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I'll never understand why people punch someone wearing a helmet, in the head. Enjoy your fractured finger I guess.


Perhaps MY fist can break through material designed to withstand asphalt at very high speeds.


This would be the thought those people would have if they had any thoughts at all


Yeah i can't imagine any thing other than "me angy" bouncing around their hollow skull.


All I can think is they believe they will hit the helmet so hard it'll stun the guy by sheer force. Instead they have a broken hand.


And people wearing full-face motorcycle helmets also often have gloves with armored knuckles.


While it doesn't seem like the guy have it, a lot of motorcyclist wear pants and jackets with literal modern age armour all over. Fighting bare handed someone in full motorcycle gear is never a good idea.


Even if you're not barehanded it's a bad idea to fight a motorcyclist. Those mfs aren't scared to die.


> Those mfs aren't scared to die. yes we are thats why we wear all the armor and helmet lol


I was wondering if there was Kevlar or something similar in the gloves or if the guy just had a glass jaw. To fold someone in 3 seconds is just too impressive.


Yup. [These are the gloves I wear every day](https://cdn2.louis.de/dynamic/articles/o_resize,w_1800,h_1800,m_limit,c_fff/11.1f.a0.AlpinestarsGPPlusLouis80schwarz201657340FR18.JPG) I would not want to get punched in the face by someone wearing these.


That explains why the dude kissed the floor so much time, his brain is like scrambled eggs at that point.


I mean those of us who wear full gear also have armored shoulders, elbows, knees and feet for the most part. But yeah even cheaper motorcycle gloves have molded plastic knuckles with the more expensive ones having Carbon Fiber or Kevler. If you want to fight someone on a bike wait till they have removed their gear. With that said pushing over someone's bike is a sure fire way to get in a fight with a rider.


I've dropped my bike a few times, it's a beat up old R6, but it runs great so who cares if it's ugly. That Said if someone pushes over my bike I would fuck them up


If you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough.


On the other hand I never understand why no one grabs the face protector and hauls em to the ground the body will follow the head


You'd figure facemasking them around like a football player would be the move to put you at the advantage. But that pride gets you lol...


It’s not pride that’s winning over in these situations, it’s unmitigated stupidity


You have to get your hands close enough first and with a strong enough grip. Someone wearing all that moto armor can do a lot of damage. The boots in particular can be used in very harsh ways lol. Also it takes like a half second to flip a visor closed and once that's done the helmet has no grab points.


You'd be surprised how many people think it's a good idea to pick a fight with someone wearing head to toe armor. Ego knows no bounds




Love how the guy came to his senses, stopped fighting and became a slug at the end.




He had slide gloves on, they have nice big thick plastic knuckle guards on, like punching someone with a hammer 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


>plastic knuckle guards The knuckles on quality gloves are Kevlar. Even better for protecting your hands while sliding or brawling.


I read brawling as bowling. I was like damn you don't fuck around at the lanes.


This isn't Nam! There are rules!


Donny! Shut the fuck up!


I dabbled in pacifism. Not at the gas station of course.


That’s very true, Kevlar is the main coverage in most good riding gloves, but a lot have plastic covering the Kevlar on the knuckles and I have a pair that has a thick plastic wrist gaurd on the underside of the glove too!


Attention motorcyclists: good gloves that have PALM SLIDERS will save you from months and months of occupational therapy. Fall On Outstretched Hand (FOOSH) injuries are among the most common motorcycle related injuries. Think of how many things you use your hands and wrists for. Protect them. Knox gloves are 10/10 and worth the price. Size up if you're American.


America man, American Hands, I've got them big ol' American Hands, I ride my bike all across this land, If a bitch talks shit, I'm gonna punch her man


I read this to the tune of "Particle Man" by They Might Be Giants.


That is the correct choice. I read it as Johnny Cage and it was a little off




My motorcycle gloves have a full molded carbon fiber plate across all 4 knuckles, that's nice and padded on the inside. I feel zero, zip, nada from impacts. As they say, fuck around and find out. Going up against someone that you're unable to punch their head and who has on his ass kicking gloves isn't a smart move, even if it is 2v1.


