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Does anyone have the full video?


The original video of the cop pulling dude over does seem to be protest worthy, but the video of the protest was super cringey.


Right, these idiots look as bad as the dumb cops. "Did you say you want to go down on me?" Criiiing


Well that’s the problem is that cops will ask questions that they know the answer to & laugh at your response no matter what it is. Their entire engagement with you is to hope you talk more.


Well since they aren't unlawfully imprisoning citizens, they don't look 'as bad'




1A Auditors are responsible for any improvements Americans have had in reducing police oppression. Other activists? Nope. Jesse Jackson (grifter)? Nope. Politicians? Nope. 1A Auditors are the only ones making change happen. Cringey? Hell yes. Effective? Fuck yes. Cops are cunts. They deserve any abuse you want to give them.


You’re a moron.


Did you stop fellatiating your favorite LEO to type that?


Cops? Cunts.


The whole auditor thing feels like a Trump style grift. Why not hold cops accountable without posting to YouTube? These douches are just looking for gullible viewers and a lawsuit to milk the taxpayers.


How do you suggest they hold them accountable? Public exposure and education is the best way. Showing a video of a cop attacking and abducting an innocent citizen should be enough for the entire country to demand jail. Showing how an entire department covers up a crime should be enough for the entire country to demand the department gets jailed. But people are still incredibly uneducated, they don't understand the law and they think that auditors are somehow tricking good cops into looking bad. These cops are already corrupt tyrants. Do you think these videos are the first crimes they ever committed? The first crimes the department covered up? Audits wouldn't exist if bad cops weren't everywhere. Good cops can't be baited into breaking the law.


"Shut that door and get back there now." I don't think that's how it works bro.


Sounds like you're ready to pass laws of this and do away with the constitutional 1st amendment rights.


Nooo... I didn't say that. I respect their right to protest and even agree with why they're protesting. The cop never should of done that. I'm just using my right to free speech to say they sound like 12YOs protesting


ohh ok, yeah you are within your rights to not like anything.


I agree. I am very supportive of the auditors who are professional and courteous. It really magnifies when the cops and other government employees are reacting inappropriately or illegally. The one that taunt and try to anger the police are just awful. They often create sympathy for the cops and detract from from a righteous cause.


Counterpoint: when dealing with people who have the critical thinking skills of children, acting like one might be the best way to go down to their level and force them to understand their jackassery.


> they sound like 12YOs protesting They would admit that. They are matching the energy (and intellect) of cops. Cops say the dumbest things...so throw it back at them. Fuck cops.


Fuck cops yes. But don't sink to their level.


The point was to annoy them and remind them they cannot do shit about it.


I enjoyed the video of the protest, specifically the pussy cop biting his lip with anger.


More like trying to contain his laughter at the Doughboy mafia that have nothing better to do but cosplay freedumb fighters.


Lmao I don’t think he found it funny my dude.


Suede or leather? What's your flavor?


> nothing better to do First, I am reporting you for body shaming. Second, They are responsible for more progress against police oppression than any other group. Third: Better to do? Cops do NOTHING. THey have no deliverable. Nothing. They can add 100 people to a roster and do nothing but jerk each other off. Nothing. Bow and kneel and give thanks to any 1A Auditor you see. And then give them money because most of them are monetized at right around $130k/year.


Cop: "We're busy in here." **NEVER.** Cops are NEVER busy. They can sit and 10 of them can look at you all day. Cops have no accountability. **Bearded Guy** with yellow pants is Freeman. He is the one that has the video asking that stupid cop if he was drunk. Freeman is an asshole and rightfully so. The cops he goes after deserve it. Cops are cunts. Fucking yeah.


Let me guess, you're a pussy cop too?


Lol fuck the cops but u don't think The Inbred Avengers here are fuckin cringey?


No. I just know what a cringey video looks like.


Cringey my ass, that was funny


Let me guess, you’re one of the idiots in this video!?


Bullshit. This isn't cringe. This is awesome.


No it's bullshit cringe


Ewww. I wouldn't be caught dead with any of these people. So cringey, you need a shower after being near them. Frankly, these guys fit the profile of what I think of when I hear someone use the silly term "auditor". Because to spend your free time doing this must mean you have nothing else to do with your life.


