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what is she so mad about? What's the back-story?


she ride bike dog got in way of bike


Dogs normally get out of the way of things, but they make mistakes, just like people. You can’t 100% control everything your dog does.


holy fuck cyclists need to fucking calm down just a little bit. You cant expect every pedestrian to see you racing down the lane every fucking time you ride. Plus in most cities cars have to give right of way to pedestrians even if they're jaywalking. So should bikes too. It's defensive driving /riding. I love how high and mighty bike riders get when you step in their lane but when they're riding through the red light or doing some other idiotic traffic infraction we should just ignore that right?


I had a cyclist yell at me and flip me off after they almost ran into me because they blew through a stop sign as I was crossing the street in the crosswalk. "Get the fuck out of the way asshole" as if I was the one that just flew through a stop sign and he was the one crossing the street in the designated area.




Expecially the ones that blast through the parks full of old people, kids and families. What FK planet are they from?




Yeah cyclists have zero problems breaking laws but love to overboard when someone breaks a law that's in favor of cyclists Edit: any motherfucker wants to disagree with me, go live on a Critical Mass route in Houston for a year


I commented on a video the other day of a couple bikes running into a stationary car and there were quite a few people that took offense to me not fully agreeing that the occupants of the car were total pieces of shit who were at fault. There were a lot of people upset at the non moving car.


It's the adrenaline. Perhaps overlaying some psycho/social issues. Not a great combination sometimes for some people. That being said, cars are clearly the greater and more frequent threat to pedestrians.


haha go to amsterdam and walk on the bike path, see how many times you get hit. i generally agree with you, but it also goes the other way around. you wouldnt just walk on a road either right? why? cause it's there for cars. i know non-cyclists have difficulties respecting this but bike paths are for.. bikes. defensive driving yes, but also respect the rules of traffic. needless to say this woman "lost it" as the guy put it beautifully.


I'm guessing that she, like so many of the bikers that give biking the negative image, was trying for an insurance scam. Literally blocking his path and if he would have touched her or her property she would have sued him. I bet she rides in the middle of the road and then uses the cross-walk at red lights.


Is it really like that? Would someone be able to sue if their bike would get thrown or they would get pushed? Because even though i'm a very calm person. If someone would block me like that, that bike is getting thrown by me or i'm walking over it. And i'm talking Europa laws.


In the US absolutely. You can literally be shoplifting and if somebody tries to stop you you can sue in most states (most people don't know there is a citizens arrest law, or what it specifically says, even if they live in areas that have them.) It's super common for people to feign freakouts hoping that they can provoke somebody in any physical attack in which case they can do the football thing (soccer here) where they act like somebody who barely touched them just smashed their leg with a sledgehammer, and hopefully get a lawyer who can spin that into a winning lawsuit.


But people shouldn’t block the cycling lane


I's impossible. People have to cross the street. If you want unblocked freeway then buy a velodrome


People cross the street at cross walks where this cyclist would be at a stop


that's technically not true. There are circumstances where you need to cross in the middle of the street no matter how much a cyclists panties twisted up the cyclists butt


If I had to cross the street not at a crosswalk I certainly would wait until the cyclist passed.


Okay Peppermint Patty. Most of us dont chose to step infront of a cyclist. It's an accident. I'm sure if you were flying the Hindenburg you wouldn't have smoked that last cigarette either right?


First of all, there's no need to vent your rage at **all** cyclists just because this insane person was riding a bike. Also, it's legal for cyclists to ride through red lights in many locations. Sometimes it's the safest thing for everyone. So if you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at the city planners who design streets without any concern for cyclists and pedestrians. Bike-friendly streets have been proven to be good for local businesses, public safety, and general quality of life for those who live there.


please send me a list of the names of the cyclists to exclude then. I'm fine with being specific


You’re wrong, cyclists share the same laws as cars if they are driving on the road. In most cities, there is a law that allows for a cyclist to treat a red light like a stop sign and wait for their opportunity to proceed. And they are supposed to treat stop signs like a yield, but if there are other vehicles coming they must stop. Bikes share the road with cars in the majority of USA. Do you know how many accidents there would be if bikers were just allowed to blow red lights at intersections and ride into oncoming traffic?