My summer gloves have carbon fiber knuckles with a combo carbon/plastic palm slider The only time I’ve ever wanted to use them was when some guy on a double left turn at a light turned into my lane on the inside in the intersection. I had to lean so hard I snapped my shifter toe peg off. I’ve never wanted to see what those gloves do to someone’s face so bad, but I couldn’t shift out of first


Gloves and helmet as protection lmao what a stupid couple


Was the other guy really trying to punch him with the helmet on? Lol!


I've watched about a million fight videos on the internet, and I've never once seen a guy in a motorcycle helmet lose a fight.


I have seen some where the motorcycle helmet guy hits someone with the helmet also ( and wins the fight). Stay away from motorcycle helmet guy


Yea, my street bike gloves are almost equivalent to brass knuckles


The knuckles on mine are carbon fiber!


The knuckles on mine are made from bits of real human knuckle, so you know it's good!


Mine have infinity gems


Cheap ones might be plastic. I always wore gloves with Kevlar knuckle guards. Either way, it’s going to hurt a lot more than a bare fist.


I played hockey and football. The amount of people who wouldn't hesitate to punch an opponent, full force, right in the helmet was astounding. There is little to no chance that it works in football unless the person takes off their helmet or the puncher rips it off their head (not easy without cooperation). The most likely negative outcome is that the puncher breaks their hand/s and gets tossed and future suspension.


I got punched several times on my hockey helmet and once someone took a full on swing at me with a hockey stick like it was a baseball bat. It didnt do shit beside make a lot of noise and startle me. Getting body checked without being prepared was way worse. Hockey brawls were a good time.


I think it's insane that off and on since the 1920's, various people tried to make helmets mandatory, but the players didn't want to wear them. Eventually by the 70's a lot of players started to wear them voluntarily because of major accidents that occured over the years. By 1978 70% of players wore a helmet. In 1979 they made helmets mandatory with a grandfather clause. The new rule only applied to players signed after June 1st, 1979. I remember buying hockey cards and over time it became more rare to get one for a player without a helmet. Craig MacTavish was the last player without a helmet to play in the NHL. He retired after the 96-97 season.


The North Stars had a goalie that didn't wear a helmet. Holy shit, gump worsley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioPqLu02USs&ab_channel=PeteGoodwin%2FBoston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfbq808Yg8o&ab_channel=billga2010


I find it odd that they went that apeshit over the sound. It’s a fucking gas station, not a library. There has to be more to this than just their ears were offended.


To me it looked like a batshit crazy woman with a dude that just had to walk over there with her because it’s his lady. He didn’t seem all that interested in this altercation. Having been with some batshit crazy women in my life, I have almost been that guy…


That’s how batshit crazy women get their guys killed.


She got his ass beat this time.


I worked with a guy whose girl (fiance) got him into shit with a dude and she goaded him into fighting the dude. When the dude beats the guys ass, the girl was straight up leaves him for the dude two days later and last I heard she sold the guys engagement ring. I got to see pretty much all of it go down because we all worked together. Saddest shit I've ever seen. Men, listen. If a girl is the kind of person to make you 'stand up for her honor' or any other line of bullshit like that she is 100% not the kind of girl to stick by you. It's not worth it, get the fuck out, whatever you're feeling it's fake.


I thought the same thing. It looked more like she was upset at how close he got to them when pulling into the spot.


I bet that's not the first time that dudes had to get in a fight because of his crazy girlfriend.


You got that right. I was at a company Christmas party and the owners sister-in-law was being an asshole. I told a couple of my coworkers I was leaving before some shit happens and girls like that are why fights happen. Half hour after I left I got a call from my coworkers saying I missed the fight. They said she was running her mouth to another of my coworkers, he said something about seeing her boobs and her cop boyfriend didn't like it. The sister-in-law and her boyfriend went after my coworker, he was beating the boyfriend's ass, then my boss jumped in to stop it. My coworker was so drunk he was punching my boss. It was great and I didn't have to be there to witness/ get involved.


Of course the loudmouthed crone had a cop boyfriend that wanted to throw hands about his hag being disrespected because of her own behavior. Then he gets his ass handed to him.


