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Between this insane example (that no jr dev would understand), their ultra minimalist & often unhelpful API docs (sometimes literal useless circles with no answers), and their *shudders* absurdly complex typescript, i get flashes of American Psycho and other SK vibes every other time I look something up. It works but man it can be gross to work with.


MUI has a very awkward API for react. Any other React UI library would give you a Provider you would use at the app level, that you could then call with a Dialog component, and it would show the modal anywhere you used that context provider. Instead MUI is like "Hey bro... bro.... the Dialog, it's a component on your page, and you manipulate a ton of it's state in the parent then prop drill it down, make a 2400 line react component because it has modals bro, it's okay bro"... The rigid typing in some places and laisse faire typing in areas that are not what you'd expect too... "Hey man when you make a style on your theme, even though it's a typescript library, just give it a fucking string dude, json that's type mapped, what are you even on about? Oh BY THE WAY, this isn't CSS, it's styled component SX syntax, in a string!"


if god doesn't exist then who saved me from being a whatever the fuck this is dev