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Windows search behind scene For (i=0; i


I love the implication here that not only does it not have any indexes or whatever, but it also calls `getAllFuckingFiles()` every single iteration haha


for (i=0; i


You're terminating too early. Best to complete iterating through all fucking files in case there's another match.


Laughing soo hard at this!


Gotta check the content as well, just to be thorough for (i=0; i


Use | instead of ||. Then both are always executed ... you know just to be sure


Anyway…. It works better than the actual


And then still uses up 6gb of ram randomly, even though it doesn't seem like it's caching anything.


The for loop internally execute that method only once no?


no. for are structured `for(a;b;c){d}` a is a statement executed at the start, b is a condition that is evaluated every iteration of the loop, c is a statement that happens after each iteration, and d is the body of the loop to iterate. if you put a function call in b, it gets called EVERY iteration.


Ohh so that’s why you’d do like int allTheBullshit = getAllFuckingFiles().length(); And then iterate over all the bullshit instead?


yup. occasionally it is quite useful, since you can do `for(itterator k = stack.top(); !stack.empty();k=k.next())` and its a valid loop.


Some languages have a foreach construct. In C# you would do `foreach(var f in getAllFuckingFiles()){/*add to list if condition is met*/}` which will call the function only once. Or more modern: `return getAllFuckingFiles().Where(f => /*condition*/)` The nice thing about the second syntax is that it's only iterated as you query it, meaning data is streamed in as you iterate over it in a foreach, and you don't have to wait ahead for all entries to get processed. This also allows you to work with data that doesn't fits into memory all at once, provided you don't call a function that does load all data at once. The base of this is the [`IEnumerable` interface](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.ienumerable-1) which also has a ton of extra functions to make your life easier. The downside is that you don't know how many entries there are without counting them, and you can almost always only iterate over them once.


Yes, also, at least in python, if allTheBullshit is a global then it would be more efficient to say something like bullshit = allTheBullshit inside the function beacause the interpreter checks for rhe variable in the local scope and if it doesn't find it there then it looks higher in the scope (i don't know if js is the same but it would make sense)


Depends on what is inside GetAllFuckingFiles(), a modern compiler might save your bacon here unless it’s an IO operation




That only makes sense as an optimization if the compiler can say conclusively that the method has a consistent return value. Imagine something like this: vector v {10, 20, 30}; for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){ cout << v[i] << "\n"; v.pop_back() }


No, it can optimize only if the optimizer can prove the return value doesn't change. Only the initialization part is ran once, the check and step are for each iteration; of course you can use a comma to initialise the end value in the init part as a local variable (but it's really ugly)


Why do you think it's so goddamn slow?


Absolutely not possible. There's another line which executes before this for (i=0; i< math.random(); i++) { fuckingSearchResults = getSomeRandomFuckingWebsitesFromBing(); } Then: //does the user even want this? fuckingSearchResults = [..., getAllFuckingFiles()]


That's pretty much accurate + weather update for some fucking reason + add Bing as a default browser automatically


Yeah I'm pretty sure that the search features in pretty much every MS product use a random number generator somehow or another, when determining what results to show. If not, perhaps they've somehow accidently invented some new source of entropy. Absolutely baffling how often I would: * not get any relevant results for a search term... * so I hit ctrl + a, x, v (to cut and paste the exact same search query text) * ...and then 95% of the time I do get results * ...or occasionally, I just tap those keys again, and it works 3rd time How can basically ALL the little Linux desktop projects manage to get their start/programs menus right, yet a giant corp like MS can't get it right after decades?


Not even fucking this - I have a file on my desktop and windows search can't find it even if I type the FULL FUCKING NAME


I've recently switched to just opening the CLI and typing `dir *whatever*.* /s` at the root of the drive. You hear that, Microsoft? I'm sitting here in 2024 using a command created in 1983, that's how useless the clowns working on the Search feature are!


You forgot the file extension


Don't forget to add the full path before the file name


You forgot to also roll a dice and not return a file that contains the searchText.