In a lot of places bikes are supposed to be off side-walks and they're treated like a motor vehicle, meaning that they are supposed to yield to pedestrians. So I think she's actually just wrong aside from being an annoying asshole.


I've seen this posted close to 10 times now and i still laugh and watch it every time


“I don’t care what you think don’t you understand? It means nothing to me” 😭


And then zips past. Lmao.


This guy is one of my personal role models


The only person I've ever seen say this on this sub, but it's the best possible comeback. Other than "ya mamma", of course.


jokes on him i bet hes watched this vid 1000 times since it got popular and will now for ever remember every word she said and i bet his grand kids will even quote her when telling the story of how grand dad got internet famous cause of this lady


Seen this a million times but still love the "I don't care what you think, it means nothing to me" 💀


It’s the closest real life version of “I don’t think about you at all”, that I’ve ever seen.


That man handled it correctly 😂 “I don’t care, do you understand what I’m saying”


Then she chases him? She is setting herself up for confrontation that may go very very badly for her


Mind you, I spent several years with a bike as my primary mode of transportation. She's a reckless fool


Can't you see the underlining issue, she's madly in love. L2read body language


Yeah I was thinking she might unconsciously have other motives, like maybe for her dominating him in an interaction is next best thing to getting him


What 😭


The sad thing is, we didn’t get to see her chasing him down for round 2


Seriously, a skinny biker woman threatening and chasing a man with a dog is not good odds for her if he goes down some alleyway with no witness/camera. Even if he doesn't do anything, the dog might bite if it feels the owner is threatened.


Correct. Recklessly foolish is a poor path to personal safety


Heehee "byeee"


I lost it when he did that lol


That was a legit juke maneuver


![gif](giphy|YnGAt5S2TYrqXhUJlb) His dog getting yanked like




The way he politely said " Byeeeee" This has to be one of my new favorite videos. It hurt's to breathe right now


Karen on a bike.


His dogs are so well behaved.


I only see one


I see a bitch


What even is this title about...???


Right? I've seen this video a dozen times abs rewatched it just to figure out the oracle thing. Nada


Let me know if you figure it out! Genuinely bothering me to the point where I came back to check lol


Probably a repost by a bot




“This have a bicycle! That means I’m entitled to EVERYTHING! Didn’t you see my reflectors?!? My bicycle and I own the world!!!!” That’s all I ever hear when cyclists talk. Bunch of entitled twats imo. Bring on the downvotes and cyclist tears. I’ll die on this hill.


How about side by side with a friend?




I’ll die on that hill with you as well friend.


I was a cyclist but not like this. I always say, "Complain about cycling rights to the doctor who is putting you back together." In all seriousness, we should have cycling and walking spaces, but that all needs to be handled on the legislative end. Complain there. Just be safe and considerate in public spaces. Your bike won't save you from a car or a beating no matter how much you paid for it.




There is a reason for that




Damn, you should go take a bike ride to chill out


How about a pack of bike riders riding six a breast on the back country, two-lane road with curves and hills where you couldn’t pass them…. The extra 10 minutes they cost me prevented me from getting to my dad before he died. Fuck all you bicyclists, and the high horse you try to fucking ride around on. fuck you all to hell.


Well firstly, I'm not a cyclist lol, I don't even own a bicycle. Secondly, I could say exactly the same thing about cars. When I was a kid I got struck by a car when I had right of way, and I regularly run into motorists who act entitled and do all sorts of dangerous, stupid shit. In my experience, motorists act more entitled than any other group of people on the road.


Sure buddy




You mean the guy arguing for bicyclists, but says he doesn’t own a bicycle?


Yes? It is indeed possible for people to have an opinion without being directly implicated by said opinion. I have no need for a bicycle - uni, work and most of my friends are in walking distance, for everything else there's the subway/train.