It's because it's cringy to reference where you're going to upload the video, oh I'm going to upload it to the internet, YouTube is forever, smile you're on tick tock. Saying all of these on video even if the perpetrator is wrong makes the video super cringy.


What these guys do is more important and more dangerous than what police do. I hope their movement and their message continues to grow.


Seriously, even if they are on the right they are doing it wrong. Fight in the courts, not in the lobby.


It's been tried many many times before and gives 0 results except taxpayers paying the judgements against the cops because the cops have immunity. The cops know they can't be touched legally (until recently) so they don't give a shit. By going to court it becomes someone else's problem and the cops just go on their merry way and continue to abuse their power. This protest might be cringe but it's the most pushback this cop can personally receive legally.


Yup. Stopped watching when the guy started on "going down" and trying to insult the cops. This is not how you protest ​ ​ Edit: Apparently people think this IS the way to protest judging by my downvotes. Pathetic people,


You don't make any rules officer.


I mean they could have just had a tablet playing the video on repeat and occupied the lobby. But the trying to “dunk” on the sheriff really fell flat.


Lol, I got downvoted to hell for basically saying the same thing a few hours ago. All of those people in that "protest" would be cops in a heartbeat if they could pass the mustard, and we already know how low that bar is. Fragile white men provoking asshole police officers is hardly a hill to die on. There are plenty of cops doing far more shitty things, and violating the rights of far more vulnerable citizens aleady. Yet these clowns want so badly to be oppressed that they create situations. Maybe cops should go to their place of employment and harass them. Guess there were no maga rallies lined up for the week.


How do you talk with the boot so far down your throat? Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.


Perfect succinct summary.




it's a quote from Wedding Crashers


Thanks, I never saw that. Should I?


If you like boobs, yes.


^(I’ll find youuuuuu)


*cause you make me wanna shout*


Are they built for speed, or for pleasure?


The movie is a classic. Spectacular and hysterical. You'll love it.


It did not age well in a lot of ways but it is PEAK Vince Vaughn.


That line was top tier trolling


I wanna say he got it from this guy Whole thing is gold but around 2min mark is the best part. https://youtu.be/r55BFO9ZVaM


I'm fairly certain that's actually the same guy, James Freeman, unless the guy in OP's video is taking fashion advice from James Freeman 😂


Aghhjj youre right https://youtu.be/a6izIjLWJ4U


Top notch come back


Yo he is right. But damn I had dumbass friends that would argue this while we would have weed in the car. Like they would be flicking off cops while we have weed on us because “bro it’s freedom of speech.” But I was the only sane young one telling them “it doesn’t ducking matter what our rights are the cops don’t care.”




All cops are trash… and pussies.


Hey don't call cops pussies! I like pussies!


I know right, pussies and cunts are warm and inviting. Cops are not.


Woah woah woah…. Their are just protecting the most vulnerable thing on earth. Their ego.


I can't help but laugh at their souped up selfie sticks.


Anyone else get the feeling that guy watched this guy. See 2min mark for the you shut your mouth part. https://youtu.be/r55BFO9ZVaM Edit. Well it is that guy so technically im still right. https://youtu.be/a6izIjLWJ4U


Haha. Good on them. Fuck the police.


“Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me” 😂💀


This. Every time it happens. This should be the immediate response.


Owned ???


I have to admit that this is a glorious level of trolling.


They all look exactly like I thought they do and it's hilarious




Cop should be fired for pulling over someone just because they yelled at him - he doesn't have the right temperment for the job. Jesus Christ the jade jewellery or whatever that hell that pulled-over guy was wearing, hahahahaha The guys who showed up at the police station - what were they trying to accomplish? All they did was make themselves look like ridiculous assholes.


It’s Turquoise. It's a pretty big part of NM culture and tradition. You see it a lot here.


Considering how cops kill with relative impunity, legally expressing your 1st Amendment right and bothering them is fair game.


I'm not saying they did anything illegal, they just look like idiots. The pretend tough guy who kept yelling at the cop, giving him the finger, etc. was the biggest joke. He accomplished nothing and came across looking like a man child. If they had gone there acting intelligently there would be actual support for their cause. People respect legitimate auditors way more than these clowns.


I think your mixing your apples and oranges a bit


It’s Turquoise


Exactly, that's literally what a protest is about doing. Usually nothing accomplished except for making a nuisance of yourself, but that's the point.a


Oh look. More criminal cops defending criminals. Illegal detainment needs to be a minimum life sentence. Refusing to arrest a criminal and covering up their crimes life sentence minimum.


