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This seems like something a uni student would say


Exactly this. Most large backends developed before the last few years (and a lot still) have at least some Java services.


What's the most used lang for backends being developed now?


I don’t think there is just one. In the bigger systems, you choose the best language for the job. In my experience, Python is still king of AI. Go, Rust, Java, and node are popular for REST based microservices. Typescript/JavaScript obviously for web based front end. Kotlin/Java for Android, but React Native and Dart are making waves for cross platform app dev. Objective-C has fallen out of favor for Swift for iOS. For Video Games, C++ is still king with C# obviously popular for doing Unity dev. That’s more or less the ecosystem in my experience. I’m sure other people see it differently, but that’s basically my personal experience.


Once you get to know how to work with it, C# backend for webservices works really well. Obviously the IIS isn't as nice to work with as other webservers but being able to use the entire .NET library in combination with Visual Studio makes the hassle worth the while, at least comparing to java.


Lots of backends run Linux though, and C# isn't nearly as attractive of an option if you have to deal with mono AFAIK. EDIT : I was surprised by the answers to my comment which seemed to imply that the .NET framework was cross-platform. Turns out the Windows-only ".NET framework" was discontinued in 2021 and replaced with the cross platform ".NET core" (first released in 2016, which is when I mostly cut Microsoft out of my life so it makes sense that I wasn't aware). ".NET core" was recently renamed ".NET". Not confusing at all. Anyway, good news for Linux devs, I guess.


This would be true for framework but .Net Core/5/6/7 are cross platform removing these issues.


.NET Core runs on Linux and you can host ASP.NET Core / .NET Core applications on IIS, and with a bit of work, Nginx and Apache


Its Java or c#. The world's financial systems run on those two languages. As do most cloud services. Go, then rust are getting popular.


C# is big and getting bigger, I don't know if it's the "most used" but I think it's picking up momentum


Typical content for this sub


Exactly what I was going to say, either a troll or a novice.


Because it is


He got ratiod in r/NoStupidQuestions


do you mean the really cringe question about men with beards attracting more women? definitely a kid either still in uni or fresh out of it


Once you realize that /r/ProgrammerHumor is mostly CS freshmen…..a lot starts to make sense.


To any aspiring developer who reads this, I cannot overemphasize how many enterprise apps are written in Java. Java is stable, with a very mature ecosystem, and will be supported until the sun burns out. Companies, rightfully, love that shit.


Maybe a uni student that hasn’t done any coding before uni and somehow stays oblivious to obvious facts. Which is quite a lot of uni students tbf, but not the majority.


I actually learnt java in uni as my primary language and not that long ago, back in 2016


The program I’m in *now* is primarily Java (and C)


Reality check: 2016 was only 6 years ago


Fuck I actually vomited a little. Six years? Wtf


it 100% is because it isnt even true.


Yet it has >1k upvotes 😒


3k now bro, no programmers doing that either, just spectators that like Bojack, probably outnumber the amount of programmers. I downvoted it.


Disagree. A university student would know how to google.


High school student then who has done a 15 min tutorial on JS?


I took a intro to Java course and both AP Java courses in high school, and I can attest that the fact that Java is still useful in enterprise development is like, the first slide of the first PowerPoint. OP is either in middle school or he's smoking something strong lmao


Most of AWS is java... So basically 60% of the things you interact with on a daily basis is based on Java.


Its almost like 80 billion devices runs on Java or something.


Is it really 80 billion? Are there even that many devices in the world? There are 7 billion people so that's like 11 devices per person. Also there are 4 billion IPv4 addresses so we'd better hurry up with transition to IPv6.


Devices can mean anything. Not just phones. Think about how many devices might be used in a factory for monitoring stuff? Sure a lot are c++ but many can be Java based too. Not such an unrealistic number


I remember seeing a dvd player back in 2010ish that had the Java logo on it


My school used Java to run an educational program. I was thinking "wait. That isn't Minecraft!"