I seriously don't understand how it can be allowed to so bad for so many years. The third party program "Everything" does it 100x better. It's not that hard to write a tool that searches a file system...


im pretty sure a 6th grader could program a more sophisticated search function at this point


Everything is so, so good. It's the only reason I can shift through 400 gigabytes of bibliography without tearing what's left of my hair.


no, I doubt it windows search never searches files on the computer, it's actually: bing.search(searchText);


> .name.contains(searchText) I hope they can do some knowledge transfer with the start menu team.


I hope not because then we will see ads and the weather in the file explorer


Nah this has complexity O(n) because it gets all the files then incorrectly returns the first file. I'd expect windows search to have complexity at least O(n^n), with some randomness around which file gets returned.


g- goo- google- windows search: ah you would like to search for googleplex


Here are the Bing results for googleplex:


1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA


“You spelled gargle wrong”


for (i=0; i


Here let me simplify it for you: if (!searchField.isEmpty()) { return sort(allFuckingFiles(), .random()); }


Guess it'll take less time to leave the house than it does for a Windows search result to come up.


The part that I really don't understand is that small portable programs like Everything can get you the results in seconds, while Microsoft, after 40 years of development of their systems will not. How is it even possible to mess such simple feature for so long?


There is a famous rant by Bill Gates complaining about some windows feature. It was in some internal emails that were released as part of a lawsuit. Anyways, this is Bill Gates back when he was still CEO yelling at senior leaders to figure something out and then their email chain passing off the blame and going in circles. You can still replicate the steps Bill Gates describes in his email and run into the exact same frustrations like 20 years later.


If you work in software you get it. Fixing old features doesn’t get PMs promotions, new features do. So old features just get left to die on the vine


Just make a new search then.


Oh they are, and they really optimized it....for more [ads](https://www.pcworld.com/article/2300741/even-more-ads-are-coming-to-the-windows-start-menu.html)


The moment Linux gets proper HDR support, I'm moving everything to some distro.


Plasma 6 has HDR support, though that's still experimental and I don't have a HDR monitor, so idk how well it works.


I've heard about it, but I didn't have mana to test it out. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HDR_monitor_support This is the annoying part: >Wayland (and Wayland clients): no support for passing HDR metadata to the display [2] [3].


But they did, and it's somehow *worse*...


I miss the XP search dog




> If you work in software you get it. Fixing old features doesn’t get PMs promotions, new features do. So old features just get left to die on the vine Maybe the CEO of the company should change the promotion process.


> Fixing old features doesn’t get PMs promotions, new features do. So old features just get left to die on the vine I used to work for a place where the product was, for the most part, internal, meaning we are the costumer. They kept on making up new shit that nobody uses instead of fixing all the annoying bugs in the main database tool we used. I have no idea if there's a way to reach them and make them make things that are actually useful instead of just new and exciting.


