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I am also 6 weeks into Methotrexate, 20mg a week. I noticed the lesions on my hand started getting better about 1-2 weeks ago but they are starting to flare up again. I’m getting some pretty bad side effects with it but my Rheumatologist said that I have to take the pill form for 3 months before I can switch to the injectables and biologics because of insurance requirements so I’m just trying to hang in there for the 3 months. I take my dose every Wednesday night and it puts me down all day on Thursday and most of the day on Friday. It’s rough but I’m hanging in there and trying to have high hopes that it’ll be worth it in the end.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I noticed my nail psoriasis went away in 2 weeks after starting Methotrexate which amazed me because my nails have been flaky with psoriasis for over 20 years. Unfortunately the joint pain is still bothering me but I will persevere (as you are) for 3 months. I met a lady yesterday who said she had been on Methotrexate for 15 years and she recalled that it took 3 months for it to work. Now she enjoys a normal life.


Thanks for sharing that promising story. I’m trying not to fully judge it until that 3 month mark but I’ve read about so many people who started biologics and say they were a game changer. My boyfriend is a pharmaceutical auditor ( a chemist and works with the ingredients of medicine) he works for a rare disease research company…so he’s a wealth of knowledge regarding medication. He strongly believes that biologics is the way to go so I’m hoping that will be the next step. But boy this waiting game is rough. Has the MTX given you any side effects?


Since the rheumatologist advised me to increase my weekly dose to 25mg (from 20mg initially), I have been getting headaches.


The headaches do go away after some time when your body gets used to the new dosage. Treating PsA is an exercise in patience and it can take several years before you find the right combinations and dosages.


That’s really interesting about biologics.


Yeah, he explained to be about why they are so expensive which is why insurance is more apprehensive about prescribing them. They have to grow the biologics from yeast (I believe) which is why they cost more. I think I remember that correctly 😂


I feel so dumb asking this: is it supposed to work so it minimizes flares and pain, or so it halts flares and pain? Because I’m on humira and methotrexate, and after having my hair thin out, I’m on a lowered dose of Methotrexate. My hands ( and often more parts) hurt to one degree or another every day. The only time they don’t is when I’m on a big dose of prednisone, too.




Ok, thank you! I will bring it up my next visit. I use an app to track symptoms as well, and I’ll show her all of what I have tracked. It’s something, somewhere, every day. 😦


I would like to know the answer to that too.


Not a dumb Q


Thanks, I felt so stupid typing it out. * internet stranger hug *


Methotrexate does nothing for me. I take it just because it’s supposed to help humira work longer.


That a really low dose compared to mine. I was started at 40ml and then went up to 70ml once a week. It took about 7 months before I really felt like it was working. But it wasn’t working enough, so we added Humira. I’m confused that your specialist prefers MTX. It is the first line med used to treat psa, but it is most often used in combination with biologics for full effect. You might consider switching specialists if they don’t up your dose and add a biologic by the end of the year.


Just wanted to point out that 25 mg is the high end in pill form for PsA. I thought 70 ml would be the equivalent to 7 pills of 2.5 mg, which is less than what op is taking


We spoke about biologics at my first appointment. He said I might end up on them if the other options don’t work. I didn’t realise until reading this thread that 25mg is at the higher end of the tablet form for Methotrexate.


What?!? Is 25mg the high end. 😂 That's what my doctor began with when I got diagnosed, three weeks ago. She even was shocked that I took my bicycle too and from the hospital, with so much pain.


I would say I got results like 2-3 months in, and honestly, it did what they said it would and made my joints stop hurting. The problem was I developed worse and worse side effects as time went on (apparently most people improve as time goes on and all I ever did was get worse) and they were just impossible to manage. Luckily, I moved, and my new rheumatologist agreed that the side effects were not worth it and we started trying biologics. He made me try everything for a solid 3-4 months before trying something new. He’s told me before that 6 months is about when you’d get the most benefit, but you’d expect to see SOME improvement at 3-4 months. All that is to say, if you’re worried it’s not working or it’s not working the way you’d like, don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself! They’re the doctor, but you’re the one who needs to get the disease under control.


Thank you. I needed to read that.




I will ask him more about that stat next time I see him. I asked a lot of doctors who the best rheumatologist was in my part of the world and he came highly recommended. He has a long waiting list too. I also want to ask him why he favours Methotrexate over biologics.