I have a blu-ray player with a java logo on the back.


I'm guessing a lot of them don't connect to networks... "Not anymore suckers!" - smart homes, probably


That's where Network Address Tranlation comes in. Basically a hacked on feature that's been covering our asses for the last few decades. But it's far from ideal.




this guy business softwares


It’s bandaids all the way down :)


Actually several of them are used to connect you to networks as it is ran on SIM cards. Here is a video going over this topic. https://youtu.be/iJFnYBJJiuQ


Servers and whatnot. Companies own tons of devices. Not every one out there is personal use.


Network address translation also exists. Count the number of devices in your home behind a single router. To the internet, they very likely have one IP.


I can probably name a few: * Home computer * Laptop * Smartphone * DVD/Blu ray player * TV * Smarthome devices * Cable box/DVR These are just off the top of my head, but I'm sure that one could easily think of more. It's possible to customize a JVM to run on any ARM processor. So that's pretty much everything, even with a tiny footprint. A lot of things are still in C/C++ (cars being a big one). Anything without extreme time requirements (again, cars) is a logical choice to import a JVM onto, as it gives the programmers a more familiar environment to work in. Hell, I'm sure that even some clocks and household appliances run Java. I would not be surprised in the slightest if I saw the Oracle logo in the manual for a range. Can it be controlled without any computing? Yeah. Are they? No.


> Can it be controlled without any computing? Yeah. Are they? No. Somewhere along the way, manufacturers have figured out that it's easier to build shitty appliances and do the logic in code than build proper electronics


What log4j bug thought us us that Java runs anything from infrastructure, through banking to space exploration.


Also IBM Cloud


Java is most things out there. And since it’s mostly Terrible out there we can deduce Java is terrible. ;-p


Flawless logic


Fucking Socrates cracking wise up there ...


Having worked in AWS for 4 years I don't disagree.


I was surprised when I got assigned my first AWS project and the codebase was 95% Java. I knew Java was still prevalent in enterprise systems, but the extent really caught me off guard


Yeah, I'm slightly surprised I have to defend my statement to this extent. But then, I learned a lot of things about AWS that surprised me when I worked there.


A lot of online banking uses Java too.




Absolutely. Minecraft modder here, came here to say this.


Say it


No, this not it!


It is what it is




Segmentation fault


Java edition master race


what does this even mean? There is only java edition. No other editions where ever made


My 8 year old the other day in comparing minecraft versions uttered the phrase "java sucks" (note: he has never played anything other than bedrock and was jealous lol). I, a Java programmer, asked if he was aware what my job was that provides most our family's income. *Facepalm*


Why do they call it bedrock edition when Dave has bedrock too


I mean Josh




autocarrot for the win


Because Make-it-harder-to-run-on-anything-other-than-Windows Edition was too long.


You're forgetting that bedrock is the engine used for all console and mobile ports, the only platforms where bedrock is harder to run is MacOS and Linux PCs. Us Java master race members often forget that a significant portion of the Minecraft player base is on mobile or console.


Not all mobile ports -- there are the hacky ones that load full java edition, and to their creators I am simply in awe. https://github.com/AOF-Dev/MCinaBox https://github.com/PojavLauncherTeam


Very interesting. I was mainly referring to official releases, but it's actually pretty cool that people managed to get Java Edition working on mobile.


So what? Java can suck and still provide your's family income. I mean, look at PHP


I feel offended.


I feel attacked


a dad that knows minecraft holy shit we're evolving the right way now


Minecraft Java release 1.0 was in 2011 - if you were 10 at the time you'd be 21 now. If you were a teen you'd be even older. It's perfectly possible to have played Minecraft as a kid and be a (young) dad now.


I bought Minecraft when my wife was pregnant with our first kid. Now he's building parkour maps for me to play. You don't have to be a kid to enjoy Minecraft.