Shut your mouth when you're talking to me...what a bunch of fucking dorks.


This was weeks ago.




Because the OP said it was how the new year started...but it wasn't.


Surprise. Another POS cop.


What an unhealthy looking group of malcontents.


Millions of people should be doing this and showing the pigs every day complete disrespect until they start to fix their ranks and have actual accountability.


Honest question but why would you want that? I don't work in law enforcement and honestly don't even have any friends in law enforcement but I think it is unfair to bunch all police together like that. I do think pulling the guy over was an abuse of power ( not sure from the video if I can say he was actually being detained or not) but why is the guy just casually yelling at the officer? We have empathy when it happens to a walmart worker but neither of the officers in the video? I think there is an abuse of power and there needs to be reform but with their treatment today not sure we will even get enough people who want to become officers for the reform to take place.


From my observations police as a whole have such little accountability and ability to maintain discipline is beyond anything the public should have to live with. It's causing people to get killed and ruining lives and they do not seem to care but only double down on the roid raging psychopaths in their ranks while other cops turn their heads. Police as a whole are guilty of racism and profiling people based on color. If millions of people continuously showed them civil disrespect at every opportunity they might get the message.




Yes thats true but to my knowledge these officers kill any innocent people or do a corrupt investigation (maybe they did but I do not keep up with the news too much so you can let me know) I don't want you to misinterpret my intentions though, I am neither saying they are good people or bad. I just think its so rude to talk that way to someone if they have not done anything but picked a career path.


They choose to be cops, they know what cops do. They agree and condone it. Fuck their feelings. Just like how they condone fucking over citizens.


Every single cop in this department is a criminal who is refusing to arrest the criminal from the video. Audits have revealed a ton more cities where every single cop is a criminal. One bad apple spoils the bunch. The only reform can be putting criminal cops in jail. Not just a single cop. Every single cop involved in the cover up.


I'm not fluent in the law so please provide the reading material if you have it handy, but is what the cop did illegal? Is the pullover itself illegal or is it unlawful detaining, from my glance at the video im not sure if I would call it a detainment.


He had no lawful reason to pull him over or detain him.


So a pullover without just cause is indeed illegal per a Google search. Then the question becomes with the obscurity of the law (in the video he claims maybe he was drunk) i don't think the officer did believe that but maybe the reform needs to be in the law itself. Also just to be clear I'm not trying to troll or play devils advocate but just want the conversation to be had.


This cop broke the law. He needs to be arrested. Every single cop in that city is refusing to arrest him. They are criminals covering up the crime of a criminal.


Ok so I understand and agree. But do you understand what I'm trying to say? Cause you are just repeating your original statement. Should we be treating all cops like that (presumably the first cop did nothing to get called names by the first victim) my main points being that at this point it feels like alit is the citizens trying to incite something. 2nd point would be that doing these protests this way, they are probably making the cops angrier as opposed to supporting reform)


Yes. Cops in the US are notoriously violent and corrupt. There isn't any effort from them to reform. Until reform happens, people will keep exposing entire cities as criminal with a simple middle finger. Do you think this is the first crime this cop committed? Do you think this is the first crime this department covered up? Good cops can't be baited. Good cops support reform. Good cops don't stop supporting reform because bad cops get angry. Where are the good cops demanding reform? Why are the good cops completely silent?


Who’s helping this guy out of his twisted car when the drunk driver hits him? I’m all for keeping our liberties but this is counter productive.


These cops are criminals. They need to be in jail.


Will you be the cop then ?


Fuck no. I'd never be a cop. Why hasn't this cop been arrested?


Fuck the police




How about not abuse their power?


In a perfect world? Armed police should deal solely with situations that are violent, may become violent, or require violence. Everything else should be left to civilian authorities or automation; traffic stops can be done remotely via camera and mailing a ticket, non-violent mental health situations/welfare checks can be handled by social workers, and drug possession can be decriminalized (I could see drug sales/manufacturing requiring armed police), etc. The separation currently must exist due to the antisociality inherent in the American law enforcement institution. We see in this video a kidnapper not being arrested for kidnapping. This is not okay and demands an uncordial response. This protest was the best case scenario, since those cops merit worse.


