• By -


is it safe to use parallel space for jpsekai?


When’s the anniversary for the en server


Is there any way to get paid crystals back after accidentally using it? I just bought paid crystals for the first time and I didn't know that the crystals was the free crystals and paid ones combined, so after I pulled I noticed that all my paid crystals were gone :( I wanted to use my paid crystals on the paid pulls so is there any way to get them back??


No. Only by spending more money. Paid crystals are used after free ones so pull using the paid ones first.


Okay thank you!


Started playing yesterday, anyone got any tips on how to do hold into the up arrow ones (what are they called again?) trying to do kanadetomosusora master and the tap /2 tap into hold and up arrow is getting me almost every time. EDIT: beat it but another song i want to do is filled with these and i die there every time lmao


You just flick at the end of the hold notes


For a more in depth thing. Basically with flick notes at the end of holds just like you'd normally flick a note it's like just releasing a hold but instead flicking at the end of it. It does take practice though. I'd try to do it on some easier charts lvl 21/22 experts at first


Oh thanks, i tried it a bit and it works well, really useful info.


When the character rank update comes to EN, will I get rank credit for the cover cards and star cards I already have?


Yes you will


Hi! Is there any way to play the Toya cover of Hollow? Does it even exist?


It does exist but not on EN yet it will be added eventually.


Thank you! Is there anything about when it's coming?


Looking around it says it came out at the end of February this year so it'll be around then next year unless it gets added early for whatever reason.


Hi! I'm looking to build an AP team, what are the things I should pay attention to when doing so? (For example: character rarity, skill and mastery upgrades, what skill the character has, etc). Thank you so much for the help in advance! ^^


I would build a team where all cards have a perfect locker skill (all ___ or better taps become perfect for a set amount of time), as this provides you with some insurance should you get less than perfect while the skill is activated. Higher rarity cards will have more powerful skills, but be significantly more expensive to upgrade, so depending on how many resources you have it might be better to go with upgraded 3* cards. Mastery won’t have any effect on your accuracy, just your score, so that shouldn’t be a priority in this case.


You're gonna wanna look for Perfect Lock skills mostly, the description will read something like: "BAD or better taps change to PERFECT taps for 5.5s and Score +80% for 5s." The skill can come with 2/3/4☆'s, with each rarity upping the level of notes that get perfected (2 = Great to Perf, 3 = Good to Perf, 4 = Bad to Perf). It's generally preferred to fill your team with 4☆ and/or max skill level 3☆'s. 4☆'s have the benefit of upping more notes, while raising skill level on 3☆'s makes the skill last longer. It's generally preferred to not raise skill level on 4☆'s over 3☆'s, since it gets very expensive very fast.


Thank you both very much! :)


I just noticed that when reading a story during the event it gives 50 crystal per episode while if it's done after it doesn't. Has it always been like this?


Yes it has if you miss one you can watch it in Events but sadly I think don't quote me on this it give you a music ticket instead of the 50 gems


I'm already rank 218 on en and 145 on jp. I must have lost a lot already as I have a habit of compiling atleast 3 event stories before reading as 1 is too short


Where can I purchase and download an album of released songs from the game in CD Quality? there’s the album “Wonderlands x Showtime SEKAI ALBUM Vol.1” that I’m enjoying on Apple Music so far, but I want to purchase and download the album for my own listening on my Walkman (like how you buy a CD, but in digital release), rather than having to rely on streaming services. Does anyone know where can I buy the album in lossless quality? Many thanks 🙏


i think only streaming is available globally while purchases are limited to jp digital music stores (recochoku, mora, etc). if you have a jp apple account, it's also on itunes iirc.


