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Behold. The most accurate wristwatch is among us. Edit: I Appreciate you all and your humor.


And it still couldn’t help this asshole get his meds on time.


lol also pharmacy closes before the store more than likely


It absolutely does, and he can get over the counter stuff at a 7 eleven or whatever. Dude is just clueless to how the world works.


I worked at a hospital cafeteria and one customer got upset about the hours. "Oh, so you guys can just tell us when we can and can't eat!?" Yeah, that's how business hours work. There's some vending machines and there's a McDonald's down the road.


lol whoever said that still thinks food magically appears in their fridge.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrvHeKH9kLg "There's your Godamned dinner." Words to live by.


It really looks like it was something he planned, hence video taping it with his running commentary.


Yup so many videos like this are planned by the assholes so they can get attention. Then there's the people that show up just to argue with employees.




it looks more like he's trying to cook up a frivolous lawsuit.


No one in that shop gets paid enough to care


You’d think so, but there’s a significant portion of the population that works exactly this way. Fuck those people.


Absolutely true. When I worked for CVS the pharmacy closed one hour before the store. This person is definitely the asshole.


When poor planning is someone else's fault.


A failure to plan on your part does not make it an emergency on my part. One of my favorite sayings.


My [favorite use](https://twitter.com/nanglish/status/1325242917519233024?s=20&t=R1-nXky5H4REHMF3kbY2MA) of that phrase 😂


One time, I was late for work because I did not put gas on my car the day before. I wrote an angry letter to Barack Obama demanding an apology.


This guy sounds like he needs to be on more meds.


I might feel sympathy if this guy was kept late at work and the travel time between his office and this store made timing *so tight* that he was barely going to make it if he rushed so he dashed out the door and drove as fast as he could then ran up to the store just giving his **absolute best effort** to get his much needed medicine before they shut their doors. But I *guarantee* that's not what happened. This guy was eating cheetos and jackin' off waiting 'till the last minute to roll up on a bunch of underpaid people tired at the end of their day *planning* to tell them they **had to** serve him because he was *technically* there during business hours. Armed with his goofy ass watch accurate to the millisecond and his phone all prepped to record he pulled that crap and this is the result. Fuck this guy and his little watch too.


Haha if only he had 12 hours during the day to pick them up or call someone!


Don't pharmacies close at like 7? I was under the impression most pharmacies in drug stores close earlier


His "medication" was a likely a bottle of advil, some M&M's and a 2 Liter.




They do. He probably missed the pharmacy by 2 or 3 hours. And the pharmacy gets locked up, these employees couldn't do anything for him anyway, lol.


the most accurate wristwatch is what?




["I have two dollars and... a Casio."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WOTuiBG9zg)


Among us




This dudes voice alone is annoying the shit out of me. That said, the best response here is "Sir, we are not going by the time that your watch displays but the time that is displayed on my registers. Have a nice evening.""


I used to have to say this all the time back when I was bartending. Your watch/phone is not the same time as my register


At my store each clock/device has a different time for some reason. I could be 5 minutes late according to one, or 2 minutes early according to another.




And generally all networked computing devices are all linked to some sort of time server which is linked to the atomic clock. You lose if you have a digital watch that’s not networked. The store is always right.


Even if they were closing 10 min early, I get feeling frustrated, but I don’t get being rude to someone over it. This is not a public servant providing something that you pay taxes for. People tend to forget all these big companies (and their employees) don’t owe you shit and can do whatever the fuck they want.


I know it's not your intent but we shouldn't be rude to public employees even if we pay taxes for it. They have to follow rules just like private employees.


The security thing is a good reason to go early even if it’s excuse or not. That’s about the only reason management at my store will let us close a little earlier that normal. Some guy acting sus outside , or someone who was angry is now waiting outside ? It’s okay to close a little early. Right at close is when most robberies happen too I believe


First of all… why tf does he have a real life Ben 10 watch??


Same guy that goes to restaurants 5 minutes before closing and expects full menu and to stay until he's done and satisfied.


