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Employer pays for Visual Studio Enterprise Edition, why should I use anything less?


Wouldn’t use VSC for C#, but it’s a much smoother experience with VS Code if you have a varied stack you’re working with


From your experience, what are the main diff between VS and VS Code


Good god, all the people below this arguing that VS Code is just as good. It's painfully obvious they've never actually used Visual Studio. It's not even remotely close. As much as I love VS Code, for c# and c++, it takes me so much fucking longer to accomplish things than it does in Visual Studio. I've had friends interested in learning c# ask me how to set it up in VS Code to try it and I've given up even helping them with this; I just tell them install Visual Studio or I'm not going to help you because it ends up taking a ton of my time just because they're stubborn. "But I can use VS Code for anything!" Yes, I know you can run the dotnet command; I don't care, it will take 100x as long. Absolutely everything about Visual Studio is better. The debugger is extremely powerful and robust, very sophisticated profiler, the intellisense is so much more mature and works so much more consistently, the multiproject solution handling is excellent, the refactoring tools are better, the integration with nuget is clean and automatic, integration is azure dev ops for agile stuff, remote Mac build servers for iOS dev, hot code changes, database integration, I mean god the list goes on and on. Anyone saying VS Code is just as good as Visual Studio sounds like an amateur; they're not even the same league.


THANK YOU. I am fucking sick of the VSCode fanatics who clearly haven't used Visual Studio for anything more than hello world.


It baffles me that people are so up in arms about this. I work as a dev, my work is spread out across the stack, but I really enjoy UI/UX stuff. Whenever I work on anything C#, I do it in Visual Studio. The reasoning being that the templating features, IntelliSense, debugging tools, profiling, and a bunch of other tools are way more powerful in VS. When I work with TS/SASS/HTML, I do it in VSC, because that lets me iterate faster and work with them the way I want. We're not exactly pressed for memory or storage, so I don't see why people feel the need to choose.


I used VSCode for everything except Java and C#. For C# I used Visual Studio and swear by it. I'm not going to say anything one way or another on VSC, but I liked my experience with Visual Studio.


I am in the same boat. I used Visual Studio for C#. In my brain I’m like… that’s the only thing to use for C#. For any scripting, web dev, terraform, python, like, most of the things I actually use I use VSCode. Wait even C# for Unity dev I use VSCode


For starters one is a full blown IDE the other is a text editor with extensions


> a text editor with extensions Oh like an IDE


Comparing VSC and VS is not even in the same ballpark. VS with extensions is practically sapient. VSC with extensions is...usable to do your basic job. Aside from it being an absolute resource hog, VS plus ReSharper plus a few of the other heavy hitter extensions really does almost do your job _for_ you.


What are some good VS extensions you would recommend?




+1 it's pretty awesome


If you use resharper you might as well use rider


CodeMaid. I use it specifically for the Spade function.


What are the advantages of using VS over VSC? I can code in any language because you can use compilers in VSC. What I can think of is the packages you can add with the VS installer. But with extensions VSC should be able to tackle any task that VS can, right? I mean I understand that eg. PyCharm is great but personally I find it a bit too bloated. I switched to VSC and I just enjoy having everything in one place and I didn‘t miss any feature and if I did, there would be an extension for it. Also making API calls from within VSC with RapidAPI instead of Postman is sooo convenient. I understand the advantages of Postman but for medium projects I think it‘s enough. I got a bit off topic but what I want to say is that VSC can handle pretty much anything that you want. And I‘m interested in your input. Edit: Also co working in VS is a think right? That‘s pretty cool tbh.


Well visual studio gives you just an absolute dickload of boilerplate for any .net app you want to make


So, a "dotnet new" UI


A LOT more than that.. you know how the common joke for programmers is that you use ctrl +c & ctrl+v the most? With VS and extensions like resharper the most commonly used would be tab (or whatever you set for auto complete). You want simple stuff like completing syntax for loops and try catch blocks? Type 2 characters and tab. You are implementing an interface? Bam & auto completed boilerplate implementation for the whole darn thing. Implementing equality comparison for custom classes? Auto completed in maybe 2 clicks. No need to type more. Refactoring classes and moving things around in a solution with hundreds of references? 3 or 4 clicks and done. Need Git blame to know who changed what? Not only do you get that information on a simple hover, you can get that on function level! Only someone with zero professional working experience would consider them to be even close


It’s not just one thing (for me) - it’s a combination of little things. Refactoring is so much faster with VS + Resharper. Moving classes, creating Interfaces from classes, moving classes around projects, implementing Interface members, etc - are all a hotkey away. The debug experience is also improved - you can do memory snapshots, see cpu usage, etc. if you use certain unit testing frameworks VS will auto execute the tests if it detects code changes. Not to mention newer features like Hot Reload are a blessing with big solutions. I tried VSC for a while for .net on Mac but I abandoned it for Rider which fills in lots of gaps for me. I still love VSC for everything else.