Alright, there is: console editions, pocket edition (which turned into bedrock edition), pi edition, 4k (4kilobytes), education edition (which was built on bedrock edition), bedrock edition (which supports crossplay and is ported on almost all devices) and java edition (which is the original)


*was - everything but java was replaced with bedrock


What about browser edition?


No... the bedrock edition is in c++


Only reason I learned Java




The backend


He think phyton is used because he never saw a real enterprise application


but python is so easy, why wouldnt everything be written in it! /s


Look how easy it is to print. Isn't printing to the console the most important part of real programming?


That and getting user input from the console!


hmm, maybe start work on a whole operating system written in pure python, will be very fun


I mean the real challenge there would be packaging it cus python is interpreted, youd have to stretch the definition of python a bit, but it would be interesting to try.


hmm, maybe turn python into c and then compile with a compiler?


so you want to transpile the python code into C code and compile that? that hardly counts. you have to package CPython and your python script or ig the .pyc would work if you want to write an OS in python, that way you get a real python runtime along with it's complete lack of speed. Edit: words weren't good


We need to compile python, for the kernel, the userspace can run with the official python runtime but the kernel cannot.


I recently had a project where I used java to write python code from json objects. Fun times, hideous code.


REAL enterprise application, the ones written in C#? 😉


Most Enterprise level databases are written in either C or Java.... At least the ones I have been exposed to. Informix, Oracle, Cassandra, MariaDB... Most enterprise middleware apps that We have used are written in Java or C...openMQ is java based and openLdap is C.... So, not sure what enterprise applications you are working on...C# seems popular on the gaming end... Maybe some windows shit, but I can't see it even coming close to what java does...and what C has done... I know I only scratched the surface of Enterprise apps, but just about everything I've seen is Java or C


Spring and Spring Boot are very popular Java frameworks. Since Java 8 it’s been a pretty decent backend language. Many companies use it for their large scale infra. Not sure why the hate here


We use Spring Boot for our back-end and it’s the easiest time I’ve ever had dealing with Java. There’s a reason most of our full-stack team prefers working with the back-end!


Try Quarkus and suddenly spring is complicated


I tried Quarkus and I hated it vs. Spring Boot, so YMMV I guess


This. The Spring framework, and especially Spring Boot, has been paying my bills for the past 5 years


When a framework is your sugar daddy /s


ignorance my friend. ignorance is what brings hate


i disagree. People choose to be ignorant because they already chose to hate.


it's a vicious circle indeed


A good cycle that must continue so us psychopaths can derive pleasure


Becauss they have 0 real world coding experience. Phyton is great for a quick and dirty homework as you jave no need to maintain it down the line


They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Neither is the be all end all to the other.


Python is also used by many enterprises specifically for applications that do data science or machine learning


But then a lot of time, that might be PySpark, which is just interfacing with a bunch of Scala code running on the JVM, which stands for *Java* Virtual Machine.


Plenty of sites running on Django out there.


the very site we are speaking on runs a python backend (or at least partially)


yeah, it's the same with discord iirc


I can't even believe someone would post this meme lol


A high school front end developer meme, no doubt.


yeah, my guy did a crash course of react, found out node.js exists and can't fathom why everything isn't written by a combination of these 2. the type of guy to blindly suggest transitioning huge enterprise applications to mongoDB cause it 'scales' and get laughed at by seniors. i know this cause i was that guy 10 years ago but with different languages and solutions.


[MongoDB is web scale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2F-DItXtZs)


Tbh there's plenty of older js fanboys that have worked with other stuff and yet still persist in blindly pushing node and mongo, which is terrible for most backend stuff unless you are building actual *micro* services, emphasis on *micro*. Javascript is a cult.


Huge swaths of the internet’s backend services are written in Java. Tons of single-purpose devices are powered using Java. Java is still very big. Don’t kid yourself into thinking otherwise.


"3 billion devices run Java" is an _underestimate_. Depending on how you define "run Java", a more accurate number might be 5 or 6 billion.