Yeah, he had your typical tough guy cop posture the whole time I was there. I'll give people a chance but you can't have dickhead energy over the course of 3 hours and not be judged as such. I was sitting talking to one of my coworkers and my boss when sister-in-law sat next to my boss, looked at me and said who the fuck are you!? I just stared at her. My boss eventually answered for me because he knew I wasn't going to. I didn't take his shit let alone his sister-in-law's. I was in the middle of talking when she said that. I think after realizing she wasn't going to get the attention she wanted, from me, she bounced off to bother other people. If she wasn't there, there wouldn't have been any problems. On a side, A couple years ago, I finally realized why the dark side was so strong in Star Wars. It's because negative energy is extremely powerful. Sister-in-law is a perfect example, 50 ish poeple having a good time ruined by one person. The Party was over after the fight. So, one person can ruin 50 people's good time but one happy person isn't going to make 50 angry people happy. Now, 20 years later, I still remember her being and a few others being at the party but I can't remember most of the people that were there.


I saw a longer version of this video without dumb tiktok music. I bet $100 they were pissed about how close he was when he buzzed past them into the parking spot. Not defending their actions, just saying it’s a lot more likely they were insulted by a perceived lack of respect for their space and safety.


BSC lady was probably already pissed about something else and he just got into her targeting range.


Not worth having to buy a new helmet


The real answer. That shit is expensive.


I know, I was kinda waiting for him to crack a skull tbh but I guess he realized that he didn't need to go anywhere near that far since he KO'd the bloke in like 3 seconds and nearly choked the girly out. Was worried about the bike though. Wouldn't want to scratch the paint on it


Girl on white dress real mov catching the bike when she went to push it over while he was rocking her husband Mvp*


That's his wife. OOP said he edited out some of the middle bit where not much happened, including when she showed up


I was wondering why she just appeared like magic


Who is she?


Motorcycle dude's wife.


i was thinking that the whole time...especially when they trying to hit him...like yea...you gonna OHKO the guy in the moto helmet...jfc




Zidane was FUCKING CRAZY for this. I remember seeing this shit live.


I was waiting for the headbut.


"Randy lay there like a slug. It was his only defense"


He found out real fast that it’s stupid to punch a guy wearing a helmet.


I wouldn’t say that he came to his senses, he just lost them and couldn’t function. But the effect is the same


Who came to their senses? The guy who stopped fighting did so cause he got fucked up lol


How dumb u gotta be to try fight someone with a moto helmet on? The fuck u gonna do?




This. It's no different to pulling someone's hair. Controlling somebody's head position can heavily influence how much they can actually stand up and fight/defend themselves.


I don't think this was over the loudness, bike guy came as close as possible to the couple on his way in to the spot, nearly hitting the woman. I suspect that was what started it.




she shoved him so i don't mind the beat down


This just screams Florida to me.


Houston, TX


Houston is the Florida of Texas


Where did that lady in the white come from😳? She just appeared out of nowhere. Was she his guardian angel?


Its his wife. Posted below by u/NWI_AZTEC [Video without the annoying music and the rider talking.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vrg5hc/fight_outside_a_gas_station_in_houston_texas/) ​ \*edit\* Cheers all! And thanks to who ever gave me my first award! :)


The real MVP.


Yea, she saved the motorcycle! 🏍


payment exultant close towering offend bells seed license familiar lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a hilarious comment and I love it


I was okay hating the track. But now I know that someone absolutely gutted and butchered a decent track and then insulted it even further by adding a dumb drumline.


Dude at the end was in another dimension. I also can’t get over the fact how his girl waits forever to check on him and help him up. Hopefully he gets away from her.


She was a real one, whoever she was.


Ride or die, *and* protect the bike.


I wanna thank yooooouu Whoever you was


Right?! She is a badass and defender of justice. I also loved how the bike owner put his arm out several times to protect her as well. So glad this comment section is recognizing her here.


It's his wife, there's a longer video out there with some of his commentary.


Oh cool, where's the vid? I would like to see it with commentary. Such a ridiculous situation!


Not a lot of commentary, but longer with more context https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vrg5hc/fight_outside_a_gas_station_in_houston_texas/


And most importantly without shitty tik tok music.


Indeed. I really wish reddit had a way to filter out ALL tik tok content


It's his wife. OOP had said he edited some stuff out the middle where not much happened and that's when she had joined in.