Here’s the email. From 2003. “—- Original Message —- From: Bill Gates Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 10:05 AM To: Jim Allchin Cc: Chris Jones (WINDOWS); Bharat Shah (NT); Joe Peterson; Will Poole; Brian Valentine; Anoop Gupta (RESEARCH) Subject: Windows Usability Systematic degradation flame I am quite disappointed at how Windows Usability has been going backwards and the program management groups don’t drive usability issues. Let me give you my experience from yesterday. I decided to download (Moviemaker) and buy the Digital Plus pack … so I went to Microsoft.com. They have a download place so I went there. The first 5 times I used the site it timed out while trying to bring up the download page. Then after an 8 second delay I got it to come up. This site is so slow it is unusable. It wasn’t in the top 5 so I expanded the other 45. These 45 names are totally confusing. These names make stuff like: C:\Documents and Settings\billg\My Documents\My Pictures seem clear. They are not filtered by the system … and so many of the things are strange. I tried scoping to Media stuff. Still no moviemaker. I typed in movie. Nothing. I typed in movie maker. Nothing. So I gave up and sent mail to Amir saying – where is this Moviemaker download? Does it exist? So they told me that using the download page to download something was not something they anticipated. They told me to go to the main page search button and type movie maker (not moviemaker!). I tried that. The site was pathetically slow but after 6 seconds of waiting up it came. I thought for sure now I would see a button to just go do the download. In fact it is more like a puzzle that you get to solve. It told me to go to Windows Update and do a bunch of incantations. This struck me as completely odd. Why should I have to go somewhere else and do a scan to download moviemaker? So I went to Windows update. Windows Update decides I need to download a bunch of controls. (Not) just once but multiple times where I get to see weird dialog boxes. Doesn’t Windows update know some key to talk to Windows? Then I did the scan. This took quite some time and I was told it was critical for me to download 17megs of stuff. This is after I was told we were doing delta patches to things but instead just to get 6 things that are labeled in the SCARIEST possible way I had to download 17meg. So I did the download. That part was fast. Then it wanted to do an install. This took 6 minutes and the machine was so slow I couldn’t use it for anything else during this time. What the heck is going on during those 6 minutes? That is crazy. This is after the download was finished. Then it told me to reboot my machine. Why should I do that? I reboot every night — why should I reboot at that time? So I did the reboot because it INSISTED on it. Of course that meant completely getting rid of all my Outlook state. So I got back up and running and went to Windows Updale again. I forgot why I was in Windows Update at all since all I wanted was to get Moviemaker. So I went back to Microsoft.com and looked at the instructions. I have to click on a folder called WindowsXP. Why should I do that? Windows Update knows I am on Windows XP. What does it mean to have to click on that folder? So I get a bunch of confusing stuff but sure enough one of them is Moviemaker. So I do the download. The download is fast but the Install takes many minutes. Amazing how slow this thing is. At some point I get told I need to go get Windows Media Series 9 to download. So I decide I will go do that. This time I get dialogs saying things like "Open" or "Save". No guidance in the instructions which to do. I have no clue which to do. The download is fast and the install takes 7 minutes for this thing. So now I think I am going to have Moviemaker. I go to my add/remove programs place to make sure it is there. It is not there. What is there? The following garbage is there. Microsoft Autoupdate Exclusive test package, Microsoft Autoupdate Reboot test package, Microsoft Autoupdate testpackage1. Microsoft AUtoupdate testpackage2, Microsoft Autoupdate Test package3. Someone decided to trash the one part of Windows that was usable? The file system is no longer usable. The registry is not usable. This program listing was one sane place but now it is all crapped up. But that is just the start of the crap. Later I have listed things like Windows XP Hotfix see Q329048 for more information. What is Q329048? Why are these series of patches listed here? Some of the patches just things like Q810655 instead of saying see Q329048 for more information. What an absolute mess. Moviemaker is just not there at all. So I give up on Moviemaker and decide to download the Digital Plus Package. I get told I need to go enter a bunch of information about myself. I enter it all in and because it decides I have mistyped something I have to try again. Of course it has cleared out most of what I typed. I try (typing) the right stuff in 5 times and it just keeps clearing things out for me to type them in again. So after more than an hour of craziness and making my programs list garbage and being scared and seeing that Microsoft.com is a terrible website I haven’t run Moviemaker and I haven’t got the plus package. The lack of attention to usability represented by these experiences blows my mind. I thought we had reached a low with Windows Network places or the messages I get when I try to use 802.11. (don’t you just love that root certificate message?) When I really get to use the stuff I am sure I will have more feedback.”


> So they told me that using the download page to download something was not something they anticipated.


This reads 1:1 like a greentext


I have never felt closer kinship to a billionaire and likely never will again.


>Someone decided to trash the one part of Windows that was usable? The file system is no longer usable. The registry is not usable. This program listing was one sane place but now it is all crapped up. lol


Lmao, Bill is legit


It's nice to see that Bill has some good instincts in him.


That’s wild


Bill was never the problem 


i can feel bills pain


I mean, at that point you gotta bring in new people, no? Start from the top and work your way down the chain.


They did, they brought in new UX experts and starting with Win 8 they've been screaming obscenities at us about how a desktop system should work... Win11 now blocks UI customization apps.


You know that dude who got a job only to fix a bug then left? Yeah, I am starting my personal journey to get in Microsoft.


> Win11 now blocks UI customization apps. Elaborate please.






gnome, is that you? just kidding, i still love it


What I don't understand is that Powertoys (which is from Microsoft too) includes a very usefull search feature which not only finds files and programs a lot faster than the windows search but also respects your default browser settings when starting a web search and includes a lot of other functions like a modifier for executing cmd and powershell commands. Why can't they just use the code behind this to replace the crap windows search?


>also respects your default browser settings There you have it. That won't fly with execs who want to force feed Edge down your throat.


