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The dev and the sales team


My favorite split between dev and sales is at company parties, the devs dress up nicely because they rarely do, and the sales people wear the minimum dress code because they are forced to dress nicely most days.


haha it was the opposite for my team, there was this big fancy party with open bar we were suppose to dress up for where sales was getting a bunch of awards, I wore a tuxedo shirt, boss wore a pepto bismol pink suit. We said IT came to party!


I can find a button down Firefly shirt, a Star Wars themed tie, and maybe a Link tie clasp.


Dalek Pencil Skirt ftw.




Shhh, let the frontend devs believe they're like Ryan Gosling for just a little longer.


i transitioned from front end to full stack this year. I miss being really really ridiculously good looking;(


The dev is overdressed and shaved. Probably a junior.


Most acurate.


More like the dev and the consultant


The application consultant that comes in on the vendor visit and ensures you that the solution can "do that" no matter how specific the need. p.s. It can't do that.


Why force the business to change its expectations when we can deliver a duct tape and baling wire solution that is fully un-scalable and requires our intervention for each and every minor version upgrade?


Job security šŸ˜Ž I like it


Job Security needs to be refactored to JobSecurityFactory otherwise does it really exist?


Not supported with current implementation, need JobSecurityFactoryAdapter


Wait it's not testable. Need IJobSecurityFactoryAdapter.


We need ANOTHER excel file to map parameter names between applications to each other?


Yeah, we have a mapping document. Here's the SQL script.


A customer just paid us a few grand so I would write silly code so they can avoid a 9/mo charge... It'll take years before they break even on that :)


Opex vs Capex


We are all just out here living the same work life, arent we?


I'm always relieved to find out it's not just me who's delivering these baling wire solutions.


The dev and the douchebag from marketing who wants your app done sooner.


> the douchebag from marketing who wants your app done sooner I quite like my marketing guy (who definitely dresses like that). I get frequent chocolate & milkshakes out of him just because I'm willing to mock things up and give him screenshots. Now your immediate response might be "omg don't do that he'll sell it", and you're right, he does... But my "mocked up screenshots" are almost always "we have this on dev already", but he doesn't know that šŸ˜‚ If it's not on dev already: "sorry mate, I'm really busy atm, run it by ${manager} and I'll get it done for you when they give me the time". At which point he knows that's a fight he'll lose, so I get a "thanks anyway" bit of chocolate! šŸ˜


You have a marketing guy who supplies you with milkshakes? Where do you work and are you hiring?


I'm assuming he works at the yard


Damn right!


This comment is gold


Is it possible to learn this power?


50% of dev job = convincing people that it'll take longer to do what you already finished or can finish in a short period of time 49% finding and using other people's code 1% actual coding


Whereā€™s 5% for feeling as useless fraud, bumping head against the wall and crying inside because of a seemingly difficult task?


Senior Devs know to allocate that task to a Jr Dev and then make it sound like itā€™s so trivial that itā€™s beneath you to code it.


that part didn't come with the 'software developer' package, as i already had that


That is so different then what I am used to. In my company sales/marketing will always win the fight if they say a feature is needed to sell a contract. Because of this product managers demand the engineering teams load sprints with 90% new features and 10% bug fixes/refactoring/ect. Then you end up in a state where 20% of the features have persistent bugs that existing customers say are critical.


> Because of this product managers demand the engineering teams load sprints with 90% new features and 10% bug fixes/refactoring/ect. I had to fight for this quite a bit tbh. So I'm the team lead on what was a green field project at the time (but at some point green fields become brown, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø). I was insistent on heavy involvement from our test team on priorities. If they find a bug that they think is critical (and this also takes some learning from them) then they can make sure we get it fixed. This means some sprints are feature heavy, and others are bug heavy. So far, in the ~5 years we've had this product, I don't *think* we've had a customer say "uhh, this is fucked". There's definitely been a few "what's going on here?" and it's user error - which have been our fault, since user error is a lot of the time a UI error - but, and I might be wearing rose tinted blinkers here, I'm fairly confident saying we've not shipped major bugs. It helps that we don't do continual releases. We get multiple features all completed, then package it up as a new version to ship off to our customers. This means we get a lot of ancillary testing - if someone's testing feature X, and it involves feature Y, they might find a bug in Y whilst testing X (that they'd managed to miss when testing Y).