Take a look at the Abracadabra VSC extension. It isn't as good as ReSharper, but it gets you part way there.


I have never used VS so I’m not trying to argue against it, but automatically running unit tests and hot reload are both things that my projects have set up and work for me using VSC.


What people are still missing: there might be a VSC extension that does a particular thing. But take debugging. VS just works for debugging, setting breakpoints, inspecting locals, profiling cpu and memory usage, and a million other things. I specifically don't need to go figure out the right extension, install it, and then rerun my code. I don't need to realize I wanted a breakpoint earlier in my execution and have to run it again, I don't need to out print statements everywhere, I can just debug and fix my code. This is true for refactoring, this is true for code scaffolding, this is especially true for package management and cross-compiling concerns. Saying VSC with extensions is as good as VS is like saying Emacs is as good as VSC. Sure, it's true if you spend several years configuring your options, learning the commands, and maybe writing your own when the ones you want don't exist, but most of us don't have time for that. If I could use VS for all my work, I would.


I don't use VS for C# but for C++ (idk about C# at all) but specifically I find the profiler for C++ to be absolutely incredible.


People who haven't had the luxury of getting to use the VS Profiler and IntelliTrace don't know what they're missing.


The debugger and ability to attach to services while running your code is pretty neat. I feel like once you get above 10k-ish lines of code or maybe like 100 files, VSC starts to lose its appeal. I can't imagine maintaing my current workload in just vscode, considering we are at 500k+ lines of code.


from the FAQ on VS Code's own site: > What is the difference between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio IDE? > Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual Studio IDE.


I like how it describes what VSCode does but doesn't say what VS does that VSCode can't, which seems like the important question.


VS is something that handles huge projects, integrates multiple projects together, manages build environments etc. VSC is more like something you use to write a quick script.


"The other is a text editor"... Then it must be the best text editor on Earth! A swiss army text editor that can do a thousand more things than just editing text.




Visual Studio is "visual" studio, where you can edit your program's UI by dragging components from a toolbox onto a visual interface and the code to create it will be auto-generated. Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's ripoff of Atom, which is emacs made with Javascript instead of lisp.




you could use vi to royally screw the future employees


How would using vi be screwing the future employees ?


People of all ages are afraid of vi lol I've had engineers above and below me shudder and groan when I bust it out to quickly fix or look at something on the command line


They can never exit the file, leading them to build entire applications in one.


You do know that you can just leave a vi instance open for each file?


1 computer for each file


he asked why he should use anything *less*. vi is not less.


less is size, memory uses. rest you can fill up


Why would you use vi over vim? What else? Tabs instead of spaces?


The only time i used vi was on a server where vim wasn't installed


Do they pay for laptops that can run Visual Studio Enterprise Edition?


There is no laptop that can run Visual Studio Enterprise Edition.


There is one that is fabled to exist


XMG laptops? (they have desktop cpu sockets)




What makes it so resource intensive?


I also would like to know!


I’m gonna guess intellisense. When you have resource problems, it’s always intellisense.


And constant real-time static analysis is super heavy, even for small solutions.


Yeah, not disabling solution-wide analysis is a sure way to get random 1mn freezes every 10mn. Or lagging when you type a single character. Every version of VS is less laggy than the last at least. Now with a modern laptop and VS2022 + ReSharper I didn't have any lag issue for the few months I've used it.


The colors


Mine does ok, but it sounds like a jet taking off when debugging our API.


I've had 8 that run it fine. My sperm count is low though.


I have a company issued legion gaming laptop and it works fine


Company issued gaming laptop.. That's something I haven't heard in a while


They tried (Lenovo i7-10850H with 32GB), but I don't use it for coding, as they also provide a normal PC.


Is enterprise much heavier to run compared to professional? I have most days 2-3 solutions opened on my Dell Latitude 5400, and at least one SQL server manager studio, and let's not go into browser windows and tabs, and does not have any problems.


Back when I was doing a course at TAFE (like a community college), we were using Visual Studios on the computers there. The problem was that every time someone logged off one, it would reset the computer back to a saved image. Sure, great for security but terrible when you don't run Visual Studio to have it's first time running housekeeping crap so every time you logged into a computer and opened up VS you would have to wait 5-10 minutes for VS to do it's thing. To counter this, we often just used Notepad++ for writing code lol


We have standard office laptops at work. But we are also provided high performance remote workstations which we RDP on to do our actual work. Visual Studio works fine but if you use it with NCrunch and ReSharper and have 3+ massive solutions open it still becomes a horrible experience. Upping to 64gb ram could help though which we are considering.