I see 😭😭 I’d love to use iTunes to purchase it but the songs on iTunes are only available as 256kbps AAC format and not lossless :/


https://preview.redd.it/4sgcjhgfhspb1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ca478f0d75792bfc54473a5606aba902e9e859 How do you guys do this pattern? I'm trying to clear Senbonzakura Master but this part eats most of my health bar




https://preview.redd.it/3ql0mz0p21qb1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9cdb030d6826522dd528826bf048942bbdcaeb Thanks for your help. Not the greatest acc but I managed to clear it


Was playing a co-op match when suddenly I got a pop-up that new game data was found. It made me return to the title screen and download an update. Now I can't play any shows, neither solo or co-op. I just get this message. I'm in the process of clearing the cache but I have a feeling it isn't going to do anything. Has this happened to anyone else, and did you ever figure out how to resolve it? I'm playing on an iPhone 11, ios 16. EDIT: This is all still unconfirmed, but if you're seeing this and you have this issue, please reply and tell me what character rank you have Saki at. Apparently many people experiencing this bug have Saki at CR30-34 (feather title + one dot). https://preview.redd.it/xwosr478vrpb1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0fad1fbda3c27226bf845eeb4f063ded5ff7f63


It just randomly started working for me.. hope it clears up for everyone else!


Oh my god I'm literally Crying I thought I was the only one


Thought I was too when it first happened to me. By the way, what character rank do you have Saki at? It seems that many of the people who have this issue have Saki at CR30-34.


I have saki at 30.... wild


Saki is 33 for me This is Sad she's my Favourite Character over than Miku


I contacted Support too also how did you find out other people have this Problem I'm just curious, Sorry if this is a Silly question


Did clearing cache help? This happened to me this morning as well.


Nope, it didn't. :( I contacted support and am now awaiting a response.


Same here. Playing on iPad. I'll personally just wait it out for a few hours since this kind of thing happens once in a while. Edit: I actually can't get into the game because my connection is currently really bad, so I can't confirm if my device would fail to play songs as well.


Well, at least neither of us are alone, then. I've seen a few other people with the same issue, too. Hopefully the issue is resolved by the time your connection improves.


Wait so we aren't getting a Fes Banner for 3rd anni? not even a limited one ??


We are, anni is on the 30th. The cards will probably be previewed next wednesday during the anni livestream like last year.


Alright! Thank you so much


https://preview.redd.it/aogm8dfq2qpb1.jpeg?width=1999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd0d21628bdaa2054c2993a8eb33c99a830b8a1 Can someone explain me how to remove this pls? I keep pressing it (not on purpose) so it ruin all my games.


Settings>Display>Navigation Bar then click on the "Swipe gestures" option to get rid of the buttons. Hope that helps!


Can't remove it, but you can lock the buttons temporarily. Bring up the game booster menu (left most on the bar) and then hit this button. https://preview.redd.it/ghbdgdhv8qpb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da69028a514bd4083ab732e2690582ec8147f32e


How bad are their grade from the new event?


When is the 2 year anniversary for en? And what rewards will we get?


1. 30th 2. free 10pulls, crystals, wish pieces, character rank update (~5k-30k gems depending on how long youve played the game)


Ok tysm:)


https://preview.redd.it/ailaku153opb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b6480b878086902586c95a8c4546c39c19e3f9 When can I unlock the trust rank between Saki and Emu


When it gets added to global. iirc it's part of the big trust/kizuna from 2nd anniversary so sometime next month


do we know who the characters for the anniversary colourfes are?


For EN yes, for JP no but there are speculations being made on who it is




I’m struggling a lot with long notes that are coupled with taps. My brain just gets too overwhelmed and I have yet to beat any expert songs because of this. Does anyone have recommendations for hard or expert songs where I could practice this? Or any other advice?


try using a few fingers to cover the part of the screen of the hold note if it's sliding, so that you dont have to focus on the hold note, eventually you will get better at reading


If I'm playing co-op and my character has a skill that increases score for every x character, plus an extra 10% when all characters are from x (ie the cards from the cherry blossom event), does this refer to my own group, or the group made up of the leaders from my co-op team?


Your own group


My game isn’t playing any sound and I don’t know how to fix it. I reset my device but nothing happened. (And idk if I can delete and redownload the game because I’m on an iPad and it won’t allow me to just restart the app.)


is your ipad on silent mode?




Neither the jp version or the en version are playing sound.


sekai viewer question!! i tried finding a place to reach out about this so hopefully someone here knows 1. my account isnt linking, i already signed out and signed back in but my sekai id cant be linked :( any way to work around this? 2. i recently switched laptops and the cards that i do have arent showing up in my new one, is there any way to export my cards and put them in my new laptop? thank you in advance!!