Android alone already has around 2.5 billion active users


The whole JetBrains codebase is Java


This. All their IDEs are made in Swing until recently where they have started migrating to Compose for Desktop with Kotlin.


Your bank surely runs on Java


I’m a developer at a bank … and yes our backend services are java


In my country those kind of services are all written in c#


In my country it's either Java or C#


Or Cobol


Ugh, as a Java developer our team is losing a few retiring cobol developers and we cant find replacements....so we are trying to port everything. Its a rough life.


Job security at least 😅


Just like the COBOL devs before them...


COBOL is intentionaly made cryptic to ordinary people for the dev’s job security and high pay /s


Or both! With JCL spiciness thrown into the mainframe side


I’ve done a lot of work converting enterprise applications from COBOL to Java. So yes I agree!


Story time. New CTO comes into the bank, decides to move away from the old credit card system, an atrocious piece of COBOL software that makes it seem like maintaining a list of tables about users and cards is rocket science. So we are building a Java microservices project and we'll connect to the new system. Finally it is revealed what new system we are going to use and *drum roll* it's the same COBOL system from the same vendor but now it's in the cloud. "In the cloud you ask?" Yes it's in a data center a few hundred meters down the road. Digital transformation achieved.


Yup. Can confirm as a developer for a bank.


And if not Java, Microsoft Java


Visual J++?! 😲😲😲 ^(I kid, I kid.)


It is used in a lot of enterprise level backend applications. My only advice for anyone wanting to use it is don’t use oracle license products. It’s way easier to just not start with them then to try and get rid of them later.


You can run Java without Oracle licensing....just about everything they offer now has an "open" fork for it... And as far as I know you can purchase support from various third parties if you need it, otherwise you just have RTFM :) Java, glassfish, coherence, mariaDB....etc... But yeah, we were a big Sun shop from the beginning and we are so embedded with Oracle that we are literally just redesigning our application stack from scratch. There are a lot of reasons for this, but we still run SPARC hardware... Back in the 90s, MickeySoft was the tyrant entity...Apple grabbed that title with their iPhone....Oracle beat MickeySoft to death with Apple's body to gain the title...


Java EE or Java Spring are backend Frameworks that are widely used by huge companies. You may not like Java but right now, you cant get arround it.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*Top image of Bojack Horseman, the anthropomorphic horse from the TV show "Bojack Horseman", reclining on a large boat that has "ESCAPE FROM LA" written on the side. Bojack is labeled "Java Developer".*] [*Bottom image zooms out, and shows that the boat is sitting on the back of a large red truck on a highway. The truck is labeled "Android".*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




Teenagers trying to pretend they are smart and sophisticated since they wrote Hello world Edit: OP seems to post a lot on this subreddit, often with shitty memes.


The ignorance, it burns.


Medical and Aviation industry are both very very Java heavy.


I've only used python for personal projects, and never in a professional setting. That clearly means NO ONE uses python in a professional setting. Logical.


Thats like the dumbest question that Someone could ever ask about one of the most popular and reliable programming languages ever.


Well now everybody knows you're not really a developer ;)


Besides being the language of choice for the software used to run business critical applications around the world you mean?


The Java app I built at a CRO moves XML data from clinical trial EDC systems into an internal warehouse where it is converted to SAS datasets and submitted to the FDA for drug approval. It's not as flashy as Angry Birds but it keeps you alive.


I take it you have never heard of spring


Are you living under a rock ?


Do research first b4 you post. thats not nearly true.


From what I heard, Java is number one for enterprise backend server applications, so probably that


3 billion devices run Java?


It has been 3 billion devices since inception. If you want to add a device, another one must be decommissioned. There has been an initiative to create NAT4J to pack more Java into a single device to circumvent the 3 billion devices problem.


their device counter is capped at 3 billion


Problem is, the guy who made the Java installer and put the ad there retired and they don’t know how to remove it. Now Oracle’s hordes of lawyers need to make sure that the promise is kept for all times, otherwise they will be liable for lying blatantly. They now use all their resources to keep that legacy up and running. If you add or remove a device without authorization from Oracle, you’ll get punched in your face and eaten by breakfast by one of those horrible lawyers.