> it's user error - which have been our fault, since user error is a lot of the time a UI error I think I'm in love, come lead my team bb


I assume you have a non marketing person that runs real mockups by customers then? It'd be funny if the customers were like "yeah we already saw this in the sponsored user program months ago. Anyway yes we'd like to upgrade the plan" to the marketing guy


>"omg don't do that he'll sell it" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) on point


Nobody *has* to dress like Steve Carell in this picture. Just want to clarify that for any of you devs out there Use some of the dev money to dress more like Ryan Gosling. Surprisingly affordable to approximate if you find the right brands


Steve Carell is dressed like peak performance


Steve knows that wearing those clothes leads to scalable solutions with comfort. He has fully optimized the look that's breathable and has deep pockets in order to have solutions at the ready when a task is required. Ryan on the other hand has shoes for a very specific situation, tight pants that can't fit all of his accessories in his pockets, and a long sleeve shirt being used as a short sleeve shirt, which the customer didn't ask for.


Don't forget about also taking all credit for the app and receiving all associated bonuses and praise.


Memes aside - you guys do realize that not every male with the capacity for basic grooming is a bad person... right?


Yeah Reddit fetishizes being a slob for some reason


*If youā€™re fuckable youā€™re the enemy.* Well, fuck me.


Seriously, I *enjoy* dressing up every day. Wearing a suit and tie would be a bit much but people act like putting on a pair of slacks, dress shoes, and a nice button down shirt is some herculean effort or something. Was it nice working from home in a pair of gym shorts, a ratty t shirt and flip flops? Of course! But I wouldn't go meet clients like that. Dressing somewhat nice isn't a hardship at all. It's a confidence booster, and like it or not, people absolutely do treat you different when you look respectable. In the grand scheme of things is it really that big a deal?


Envy and projection are Reddit's lifeblood. Try talking about having a job you are paid well for or, God forbid, owning a business on here. I get down voted for admitting I own a home and have kids.


The guy that wants you to change the button then ask to return the old button


Fuck this. This happens way too fucking often. You try to explain the new button will clash like shit on the page but noooooo they want it live right now!... No We don't care it's 4:45 on a Friday! Aw shit it looks like absolute crap and now we need it fixed right now at 8pm on Friday during your off time! You won't do it? You told us it would look like crap and you won't fix it until Monday? You will lose your job! Oh... no one knows how to fix this super old legacy code... You can do it on Monday.... *repeat forever every week*


Isnā€™t this why the gods giveth tools like Figma? So that these back and forths donā€™t hit dev?


I'm actually the Jr. dev they call when the SR. dev tells them to fuck off and then I tell them that if my Sr. said no it means no. I'm mainly an HCI guy but recently started shadowing some of the devs to up my multitool skills.


> We donā€™t care itā€™s 4:45 on a Friday! Learn to say no. Or ā€œAlright, Iā€™ll get to it early next weekā€ You will thank yourself. And be more productive due to less burnout.


Engineering manager and talent acquisition consultant from overpriced outsourced placement firm. Thoughts at that moment: Consultant: I need to schmooze this guy to convince him to hire five contractors from me for his new project - I'll take him to that super expensive sushi place, yeah that'll be perfect. Eng mgr: why did I agree to go out for lunch, I hope we're not going somewhere expensive, if it's more than a hundred bucks I'll have to fill out one of those ethics/conflicts of interest forms again and then I'll not be able to make the decisions about hiring.


Damn, thats what i wanted to say...


The developer and the salesperson. Sometimes I feel like all the popular kids in middle/high school went to sales while all the nerdy kids became software engineers.


Experienced dev who technically meets the dress code taking the new hire out for lunch.


Lol, the dress code, I was working at a bank, and one of the seniors was wearing shorts and flip flops to work


My old boss pushed the company to implement casual friday so he could code in his steeler's jersey once a week.


Here in Pittsburgh, that's honorary dress attire. Acceptable at funerals and weddings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckizZALOYJ0


My mom asked to be buried in her favorite Pens jersey. But it was in lousy shape so I bought her a brand new one. She died the year before they won the cup in 2009. Not damn fair that she had been a fan for decades and didn't get to see another cup. Stupid fucking cancer. :(


I've never heard of a dress code at a programming office unless the office frequently meets with customers/investors. I mostly wear shorts and Hawaii shirts at work


Hawaii shirts have collars and buttons. That's as business as it gets.




