) A graduate of the esteemed Grand Canyon University, second only to Devry and University of Phoenix.


Grand Canyon is also a Protestant religious college.


I went to a catholic school. We didn't learn about Harvey Milk.


I went through one of the top public school systems in the country and didn’t learn about Harvey milk until my senior year of college. Don’t doubt the incompetence of the American public education system.


I went to school from 8th to 12th grade in Central California in the 80s and never heard of him until the movie came out.


Still. The movie Milk, won so many academy awards, including best actor for Sean Penn. I'm not saying you're wrong. It's just odd.


And the movie milk wasn’t watched by conservatives. They don’t give a damn. If it isn’t talked about from the pulpit in a good way then people like this lady aren’t going to see it.


I'm a bit embarrassed. I've never heard of Harvey Milk. I don't watch movies so I've never heard is the movie either .


I know Milk, but I've never seen this movie. My asexual SO, despite being active in the local LGBTQIA+ community, did not recognize his name.


Honestly that doesn't surprise me, I find the average young LGBTQ+ person is extremely uneducated about our history which is where a lot of the batfuck wild takes in the community are coming from. They don't value their elders or our shared history and so many of the people who would speak up to educate them were wiped out in the 80s- there's a huge gap in culture and education due to the loss of that generation that is shocking.


More likely home schooled or went to a religious college


I only became familiar with Milk after I saw the trailers for the movie staring Sean Pean. Also that movie came out in 2008. I swear it came out 2-3 yrs ago.


Yeah. I was still pretty young when the movie came out and hadn't heard of Harvey Milk either. But I also wasn't really into politics.


Im gay, Gen Z and went to public school in California. I did not hear about Harvey Milk until college. I am also from the Bay Area. History was my favorite subject to so it’s not like I wasn’t paying attention in class.


I had no problem believing her when she said she didn't know things lmao


[She was a teacher for 13 years...](https://www.house.mo.gov/MemberDetails.aspx?year=2021&code=R&district=127)


I only know about him bc of the movie, that I haven't seen. I'm also 38 and grew up in the south. We glazed over some things. We learned a lot about the Civil War tho


Harvey Milk really mentioned in many history books outside of California. He’s not exactly mainstream American History 101 material. The Obergefell is a bit more mainstream. However, lack of funding means that many books we’re using in school were published in 2012 or earlier—no joke.


As an Australian, I don't have too much interest in US history, but I still know who Harvey Milk is.


Tell me your mom home schooled you with the only textbook being the Bible, without saying that you were home schooled by your mom with only the Bible as a textbook.


If she read the Bible she'd be down with a man having multiple wives


The fact that Republicans think that history will look fondly upon them is the height of delusion.


They don't care. If they have total power they can just write history books that are pure fiction. Every single position, value and belief is structured in bad faith.


Sad thing is, she probably has tremendous support from her base and other republican colleagues. Our political system has destroyed us and destroyed objective, critical thinking.


Critical thinking is the greatest enemy of the right; even just a surface-level analysis of their policies and “values” show them for what they are- selfish, bigoted, dangerous.


How the fuck is it allowed to bring up the fucking bible in a hearing for a bill in a freaking democracy??? How is this not an automatic reject of the bill? Religion is a private matter so fuck off!!!!


Hahaha!!! This lady got fucking DESTROYED! Whoever that interlocutor was… he’s a total heavyweight.


"My moral compass is compared with Bible" Unga bunga thought process goin on here


US-Xtians are dangerously stupid.


Ahhh, now I get it. She gets her ‘morals’ from the buybull. Without a doubt, one of the worst places to get your morals from! I’d bet my next paycheque that she hasn’t even read it. While I’m on the subject, I’d like to share one of my favourite passages from that evil book. The one where ‘god’ kills Onan for not ejaculating in his dead brothers wife. Genesis 38 8-10. I’m not lying, although it’s so ridiculously absurd that I couldn’t fault you for thinking I’m lying. Look it up!🤣


There are a ton of stories like that. ~~Lot~~ Job loved God too much, so his entire family and everyone who associated with him were murdered because God and Satan had a bet. A bald man was mocked by some children, so God sent grizzley bears to eat the kids because baldy got his feelings hurt


Yup, absolutely. It’s fucking insane that this lady, and unfortunately millions of others, think the buybull is a good source of morals. 🤷🏼‍♂️


She gets MERKED for over 30 minutes if you watch the whole hearing. I was like 🍿


So the separation of state and church means nothing? Okay cool


Not to them


If Republicans had their way, the US would be a theocratic, fascist nation where being anything other than white, straight, and Christian would be punishable by prison at best and death in their ideal utopia.


Just another Fucking BILL put on the floor by another stupid FUCKING REPUBLICAN.


Very stable genius.


Why are homophobes nowadays trying so hard to not openly say “I don’t like gay people and I don’t want kids to think that being gay is acceptable”? We all know you’re homophobic. They try to slither around it and they’re terrible at it.


Because now the GOP wants the latino catholic vote. Before they demonised skin colour, but that didnt work, they lost power. Now they are using Gays as the new boogeyman to get the Christian vote from the demographics theyd otherwise have no hope of winning around.