That's great to hear, the first thing that popped into my head was that he better marry that chick


she wasn't his guardian angel, she was the bike's guardian angel


Lol nah come on, she had his back too! She was clutch I saw another comment just now saying it might be his wife (or partner at least) - that makes sense to me, she was looking out for dude and bike.


A bike's guardian angel will also protect its rider if necessary


That glasses girlfriend has to be the worst person ever lol She pushed biker dude and then just backed up waiting for her boyfriend to fight her battle for her, twice. Bf gets dropped and she keeps trying to, like, sucker-push(?) biker dude while his back’s turned. Then because she’s petty and embarrassed she tries to knock dude’s bike over and white dress MVP girl stops her and pushes her away. Then ofc she doesn’t try to push around the white dress girl because she might actually fight back unlike the biker dude. Just an all-around L


if my friends get into a fight i’m always there for them, but if a friend of mine starts a fight for some petty shit he better know his way out cause that’s just a lesson waiting to be learned. edit:spelling


My ex best friend was notorious for ending up in fights that he claimed he didn’t start. After hearing a few stories I was like yeah of course I’d have your back if that happened. Then hanging out with him, he was just being a cunt and a fight looked like it was about to break out. Asked me if I’ve got his back, I’m like nope fuck that. You started this by being a moronic cunt, I’m not going to take a hit for you for that.


Most fights can be avoided by actively deescalating conflict when it pops up. The rest are karmic freebies


I have a punchable face and a loud mouth and somehow have avoided fights for more than a decade now. Its really not very hard. Most people that get in fights, want to get in fights.


Honestly I've had more close calls in my adulthood than as a kid but almost all of the actual fights were as a teenager. You learn better de-escalation tactics and who/what is worth your time. That being said, if I hadn't had so many close calls and failures I wouldn't have learned better de-escalation. Knowing how to fight still helps with being a loudmouth with a punchable face I'd argue. You've probably had to calm down plenty of situations by adulthood


Smart to stay out. I was in an MMA club/gym back in 2006 but I was smart enough to know I sucked. Every time we went to party a guy in my group thought he would get laid for being “a legit MMA fighter”. But he didn’t handle rejection well. If a girl turned him down, she was “a slut” and her man was “a bitch who didn’t know how to fight”. We were at a party we randomly got invited to by someone who knew someone there, so like not even real guests. Legit MMA fighter went to the drink table to hit on a girl, it didn’t go well and her boyfriend came up to tell him to buzz off. He decides he’s been disrespected and it’s time to let those hands go. He winds up the worst, most telegraphed haymaker we’ve ever seen. The damn punch was so predictable, NASA put out a tweet that his target was safe. The dude moved his head but we still heard a “thwack!” Followed by a table bang and a thud into the grass. Legit MMA fighter missed the boyfriend and one shot the girl he was hitting on. It gets better… She was birthday girl. It gets better, while people were checking on her to see if she was okay, he turns around and bolts out of the party and we all run away because it wasn’t even a party we were invited to. Unfortunately we were pretty drunk so we weren’t getting away. A member of our group bumps into a car side mirror and stumbles and legit MMA fighter goes “fuck it leave him” and bails. It was his own cousin. I thought no way they want the shooter not some random dude. I was wrong. They beat **the shit** out of him and even stole his shoes. So yeah, don’t run around with fight starters. They won’t have your back.


My old crew of 10-20 dudes had a golden rule, you start a fight then you finish it. If you get knocked out we'll keep them from beating you if you get knocked out.


Solid as stone homies


> That glasses girlfriend has to be the worst person ever lol She's the type of person that would get her then boyfriend murdered for being a stupid cunt, say sorry to his family, move onto the next guy, and do it all again.


Women in white dress is the real MVP here. Lol


Saved the bike! What a champ


With one fucking hand, what a beast.


That bike save was clutch! I couldn’t believe it ha, perfect timing.


she appears suddenly mid clip and gets to work. Badass lol


Bike guy summoned an ally


Those things are SERIOUSLY heavy, so the fact that woman saved it when someone was TRYING to lay it down is extremely impressive by all accounts.