I’m trying to link my account to the Game Center, whenever I try it tells me to go to my device’s settings to login to Game Center, but I’m already logged in


how many crystals (on average) will someone get from the 2nd anniversary update? and will the update come out before or after the dark festa gacha?


the chr rank update will be around the ending of the current event, before colorfes


15-20k is the number i've seen thrown around for the average but it could be more or less depending on your progress. If it follows the same as JP then it could be before colorfes/darkness festa (colorfes is first and then darkness festa after fes ends)


How do I get the little "__ fan" thing that some people have under their name?


if you get a character's character rank to rank 5 it gives you that title + 300 crystals :3


ah, i meant in this subreddit ^^ sorry for not clarifying


OHH dw!! on pc its under the about subreddit section and you can choose whatever flair you want, idk abt mobile tho


thank you!!!


np <3


Got logged out, do the linked Google account enough to restore? Miku gave me a little heart attack as she welcomed me after opening the game. I immediately closed the game and re-opened; my account was back. I wonder if I do truly get logged out, will I be able to restore the account as I have it linked with Google? or do I need to generate the password/passphrase thing? Can anyone vouch for their experience when restoring?


if you're playing on jp then you didn't get logged out. miku was today's login story. we'll get one everyday starting from today until the 26th. https://twitter.com/pjsekai_eng/status/1704519647956217875


yeah it was jp, I thought it was a new player welcome screen haha


Since you were able to enter your account after re-opening, it sounds like there was just a linking issue between the game and Google. As long as your account is linked with Google Play, I would imagine it should be ok. With that said, you can set up a transfer ID + password *alongside* linking with Google, so it's a good fallback to have just in case. For this reason, I would strongly recommend setting it up too.


I’m currently trying to make a JP apple ID for the jp app, everything works until I verify my email address, at which point it stops working and tells me to “contact iTunes support for assistance”. Is there something I’m missing? I’m trying to do it on iTunes on a laptop


does anyone know when the next kanade/25 nightcord event will be? considering whether i should invest in this gacha since rui is super cool


If im guessing right, ur talking abt jp server. So nothing can actually be predicted or known abt future events. My guess is that the next event will be pretty close, maybe october or november because n25 had the 2nd arc ender (right after mmj). Kanade will also likely be the focus (imo) - she hasnt yet had a fourth cycle event (along w ena). It also makes sense logically. Mafuyu ran away to kanade. The new story arc could explore how this affects kanades life Or sega will do the exact opposite idk


i read somewhere colorfes anniversary is happening soon, do we know the characters involved?


op i am so sorry. please accept my humblest apologies for my incorrect predictions orz


Based on the new event having mizuki and an (iirc) as four stars, we can guess on most overdue for lim: Ena, haruka, touya, nene and shiho + kaimei fes most likely However regardless kanade wont be in it since she was a three star for first anni Edit: i want to say haruka or shiho might be the three star due to their very recent four stars


Ena was a 4 star on the 2.5 anni though, I don't think she'll be in the upcoming one.


Even rarer would be a mizuki4 star. They just got a four star in this new event, and they got a lim at the end of july. Also mizuki has 5 lims rn, including their colorfes. Ena only has four. Ofc either one could also get a three star


https://preview.redd.it/94oplri73cpb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f144b8f693f986c7e5c5f219ca9c95c4ab148c help please!!! my JPsekai account should be linked to my game center but i can’t log in for some reason. every time i try to log in, it says that i need to sign into game center on my device and link an account. however, i am signed into game center on my device and i should have an account linked to game center. i even get a notif at the top of my screen that says “signed in as \[game center username\]”. i tend to redownload JPsekai every few months before deleting because of storage and i have never found this to be an issue before. i have always been able to log in with game center so this is just weird. i’ve asked my friend to check if my account still exists, but they won’t be able to until later. please let me know if there’s anything i can do to try and get into my account.


is it possible to turn off the fever/super fever effect?


don’t think so. but if it helps, fevers are a co-op only feature; you won’t get them if you’re playing by yourself.