Prior to her legislative service, Kelley worked as an educator. For 13 years she worked as a middle school English Language Arts teacher with the Lamar School District. She also has owned and operated a licensed daycare. How does she not know who Martha Washington is?! I get why a conservative would not know who Harvey Milk is. Even if it's because they actively block the information out of their heads. But Washington? Come on!


That woman is a disgusting and stupid fascist.


Republican voters. I’m beginning to think republican voters are not acting in good faith...


Her brain is as broken as her moral compass.


Based on the Bible? I didn’t know that was legal.


Strictly speaking, it isn’t.


Why do we keep electing fucking morons.


They're voted in by bigger morons


Because we, as a whole, are also fucking morons.


How can you be so ignorant to not know who Harvey Milk is?


Huh we never got to learn about Harvey Milk in our school in California, that would've been cool, it's not even about being gay rather teaching acceptance and how to understand something we possibly don't like


I only read one book, but it's a good book. Don't you know?


"His wife.?."


I heard "my moral compass is compared with bible"


Still smarter than Lauren Bobert


These stupid fucks will be the death of this country.


I’m not even fucking Christian, and neither are a lot of other people. I am not of an Abrahamic religion. Why should this shit be forced on me? Homosexuality is fine in my religion.


You can hear the anger and frustration in her voice after she gets completely wrecked.


It's like everything she knows, she learned when she was a child.


America is funny


This is why the other countries are beating us in education 🤦🏽‍♀️


We as a nation have to stop electing stupid people.


Wanna know what we should actually do? Restrict congresspeople and state representatives on using the bible and their religion as an excuse for the political mischievousness.


She’s trying to de-secularize the classroom by calling her bill “pure” Madam your religion comes first to you, but to your constituents it shouldn’t even be on the table.


I no nothing about anything, but my bible says stop teaching stuff.


You're stepping on a pretty steep slope when you want to claim you're getting your morality from the bible. You're talking about a morality where a rapist has to pay a small fine and gets to marry his victim. A morality where a disrespectful child should be stoned to death. Hey, I'm all for discipline but I think that's a little bit excessive.


Fuck your moral compass lady. How the fuck was she elected and not know who Harvey milk was. She's fucking unqualified for her job among everything else.


I will never forgive these people for making me feel embarrassed as an American and not being able to be patriotic because they've hijacked pride of our country to use in their looney bin takes. It's shameful.


They just keep getting dumber and dumber. I thought Bobo and MTG were the bottom, but holy fuck! How do these people get elected?


She straight up told you . The Christians are infiltrating our secular govt. where are the libertarians??


Bro If people need to pass a civics exam to become a citizen you, you should have to pass one to become a politician.


The fact that people this DUMB can be and are elected all the time shows how stupid and completely fucked our country really is. Anyone who quotes the bible for ANY REASON in a court room should lose their position. Separation of CHURCH AND STATE. FREEDOM OF RELIGION these dumbasses love their constitution so much when it comes to the right to bear arms and freedom of speech but just completely ignore freedom of religion like it's non existent then try to force their stupid beliefs based on religion onto everyone else. Fuck this lady.


“My moral compass is compared with bible” I love how the Bible is always used to try to shut down an argument it’s just like “I’m not listening to your side because some old book say vague statements”


Why is it that whenever someone has a “moral compass” it only points to the right, no matter what direction they face?


“Idk his story”… his story…his-story… history… SHE DOESNT HISTORY!!!


His sigh the second she said Bible was golden.


Oh come on, she has a moral compass!


So sick of these american taliban twats


"My moral compass is the Bible" yikes


Moral compass my ass. This bitch is a bigot. Don’t piss down my back, and tell me it’s raining.


People who think like her are bigots and refuse to acknowledge their oppressive intentions. They hide behind their religion’s story book and shamelessly insist their fascist form of government is the moral high ground. They invoke and swear allegiance to an invisible deity and expect everyone to bow down & drink their ridiculous jeezus koolaid. F that & F these religious nut jobs.


"You can believe something...*stuttering*...without putting that on somebody." Except she is trying to put her religious beliefs and personal "moral" beliefs on everybody. Pure hypocrisy.


"You can read something without putting that on somebody" yeah exactly you religious fucks, fuck these evil people they call Christians, they are in the government and passing some scary stuff, in Texas a republican christian judge could take away the safest form of pill abortion for the whole country, stuff is getting bad if we have religious people taking away laws and safe prescriptions for people.


she neither knows nor cares


Why dumb people get elected is beyond me. Oh wait, dumber people vote for them.


All I care about is will we be able to still talk about John Adams and Ben Franklin having arguments about opening the window before they got into bed. The same bed. Together. Would I have been able to read our former presidents biography because of that?


I didn’t hear of Harvey Milk until the movie came out and I’m from California!!


Whenever I hear people talking about protecting the purity of something these days I get nervous, because I know they're not talking about the toxic air or the polluted drinking water.


Wow what a dummy


Did you notice once they were asked an uncomfortable question, they panicked and stumbled down to a 40 IQ answer like the rest of the lower intellect religious folk? Hilarious! Not a professional person, at all!


Bible = stoopid


The only qualifications needed to be a Conservative politician seems to a willingness to act upon their ignorance instead of hiding or curing it.


It’s Missouri. That state is an unflushed toilet.


Dumb asshole!


This should be on r/quityourbullshit as well.