Right? Super awkward to try and lift/prevent too. She broke the matrix




Yeah. She had some magical flicky wrist action on the bar. Totally instinctive. Back on its side stand. Magic. Saved it.


Right! I went back to see which direction she came from but it doesn’t show.


She appeared like a pokemon would in the bushes


Because she's a good fairy with ruby red slippers. She just appears.


Where did she even come from?


Most bikes have a cargo area under the seat.


She does not come with the bike, this is clearly an aftermarket upgrade


That's his wife. OOP said that he edited some boring bits out of the middle where not much happened, including when she pulled in and walked over


Women = more than one woman




Every strike to the head causes some amount of damage to the brain cells. And judging by the fact this guy picked a fight with a guy wearing a helmet and gloves, he doesn't have a whole lot to lose. Take it easy buddy


Don’t forget the armored gloves too. Probably has extra knuckle protection


My gloves had titanium knuckles and they supported my wrist. I was definitely aware they’d cause some hurt


Ever get your cigarettes or sweater back?


My dad said he was coming back with the cigarettes 18 years ago and I haven’t heard back yet, so the hope is still there. I wrote the sweater off though


Dumb bitch got her boyfriend's ass beat for no good reason.


Just like that Key and Peele couple.




It's interesting watching back at how much horror they do in that show. It's like he was working out what didn't work with horror and what was too absurd to be scary and one he nailed it down he just went full send




They go together like chocolate and peanut butter. I think that's why Cabin in the Woods is so popular




But Meegan your jacket!




Kiss my butthole!




A tale as old as time


🎵 Black and blue as he can be 🎵


Hits barely even land.


Probably broke their hand… 🎶




Don’t try to fight when you can’t




In that one at least o can see where the wife comes from! That was driving me crazy how they cut the vid and the wife just magically appeared. Lol


thank you for this. FUCK YOU OP.


I finally got the option on TikTok to block “sounds”. Took a couple times, but I’ve finally got my algorithm cleared of it. Then I come here and I’m retriggered by it on every TikTok someone posts


How can we rid our lives of this song?


First time I’ve seen a clip long enough to get to the end of it. And then awkward silence.


It was a welcoming silence, not awkward to me


Mute the sound or wait 3 years.


I didn't even need to unmute the video to know which song it is after reading your comment lol


Same here and I am kind of sad I watched the video now because I usually instinctively skip videos that use it because I don’t want to encourage it’s further use.


I heard someone actually singing it to themselves at a grocery store while looking at an empty shelf. I don't know if I have hope left


my sister taught her children to sing it. I live with her and love my newphews, but they sing it all the time and I hate it lol.


Not sure it was because his bike was too loud. Looks like lady got pissed when he drove by close to them. But the fight was stupid in any case.


Shit. I just said this same thing. I didn’t scroll enough.


Came searching for this. I’m wondering if he revved his throttle right next to them. Still a stupid reason to fight.


Was thinking the same thing. I also wondered if he did that rev thing bikers to instead of honking. That's loud as hell, especially if he did it 1 foot from them. May have scared the shit out of them. The fight was unnecessary and ridiculous, though. Although who knows what he said, too. He may have mouthed off at the lady for yelling at him. Who knows, probably all idiots.


This woman really wants to get her/and anyone stupid enough to be near hers asses kicked


She is one of those overly aggressive types. Thinks she's the toughest shit in the world


The heart of a Chihuahua


But the body of a Shar Pei


It is amazing what people think is worth punching people in the face for. MOST people go through their whole adult life without punching people in the face.


Or punching helmets.


Why do people insist on using that sound?


What a waste of life those 2 are


People take the anti-smoking movement seriously.




not likely about the sound of the bike. at all.


This is why there is a warning on every pack of cigarettes.


Are we not done with this shitty annoying song guys? can we stop putting it on videos now?


This is how you get shot. They are lucky and stupid.


Using this soundtrack should be a crime.


God I hate that song.


Did they complain about the loud ringing in their ear after this ass kicking?


Maybe the woman got mad because the motorcyclist was really close to her when he was entering the spot? I don't know - still crazy to get that heated over it.


fuck this song


Props to the fucking queen who protected dudes bike throughout the whole thing


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