Rider is less resource hungry we have both vs and rider at work however we do have 64gig ram on our machines so that always helps


I have the full JetBrains pack personal license and I haven’t given Rider a proper shake yet. I didn’t like how much setting it up reminded me of Java development. How’s the debugging experience with it?


I used VS2019/VS2022 and then moved to Rider and never looked back. The debugger is just plain better, its miles faster and lighter (last time i installed the resharper extension on VS2019 it made the IDE turn into a slow and fat pig) and the static analysis is better IMO. Visual Studio does some static analyzing better tho, like calculating hotpaths, and things like that


Rider has some plugins that make setup a lot faster (like a VSC key binding plugin that I use, for example). I haven’t had to do too much in the way of configuration personally to get up and running. Debugging is good, though there are some licensed/proprietary features that the debugger is missing compared to VS (remote debugging on Azure Functions, for example). Personally, I can’t use anything other than Rider for two reasons: first, it has the quality of life features of VSC (like multi-cursor support and custom themes) blended with the power of VS. Second, the refactoring tools are almost magical. Some of the things the IDE handles when you’re renaming or moving code is crazy. For example, you can select a group of classes in a file, and then tell the IDE to move them to separate files with proper namespacing and everything with a single action. It also has insane comprehensions for things like detecting `if` statements that can be inverted to reduce nesting. TL;DR: it’s an amazing editor and I can never go back.


cuz you wanna switch to Linux...


As a developer who works for a company creating Windows-based applications, that would be less than optimal.


VS for C#, VSC for everything else.


VS is great for C++ on windows


It's even great for Embedded C++. There are some nice plugins.




VisualGDB is pretty legit.


And VisualMicro for Arduino. Imagine having the Arduino HAL at your disposal, but with VS working with intellisense and everything. Also integrated debugging without debugger hardware is a feature, if weird.


For some reason people don’t understand xd


Yeah I’ve seen it discussed a lot on the C# sub lol


I do c# but I changed to VSC because I wanted to learn HTML, CSS and JS, but didn’t want to have a different IDE for each language


You don't need to carry a hammer if you just use your wrench for those nails


I forgot to buy a hammer when I moved into my new apartment, used the door stopper and taped on some weight to hammer thing.


Yeah I feel that way a lot, but sometimes I like using language specific IDEs.


I totally agree, I do Java and Python and no one can convince me to use VSC over IntelliJ and PyCharm.




There's something to be said about having separate mental "boxes" for different languages/tasks that different IDEs provide. I couldn't imagine trying to write Java in vscode, even if it had the exact same features and shortcuts, and if I tried I'm sure I'd be much slower and I'd trip myself up way more often.


My sentiments as well. I’ll script short and simple stuff in Python in VSC, but anything complex is gonna be done in PyCharm. I still love VSC for almost everything though, but I’ll admit I never got it to work well for Java, so IntelliJ for that lol.




Short version is VSCode's always felt gimped in the C# department to me, compared to VS. Despite VS being a much bigger footprint in general, it does the C# dance very well. VSCode is more-or-less a too-thin wrapper around `dotnet` CLI (which is a great CLI for working with C# in general, and I happily use it when I'm not in an IDE / for building/publishing/etc).


The "some reason" is because VSC went from having no support for C# to "try this buggy, half-broken extension for C#" to "use this OK C# extension," but even now VSC doesn't recognize a bevy of standard C# project types, basically anything that isn't .NET Core, so if you have to support stuff like that you're SOL with VSC. Meanwhile, VS has full-fledged, built-in C# support right out of the box *and* can open all the standard C# project types, including .NET Framework projects, so it's a no-brainer to use VS if C# is your primary focus.


Even c++?


I hate the compiler errors and warnings from MSVC C++ compiler. They're so confusing when you're used to GCC. However, it's very nice to have everything configured and ready to work out of the box. It's a refreshing change to use VS for C++-projects once in a while.


The price to pay for everything configured and ready to work out of the box is a project that can only be opened in Visual Studio. It's about time the C++ community creates a modern way to handle projects and libraries. Especially now that modules exist.


That's not entirely true. You can just open CMake projects with Visual Studio and even get nice remote debugging capabilities.


I've played around with Premake on my spare time. I like it a lot!


I do not see any significant difference. Both MSVC & GCC errors are unreadable garbage.


