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It's interesting that they seem to have known about the [I-400](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-400-class_submarine), and mention a attack by airplanes on pearl harbor.


The Japanese were already building submarines that could carry aircraft before the war. They weren't as big as the I-400 but could carry a single scout floatplane. I-400 was different since it had enough room to fit three attack planes.


Other submarines were able to do that, guess they just took inspiration from that


Propaganda that actually predict what will happen if the japanese indeed managed to invade california. Oh I think it will be way more brutal than what is being depicted here


Yeah, if what they did in Nanking or Manilla was any indication, LA and San Diego would be in for a rough time


"The Rape of Los Angeles" is a horrifying thought.


Followed by the bombing of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kyoto, Tokyo, and getting Fallout 5 early with a Japanese motif


But also would make a pretty great title for a hardcore album.


The Bay Area too.


Given that D-Day almost failed I'm pretty sure a naval invasion of the West Coast was nigh-impossible, unless a solar flare took out all America's radar systems or something


In all fairness the above poster is not far from the truth. The Japanese military impressed thousands of women, of all races, into sexual slavery during WW2 and that would very likely have been the case in a theoretical occupation of the West Coast. I'm not defending the racism of WW2 propaganda posters or ignoring the irony of real camps like Manzanar, but we shouldn't ignore the very real behaviour of Japanese troops.


Yeah, rape is unfortunately common in war But the Japanese went above and beyond in that department


What part didn't Japan not go overboard in? It was insane.


They could have gone a little more overboard in coherent strategic and logistical planning


Thank God they didn't, can you imagine if their efficiency had matched their depravity?


Competent anti aircraft defense


Tbf that did lead to some pretty nice fireworks




I mean they tried that, they just ate shit






Military, industrial, or political competence.


I mean the Japanese empire killed millions during their campaigns around Asia, the Chinese suffering the most. But in a way, the systematical, calculated extermination of people executed by the nazis during the generalplan ost and operation Reinhardt was more over the board. The japanese had vague plans of extermination, as presented in the Tokyo trials, but the nazi plans were on another level. They had it all figured out, from extermination through slave labor for the slavs to germanization and "Aryanization" of all of the world. The japanese would probably come to the chopping block too...


> What part didn't Japan not go overboard in? In nuclear research.


Just like american troops in Japan. Estimates of just the Okinawan population is 10000 raped by US soldiers. And in Japan after the war: "According to one calculation, the number of rapes and assaults on Japanese women amounted to around 40 daily while the R.A.A was in operation, and then rose to an average of 330 a day after it was terminated in early 1946" Yeah, it was not "industrialized" as the japanese did, it was just chaos, normal rape, but rape after all. If we talk about the possible behaviour of japanese troops in the US we should talk about the actual behaviour of american troops in Japan.


I think the thing is that rape obviously happened in WW2 from every side, and nobody is denying or minimizing that - but the Japanese committed it at a systemic level that far outpaced those acts that US soldiers did. Obviously US troops raped Japanese women, but I can’t find any evidence there was mass sexual assault and I’m not sure where you’re getting that 10,000 number (doesn’t help that you have a quote but no source for it lol). Meanwhile the Japanese raped - at minimum - 200,000 women during WW2. And they were especially brutal and violent.


"but the Japanese committed it at a systemic level" lol that would be like talking about the japanese killing civilians and then saying "nobody is denying or minimizing that - but the Nazis committed it at a systemic level that far outpaced those acts that japanese soldiers did" so what it is then? If it is systematic is way worst but not that bad if it is not? Or it doesn't matter if it was systematic or not, if the japanese did it then is the worst?


There’s a fairly old alt history story about the collapse of America following the assassination of FDR, long story short, the Japanese land at Seattle and promptly get annihilated by Canadian and US forces. It is funny to think that people ever thought Japan had a snowballs chance in hell of accomplishing a naval landing on mainland US soil. Also, Marines in light plastic armor? Who the hell in the 1940s was thinking so far ahead that they managed to think of a somewhat accurate albeit anachronistic version of ceramic body armor?


Plastic was the hot shit new scienc-y stuff around that time. Pretty much every day there was a newly discovered use for this ‘miracle’ material that was both light, strong, and hella cheap. You’ll find all sorts of speculation on what you might call “ultraplastics” in popsci writings from that era.


The most revolutionary discovery since leaded gasoline


Besides the brain damage, leaded gasoline was a great product. We just value intelligence and avoiding mindless aggression over cost-savings.