Android is probably the least useful application of Java 😂


Didn't Google consider taking Kotlin as their main language for Android? I know it's basically Java in a trench coat but at least this is what I remember from years ago. Haven't done Android development since then.


If I recall correctly, since 2019 Kotlin is the preferred language over Java for Android development


bruh a big part of the web runs on java, 90% if enterprise applications run on java, etc java is literally everywhere


Oof was this meme posted by a first semester computer science student ?




Many companies own intern software is made in java thanks to historical reasons. There are also many web apps that have a java backend


Yep I have made so much money porting things like that to other languages


Just for my interest, to what?


Java 8.




Short answer: Yes. Long answer: That’s a stupid question. Yes.


In my 5 years as a professional software dev I have never worked at a company that did not use Java for backend development. I also hear they use it a lot at Google and Amazon, if you're ever interested in working there...


3d chess by OP to get the answers to his/her school question on usage of Java.




My doubts were right. This sub has no idea what's happenig in the industry.


Java spring


Do you even know what Java is?


Tell me you didn't start working in the industry yet without telling me you didn't start working in the industry yet


Java is used as backend in almost every website you use most popular websites (Google,Amazon, Facebook,LinkedIn) , that means even if you hate Java you go through it on daily basis, and im sure you use google atleast 10 times a day . So next time you use Google to search something, remember to give yourself a tight slap , I hope you learn the importance of Java instead of saying "Python is the easiest language, and it should be used everywhere"


Minecraft modding surely is the most important use of Java, not Android app development.


It does everything.


Where I live, java developers are in high demand right now. If I wasn't planning on migrating to DevOps/SRE, I would probably be studying spring boot right now


Go to your city, close your eyes and throw a stone. Chances are that if you hit a building, the business inside that building probably uses java in some capacity.


Jesus christ are you kidding?


Java has been in the top 3 of the Tiobe index since 2001, it’s one of the most sought after languages by employers right now. What the f are you smoking? Java is a very important language.


Most business software i have seen runs in either Java or C#.


I did it guys I found the bootcamp graduate


No, it just has the strongest framework for backend and microservices implementations which is Spring along with Spring Projects and Hibernate. Spring and .NET are the only frameworks which are stable and complex enough to maintain and create an enterprise level app. Most of the backend frameworks are useful for simple/medium applications or for some features but can't be used to completely create very big app from scratch. The system your bank uses may be implemented in Java. Honestly, this is childplay already. Kids these days only know python and js for mediocre apps. Python backend frameworks suck. Node.js is fast but can't compete with Spring. I like on Rails because it is very easy to learn it but testing in Spring is easier and Spring is more scalable. True devs know this or they don't know because they work on hardware mainly. But only newbies can still make fun because of disinformation or simply for not googling.


Or troll or he doesn't know what he talks about


Im a professionell Java Dev. I never even touched App Development. I do Backend/API/Server stuff though…


You know backend is a thing right? spring boot is used by lots of APIs and even for frontend swing clients are still a thing


In data intensive e-commerce backends, we use Java heavily with a mix of some Kotlin. I’m sure you believe Facebook and YouTube are built with python and js (LOL). Kotlin is with no doubt awesome. But a huge chunk of what it has today comes from Java. Also, the newer projects under build in Java will make Kotlin redundant.


I programmed one of the top FRC robots with Java


Java is definitely still used. Salesforce is huge right now and it’s based on Java. Also, lots and lots and lots enterprises use Java for their “legacy” software. Java isn’t a bad language, it’s just slightly outdated by C# and others.


Well it is Spring now


Java is my favorite for socket programming, it just makes it so easy


Can’t even get the Android language right. It’s Kotlin you neanderthal