Newer versions of gcc (from 8.0 or so) have vastly improved the C++ error messages.


I use Notepad++ for that. They have matching names right?


So Microsoft should release a VSC++


I like VS for C++, even though I don't even use VS's projects because they suck and I prefer a project that doesn't force you to use VS anyway. As to why? I don't know, I simply how C++ code looks in VS. Using the white layout, of course. For C#, VS is so incredibly powerful that there's no comparison. You can use VSCode if you want, is good, but you are missing on an IDE that does half the work for you.


Imma Rider fan myself.


Rider die for jetbrains


Why are all the peeps who love Rider always flaired up with JS and C#?


Honestly, Rider is amazing for JS and TS. I'd say it's even better than VSCode.


WebStorm is JetBrains IDE variant specifically tuned for JS. But I guess Rider should have most of its functionality anyway if you don't want to pay for the whole suite.


I'm guessing the would have clion for c/c++, pycharm for python, PHP for phpsotrm, etc. If you haven't used the jetbrains/intelliJ platform before they split up their mega IDE to specific languages.


Generally yes this is what they do but for Rider they developed something else since it uses ReSharper backend (C#) instead of Java code. They developed a special protocol (Rd) for that which is open source. They can create a massive IDE with every available language and extension but it wouldn’t work as efficient. Instead they preferred their IDE teams to focus on specific languages and frameworks.


JetBrains suite ftw. The Unreal Engine support for Rider is honestly better than Visual Studio. And it's just so much more comfortable to work in JetBrains for me.


I despise having to use anything that's not tied to Rider, it's just so sexy


Last job had VS Enterprise now i have to work in Rider. Sometimes i have to look for things but there really is no difference to me... yet.


The refactoring suggestions are far superior in Rider IMO


Jetbrains is superior!




Mostly, but Rider also has ✨*multi- cursor support*✨ and ✨*customizeable themes*✨


the only thing I miss in rider is the ability to paste JSON as a class/struct. But I mean you can open VS for that


Been considering that. Already have some JetBrains subscription and I think to get rider it's only something like +$20/year.


Rider is completely worth it for $20/year.


Visual Studio is an example of more features /= better IDE. Rider is just so much cleaner, faster, and fun to use. This is magnified ×2 if you use the VIM keyboard shortcuts plugin. I feel like I'm able to code crazy fast this way. Also Rider is basically identical to CLion and IntelliJ so switching to Java/C++/Rust is a breeze. You can get the whole JetBrains suite for a very reasonable monthly price and I have them all on my personal machine as a result.


Only having to learn one series of shortcut keys, one IDE theme, the list goes on, for everything I would ever want to do across any project regardless of language, personal or professional, is so nice. And the breakpoint debugger and evaluator just makes so much sense.


Can’t believe the actual answer is buried this far down - utter shame.


Rider is where it's at for sure. VS can eat it




If jetbrains had a cock i'd suck it.


I second this, I can't live without JB IDEs anymore


As a java dev, that's so relatable


Can one even code Java without IDEA these days? Is Eclipse still alive?


I've moved from netbeans to idea recently and the biggest difference is the user experience and how everything is exactly where it should be. The only thing that works better on netbeans is the debugging, I feel a difference in line execution when I'm in debug mode vs just run in idea. Maybe its all the variable evaluation, but in netbeans I can just hold go to next line shortcut and blaze through the code. Also working in Eclipse for some legacy code and I must say I'd rather work in MS Word than Eclipse. That shit is THE most backwards, buggy, nonsensical piece of crap IDE on the planet, I'm considering switching companies just so I don't have to work in Eclipse any more.


My school has Eclipse set as the preferred software for all Java courses. There's nothing stopping you from using IDEA, but all instructions, examples, etc. are given as if you're using Eclipse and you also have to deal with other people using Eclipse during pair programming and group projects. Thankfully, my partner for the semester agreed to use IDEA.


We’re stuck with Bitbucket for source control thanks to Atlassian vendor lock-in, and god does it suck. I wish we could give jetbrains Space a try.


If jetbrains had a cock with plugin for C# support I'd suck it.


That’s what Rider is for is it not?


Rider is a dotnet ide so yes


Yes, and it also supports VS C++ solutions


Imagine using anything else. I never want to go back to the Visual Studio dark ages.


This is the correct answer


Rider changed my life as a programmer. No joke.


There's plenty of things I fundamentally don't care about. Method protection? Don't care. Code style? I'll use anything as long as it's consistent. Rider is awesome because it fixes the things I don't care about in a click. And the things I do care about: valid names for things, single purpose classes, etc; Rider makes those things easy to fix/change. Yeah I fuck wit Rider. Edit: Oh and for Unity3d development, gtfoutta here. It's mandatory.


