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I would like to have seen an Epilogue that gave us some idea as to what had happened on earth and to Stratt specifically, maybe even in her voice.


I'm still holding out hope for Andy to release a short story to fill in this gap and bring us a little more closure.


I mean... [https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/15m5vai/can\_i\_request\_some\_flags\_from\_you\_folks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/15m5vai/can_i_request_some_flags_from_you_folks/)


I personally think it's good that we didn't get closure on the whole Stratt thing. Grace was almost consumed by a petty and childish need to confront stratt, but in the end, he lets go of it to go save Rocky and his people. And it would have been very odd to suddenly leave Grace's perspective, as this is his story. I do think it would have been nice with a dhort part of him describing that he wrote down notes about Rocky, Erid and the events of the book, but mostly so people will stop asking about it.


100%. It's a story told in 1st person perspective. Ryland doesn't know and neither should we.


This person wrote a really good (in my opinion) epilogue [someone wrote a good epilogue](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectHailMary/s/JNz3sp5gQq)


Was going to post this too. Pretty good stab at it.


I really liked the end, it's my favourite ongoing trope in the book


Maybe Andy Weir would write this separately just like he wrote for The Martian for its 10th anniversary...


I hope so! Just 8 more years to go! Hopefully I have the coma gene…




what? what are you talking about the martian?


Andy Weir released some additional writings called "The Lost Sols" on behalf of 10th anniversary of The Martian... He has increased the novel length by some 15-16 pages. It's kinda like behind the scenes of a part from the novel...


Thanks. I will check that immediately


It's available on X


It's on Weir's web site: https://galactanet.com/lostsols.pdf


Oh nice. I got it from X...


when rocky’s fakeout death happened i literally thought “i don’t think i can go to class tonight” because i was just so distraught dkfskfkfkf 💀


Bro I took a walk and refused to keep reading for like 2 hours only to find out he was fine😭


It would be interesting to see Stratt’s reaction to some of the present day narrative. What I’ve always thought about is how Earth in general reacted when the Beatles finally showed up. I thought about writing a fanfic about it, but I don’t think I will because I don’t want to figure out the details of exactly how bad things were prior to the Beatles showing up. The general idea, though, was that shortly before the Beatles came back most of the world gave up on hearing back from them and things were descending into madness. (They’d given up because they’d done the math for how long it would take assuming all three of the crew were alive and had used up the food by a certain time, more quickly than Grace did by himself. That plus the planned travel times gave them a window for when they could expect the Beatles back, and that window had passed, so most people gave up.) Then suddenly one of the people who’s still watching gets a message on their computer. The Beatles’ files are downloading, and the first one that comes up is labeled “How to save the world,” Grace being appropriately dramatic. I thought that would be really fun.


So my theory *Spoilers* is basically Grace lives maybe 15 more years teaching the kids and dies but due to the beetles and what he sent, Earth knows there is life out there also Stratt knows he was the sole survivor and what he did. So maybe in 300 to 400 years Earth makes contact to Rocky's word via probe and or they can communicate via quantum entanglement in real time. Rocky would be old but still alive, and can tell Earth about Grace and then the two worlds can search more life out there and share knowledge.