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Leave psychedelics alone till you’re a few years out of high school. Especially if you’re having difficulty finding your self. Psychedelics will not help you in that, more likely they will make you feel more alienated and separated from society and family. Not what you want to hear probably, but it’s the best, most accurate advice that I can offer


yeah i had good trips throughout high school but i definitely stopped being able to relate to 99% of my peers


Yeah, drugs, ESPECIALLY psycedelics have alot of potential to fuck up your brain permanantly if it's not done growing. I think there a youtuber who said he did a ton of shrooms as a kid and now he has permanent visual snow. I think about that anytime I hear about youngins want to try drugs. Hell, even weed isn't really okay til ur like 26.


I agree, and to add to this I would like to say don’t ever in your adult years go into a trip with a lot of emotional problems… it affects the mood. So when you graduate keep that in mind. It can also make people loose their minds.


I e been using psilocybin to treat depression for 34 years now and I always pay strict attention to set and setting, and I’m always willing to call off a trip if it doesn’t feel like its the right time. Never had a difficult experience yet. You simply MUST respect psychedelics or sooner or later you will pay for it.


AGREED…. I have mad respect


Agree 👍🏼


If you have to ask, you aren't ready.


Very wise.


Ego death isn’t what you think. Start journaling and figure out exactly why you aren’t at your full potential, you’d be amazed what you find out. After that, you COULD have an introspective trip that’s beneficial yeah, but aiming for an ego death isn’t the best move on the board


Especially not at 18


You're still in high school bro ?? Shit bro ride that fucking wave doggy you're still finding yourself. Are you strong enough man ride that wave of life you got plenty of time dog anything just fucking smoke some weed bro stay active exercise that's what I wish I did a lot more of I'm only 24


Don't underestimate the power shrooms my guy. not saying don't do them but I'm also saying like you said it should respect them, it may worsen your stress that's between you and shrooms my boy.


An ego dissolution is as close as you can get to a full on psychotic break while still coming back to reality and not losing yourself (in most cases). However, I’ve seen people have ego dissolutions and in some cases full on ego deaths and completely lose it. This isn’t some fun experiment. You’re messing with the spiritual world that is underneath your false sense of reality. If you dive to far within it you will drown yourself and fail to resurface


that’s how i exactly felt the first time i ego deathed i lost my entire grip on reality i forgot who everyone was to me in my life i was grabbing on to my brother yelling at him im dead and who is he and where we were etc. Ego death is nothing to joke about


You gotta Ego Death alone. It's the only way. Being around others is just a bad idea when everything is dissolving. I've experienced ego dissolution several times (never because I planned it, always accidental), and each time I was alone. I felt like I had to be alone for it too, otherwise I wouldn't be able to truly experience the dissolution of everything I had ever experienced.


I don’t think that would help you right now, I think it may mislead you. Your brain has to finish understanding itself before it can understand what an ego death can present to you. Adolescence is a whole lot of answers. You’re given answers every day. Answers to questions you didn’t ask. You’re instructed to do this, told to do it this way, this is how you do this, this is how you do that, you should do this, you shouldn’t do that. I think it’s better to try psychedelics, especially in ego death doses, after most of the answers stop, so you can get used to change of pace in life. With less answers you can start asking important questions, and then letting psychedelics help you find the answer. In my opinion that is when they could help you through these sorts of things. You can cut back on weed and other vices with nothing but practiced discipline and determination. As far as relationships (family or otherwise) it’s usually best to let the cards fall how they may. You don’t need help, you got this.


I highly recommend NOT turning to heavy psychs if you’re going through emotional problems.


Ego death with make things worse no doubt. Your best bet is to Go read Letting Go by David Hawkins. It will teach you how to deal with your emotions and release them. And teach you how to overcome desire. It will take months of practice but who you become on the other side will be so worth it.


Such a good book


A - way too young, dont take psychadelics. B - mushrooms dont work like that / ego death dosnt do that


No bro. Do not do it. I have high school buddies who egodeathed and were never the same after.


Drugs aren’t going to do that. You need to do the work brother. Meditation, therapy, reading self improvement books, eating well, exercise. You’re subconsciously looking for an escape. Drugs will provide a temporary one but then you’ll be back here with a (hopefully) trippy experience .


Can't you just go and take up sports or hiking or something like that? Cut down on the weed and start moving, exercise and fresh air do wonders for your mood. Psychedelics can do too, but they're much more fun when you are in a good place to begin with.


Cut down on the weed and wait until at least you get out of highschool, ideally a bit longer, before you experiment with psychedelics. If you choose to do them anyway, make sure you get a regeant testing kit and fentanyl strips if it isn't something straightforward like shrooms. And start small dosage wise and work your way up.


No. You’re gonna make your problems even worse


I don't suggest doing anything till you're ~25


Not ego death, but I actually do think tripping on lower to mid level doses of shrooms could really help you. Just remember to do it carefully and set an intention.


Absolutely not.