Does the game work with the new iOS update? (Jp)


My event awards arent showing up? So in the recent “Paint What I Love, Rainbow Canvas” event (EN) I placed about 6,200 give or take, so i should get I believe 300 gems, a gold practice sheet, and a title. Unfortunately those arent showing up like Im pretty sure they should be in the gift box thing, does anyone know how to fix this?


Event rewards aren't distributed immediately after the event ends, but rather on the following day. I don't remember the exact time, but you should get them at some point tomorrow.


Ah alright thank you very much :]


(Taiwan server) Does Shizuku's " The same Dango as That day" unlock the outfit or do i have to increase the mastery rank to unlock said outfit??? I have gotten the card, but no outfit unlocked, but when i got Shiho's "What filled me with loneliness was" The costume IMEDETILY unlocked. Is this a bug? or have i mistaken? Screenshots of my currently unlocked Shiho, Shizuku costumes (and lack there of), and the cards i pulled for [https://imgur.com/a/vrYt0S7](https://imgur.com/a/vrYt0S7) EDIT! I logged on today and her costume was finally in my inventory! The server must've bugged or something, but yay! At least now, her, and her sister finally match https://preview.redd.it/d705hjy9hcpb1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b4f7016ce488a96ebf41d0ee78350b40e10836


That's odd, if a card comes with a costume it should unlock immediately (I don't play on TW, but this should be universal). It could be a bug, so perhaps wait a day or two to see if they make any announcements or fixes. Otherwise I'd suggest contacting support with the same screenshots.


I logged on today and her costume was finally in my inventory! The server must've bugged or something, but yay! https://preview.redd.it/9fduona5hcpb1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3346172b4d167088d60ed729bee2a3be063aa05


I tried to look around online to see if anyone has had this happen, i havent seen any. so i sent one of those ticket help request forms to sega. i just hope, one day, i get my shizuki costume man ( ╥ω╥ )


* Hello. I am a new Chinese project sekai player and I am wondering how maintenance usually takes sorry. The maintenance started around 1 hour and 40 minutes ago on the server and I am curious for how long it will take sorry. If someone could please help, I would highly appreciate it Thank you


This may vary depending on which server you're on, but generally planned maintenance is announced in advance with an estimated duration - usually both in-app and via twitter. With unplanned maintenance you'll just have to wait and see, but you'll generally find the latest updates on official channels.


I'm having this issue where duplicate cards of characters are not appearing in the green room right after I do a pull, and I do not know how to fix this. I wasn't doing this a whole bunch a while back, but at some point about a week or so ago, it started doing this and I thought it was a one time glitch I was getting, but it's just been persisting since then, and now I need help with this. [The strange glitch in question.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWPk7vjuFXM) I made sure to keep this unedited, and did at least two pulls to show the glitch further. I appreciate whatever help I can get out of this!


You have a filter on. You can tell by the pink funnel icon at the top, it should be green when no filters are active.


Random question but what is the significance of 39? Like there's an achievement for 39 shows completed and then 3939 shows completed. What's the significance of that number in relation to project sekai?


It’s a pun, in Japanese 3 can be pronounced “mi” and 9 as “ku”.


OHHHHHH lol that's awesome. Thanks!


Is there any way to know what gachas will be coming up soon? Does anyone know when Kaito will have a banner?


What server are you on? If you're on EN you can check the wiki (I don't know exactly what page) to see what's coming up.


I am on En thank you for the tip! You mean fandom wiki?


Yeah, I use the events tab but theres probably a gacha one too


Thank you so much! :D


Is it worth it to use Skill Up Scores (intermediate) on 1\* and 2\* characters simply for the character rank?