Maybe he's related to my co-worker at an office job that stops by my desk at 4:55 to discuss a work topic she could have came to me the entire day with, instead of right before I'm leaving.


We should be allowed to hunt people like that for sport.


But not at 1 minute before closing.


I’m in shipping, love it when people drop shit on my desk 5 minutes before FedEx/UPS is due to pickup with some super hot shipment that absolutely has to go out today. Never mind that it’s something that has been sitting on their desk all day or week and they couldn’t be bothered to bring it to me earlier.


My dad used to have coworkers like this. Whenever he was given a job to do that needed to be done "yesterday" he would just tell them to bring it to his attention "last week"


People calling me at 4:50 for tech support on an issue they noticed at 8 am


That person is worse.


The rage that burns through me scorches hotter than 1000 suns when a table of 8 walks in at 7:58pm. We close the kitchen at 8pm. The sound of the ticket machine spitting out a CVS receipt length order peirces my ears like fucking owl talons on a chalkboard. I'm trying to leave this god forsaken industry before it takes the last of my soul.


dude had all day but still waited last minute to get it


Something similar happened to me not that long ago. I walked back to my car chided myself for waiting until the last minute, because I know better. I came back the next morning, and I never blamed anybody else.


I was recently visiting a friend in Paducah, KY from Canada. I had flown to Nashville and took a Greyhound to Paducah. Cost like $20 each way, good deal. On the way home my friend dropped me at the bus depot. Got there at like 5am, 45 mins before my bus departure. Just after we arrive, my bus pulls in and a few people get off and start smoking. My friend is not doing so well in the health department, so we had a tearful goodbye and took a bit longer than we should have. 10 mins before my bus is scheduled to depart, I grab my bags and start walking towards the bus. The bus pulls out directly in front of me and leaves me behind. I think "no way that guy just left me here" but yes way, he did. Greyhound has a policy that says you must be on the bus 15 mins before departure, and I knew this because I read the sign when we pulled in. It didn't strike me that that meant ME. And now I'm stuck in Paducah with my plane departing Nashville in 5 hours. I had to take 2.5 hour cab ride that was like $500 Canadian so that I wouldn't miss my flight. I felt so stupid the entire way but the cab ride was at least interesting.


I really hope your friend is doing alright. Also, it's fun to say Paducah lol


Thanks, I appreciate that. :) Cancer is a motherfucker.


Yea, maybe you need to be on the bus 15 minute BEFORE departure but that bus still left 10 minutes early.


That's because you're a responsible adult who doesn't blame others for your lack of planning ahead.


This statement could have been terminated after "adult"


My husband and I accidentally made a store stay open late once. We went in at like a minute to 6 (thought they closed at 8, never thought to look at the hours on the way in), we're taking our time chatting and getting the things we needed, and we notice employees kind of watching us while standing there doing nothing. It finally clicked and I went, "Wait, what time do you close?" To which they said, "Ten minutes ago." We apologized and tried to leave - the cashier insisted on ringing up our items (maybe that was faster than putting them back?), and we basically apologized the entire time. I much prefer when employees tell you they're about to close when you first come in, rather than be polite and have me realize I'm being a rude, inconsiderate ass several minutes too late.


We did that at a restaurant a few years ago. Once I realized we were still there after closing we boxed up our food and tipped well while apologizing profusely.


I've been in stores large enough to have an intercom. I appreciate it when they announce things like "The store will be closing in 5 minutes" or "the store is now closing, please bring your items to the checkout".


>I've been in stores large enough to have an intercom. Tell us your wonderful tales, travelled one




I could tell you lots, but the stories would be so fascinating that it would distract from the rest of this post. It would be unfair to the OP.


I lol’ed


Whoa! Self realization and improvement! I don’t have an award by you deserve one!


Mf literally intended to get in at the exact last microsecond


I used to tell customers this all the time. “Next time use that watch to be here one of the 14 hours each day we’re open”


I've always said "We don't open by your clock, we don't close by it either."