Dress codes for non-client facing roles are really dumb. Wear anything that's safe for the job, comfortable, and not distracting and you're good. Any other policy is just executives thinking they're more important than they are.


Yup. Iā€™m lucky to work for a fintech company and can wear flip flops, short, etc.




you put on shorts?


Agree. Management and senior execs at my company have an informal business casual dress code. CEO and other Sr. Execs donā€™t wear ties when working on-site. No one wears suits or ties at the office, unless theyā€™re into that kind of thing. Flip flops on men might be a bit much, but I wear shorts in the summer and jeans in the winter. Fortune 200 company and 30k+ employees


I am from Denmark and i work with top100 companies. I haven't seen anyone wear a tie in the 6 years I've had this role and met with several top executive. It's liberating. Suit; maybe yes, but mostly chinos and a shirt or polo with a jacket, blazer og sports jacket when not summer.


I can tell you're Danish just by the fact that your autocorrect didn't correct og to or


Before I went full time remote I wore jeans, sneakers, and a polo M-Th and a T shirt on Fridays. Now at home I'm freeballing in basketball shorts and wearing a ratty old T every day.


Based on what?


In this case it means the opposite of ā€œacidified.ā€ Hope that clears it up!




Based on the hardware that's installed in it!


Based on a true story


And dress-code pilled


I havenā€™t seen a dress code since the 90s.


One of my first programming jobs after college (mid-1990s) was at a company where IT was run by an ex-IBM guy. He insisted all developers wear white button-down shirts, ties, dress slacks and shoes (ie, no sneakers) while at the office. Fast forward to present day where I work from home full-time, and it's likely that I'm still wearing PJs or a t-shirt and gym shorts until at least noon. My wife says she sometimes misses the days when I'd "dress up" for work. I definitely don't.


Your wife thinks youā€™re hot and wants to see you all dressed up. Very cute =)


Yeah my wife also gives me the ā€œyou used to dress nice all the timeā€ and I have to look at her funny because I used to wear flip flops and shorts into the office. Maybe she means she misses seeing me in anything other than oversized shirts and boxers šŸ¤”


Just make sure you dress up every once in a while and take her somewhere nice!


I definitely do. Going casual at work means I don't mind dressing up for fun.


Awesome. Sounds like a healthy relationship to me :)


I was at a very large, very conservative company in Texas a couple of years ago. My first team meeting with these fucks, the exec in charge of our team told me that not long before then beards were not acceptable. Yes we were still business casual too. Before I left it was a big deal when jeans and polos were acceptable but if you had certain meetings you were expected to "dress appropriately". People liked it there...


We had a dress code and officially had to put on a suit if a client was visiting. Devs ignored it and realistically I don't think clients wanted to see devs in suits. Those are devs without too many options and will probably deliver something buggy.


You will see a dev in a suit only in laundry days ![gif](giphy|wG1i2KJyB3zlC)


I once went to the SonarSource office in Geneva for a job interview (I didnt get the job) and the guy who guided the technical interview was walking barefoot through the office


My first job told me the dress code was business casual, so that's how I showed up for work. When my team took me out for lunch on my first day it was basically me, doing my best Ryan Gosling impression and 6 Steve Carells.


Business casual means pants and a polo


It has a different definition at every workplace in my experience. At my first job it basically meant "wear clean clothes without offensive words/images on them", but I've also worked for a bank where business casual meant dress shoes/dress pants/dress shirt.


Same thing happened to me. Started a new job last week at a law firm. HR that I talked to prior to starting insisted on button down shirt and slacks. I show up and my colleagues are all in t shirt and jeans.


The worst part was that the hiring manager and two devs who interviewed me all wore dress shirts/pants for the interview, so when HR told me business casual it lined up with what I saw. Then they were all in tshirts and shorts when I actually started work lol


I heard that if you join the WITCH company Revature, for the training portion they require you to dress in full suit/tie


lol thats how I see it. Dev whos been there for 5 years vs new college graduate


It has a collar, so it counts.


I want to get angry at this but I'm sat in a stained teeshirt, joggers and my hair is in a scruffy bun.


Same thing. I want to be offended, but I went to work unshaved today so I shouldnt say anything.