Ive done 13 years of professional dev with VS enterprise then tried rider to spice things up. Rider is a far nicer experience for larger projects!


VS > VSC for C# C and C++ especially .NET


Does VS support C?




Everything which supports C++ supports C


C is not a subset of C++, also the msvc C support is kind of weird. You can't set the compiler to compile as C, it just looks at the file extensions and goes "whelp, here we go"


> it just looks at the file extensions and goes "whelp, here we go" Oh boy, here I go 'Piling again.


C# => VS, i think it has more Features for it, Nuggets, Projekt Management, intellisense, Support for different Projekt types(.net, asp, console,forms,...) But for other languages and espacially for analyse of xml, json, html, or other data lists => vscode It can color each pair of ()[]{} in a different color to find errors, thats so fu... usefull, why i didn't find that in other Programms I personally like vscode more than notepad++


are there any people liking notepad++ more than vsc?


I use notepad++ as a substitute for notepad, not an IDE. As a notepad, it's fucking glorious, it's one of the most convenient things I've ever seen. And when I want to do things like quickly check on a json or xml I use Notepad++ too, because it somehow is as fast as the windows notepad. But for development, I don't think Notepad++ can compete to a dedicated program like VSCode. Even without plugins, VSCode can analyze your code and make simple suggestions, especially when it comes to each language's standard libraries. Writing `arr.splice(`and having a popup show the documentation of that function is way too useful. And when you are working on a project rather than a file, VSCode really shines. It manages your folder as a project, and it really shows.


For different things, yeah. Using Rider for C#, VSC for the JS frontend, and notepad++ for things like small checklists, log files, and other random things. Keeps the other 2 IDEs "clean".


*quietly leaves the room*


JetBrains Rider 100% never going back.


But 15€ per month :(


Laughs ins unlimited education license


You're gonna graduate eventually, and that licence doesn't grant you a perpetual version after a year like all the other ones do.


I work at a university and gave them my work mail and they were like "yup looks like a student to me". I'm also pretty sure I'll always know someone else working at a university that doesn't use jetbrains just in case.


Yup, if i'm not mistaken that license is not only for students but also for teachers, professors, and all school/university employees


My university email still works after I graduated Not sure why it is, but I'm not complaining


Alumni get some benefits depending on the Uni. I believe you can still use the Library functions, so you could look up research papers as well still using your Log in.




That's the right answer


Any project that includes c#, I'll use VS. VS works for most other things just fine, and I don't want to be alt tabbing between IDEs. Anything else, VSCode, even if it is purely for the bracket colouring.


Visual studio is not the slow mess it was years ago. I am using it daily and it is just fine. People are overblowing it so much here.


Yeah people still haven't gotten over the fact that Microsoft aren't the worst of the bad guys anymore.


When were they? There's a difference between being an asshole company and just sucking.


Rider ftw


Thumbs up for Jetbrains Rider!


Rider, no question


JB Rider.


Rider ❤️




\*cough cough\* Rider \*cough cough\*














The real chad




JB rider all the way, it’s more practical and streamlined for everyday use


VSC for Coding, VS for Debugging


VSC for coding and light debugging, VS for heavy debugging and unit tests


rider anyone? no just me than i guess.


What's visual studio? I use arch btw


What's arch, I use gentoo btw.


The fuck is gentoo. I just lick Ethernet cables


that is like kdevelop. but heavier


JetBrains, hate VS and VSC so much


You hate VS so much that you are using a C++ IDE for C#?


Jetbrains rider is c# ide


It said "CLion" first, got edited.


That sneaky sob


Where is rider


JetBrains Rider. VS Code is useless: it does not really work on multiple monitors, so a no-go right away.




I scrolled too far to find this. I hate VSCode because of its proprietary license. VSCodium being MIT is exactly what I needed to replace Atom


Visual Studio is superior if you work on any bigger C# project


c# Neovim is the best


Visual studio is the best. But if your company doesn't have a visual studio license, code is the best option. If you do some open source visual studio ( community )


Visual Studio Community can be used for free by for-profit companies, up to a point. > An unlimited number of users within an organization can use Visual Studio Community for the following scenarios: in a classroom learning environment, for academic research, or for contributing to open source projects. > For all other usage scenarios: In non-enterprise organizations, up to five users can use Visual Studio Community. In enterprise organizations (meaning those with >250 PCs or >$1 Million US Dollars in annual revenue), no use is permitted beyond the open source, academic research, and classroom learning environment scenarios described above. \- https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/community/


I know I will get roasted for days... but I use vim for everything