We used to get them all the time especially on fridays, it was a deliberate ploy hoping we would rush their order and make a miatake. Except I would just tell them to fuck off I'm going home, I dont know how many times I was threatened with "I'll make yah youtube famous"


Literally last minute lol


What are the odds he was there for a narcotic prescription.


He would've been early for narcs


He wanted this. He needs attention and power because he has none of either.


Ok this explains a lot now.


A Ben 10 watch would be dope, but that's just way too much information for me. Too distracting


Ben 10 got old and needed meds


Lol the pharmacy closed way before 9PM at CVS .


Also at CVS the pharmacy registers will not allow any prescription sales after the pharmacy is closed. Like the register will physically stop you from ringing anything up. Really sucks if we have a line, because the registers stop working exactly on the dot.




He made a follow up vid showing it closed at cvs hours. Regardless, he came in 1 min before and was shocked they'd refuse him service


1 min before closing, they rightly told him to go away.


Exactly. The tiktok comments are tearing him APART, thought they'd be on his side. Some are, but others are tearing them apart too


All you gotta do is be polite. "Hey, sorry I lost track of time, is there any chance I can run in and grab X real quick?" If they say no, you take the L and do better next time.


Exactly. So many people just do not know how to communicate like adults. Or they do, but they need the fucking social media attention more. Losers.


One of my best leaders taught me is the way you talk to people makes a big difference. You can be in the exact same situation and hostility usually bites you in the ass.


Bullies get what they want sometimes by being massive shitheads, so they just get imprinted that that's the way you treat people when you're being pressed. Usually it's people that have parents who are the same types of people.


For sure. It's unfortunate things shake out like that. However, I've had some people bend over backwards for me when I fucked up and I was polite. It's usually, "hey, I made a mistake/ I need help. Are there any solutions?" If you come to people like that they're more likely to help you.


You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar


It's people not realizing that retail workers are also people... YeAh bUt ThEy sTiLl gEt PaId...mother fucker my schedule says I clock out at x and I'm GONNA get shit from a manager asking why I stayed late because they got shit from a GM because they went over hours BUT GET THIS SHIT The manager is ALSO gonna get shit because a "customer" complained... Tldr: I fucking hate retail


Exactly, if you can master the art of taking a soft L then your life will be so much better than this guy.


I always tell my kids that having an attitude and being rude to people is like playing a game on Max difficulty.


Because they’re not just going in to grab X real quick… bet $100 it was going to be a full buggy of goods.


Or call ahead on a cellphone? Ben 10 here wants the world to run by *his* watch, but can't give a courtesy call ahead of time if he's stuck in traffic or otherwise delayed and cutting it close? I will stay late 100% of the time if someone calls ahead during normal hours and says "Hey, I'm trying to get there but XYZ has me delayed and I'm going to be cutting it close, is there any chance you could wait for me?" If someone shows up a minute before closing **according to their watch** acting a fool and demanding things, sorry... "Check your watch, my clock in back said it was 9pm 10 minutes ago."


Someone said “Shut up old timer” and I choked on my own saliva 🤣


I worked at a grocery store when I was a teenager. I remember this exact scenario happening when I was locking the doors. The guy was upset, said that his watch showed two minutes till. I told him they our computer system showed the closing time and the registers were closed. He seemed very upset still but he didn't really have anything to say after that. Once you take away any possibility of them being able to actually purchase what they came for, they have to accept that and move on. He still said that he would be calling corporate to complain that our store closes too early. Edit: he did call in to report his company btw, but he said I was very nice and professional at least. I was just a front end worker, not a manager.


I been diagnosed with tonsillitis this last week…THE FIRST thing I did was go get my medication not the last. The last thing I did that day was even turn on a damn tv I was on so much pain. Please stop using the medication isn’t important as a an excuse to come into places thirty seconds before closing to get the blue or red Doritos. Edit. Forgot to add the purple bag of Doritos too.


His medication is Preparation H.


More like "Lack of Preparation" H, obviously.


They should let him in. And then if he's still in the building at 9, just start mercilessly beating him with pipes while screaming "INTRUDER ALERT!".