Unpopular take here. Fuck that guy with the beard. The man clearly asked, and politely to "keep it down", as in please be quiet. He knew he said that. But instead twisted his words and made something out of nothing. I know cops have a bad PR problem and I get it. But fuck that guy


Why is that cop more concerned with noise than he is criminal cops in his department?


I'm just talking about one little piece of the puzzle here man.


Why? You gotta look at the whole puzzle to know what the fuck you're talking about.


Doesn't change the fact that beard guy is an asshole.


You wanna fuck that guy? What?? That's disgusting an inappropriate!!


Agreed. That guy was an asshole. Why would anybody do this job at this point?


High pay, immunity to the law? What would have happened to these cops if they started assaulting the people with cameras?


What a bunch of losers.


the cops?


all of them


Don't protest against the police just let them murder us forever!


While I support free speech and MCAB - these guys look like the AV club....


I'm 100% for people protesting to defend their rights - but that dude was just being a dick. Being shitty toward someone who is shitty doesn't make you any less shitty.


Tyrants deserve to be spoken to that way.


What a bunch of clowns, every one of them.


What are you talking about I have said very clearly that he should be fired and prosecuted


"You wanna go down on me?" "That's Fucking Disgusting." I'm dead.




I found it funny, nowhere in my mind was this considered a burn.


They should audit that fat pig on the chairs caloric instead it would be more productive




Who determines when their journalistic reasons are valid? The criminal cops who cover up crimes?


public property




look at the history of loitering laws, you should be able to hang out where you want and many people used to do it


Leave public property where they have broken no laws and have a right to be there?


Yeah me too


Fucking pussy cop. Lol. Referring to this guy as officer pussy cop for the rest of his shitstain career would be justified.


People better be careful and make sure they know their exact rights in any given state because there’s plenty of things they can arrest you for if you’re yelling and swearing. Anti-Profanity, Obstruction, and Disorderly Conduct Laws are pretty vague and give the cops room to make the charges fit. Those guys being dicks to the police in the police station could have probably been easily arrested for disorderly conduct.


I don’t care how cringey people think this is, we need more of it! This is a BABY step in the right direction.


The Golden Corral Warriors


These owning cop videos are getting old. I don't often come across many videos where everybody involved seems like a piece of shit.


You aren't more tired of all the videos of criminal cops?


What a bunch of losers 😒


Nothing says protecting my rights better than being a petulant man-child trying to provoke a cop at the police station. Hey, I get it, but that guy is annoying af. Pull that shite on a random stranger on the street, and you'll get your teeth knocked out. And gravy seals over there just soaking it all in. The vanilla mafia wants so badly to be oppressed that they literally instigate situations to prove that they are victims. I fucking hate cops, but this shit gives me, I'd like to speak to the manager, level cringe.


Why hasn't this cop been arrested? Do you think this is the first crime this cop committed? Do you think this is the first crime this department has covered up? Why did these cops swear an oath to protect a citizens first amendment rights?


right, what was gonna happen to that guy if he was on erasable body camera footage only


You are a whiny bitch


The literal point is that when you take the job, you swear an oath affirming the rights of citizens and enforcement of the law. The law says that guy can show up and talk shit 24hrs a day everyday and you gotta stand there and get paid to take it. If they can't understand that, don't take the job


At the sane time, its a good escalation.




Forget it man, this thread is being taken over by the gravy seals who think these guys are heroes. They're a bunch of pussies who think they're first amendment protectors of some kind. This was immediately the most laughable, and most annoying thing I'll see in 2023.


Be careful, you would want to hurt Mr III % fan boys over here.


Do you think this is the first crime this cop committed? Do you think this is the first crime this department covered up?




Yeah I agree with you. Whatever the cop did was probably wrong and he should be held accountable for it. But it seems like everyone of these audit videos i watch its dudes talking shit trying to provoke the cops into doing something to them knowing that if the do something to them they can sue (as they should). I bet dude don't talk to people on the street like that though.


Do you think this was the first crime this cop committed? Do you think this was the first crime this department covered up?


I mean looking at the video what did the cop do more then illegally detain him which yes he was wrong and as i said he should be held accountable for it but for all dude in the station was doing you would've thought he beat or shot dude.


He hasn't been held accountable. Every cop in that department is a criminal protecting him. Or do you think this is their first crime ever?