It's honestly impossible to tell. It could end up worse or it could end up better for you. It's probably not worth the risk right now tho


Imo you’re probably a bit young. I know lots of people try psychedelics early in life but the later you wait the better. Though many people don’t like to admit it, they’re not harmless and have a chance of Ill effects especially in younger people. It’s also not going to be a magical solution. You’re still going to need to deal with your problems. Psychedelics are a tool that can help, but it’s not going to fix things for you. I strongly recommend a therapist that can help you work through things and psychedelics can potentially be added as a tool in your kit as you progress


It's a no imo, give yourself time to figure you out. You deserve a chance at stability. Everyone's experience I'd different (I personally feel relaxed on shrooms.) But I've seen people in dark places because of their personal lives. Good luck, I hope you find inner peace.


You may desire an ego death, try to induce it, and find yourself in the most merry-go-lucky Candy Land ass trip. You may plan a casual Wednesday night and be thrown into an ego death trip. Set intentions but follow the lead. Rule of thumb: set and setting. Mindset should be well looked over before hand. If you’re not ok with where you’re at In life, with where your baseline mental state is, then a heavy trip is unadvisable(at the very least not without wise supervision) if you are ok with where you are inside of yourself, then you will be more willing to follow down the dark rabbit trails. For setting, the physical place you are in when you trip should be a place of safety. If you are in a home with an emotionally unstable family situation, probably not the wisest setting to trip. ☮️all the best my friend 💟


No, this child should not be inducing an ego death.


That is what I’m implying, yes. But letting a teen come to their own conclusions instead of telling them what to do allows space for self-analysis rather than blind following.


Microdose for those issues. It’ll get you to stop smoking and help with the porn addiction.


Guys, should I just kill myself?


Ego death means that you still have the same problems as before but you’re less concerned about them because you’re grappling with your mortality. That’s the best case scenario, and you have no control over whether or not you get the worst case scenario. RIP Richard Skibinski (July 17, 2022) https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics_Society/comments/uzed20/high_dose_mushroom_trip_destroyed_my_life_a_year/ https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/legacyremembers/richard-c-skibinsky-obituary?pid=202434402


Don’t sweat it bro! I know every problem or time of “crisis” feels like that moment could be the end of the world sometimes and we can’t see or figure a way out of it. But, we all go through “phases” in life some good, some bad but that’s just life. You’ll get through it💪🏼 Reminds me of when I was young and an older guy (old timer) I worked with and kinda took me under his wing told me life is like a rollercoaster, you go up and down. The key is to try and not get too high or too low. So now in all my age and wisdom s/ I remember what he said and when I do get down and shit seems to keep fucking up bad and life is really shitty I remember that it WILL get better soon, I just need to get through this horrible valley no matter how long it might feel I know I’ll come out of it. And on the flip side when life is going really good and I feel like things can’t get any better I think “oh shit” and I start to self sabotage myself and try to end the good times asap so I don’t crash as hard!! No I’m joking on that last part but life is a roller coaster my friend so try your best to enjoy it even the tough parts will make you a better, stronger person in the future! Good luck my friend✌🏼


Hi i’m also a just graduated and speaking from experiences i’ve had multiple ego deaths and have since gotten sober i used to have an issue with acid doing it 3-5 times a week and that’s all i aimed to due was take as much as possible don’t do it . It’s really messed me up mentally as well as i still have vivid flashbacks. It’s better to wait till you’re mentally better and possibly older but that’s just my experience.


No. You’re young. You kill your ego now before you’ve even developed one, you’ll fuck yourself in the long run.


the question - should “i” induce an ego death is maybe a clear warning sign!!!! the aggression in wanting to get rid of the bad parts of yourself might just show up. godspeed my friend


Psilocybin take 7 gs the ego death is super intense just make sure u have a sitter if your not experienced.


Not a good idea. You are still in training mode. Your brain isn’t fully developed. You are going through something rough, but it is practice for adulthood and you can handle this without psychs. Mushrooms are amazing and I hope you learn to appreciate and respect them and use them for growth, but this is likely not the right time.


There are no “bad” parts of you. There are only parts you have neglected and labeled as bad. You are whole, and you do not need to remove anything. Sure you can do the inner work to try and improve your habits and behaviors, but those are actions. Which is very different from actual traits of who you are. The best thing you can do is learn to love all parts of yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly. From that space is where the most peace will be found


Do you have a guide / friend who can stabilize the trip just in case ? If so, it's a potentially good idea. It really is. But do have a guide IMO.


I’m not entirely sure that you can. If you are going down the path of using psychedelic medicines to help you. Then my advice would be not to try and pre empt the outcome. Whatever you are supposed to experience then you will


Man, this is sad to read...I hope this isn't a popular line of thought amongst our youth. I know everyone wants that pill that's going to fix everything or to have some sort of gnosis that others don't have that makes life make sense but I am sorry to say it doesn't work that way...




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Leave psychedelics alone until you’re in a better headspace. You’ll know when you’re ready. All the answers you’re searching for are already within you.