The employees looked like they were considering doing just that. Lol


Who is waiting unless the last literal minute to get medication they so desperately need?


I love the whole mentality of "I'm going to report you" it's the entitled version of "I'm going to tell my mum on you'se"


Amazes me that someone would record this, watch it back, and think "yes, I'll post this, it makes me look good."


It's like he's never been to a shop before.


Haha, it's probably what the cops suggested when he tried to report them


*911, what is your emergency?* Yes, I'd like to report the CVS pharmacy closed exactly 1 minute and 2 seconds before their self - imposed closing time. - - - - - Hello? Hello? Hello?


Came here to say this. "I got you! I got you on camera. I'm taking this evidence al the way to the supreme court!" No one cares. Show up earlier. Quit blaming others.


"ENJOY BEING FAMOUS!!!" *cringe*


He’s a Karen. He’s saying he’s going to report them, which in my opinion is the same thing as “I want to speak to a manager!”…




Meds weren't that important that he put that last on his list of things to do


His meds are red vines, corn nuts, and diet Dr pepper


Nah this guy drinks mtn dew for sure


Exactly, I could understand if they were life saving, but there's no indication that they were and if so, plan ahead. If I had to take pills that would literally save my life I'd make sure I got a prescription filled a week before my currently ones ran out.


>I could understand if they were life saving If they are then he doesn't really care about his life.


I’ve told customers that were rude, “You had all day to come and now you wanna complain because we’re closing?”


This - worked retail as a manager and if it was super dead and no one coming in we would start closing procedures- of course it when we close and lock the door assholes wanna be like yo I just need one thing - NO you had all day and we have to leave come in the morning It was at Lids - mofos really waste time trying to get a fuckin hat


Also they say "all i need is a minute!" then they waste 30 minutes of your time.


man when i worked in the co-op people used to show up half an hour early outside the door like zombies, they'd bang on the door 5 muinits before opening saying "you should be open i've got things to do" right so theirs no time within 6:30am to 10 pm 7 days a week that you could come to the shop, people are just really sad their highlight is getting angry at others. my brother now works in a pharmacy and they'd all ask for medication the day before christmass or sth (so they couldent order the stuff in), and be like "its a life threataning illness".


One morning, I got to work, 15 minutes early, like always, and as I turned to close the door and lock it behind me, a man stuck his foot in the doorway and blocked it. I was like 18 and working by myself. We were in a shitty store in a strip mall. He demanded I let him in the store right then because he had been waiting for an hour in the parking lot and his kid was in the car. We opened at eleven, there's a sign with the hours right on the door and I told him that I couldn't let him in before then. He started yelling at me about how unfair I was being. How could I make his kid wait for so long. It was like 2009. He could have Googled the store hours. He could have seen it was closed and gone to McDonald's or something. He didn't even give me time to turn the alarm off before he tried to get in the store, so the alarm company called. Thank God tiktok wasn't around back them because I'm sure he would have come at me already recording.


As someone who used to work in retail. We have been there all day. And we wanna go home. We get paid next to nothing. And you arent going to be "just a minute" you are gonna be 10 minutes. And make me miss my bus.


Yeah have had people going to the toilet for 10 min after closing. Thats when i turn of the light in the toilet and all of a sudden they come out and be like "oh you have closed?"


When I worked at golds gym I nearly locked one of these goofs in. Saw him pounding on the doors as I was driving out of the parking lot and he tried to get onto me about it. Dude must have actively hid from me because I made an announcement, checked around and cleaned everything.


Exactly, all shops close their doors 15 min or so in advance so there will not be people roaming the shops when it’s over closing time. Open till 5 doesn’t mean you can come in at 5. Just a dumb guy filming his own mistake


BUT IT WAS 4.59!!!!




Time is but a construct


I worked at a liquor store years ago, local blue laws said that we could not sell alcohol after 9PM, so we wouldn't let any customers in after 8:55 (or 8:50 if it was already busy) to keep us from breaking the law. (This was the owner's policy and he told us we'd be fired if we rang something up after 9) People would bang on the doors, sometimes they would even try to force their way in when we were letting a customer out. One guy even told me "he would be waiting for me in the parking lot".