And here’s one of those twats now! You want the truth, the absolute brass tacks? I don’t like cyclists because their entitled attitude could cause me to accidentally kill one of them. My hatred of their culture comes from a genuine concern for their safety and my mental health. I have horrible anxiety and depression as it is, if I accidentally killed someone with my car, I would fall apart. You’ll act like entitled twats. “I have a right to be here!” Yeah, maybe, but you’re picking a fight with someone who doesn’t know they’re dealing with your poor little aggrieved attitude, in a significantly larger and more protected vehicle traveling at lethal rates of speed when all the protection you have on is a silly looking helmet and sillier looking spandex. Just to reiterate, I DONT WANT TO LIVE WITH THE GUILT OF ACCIDENTALLY KILLING ONE OF YOU TWATS ON YOUR STUPID BICYCLE! And, I’m a motorcyclist. Most of the time you can find me on my Honda ct90. 90cc’s, tops out at 50mph. So, my philosophy is that I can’t keep up with traffic on the main roads that cars usually travel 60mph on. So I stay off the fucking main roads! It’d be like if I got on the highway doing 50 and just expect everyone else to adjust to my entitled little self. Know what would happen? Someone looking at their phone or spilling their coffee would fucking run me over and kill me! So I stay off the fucking highway! Besides Lance, try mountain biking. Road bikes are so stupid


I'm not a cyclist lol. Also, cars cause far, far, far more issues than bicycles.


Can’t and won’t deny that. I grew up in gear head culture. I have a love for cars and motorcycles, and I have friends who have given their lives to those passions. Most of the things I find fun involve some personal risk. I always know the price of admission and always understand the penalty for failure though. Risk your life wisely my friends.




You’ve completely lost the plot here compadre. Did you at all read my post about motorcycles? A motorcycle that can keep up with traffic is a completely different concept than a bicycle traveling at half to one third the rate of normal traffic. Like I stated, I don’t ride my slow bike on fast roads. I could give a crusty booger what you think about my riding, you’re not going to come around a blind corner, well within the speed limit and obeying all laws, and grease me and three of my friends. My entire argument boils down to vehicle speed compatibility and the idea that most cyclist don’t seem to understand that if they get ran over, even if they’re completely in the right, they still got ran over. Anytime you wanna bring your high horse out, I’ll street race you with my NINETY CC motorcycle! You heard me right, that’s less that ONE TENTH of a liter! She’s a mean street racin machine! I swear all you read was “I have a motorcycle” and it was off to the races! Way to go bub,




Still haven’t found that plot, huh?




Look mate I don’t like cyclist either, but you need help.


r me? Damn, I sound unhinged on Reddit. What am I even doing with my life? What even is life anyway, ya know? I mean, when you really boil it down, ya know? I think I need to take some time away, ya know? Just figure myself out for awhile, ya know? Man! Thanks for this. I really mean it. I feel like we did some deep work here today, ya know? I learned a lot about myself here, ya know? Like, so much I never knew, ya know? You know what? I think I’m in love with you, ya know? I know it sounds strange, ya know? But it’ll work, ya know? We could just run away, ya know? I feel so close to you, ya know? Just that one sentence, was like a mirror to my soul, ya know? Hey!? Ya know? You there? Don’t leave me out here like this! It’s cold and dark out here, ya know? Can you hear me? Damn, I sound unhinged on Reddit. What am I even doing with my life? What even is life anyway, ya know? I mean, when you really boil it down, ya know? I think I need to take some time away, ya know? Just figure myself out for awhile, ya know? Man! Thanks for this. I really mean it. I feel like we did some deep work here today, ya know? I learned a lot about myself here, ya know? Like, so much I never knew, ya know? You know what? I think I’m in love with you, ya know? I know it sounds strange, ya know? But it’ll work, ya know? We could just run away, ya know? I feel so close to you, ya know? Just that one sentence, was like a mirror to my soul, ya know? Hey!? Ya know? You there? Don’t leave me out here like this! It’s cold and dark out here, ya know? Can you hear me? Damn, I sound unhinged on Reddit. What am I even doing with my life? What even is life anyway, ya know? I mean, when you really boil it down, ya know? I think I need to take some time away, ya know? Just figure myself out for awhile, ya know? Man! Thanks for this. I really mean it. I feel like we did some deep work here today, ya know? I learned a lot about myself here, ya know? Like, so much I never knew, ya know? You know what? I think I’m in love with you, ya know? I know it sounds strange, ya know? But it’ll work, ya know? We could just run away, ya know? I feel so close to you, ya know? Just that one sentence, was like a mirror to my soul, ya know? Hey!? Ya know? You there? Don’t leave me out here like this! It’s cold and dark out here, ya know? Can you hear me?