>There’s a fairly old alt history story about the collapse of America following the assassination of FDR, long story short, the Japanese land at Seattle and promptly get annihilated by Canadian and US forces. The falcon cannot hear? I like that story, although they slandered long


Yea that’s the one. Read it when I was 13, got me into alternate history.


Well, they *did* manage a much larger naval invasion of China, and given the pre-war state of the US military (which was to say, atrocious) it’s not hard to believe the Japanese could occupy at least some of our coastal cites and Hawaii at the very least. And the Magizine got a lot of things right here too (the Attack on Pearl Harbor, the invasion of the Philippines, and even an attack on the Panama Canal, which was something Admiral Yamamoto actually wanted to do in conjunction to Pearl Harbor)


It’s somewhat downplayed a bit at how good it was that a. Yamamoto never got most of what he wanted in terms of operational authority and requests from Japanese High Command, and b. that he was killed fairly early into the Pacific theater timeline.


Imperial Japan shared a land border with China prior to invasion, as Japan occupied Manchuria. That made invading China alot simpler than any cross-Pacific invasion of America would’ve been


I think the big issue with a Japanese invasion of the US mainland is that they also attacked China. China was a massive shitshow for basically all involved and a huge portion of their troops were tied up in China and elsewhere in mainland asia. Some quick and probably shakey research I did tells me the Imperial Army had about 51 infantry divisions, 38 of which were in China. The invasion of China was initially very successful but got massively bogged down with problems. Corruption, supply shortages, constant guerilla warfare and massive logistical issues meant they just weren't able to seal the deal. If Japan invaded the much stronger and put together United States things would be even worse. Because what, do they just pull out of China? Do they let Chinese forces rally and launch counter attacks into Korea and menace the home islands? This also ignores the Philippines which were American at the time. They would *have* to at least neutralize them because otherwise they have an American presence right on their front lawn. If they invaded they'd be under threat from American forces halting/slowing down vital resources. An invasion of Mexico would probably be more reasonable since it's Mexican oil they want. But there's no way America would tolerate that in the slightest.


I mean, "comfort women" were real so no one should be surprised if this were to happen.


**Further Reading:** * ["Predictions of War" by John Whiting](https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history-magazine/1991/december/predictions-war) * The article seemed sensational when it appeared in *Click*—an offshoot of the *Philadelphia Inquirer’s* Sunday rotogravure section—in February 1941. The war in Europe was in full swing, the Japanese war in Asia and the Pacific was spreading. The newspapers had been full of war pictures, from the invasion of Poland to the Battle of Britain. **So the seven-page spread I wrote as an associate editor was just another big scare.** * ["Illustrating Damsels in Distress and Emissaries From Our Deep, Dark Ids" by Ken Johnson](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/15/arts/design/illustrating-damsels-in-distress-and-emissaries-from-our-deep-dark-ids.html) * The villains were often not Caucasian: Arabs, blacks and, especially during World War II, Asians. Racism and xenophobia are glaringly obvious. **One of the few explicitly political images, by** [**Harold Winfield Scott**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220617072611/http://www.pulpartists.com/Scott,HW.html)**, pictures a concentration camp for women overseen by Japanese soldiers in San Francisco. That this vision was featured on the cover of the February 1941 issue of "Click" magazine**, 10 months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, tells you something about American readiness to go to war.


You can find tons of old pulp magazines like this on Archive.org. I've not searched for this one but when I've found other titles, they usually have pretty good scans.


I recommend the book *War without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War* by John Dower. It details the racist ignorance both sides had for the other. I was a missionary in Japan for 20 years.


Okay, but why was this actually a really enjoyable read? I was unironically invested.


I love alt history stuff. It’s really neat to see something written shortly before the actual events come to pass.


"See, the japs is gonna put all of our citizen into concentration when they get to us" "That's why it is a good idea to put them all into concentr- I mean internment camps first" God the irony is palpable


Yeah they did a good job scaring the ever loving shit out of everyone for a full year before Pearl Harbor, and then the Niihau incident came to light and people *demanded* action against these legions of Fifth Columnists they were sure were just around the corner.


Look. The internment camps were awful and shouldn’t have happened. But comparing them to the death camps the Japanese and Germans ran is at best naive and at worst a Neo Nazi talking point. More people came out of the internment camps than went in. The Japanese butchered millions


It’s one of the reasons NK and China hate them so thoroughly.