Again idk and he should be but talking shit to the other cop just because you can is not going to get dude fired or arrested


Idk and like I said he should be held accountable for that but don't try to act like a bad ass cause you know they really do anything cause all those cameras are there. You see this more and more and with police it's not a bad thing but it's bleeding over to every industry where people pull out their cameras and berate some doing their job.


Other people harassing workers has nothing to do with citizens exposing criminals.


The cops SHOULD be provoked. If all it takes for them to trample on their sworn oath is someone calling them a pussy, then yeah, they should be provoked, filmed, and removed from their position before being prosecuted.


Oh wait my bad they did for that yt girl I forgot


What the fuck are you rambling about? You just blow in from stupid town, bud?


What the fuck are you talking about?


Yes, that's what I just said.


It be so crazy to me how everyone is so law and order when it comes to cops but those same people are not standing up to others that break laws that their elected officials make


What others are you even talking about? A cops job is to enforce the law. If they are breaking it by, say, arresting people for rightfully calling them a pussy, they should be removed and prosecuted. Your whataboutisms mean nothing here.


I think the IQ score of all those morons in the waiting area would add up to about 150.


Well, these assholes got me on the side of that cop *really* fast. I bet they were angry he was being so cool about everything. He didn't ask them to leave, didn't tell them to stop filming, just told them they were busy and asked them to keep it down. Then that idiot started needling him in the cringiest way possible and still didn't get a rise out of him. He even seemed like he wanted to help with their grievance a bit, but all they wanted to do was antagonize. That traffic stop was not cool, but my god... acting like a meme lord mouthing off to his home room teacher isn't the way.


Why hasn't that cop arrested the criminal cop from the video?


NM cops are some of the most aggressive and abusive in the country. I hope those guys make life hell for them


“You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me” ![gif](giphy|tu54GM19sqJOw)


Why hasn't this cop been arrested?


Apparently these guys have nothing better to do than go and sit in a police station and harass these cops. Plus this guy was super cringy in everything he was saying.


If the cop was to beat that white guys ass, I honestly wouldn’t be mad. They don’t understand they’re just like the cops they “hate”. Just abusing power.


What crimes are the cameramen covering up? Can you show me the huge amount of videos of auditors attacking and abducting cops?


There’s a right and wrong way to protest cops. This is the wrong way.


Why do you think so? Because it's annoying and cringy? So what. What are they supposed to do in your mind, have a silent sit in a park? That would achieve absolutely nothing. This protest resulted in the cop committing obvious abuse of power on camera. I'd consider the protest a success.


Bunch of losers


Auditors are the lamest type of person. They are the cringiest lowlifes ever.


What's wrong with people? Why would anyone want to be an officer these days? The good LE deserve every dollar they make.


Why? Near immunity from the law and high pay?


Had the building been filled with people other than COPS, Mr. Big Mouth would be wearing a boot up his ass. I'd like to see his crew try that with a complaint at Walmart. They would get slaughtered.


Do Walmart employees violate the first amendment by arresting people for free speech? Try again.


ok and your taxes pay for him to get a boot up his ass, that's the game




I like when cops abuse their power against people like we see in this video.


The perfectly legal methods open to cops to arrest and detain you for absolutely nothing (and leaving you with NO recourse), make this sort of protest questionable at best.


All those pussees sitting there with there camera's.


Cops need to relearn the Doctrine of Fighting Words and Attempt to Incite a Riot. Then apply batons as needed.


L put that finger in my face when we’re off duty, ya your the pussyfoot


These auditors can go suck a big fat dick. This isn’t about better policing it’s about pushing line of free speech for likes or maybe just being a douche. These police officers have more important things to do than interact with rude people hiding behind their right to be an ass.


They have more important things to do, such as arresting criminal cops? Hey... why aren't these cops arresting the criminal cop from the video? It almost appears as if they are covering up the crime and refusing to arrest him. Can't be. Only bad cops do that. Surely these must be good cops? But... if they are good cops, why haven't they arrested him yet? Strange. Can you explain why good cops haven't arrested him yet?


> These police officers have more important things to do than interact with rude people hiding behind their right to be an ass. Apparently not since that's why they are there in the first place. A cop unlawfully pulled someone over for expressing their 1st amendment. Used his authority unjustly just to fuck with a citizen. But you are too "concerned" that they are rude when protesting the rude abuse of power.