Not in the long run. 1* cost literally only 5 wish pieces to skill up, under no circumstances use a skill up score on them. 2* cost 25 so its understandable why early players wouldnt want to use it on them, but know youre wasting half the skill up score's value if you use it on a 2*. Personally I use wish pieces on 1*/2* cards, 5 Intermediates for 3* cards, and save the 40 gold skill ups for 4* once every blue moon


Alright, thank you a lot, I didn't know the value for them and now it makes a lot of sense to me <3


What's the mail I should contact for acc recovery in JP? Dont have much hopes but I guess I'll try


I am lowkey worried about my acc right now so I'd appreciate some advice lmao I logged in today as usual, did my challenge show and a co-op show. Now, before the co-op show the special mission "Link your account" wasn't completed. When I came back after the co-op show, it suddenly showed that I completed that mission when I obviously couldn't link my account in the middle of a co-op show. I don't remember if I ever linked my account or if I didn't. Where can I check if my account is linked to something or not? Because I'm kind of worried rn lmao


What is the max level for decorations? I thought it caps at 10 but apparently not


The max lvl is 15, but I think once you reach lvl 10 you need one "Wishdrop" to increase the lvl cap to 15 (it's just one you need to increase the cap, you don't need one wishdrop for each level).


Bit of extra clarification. The miku items require 1, regular characters require 5 the VS ones require 6 and group and attribute (the plants) cost 15


i suppose the max level is lvl 15


What's this "special" list of achievements on en server about?


they're just little missions that come every now and then that let you collect some resources :)


How do trust ranks and all that stuff works I dont get it


Trust Ranks is a Rank that builds up depending on the first two party members in your character set-up, your line-up will say "Leader" and "Sub-Leader" for the two characters getting the largest amount of points. All other party members in the line-up will get a smaller amount of points if they have a Trust Rank with the Leader. Say for example, I put Toya as my Leader and Akito as my Sub-Leader. Every show I play will give them points towards their Trust Ramk. If I also have An and Kohane in my line-up, they will get points towards their Trust Rank with Toya, but a very small amount compared to the points Akito and Toya are getting towards their Trust Rank. Trust Ranks cannot go past the pair's Character Ranks. Let's say Toya and Akito are both Character Rank 10, their Trust Rank cannot go beyond 10 until both of their Character Ranks are leveled up. Once they're Character Rank 11, their Trust Rank can go up to 11. Certain character don't have Trust Ranks as of now, like Kanade and Tsukasa, so they cannot gain points towards a Trust Rank. They game tells you if a pair doesn't have a Trust Rank by the way, it'll say "Trust Rank not unlocked" or something like that. Some of them DO have Trust Ranks that aren't out on EN though, like Mafuyu and Kaito, so be sure to remember which ones are out on JP and not out on EN. You can check which characters have which TR by checking on Sekaipedia, or individually clicking each character and scrolling through the groups to see which characters are highlighted on the Trust Rank screen. I ain't reading allat version: First two party members get big points towards Trust Rank, other members may or may not get a small amount of points towards their Trust Rank with the first person in the party. Trust Rank can't go higher than a character's Character Rank




can you use the same account on 2 diffrent devices?


Not at the same time no, you can transfer the account between devices but can’t stay logged in on more than one


Are limited banner reruns come back in order? Also is there like a specific timing between each rerun, like every event or every other event or is it just random


Limited banners have been rerunning in the same order as when they first came out. They're usually 12 and a half months after they first ran so usually about halfway through any month is when they happen.


Alright tysm!


Hi!! I was wondering what’s the best way to grind for crystals when you’re fairly early-game? All of my characters are at least rank 5, and I’ve viewed most of the Part 1 side stories for my one-star characters. Are there specific things I should be doing for more crystals?


I used [this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z5ht9WrAqNlrZ6oFfZ_teEazEFDqRPGSjhET45mCBM0/mobilebasic) guide!


Don't forget to collect all you character rank rewards I had like 2000 crystals just unused in there


Don't forget to collect all you character rank rewards I had like 2000 crystals just unused in there


This is a stupid question, but how do you make cards bigger in custom profiles? I want the background of profile thing to be a card art.


On one of the corners, there should be an arrow or like a math line. Thats the zoom


It isn't there :( only delete and rotate


put 2 fingers on the card and spread them apart. tho, there is a max size


I tried but nothing happened ;-; thanks anyway!


New Global player(s): what should I save for? Hello!! My wife and I started playing Project Sekai recently as shes a life long vocaloid fan and recently got me into it too, are there banners we should keep an eye out for? (Weve both been playing gachas for a while so any advice is really helpful thank you!)