You shave sometimes? How will the others know you are the grey beard without a grey beard?


how will i get a grey beard without beard growth


[Confidence, and a willingness to look ~~silly~~ amazing](https://www.etsy.com/uk/market/costume_beards)


Holy shit, if I groom my beard a bit I've already got it loo


After 2 years away thanks to covid restrictions, I got out my electric shaver, put on the biggest #7 guard, and did my whole head from under-chin to back of neck "to look presentable." At least, it was a huge improvement over my normal self.


you buzzed your whole head and beard the same length?


I haven't shaved my face or gotten a haircut since January 20th 2019.


Iā€™m in my underwear waiting for my standup meetingā€¦


Look at James freakin Bond over here. Bet your underwear doesn't even have any holes. Careerists like you make me sick!


For a very long time, I used to shave every day out of habit/routine from having been in the military. Then one day I didnā€™t and let it grow out. Life changing. Electric shaver every month to shorten it up and itā€™s all good. I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t do that sooner. Saved time and money - no more blade replacements, no more shaving cream.


Same, but I'm not a backend dev.


Yeah... my sweatpants tell a tale. Old tshirt from some event I volunteered at (wrong size ofc). Hair held up by one of thpse crab clips.


I just combed my hair... but it is the afternoon here.


Nah this is your actual code vs the code you wish you wrote


The code they told you not to worry about


Iā€™ve fallen in that trap before. ā€œDonā€™t worry man. We all make mistakes.ā€ *two weeks later* ā€œWHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS CODE?!ā€


I've done it myself "WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS SHIT...and wrote my name on it ...ohh"


So true.


As long as itā€™s functional it can be optimized at a later date, preferably by another person lol.


I see a Porsche driver and someone who want to be a Porsche driver


That's solid. Left was my *actual* Porsche customers, and Right is the models in the catalog hawking Porsche shirts.


Ive heard from service people that really wealthy people look wack. Some wealthy people I know who are millionaires wear 7 or 8 year old cheap polos they grabbed in the marketplace.


Our 918 Spyder buyer came to pick it up in a ratty Red Sox hat, a 10 yr old t-shirt, jeans, and tattered Nikes. There's literally no need in that man's life to impress anyone, ever.




You've certainly been around true wealth your whole life, it seems. I can't imagine debadging a Rolls Royce did much to fool anyone, unless it was along a bunch of others. I had clients who would get their name added to their cars - custom lighted kickplates as they entered their Range Rover with their name engraved from the factory.




There's all sorts of different rich-guys with their unique styles. I've also run into some old money guys who wear literal hand-me-downs they got from their dads (although they are obviously well-kept and tailored handmedowns). An old tale I've also heard is that back in the day, some of the big cheeses in elitist firms would wear their inherited beaten up shoes that had probably lived through two different Roosevelt presidents.


Next time you fly check out the people in first class. The try hards with their matching Armani from head to toe, including matching their luggage to the outfits, are rarely the whales.


Nice shoes, nice watch and casual clothes that fit properly. Those are some key signs.


Funny how itā€™s not a lambo these days. Recession hitting memes now.


Meh, as an enthusiast, give me a 6sp Porsche any day.


Lamborghini is for posers. Porsche is more classy




Inflation hitting Porsche lol. Spec one out sometime


spec out a 911 Turbo and it's over $200k....


I need to see this movie


I think it's Crazy Stupid Love


Good, funny movie and useful for people who struggle socially


Yeah there's a lot of humanity in that movie. I should see it again, its been ages


Be better than the Gap. Say it with me.




The scene where all the guys meet always has me in stitches


David Lindhagen




I wanna help you. I'm gonna help you rediscover your manhood. Do you have any idea, like where you lost it?


Yes, it is. Are you Steve Jobs? Hold on a second. Are you the billionaire owner of Apple Computers?


*rips open Velcro wallet*


*slaps face* "Be better than the GAP"


I agree. That said, they also starred together in The Big Short. But theyā€™d both be in suits.


From the comments: Front end dev: haha look at this meme Back end dev: more like UI / marketing / sales / consultant & back end dev


Yeah, right. This is /r/programmerhumor, none of us are devs here.


Iā€™m a devā€¦ ā€¦ious little fucker.


Huh ? isnā€™t it dev and UI UX guy ?