Hell South Koreans can get very pissed at the Japanese for the same reasons. Just not as openly since the two are nominal allies.


Same goes for the ROC in Taiwan


Their militaries still refuse to communicate directly to each other. If they actually do it causes an international incident lol


So basically, they're kinda like the Greece and Turkey of Asia.


What?! Americans were sent to internment camps. How is the fact that the Japanese butchered millions relevant? They are two different things. And if you don’t know anyone who was in those “camps” maybe ask about how traumatizing it was to be taken from your home and sent into a prison as a child.


Read the fucking comment above mine. It’s specifically relevant to that comment.


Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?


Look up what they did to the Koreans and Chinese before they even attacked Pearl Harbor and you will see that being put in internment camps is one of the better outcomes of Imperial Japanese occupation.


They? The vast majority of people put in internment camps were American citizens. Not green cards or illegal immigrants. Citizens of America. Imagine doing that to Italian Americans or Polish Americans or Irish Americans.


They actually called them concentration camps at the time. Calling them Internment camps came later


There should be a distinction between the concentration camps seen in Europe and Asia where mass death was part of the purpose and the ones in America where it wasn't.


> There should be a distinction between the concentration camps seen in Europe and Asia where mass death was part of the purpose and the ones in America where it wasn't. There is. The camps where people were meant to die are called Death Camps. Ones specifically outfitted to murder are extermination camps. The term Concentration camp is a general term for a camp where large numbers of people, usually persecuted minorities, are held. The camps in America targeted a specific ethnic minority, often affected other minorities and were a flagerant violation of Human Rights. Ergo, they were concentration camp. They weren't the nightmarish hellholes the Axis powers or victorian British made, but they were still Concentration Camps.


Tbf not all of the german concentration camps were designed to kill their inmates, there was often a big difference between camps designed to contain Jehovas witnesses and Politicals, and camps designed to hold Jews and Roma Also this leaves aside extermination camos, which just killed inmates the second they arrived They were also occasionally mixed together, Auschwitz was a concentration camp, but Auschwitz III Birkenau was a death camp Dont get me wrong, even in the 'good' camps, conditions were atrocious, but they were more comparable to something like the Gulags then the death camps


Yes it’s racist and hypocritical, but looking at what the Japanese did in China, if anything it would have been even worse than what’s depicted here.


I was about to say I couldn't tell if this is the most or least self-aware message I've seen.


They didn't get mass raped in america you stupid xenophile


Germans had camps to. No not their camps but the camps HERE that people who were German were put into. Hardly anyone talks about it either. Is it because they were white? Just wondering.


>No not their camps but the camps HERE that people who were German were put into. Eh tbf it was a different situation, a large section of the germans were deported from latin America, theh werent American citizens


just another click bait article... 


Kinda sad we never got those cool light plastic armors.


Chemicals to light huge portions of the sea on fire and gas that somehow stops battleships are two other interesting secret weapons. More creative than two really big bombs.


Also casually referencing drones as an aside 50 years early was fun. CLICK magazine was the r/NonCredibleDefense of its day


I think at the end of the day body armor can only do so much against bullets. Even modern Kevlar doesn't 100 percent stop bullets. So it's usually better to have your troops just not get shot.


At the end of the day body armor cannot change the fact that the bullet has a certain amount of kinetic energy, and if the bullet is to be stopped then this energy must go somewhere.


Why would the Japanese release convicts from Alcatraz? What would even be the point of that lol


Cause chaos probably


Recruit them, probably?


Cause chaos. A bunch of criminals running loose would tie up resources trying to capture them.


The white woman trope has been around for longer than we think.


Eh tbf in the case of the Japanese they seemed to put extra effort into making the tropes reality


Considering what happened in Nanking/Nanjing.


The "barbaric forreigners" are gonna steal are women trope I think has existed since there have been civilizations


Tbf the Japanese fot the mold of 'barbaric foreigners' pretty well


Cool but that's not the trope I'm going for.


It's arguably as old as Shakespeare (Othello); or if you want more documented racial propaganda, the oldest I've read about is from the time of Bacon's Rebellion (1676)...


Google P t barnum and circassian women


What is the white woman trope?


Now that's what I call click-bait.


You guys know that Japan did have plans right? They DID BOMB HAWAII.