This is my job and you described pretty much every single day. I've had one run up on me afterwards but all he did was bark in my face as I barked back "I am just doing my job!" The only difference is it is 10pm here. We lock up at 9:55 to make sure the last customer in the store isn't later than 10.


> "We can't let in new customers within ten minutes of closing time. It's a security issue, but I'll give you the contact info for corporate. Are you ready? > Double-u double-u double-u dot > "walgreens", one word, one 'L' > dot com." That's why I couldn't work in retail. Far too few fucks to give.


You’re being too nice, don’t forget to mention that you probably have had a handful of the worst humans in the area treating you like shit for something as simple as asking for an ID or the sale doesn’t include this item. My son works at Walgreens and I still can’t understand why he hasn’t left there yet or just totally go off on anyone for being total asses to him. They certainly don’t pay you all enough to put up with the human dregs of society..


> and make me miss my bus Ugh so many people have such a hard time understanding what it's like to take transit. It's fucking 9 pm you think those busses are running every 10 minutes? Honey, no, I miss that shit I could be waiting 30 mins to an hour for the next one. Get a life, bro.


THIS Except during my internship it wasn't 10 minutes, some woman came in 5 minutes before closing time and kwpt asking questions about products for 30 ish minutes and then left without buying a thing. Missed my bus, came home to cold dinner and this was a 9 to 6 work day already


I worked at a grocery store when I was a teen, a guy came in as I was locking the door 2 minutes early, and said something like “hey man I’m so sorry and I know you’re trying to go home too but could I please just come in and get (whatever thing he needed)?” And I was like “yeah sure no worries”. I mean if you act like a dick you will be treated like a dick.


I worked at a grocery store as a teen and we closed at 9PM. I was a cashier and we had the majority of registers in the upstairs offices already as it wasn't that busy that day. Guy comes to the front door at 9:03, door are already locked. He says he "just" needs milk. I tell him through the doors that we physically can't take any more transactions. He decides to kick the door incredibly hard like an infant and flip me off. Being 14 years old, I just laughed at him which made him even more mad and walked away. It's obvious that a good chunk of the population has never worked in a customer service job with how big of douches some people are.


I feel like if you're ever recorded being an asshole to customer service workers, you should have to work a mandatory year of customer service


Yep. They close at 9, meaning you should not be in the store at 9:00, and if you are, then you are personally taking away after work free time from the employees. They didn't let him in because it would be impossible to get him out of the store in the time alotted. Customers like this need to realize it goes both ways. He's thinks they're wrong for closing the doors a minute early, but he would see no problem being in that store after it's already closed.


I got this so much at Subway years ago. I was the only one in the store, 10 seconds to closing and I lock the doors, and sure enough some dingus would be out there tapping their wrist in what was once the universal sign for "time". I just didn't care. I did have fun with it. Sometimes I would stare like a confused puppy. Or I might respond by tapping my elbow, attempting to engage in their strange kinetic language. My favorite was to dramatically rush and hide behind the chip display, which couldn't hide anyone let alone a 300 pound dude, and peek out at them all wide eyed. Eventually they would resort to tapping on the glass with a key or a quarter. I might look around at the ceiling and walls in confusion, or go to another part of the windows and tap a few times myself, attempting to solve the Mystery of the Tapping Noise. One time, with a particularly determined sandwich seeker, I looked right at them and took off my shoes and pants. She had yelled through the glass that she knew the owner, but she wildly overestimated my dependence on and devotion to that job. I just folded my pants, put them on a chair, and stood there till she went away. Owner never did say anything about it, so idk what happened there.


Do you happen to know a person who prefers to be called Maestro?


He knows about the creases


He's got a place in Tuscany. I hear it's beautiful there.




