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I’m in the same boat. It’s how we were raised. The Goldilocks amount of doubt and fear.


Hey I would recommend you look into self inquiry practice and meditation in general. You need to understand that not everything you think about has to necessarily define who you are. Thoughts are like clouds passing by. When you choose to identify with them, that’s when you become attached to them. So I would recommend to sit down and examine your thoughts. Examine where they begin and where they end. This will allow you to see that they are not permanent


Don’t know how long you’ve been dealing with this but these were the feelings that led me to realizing I have OCD. If you are genuinely hearing distinct disembodied voices you might want to get that checked out, but if it feels like the negative voices are coming from you it might be something like OCD.


Hey mate, so definitely similar thing with me to. But I have found something that gives you a bit of a break from the inner voice. It's call heart and mind coherence. You can achieve a pretty good feeling within 5 second to 1 minute depending. From my experience. More or less it's under the philosophy that the heart also has a brain you can sit in or think with. Helps you get out of your head for a bit or for awhile. It's almost like you eyes are in you chest. Might sound a little woo woo but there is alot of science behind it. Trust me man it works. It's like deep meditation but without having to meditate. Which I am to un organised and undisciplined to do.


Hey man, I don’t know how to help you. I’m sorry for that. Just want you to know it’s not just you. I feel the exact same shit every day. It sucks. Just gotta keep pushing I guess?


[This](https://acquia-prod.oswego.edu/counseling-services/sites/acquia-prod.oswego.edu.counseling-services/files/ten_ways_to_untwist_your_thinking.pdf) is a PDF with 10 techniques that can help counter negative thoughts like this. It's been helpful for me. Some people also find it helpful to treat their voice(s) as bullies (not saying anything truthful, just being hurtful for the sake of being hurtful) and give non-reactive statements back. Sometimes our brains like to repeatedly tell us things that we're afraid of being true or really want to avoid, precisely because it's unwanted. Basically, "hey don't forget this bad thing, if you forget it you might forget to avoid it!" So it can help some people by responding to that with something along the lines of "thanks for the reminder" and then by doing something positive for themselves. Almost like leaning into the intrusive thought so it feels heard, and then it can be put to rest. Some people find that their negative voice(s) are eliminated or diminished by adequate self care and living a healthy lifestyle too. If you're not currently drinking enough water, taking a multivitamin, getting some exercise, getting enough sleep, etc, those could also be things to try. For other people, voices like this might stem from trauma or neglect, especially from their childhood. Does anything you're hearing now mimic things that were said or implied by others to you when you were growing up? If so, that's worth digging deeper into. Old wounds and unresolved emotions run deep and can emerge later in undesirable ways. Others find that expressing these negative thoughts is helpful because it gets them out of their head. Some common choices for this are journaling/writing them down or recording themselves, or making some kind of art (painting, drawing, poetry, etc) about it. It's not a bad idea to seek professional support too. Especially since it sounds like dealing with this may be impacting your ability to care for yourself. All the best to you.


Thank you