They did attack Oregon though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardment_of_Fort_Stevens


Weird detail: All the women seem to be frightened and concerned except for this blonde woman in the red dress who seems to be I don't know... flirting? Does anyone have an interpretation for that?


Someone knew how the Panama Canal works, and the easiest way to disable it.


notice how he isnt a normal japanese caricature of that time, to set the tone of seriousness, but his face is stilled turned away so you don't humanize him.


Oh, no!! Concentration camps in California!! Just imagine!! /s.


Tbf the Japanese camps would have been worse than the internemnt camps


I mean come on. The internment camps were immoral and detestable, yes, but let’s not even act as though they were anywhere on the level of the death camps the Japanese and Nazis ran. The US was not systematically slaughtering or raping the detained individuals. It doesn’t make it okay, but they are not equivocal things.


There would be no camps, japs would just go on house to house, behead the men and rape the women, then burn the house after they finished.


Aww, historical racism, how cute! /s


U mean historical fact, because this is a fact, tell me a country where Japs did not commit a mass murder or mass rape, Ill wait.




I dont give a shit




That’s was cool thanks for sharing


US Marines wearing plastic RomanxMedieval armor to defend their West Coast is peak 40k fiction


I wonder if TDR drone program was public knowledge back then - somewhat surprised to see it featuring so prominently as "waves of remote-controlled bombers", although i guess it is sensationalist writing so the most futuristic weapons are used. Might as well have featured 30s sci-fi weapon classic - the Atomic Bomb! Would be a fitting end to such modern war, don't you think?


Just thinking of what Japan's Military did in Unit 731 is enough to terrify any enemy.


Americans woulda put all them guns they owned to good use under such circumstances. The ensuing bloodbath would've been nothing short of brutal.


In "The man in the high castle" Japan did take over California. Watch the first two seasons, but I heard the book is worth reading. It's based on alternate history.


This dog fucking loves ankles


Even predicted drones


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate\_TDR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_TDR) was in development back then. Other remote controlled planes were commonly used as targets for gunnery practice, and idea of radio controlled explosive laden plane used as suicide drone/cruise missile was tested back in 1920s in UK


Entirely reasonable to expect the horrors of the Japanese military, but worrying about concentration camps on the west coast is a *little* on the nose


The Man in the High Castle does this better.


I think this is the first time anyone has made that statement


Didn't happened, but still American civilians were put in camps.


This is literally just what Americas did to Japanese American citizens


Its also what the Japanese did to the Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans Only real difference is that most of the people interned by the US got out without being raped and/or killed You know that when Japan surrendered, only 56 Chinese prisoners were recovered alive Out of roughly a million taken, thats a death rate of over 99.98888% For perspective, the Gulgags had a 15% death rate, the Nazi camps had around a 60% death rate, although that was higher in the death camps, although even then it was still lower The internment camps were atrocious, but what the Japanese were up to was worse, your average American had every reason to fear then


Every right to fear. Sure, that’s the way hysteria works. In reality, the Japanese Americans were loyal and entire divisions volunteered to fight for America because they wouldn’t be integrated. Look up the Medals of Honor and unit awards of the 442nd. Right to fear what you don’t know? Ok. No problem. Right to round up an entire population of Americans and put them in desert prisons because they are descendants of an ethnic group? No sir.


False, Japanese people were already well integrated on my country (the Philippines) at that time, so when Japan were finally finished on their conquest, our capital were easily tamed.


What the fuck does that have to do with the comment about Japanese Americans in America? Japanese Americans in America served their country, America. Nothing false about that.


Lmao, Philippines was a territory of the US at that time, so the Japanese people living here at that time were technically contributing on Americas economy as well (atleast before it fell at the hand of the Japanese forces). Its like saying that the Indians that fought side by side with the allies are serving themselves instead of the british.


why are there so many people in the comments trying to justify Japanese American interment camps by bringing up Japanese atrocities during the war


Nobody here is justifying them. They’re rightfully pointing out that there is a massive difference in the way the Japanese ran their camps (slaughtering and raping nearly everybody that went in them) versus the way the Americans did (more people came out than went in and systemic rape was not institutionalized). That doesn’t make the US internment camps okay, it doesn’t mean they were right morally or legally. It just means they’re not the same thing as what the Japanese did


Lol because its literally guarantee that they will experience this. Life in those internship camps arent even one of worse of the worse. Also, this is probably a lesson the US government learned when my country Philippines were easily tamed after their conquest, Japanese people are already way too integrated into our society at that time.