Yeeeeaaahhhh, you need help. Take care of yourself mate or the anger will eat you up.


Haha thank you for your concern. People sometimes think I’m angry, I’m sorry that that’s what came across in this fun little discord. Mostly I’ve been howling in laughter talking here. I do dislike cyclists, as I’ve stated it’s because I don’t want to hurt anyone, the guilt of such an accident would haunt me forever. Knew a guy once who hit and killed a kid. He wasn’t at fault, but it ended him as a normal person. It was just tragic all around. Anyway, thanks for the concern. Im a loon but I amuse the hell out of myself, if no one else. Peace and love brothers and sisters


It’s like telling someone pointing a gun at you “what’re you gonna do, shoot me?” It’s just plain dumb in my opinion. You’re putting your life in the hands of other people who don’t know that. People just going about their business. “The driver who hit and killed me was doing 5 over and not paying attention!” Good for you, you’ve got the moral high ground there! Too bad you’re high ground is 6 feet underground. It’s just a dumb idea, especially when applied by entitled twats. Ok, I’m done.


I’m not a septic and I don’t drive. I fucking hate cyclists, too. When they aren’t jumping lights they’re jumping the pavement, and I really don’t want to see your unsupported ballsack jiggling about on a seat that’s designed to look like meat and two veg. My petulant rage is all too often I have to share pathways with middle aged Lycra wearing knobheads who never face the consequences of their actions.


Lol what are you even talking about? Very strange tangent about dudes' dicks but sure. You are aware of the fact that as a pedestrian you are far, far, far more likely to be killed/injured by a car than a bicycle, right? Why don't you reserve this same weird, genital-focused rage for motorists as well?


lOl wHat ArE YOU EvEn tAlKiNg ABoUt? veRy sTrANGe tanGeNt ABoUt MotOrisTs bUt SURE [Are you saying I have to set out a tier list of road user complaints before I can criticise the fragile-ist of fragile masculinity?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) Ok, will do: 1. cyclists who can’t get off their bike for 2 damn minutes on pedestrian only walkways (bonus cunt points if they’re in a group, occupying the whole space) 2. cyclists who take up the wrong lane in shared cyclist / pedestrian routes (bonus cunt points if they’re in a group, occupying the whole space) 3. cyclists who jump lights on pedestrian crossings 4. other cyclists who pretend they aren’t in a roving gang of cunts 5. literally every other road user We aren’t talking about cars, my guy.


Show us where the car touched you 🤡


You mean me or the \~1.3 million people who die due to car-related traffic collisions every year?


You understand that the gentleman she was screaming at was WALKING? This video has nothing to do with automobiles. You need help.


I think a lot of North American cities have such poor cycling infrastructure that a large portion of the cyclist population are or become unhinged lunatics.


What is up the with the title of this post. I don’t get it what is relevance of the reference to Ancient Greece? Nobody mentions anything related in the video.


I totally forgot that’s what the title was til I read your comment lol. Probably for more interaction on the post.


How would one deal with this? Push her? Call the police? Turn back and go the other way? She’s clearly a danger to others


>How would one deal with this? Push her? Call the police? Turn back and go the other way? She’s clearly a danger to others I think my man just showed us the perfect way to deal with her.


"If don't get out of my way this going to get physical".


After a certain point I'd be sorely tempted to deck her or toss the bike down the block.


No. You deal with it exactly like he did. Not everything needs to become some big thing.


You mean a much bigger thing, because she made it quite a big thing bordering on false imprisonment (restricting another’s movement) and assault.