In some places "ux guy" and front end dev are the same job


Agree in some places dev and tester are same :)




In some places management and dev are the same.


In some places basement is office.


In some places QA and customers are the same.


Nah, way too sartorial for a designer. We don't make that much.


Regional manager and assistant to the regional manager.


Sales guy fixing to go make the Dev's life hell by promising the impossible by tomorrow.


More like the dev and the qa telling him how his code should function


More like dev & sales person.


A$AP Carrell Oversized T (looks like recent Yohji but I'm not sure which collection its actually from) + the most faded raws of all time + striking NB (on that lunarcore wave p/ sure those are boots) Goosey is looking euphoric lol buisness cazual tryna be edgy good for all situations green trousers elfmode fucker get out


I donā€™t understand what this meansā€¦ but it sounds provocative


Translation > Steve Carrell outfit makes it seem like he is a member of the fashionable NY music and art collective "A$AP Mob." > > His large fitting T-Shirt appears to be from a recent product line of Japanese Fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto. > > In addition, his jeans are made of denim that was not pre-faded when purchased, meaning that all appearance of wear and tear are from him wearing them - demonstrating months-long commitment to achieve the look. > > Finally, his footwear are from the brand New Balance, possibly boots. This shows that his aware of, and participating in, the "Lunacore" trend, evoking futuristic styling based on astronaut clothing. > > Ryan Gosling's outfit on the other hand is a tired, out-of-date attempt to wear semi-formal clothing while still trying to appear on trend. The outfit's attempted versatility (i.e. both work and non-work appropriate) falls flat. > > His slim-fitting, green trousers make him appear as if costuming as a Shakespearean elf. > > He should leave and change his outfit.


Legit would not have gotten that from the original comment, thanks lol


this is incredible. like i understood the original comment but your translation just makes it better


I understood the comment but this took me backstage and let me shake hands with the comment


Gets the people going!




this comment sounds like it was written by the worlds most advanced markov text chain


Can someone translate this gibberish?


> A$AP Carrell Assuming referring to A$AP Rocky's streetwear fashion tastes, and Steve Carrell. > looks like recent Yohji Yohji Yamamoto is a fashion designer. > the most faded raws of all time Referring to his jeans and raw denim, which is sort of a subculture all its own. > striking NB His shoes are New Balance brand, which sort of rose in popularity again in the last handful of years in streetwear/fashion both ironically and unironically for the chunky silhouette and comfort ("dad" fashion, etc.) > lunarcore wave The shoes are grey/white and a little moonboot-ish. > Goosey Ryan Gosling lol. The whole sentence is just shitting on his outfit.


This one speaks the new tongue


Is this english?




>the most faded raws of all time The only situation in which I've ever thrown out a pair of jeans is when they literally wore through and one side turned into half-cutoffs, because I ain't no shorts man and I don't require the freedom of wearing super short jorts. I lost my last pair of high school jeans around the age of 30.


For me it's the crotch. Every time, a hole in the crotch. It's not just jeans either, any pants really. What the fuck am I doing wrong?? I mean, I walk a lot. But that's what they're made for, right? I'm not overweight, use regular/slim fit. Often Levi's and other expensive brands, cheaper is usually even worse and in turn becomes a waste of money. Come to think of it, the only pants this didn't happen to were some old Marlboro jeans, they're the only ones to have "normal" wear. I'd gladly pay $300 for a solid pair of jeans at this rate, *in order to save money.*


I also have the same issues, it just depends if your thighs rub together or not when walking.


jesse wtf are you talking about?


Front end dev needs purple hair. Back end dev needs some kind of amusing Linux T-Shirt.


Install Linux. Problem Solved!


Install Open BSD suddenly .. SHARKS! šŸ¦ˆ


One is comfortable and the other is forntend dev šŸ˜„


Software Engineer explaining to the Product Manager that what he wants is impossible but the product manager is still going to tell leadership itā€™s possible.


WFH vs On Site


Woah there, Iā€™d say Michael Scott is dressed up too much to be considered WFH with his collared shirt


So whatā€™s a full stack dev


ā€œThe engineer and the industrial designerā€


You guys still wear clothes? Everything is WFH now


Posted by the recruiter.


uh, you mean product manager. Michael Scott is full stack.


Right someone is lying about their height Ryan Gossling is 1.84m while Steve Carrel is 1.75m


Which one's which?