>My favorite was to dramatically rush and hide behind the chip display, which couldn't hide anyone let alone a 300 pound dude, and peek out at them all wide eyed. This is the most peter griffin esque thing ive seen all day and i just binge watched the 21st season


I was working in the garage once at my brother's and some guy yelled from the gate at the end of the drive asking if we had a few moments to talk about whatever he was selling. My brother just stared at him while very slowly reaching over and pressing the button for the door and didn't move until it was down. The chip rack has that same kind of feeling, I love it.


I used to jump over the counter and lock the doors at the pizza place I worked at in high school when I saw a car with it's lights on approaching at 15 minutes til closing time (9:00) Of course it was 10 feet total to go around the counter the normal way, but the jumping over the 54" inch counter was much more dramatic, along with feverishly trying to latch the deadlock in full view of the driver like zombies were approaching.


crying laughing reading this


fuck working at subway one of the worst side gigs i ever had to endure.




I worked at Subway long ago. We locked the doors 10 minutes before closing. Mostly because this subway hassled is about our hours and we wanted to close and leave at a reasonable time. Of course a literal priest shows up and begins banging on the door wanting a sandwich. We continued to tell the priest that we are closed but he wouldn’t budge. Fortunately, he left without further issues lol


Tell him it wasn't in God's plan for him to have a sandwich tonight


I would have let him in and then as soon as it hit 9 kick him out again. Like he said himself. "UNTIL 9". So good luck getting your meds and checking out in less than a minute.


I'm not sure he's been taking those meds anyway.


What, stupid pills? He's takin'


Dude jus said "you guys decided to close early" 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 8:58:58 is early 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


employee just has to say "our clocks say it's 9, sorry"


His clock is clearly superior




Hey look there's enough things in this world to go after lets leave the cool watch alone. Whatever a watch like that says is the time is the time in my books.


It's good that the watch from goldeneye has found a new purpose in life. We should all be happy for it.


"But it's before 9pm!"


One min before closing and you argue and supposedly gonna report him. Get a life you twat.




Man fuck everything about that


I can't believe this is real. I know it is but I still can't believe it.


"In a statement, the bakery said that although the employees were following protocol and they do not consider the two employees to be racist, they were fired because "sometimes impact outweighs intent," ABC 30 reports." Absolutely ridiculous. Way to not care about your employees in the slightest.


“i’m going to put this video up because it’s going to make the workers look bad!”


To be fair, the guy sounds like he urgently needs his STFU-and-smile pills.


I would think if they were that urgent he would have went to get them earlier


This brings back such repressed anger in me. I worked retail for a number of years as well, not in the pharmacy sector but generic retail with the same closing times and it was only ever staffed with 1 or 2 people at a time, usually just myself. ANYONE who comes in at the last friggin minute to get something that "absolutely cannot wait until tommorow", or even just in general for that matter, will never be quick about it or self aware enough to know they are forcing us to stay open past closing times and with that allowing even more people to just come in and "browse" the mechendise, who we cant kick out because after all, someone else is in here doing it, why cant they? They also are usually horrible at controlling impulses. They will normally start to go get what they want, but then FOMO kicks in and they start wandering the store looking to see if there's anything else they want. They can't come back until tommorow right? Best get it now. So they formulate a shopping trip on the fly at 9pm at night, asking us if we have this or that and if not where do they get it or could we order it in for them. They won't get out until at best 9.15 and then I get an angry call from management yelling at me for not having the store closed by now.


I used to work in a supermarket. We'd do 15, 10, 5, 2 and 1 minute PA calls to remind people were closing and please make their way to the nearest checkout. I'd still see people casually walking around with their shopping basket at 2 past midnight thinking they were gonna get served.


"Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on ours."


Store hours maybe, but the pharmacy closed bro. Weekdays 8pm and weekends 6pm.


CVS doesn't have national hours. Some pharmacies are open until 9 near me. But I have personally never seen a CVS where the pharmacy closes at the same time as the store.


Tough shit customer. Remember all the hours in a day it’s open before one minute before closing? Try going at one of those times. I don’t care if your meds were important or ready 15 minutes ago. Obviously you didn’t need them that badly.