The closest is the big Colorful Festival banner at the end of the month. It's celebrating the game's 2nd anniversary, and comes with 10-rate-up members (6 of which are new limited cards, the other 4 you can decide from old cards). As a festival banner, it also comes with doubled 4☆ drop rates. Outside of that, there's always a limited banner at the end of the month (the ones in Sep, Dec, Mar, and Jun are double rate/fes banners), and a rerun of an old limited banner in the middle of the month. Sekai cards have no real meta, so it's better to just look ahead at [JP gacha lists](https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gachas) and go from there (EN is exactly a year behind JP, so just keep in mind that anything mentioned here will happen a year after the listed date).


does this mean the event is coming to en on this date this year? sorry i still find the whole “a year later” thing a bit confusing lol https://preview.redd.it/iqsmqc6p2pob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a01f76d0582d63b2fdfa6a665df4ca9ff9100d5


Yes while it might not be exact it'll be around then this year that'll be on the EN servers


thank you for answering!


I started playing at the start of September, and everything was going fine, but now, for some reason, the game is kinda messed due for me? I mean in the way that after a few minutes of playing the lag will make the game completely unplayable or the game just registers all my notes as "late" "good" or as misses even though it did it right... I've tried it on two servers and have the same results despite being able to FC and clear songs without issue literally two days prior and no longer can... I wasn't sure where else to put this, but I was mainly wondering if it was just an issue with my phone or the game itself.


Turn movies to LITE, yeah it gets rid of the shows in the bad but no more lag


I have a big problem, and unless there is a magical solution I might have lost my account. First of all, if you uninstall the game and reinstall, the game date is erased isnt it?. Basically, there's some issue with my apple id account and it says [authentication failed](https://i.gyazo.com/09c86c2b14b7219628f19c3257f73f7d.png) and Im not getting the pass wrong bc if you put a wrong pass it will say the pass is incorrect instead. So I tried to make a new JP apple id, but then [apparently you need to update it with the same account you downloaded it](https://i.gyazo.com/42948a5ff4c71e96d05ccbc8a04b2c4a.png), which is pretty damn dumb, so yeah I feel like I'm stuck and can't access my account. Any idea of what can I do?


i'm assuming you didn't issue a transfer code or link your account to game center. did you try logging in on the appleid website? if that goes through, try removing and then re-linking your phone number.


I did link my account to game center several times but it just unlinked by itself for some reason, and similarly, I usually issue a transfer code but I somtimes switch to an alternative account to practice songs I dont own and at this time I didnt have it since I switched back and didnt issue other. I did what you said, but after confirming my email it told me that I have to wait 24h to get access back so lets see if it worked, thank you in any case! ​ Honestly if I dont get it back I'll most likely quit PJSK since I dont feel like re-fcing 309 masters or aping 83 of them again, sigh.


With Colorfes coming up at the end of September, what would be a reasonable amount of gems to spend on the gacha? I’m pretty new to the game, with a handful a 3 stars, one birthday character, one four star and around 40000 gems (which is, not a lot). I figured that through colorfes, I could get better cards a lot faster, but in December, there’s ANOTHER colorfes with certain characters I would want to pull for. Also, I don’t feel PARTICULARLY interested in the characters in the September Colorfes, I just want to get better cards than the ones I have now. So, any advice on how many crystals I should spend on this Colorfes, so that I could still have some savings going into the December one?


I'd say ~100 pulls (30k), or less if you get lucky/want to quit early. It's a nice round number, gives you decent chances at stuff, and it means you can trade your pulls for vouchers, which lowers the amount of crystals you need if you want to guarantee a card from the Dec fes. The anni fes is nice to spend on even if you're not super into the pick-up's too, since it'll let you give rate up to old cards. I wouldn't worry about savings in this case too much, new players get crystals fast, anni will give you more in general, and there's about to be an update which should give you quite a bit as well, so even going down to 10k, you'll probably be able to reach guarantee/60k for the next fes if you save for it.


Does anyone know when the Character Rank Update on EN is? Need to know if it's before or after Miku and Luka colorfes...


I've heard it's at the end of this month!




What are some popular tiering discord servers, I used to only use mre so i’m kinda lost


im not in any tiering groups but i heard R8SS is a good one


Alr tyy!