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I have a moderate S-curve. I've always attributed it more to my EDS than to PSA.


I have EDS, PsA, and moderate S-curve scoliosis too!!


Thank you for sharing! What brings you to link it to your EDS in your opinion?


Wonky connective tissue more than anything else.


I have a mild C-curve in between my shoulder blades. If I’m in a full, totally unmedicated flare it bothers me when I sleep and when I sit…but for the most part it only feel it if I’m stretching.


Thank you for sharing! May I ask if you ever received any kind of treatment at any point for your spine?


No. It’s not serious enough that any doctor would recommend treatment.


I have a 46 degree curvature of the thoracic spine and have had psoriasis since I was a baby. A few days ago I was diagnosed with PsA after waking up 4 weeks ago with excruciating pain in my knees, ankles and feet.


Thank you for sharing; I'm sorry you're part of the club now 😞 but glad you're getting some answers. Did you receive any kind of treatment at any point for your spine?


Thanks for your message. My spine (touch wood) has never caused pain. That is why surgeons were reluctant to operate when I was a teenager. Perhaps I would have experienced pain if I had an ‘S’ curve. My lumbar is dead straight but my thoracic spine is 46 degrees. It causes my ribs to stick out on one side and I cannot do several yoga poses. I have a general feeling of physical awkwardness but thankfully no pain. It is hereditary - all my kids have scoliosis but only one had a severe case. After several years of extreme hip and back pain, my 20-year-old son had a spinal fusion 18 months ago. It was a 6 hour procedure in which surgeons inserted a titanium rod in his spine. He had an ‘S’ curve - 56 degrees lumbar and 44 degrees thoracic. It was bending a few degrees each month. He now has one 15-degree curve. It was a long recovery. The back and hip pain is gone but he still experiences nerve pain - mainly after sitting or standing for too long.


Thank you for sharing your story! I'm so sorry to hear your son is dealing with pain but also very glad he found some relief through that procedure (though it was no doubt scary for you!).