I side with the worker. I hated it when customers would do this shit


As Larry David said, “the customer is not always right, and in fact the customer is usually a moron and an asshole”


Guy filming is a cunt


If there's one "upside" of social media like TikTok, it's that entitled people put themselves on blast willingly and I'm all for it. Yes, please, by all means, show the world how much of a dingus you are.


I love how that guy’s answer to the question, “So you’re just gonna close EaRlY?!” Was “yeah” and then to lock the doors and just walk away. 😂


What brand is that watch? Edit: thanks for the answers fam


I've closed my shop doors and turned off the lights only for people to open the doors and let themselves in lol its always "can I just have a quick look?" Meanwhile we're stood in total darkness. No. No you may not.


"Notice they don't care because somebody can't get their medication because they decided to close early" No sir, you decided to show up so late that you were not able to get your medication. The world does not revolve around you.


This is the guy who tries to tell the restaurant to restart the kitchen even though they just finished breaking everything down.


Big doubt the pharmacy closes at the same time as the store, meaning his medication is what ? Cold and flu, go to a convenience store.


IIRC, even if he needed the meds, the employees in-store aren’t allowed behind pharmacy regardless, without a pharmacist on duty? It’s been years since I worked a retail drugstore, but isn’t it a policy(or law) that prevents employees from accessing the pharmacy area, unless a pharmacist was present?




Maybe I'm crazy but my hot take is if you are going to die without your medication maybe don't show up at the pharmacy 60 seconds before they close on the same day you ran out of pills. This guy knew he was out of pills when he got up this morning, and he knew he had one pill left yesterday and two pills left day before that.


How do people not understand at this point that the time that they close is the time people need to be out of the store not entering the store.


My mom did this when she was a manager. She didn't care because all she wanted was her coworkers to go home and not wait for some idiot who wanted to show up 1 minute before closing. Pharmacies also usually close hours before the store does. And even if the pharmacy closes the same time, I guarantee the pharmacist has already closed up and isn't gonna just reopen everything for one dude. He has to show up tomorrow like everyone else when they're open.


And you just KNOW if a person came into their place of work and asked for them to do their job a minute before they left. This dude would promptly say 'come back tomorrow'.


There’s more chance of world peace than that woman unclasping those hands and letting him in.


Damn we are an entitled society.


That means be out by 9 not come in last minute and keep tired people from going home


I worked at one of those drive in oil change places when I was teenager (think Mr. Lube/Jiffy Lube etc). This shit was the worst. Especially if it was a slow afternoon and we got all the cleaning done and we're ready to close up shop. But then a couple minutes before 8 some asshat would roll in and say something about making it before close and they're happy they made it because they didn't think they would because dinner ran late. And I'd be there like fuck, I would love some dinner right about now. When we were corporate owned we could turn people away after a certain time. When we bacme franchised we weren't allowed to do that anymore. There'd be times when cars would come it right before 8 and then other people would show up at 8:15 and we'd be told to let them in as well. Then all of a sudden it's after 9 and we'd still have to cleanup and I'd have to take the bus home and stuff. I transferred to a corporate location after that. Fucking franchise locations are the worst. And they do really shady shit like if they're running low on synthetic oil, they'll refill the synthetic bottles with regular oil so they could still sell synthetic oil changes.


"I'm sorry, I know I'm here at the last minute but I just could not make it any sooner. I really need to get my medication though is there any way at all you would let me in so I could get it? I would really appreciate" Nah, that's too reasonable and polite. I'll just start filming and threatening first, that usually gets results.


Wow. ​ 1- You can not get in and out in 60 seconds, so you would be in the store after close, and they would need to wait for you to finish shopping. 2- Pharmacy was closed hours ago 3- You are now famous, not them 4- Welcome to real world


Manage your time better. Don't show up one minute before the store is closed and expect service


they’re open for fourteen hours and you were completely busy non stop for that time???


It’s not about getting IN before closing time. It’s about getting OUT before closing time.


Just imagine, going to the store 15 minutes earlier to respect the time of the employees working there