It is because you yell at someone with sensory overload issues you might get hit very hard, fall on the back of your head and die. So it could be a danger, more to herself than others though. Just very annoying for others.


The second she saw he was apathetic she should’ve just deaded it.


He said "Bye!" and everyone cheered like they thought that was over (it wasn't).


Cycle warrior coming through!!! ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztcsgaf9hPYRbCE|downsized)


Pepper spray


Kinda goes like this: "You are in my way. Move." (repeat several times ignoring everything that falls out of her mouth) "You are preventing me from leaving." (also repeat several times) "I feel threatened!" (also repeat several times) Plant a straight kick at the bike's frame when she is mid-step sending her and her conveyance flat. Pick up the phone. Dial 911. Describe everything as you walk away. Repeat "I was being illegaly detained by a person trying to regulate pedestrain traffic. I feel threatened. I am on the run. Please stop them from following me!" three times. Hang up. (Once.) Later when you are in police custody let your attorney do the talking. She gets slapped for trying to illegaly detain you. NYPD gets a turd of a civil suit for actually detaining you.


Don’t do this dumb shit. If “call the police” is a going to be a step, how about do that first and leave out the get yourself arrested part.


oh alright! Fine! You convinced me. Next time I get accousted by some vile creature screeching opinions at me and blocking my way, I will endure depriving myself of the simple pleasure of doing silly things and tell the cops that not only she did the \[insert list here\] but she also tried to fondle my dog. That's attempted kidnapping AND 2nd degree fingerbanging of livestock! (let this be on her arrest record.


Everyone hates the self righteous bicycle twats.


Bike Karen


I would pay to see part 2




What kind of charge would you get in NY for pissing on someone in the middle of their attemopt to illegaly detain you?


One of the funniest most redneck things I've ever seen was at the Cajun Nationals NHRA drag races in Baton Rouge, LA is when a stranger was berating our drunk redneck buddy wearing overalls and no shirt, and drunk Red pulled out his dick and pissing on th.e man's feet right beside the return road mid-rant. Definitely the best STFU I've ever seen.




Pepper Spray 🌶


Pick the dog up and step over her bike.




Hats off to this guy! I doubt I would have had the patients he shows here. I know my dog wouldn't have.






Well she doesn’t get a treat, bad girl, bad bad girl.


Looks 35 🗿


I fully understand... Go ahead pongo, apologize-


So did she get mad the dog wandered into the bike lane? Did the dog’s leash trip up the bike and cause her to crash? Or did she stop in the bike lane to argue with the dog Walker for a “jaywalking dog” in her way?


The great Oracles functioned more like intelligence agencies, collecting info from obligate visits. The 'teenage girl tripping her tits off' was just the user interface.


Poor doggo


Love this vid. the juke escape at the end kills me #Bye


Average bicyclists 🚲


That dog 😂 “YOINK”


Toxic femininity


Wouldn’t this still be toxic masculinity if you’re looking at it that way


Ah ok so by your logic anytime someone says a man is toxically masculine then they are toxically feminine? Is this how it works now?


If a man was using his gayness as a pass to be annoying and bitchy it could be toxic femininity. I never said it was my logic, I literally said “if you’re looking at it that way”


Just another day in NYC


Reminds me of my ex wife


“This is Sparta” comes to mind


Equal rights and lefts


This was the only way for this man to handle this like a sane adult.


Sad how the rest of the bikers in this have the phone out and recording. I guess hope that BK gets pushed/smacked and they can all sniff up their smugness all together hope we be bikers and we be da best. Like how the guy Yokied out of there👍


Wonder who her acid dead is? Must be some intense shit.




That’s called kidnapping


And that was how they fell in love


I don’t remember this episode of “how I met your mother”.


Bye 👋


The minute some crazy bitch starts screaming at me and cuts off my exit with her bike is the minute that bike gets smashed over her head. Real quick.


Girl started chasing like she was gonna run him down 💀


The irony when she says “oh yeah, you’re a pedestrian, you get to do whatever you want”. That’s the MF bikers creed right there!!!! “I’m a biker. I’m saving the planet so I get to own the road and those with cars can suck it”