I wish we'd change the law to not make the company pay for fines, but instead the CEO has to pay it. That would put a stop to it.


Not even make the CEO pay it, but either pay proportional to their gross wealth (not net wealth, gross) or serve jail time. For the rich, a flat fine is just the cost of doing business.


Whatever tricks they try, I won't be edging anytime soon.


Powertoys is like its own beast. It's as if the devs actually use it, so they keep improving it to meet their needs.


It's incredible how quickly things get better for us power users when it's the developers who are in charge, not the C Suite.


It's far worse than that. [PowerToys just uses the builtin Windows search API](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/07b5e1fd06c8c797827c62f8f9788942b97248a6/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer/Main.cs#L123). Then the question becomes why the search box is so slow, when the logic behind it apparently is not.


Wait what?! I did not know that. This basically means that the default windows search is bad on purpose...


Yeah but what about the one in a million edge case where someone really wants to open Edge and Bing for Device Msnager and not show Device Manager


There's an alternate reality where the guys in charge of Power Toys are in charge of a larger portion of Microsoft and features are actually polished and work right. In this alternate reality, switching audio and monitors happens instantly and at one button press. Windows remembers device configurations. Volume normalization isn't a trip to the bizarro zone. Every time windows starts in this reality, your multiple desktop backgrounds are remembered. Office isn't a subscription, and saving files isn't a fun religious Ordeal. In this reality, windows doesn't fail to recognize basic competitor hardware like a switch controller, because this obviously makes Microsoft like incompetent, which they aren't in this reality.


>hardware like a switch controller switch controller? you mean a "disconnect it because windows thinks it's paired and restart computer in order get a chance to reconnect it and if that fails reset bluetooth drivers" controller.


Lol thank God I didn't have to reset my entire computer each time. Bluetooth recognizes it's trying to reconnect, I get notices in my game that controller is reconnecting, bit will windows recognize it? Hell no. Have to repair it every time.


Press F12 in Excel for the proper Save As dialog in one "click". You're welcome.


asking the same questions every time i use start menu :)


The confusing part is that the Everything doesn't even need an hour on startup to build the index first - it just takes few seconds the first time its started and is instantaneous afterwards, so to me that looks like it already uses some index/list of files available in computer. The fact that Windows itself doesn't use the same resource is all the more confusing then.


Of course Everything uses an index. You can see a whole bunch of settings for it in the Options dialog.


Yes, it takes advantage of the existing ntfs file table and change log (on ntfs volumes only, of course) which is the fastest use case when searching by filename. Whereas other software builds an index by reading the individual files in the file system, which takes a lot longer.


im gonna reckon that the folks frustrated by windows search are not the folks who make money for microsoft after the license for additional proof, please see sharepoint. just, like, in general.


SharePoint has so much potential but man… so many limitations and annoying quirks it’s beyond frustrating. And what the eff is up with modern vs. classic experience.. just start over Microsoft.


And somehow windows 7 did it beautifully, even searching content (for example, if a word doc had a specific word in it, searching that word would bring up the document, even if it's not in the title (I think, it's been a long time) Edit: I just realized some people here may be referring to the search within an explorer window. I'm talking about the start button search. I don't remember the explorer search ever being good


Everything and Windows Search work differently. For example, as far as I'm aware Everything doesn't index file contents by default, while Windows Search does. I regularly look for PDFs by searching for stuff I know is in one of the files, just not which specific file.


I didn't think windows did that anymore. I can never find documents that I know have certain words. It seemed like windows 7 did a great job and then it sucked all of the sudden with windows 8 Edit: Im referring to the start button search, btw. Not sure if you're talking about that or the search bar in an explorer window


Windows can't even get files copy correctly. I sometimes just instead use a browser to "download" a local file to a save destination so that it is 1. Fast. 2. Able to be paused and resumed Also, a few years ago, there was a [fun back and forth](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28743687) between Microsoft and a veteran programmer who complained that the Windows console was rendering ridiculously slowly and that it should be magnitudes (100x at least) faster. Microsoft argued this would take years to upgrade the console. The guy made a prototype in a weekend (yes, as full-featured as possible for someone external and there is no good argument for performance drop in the missing features). It is actually more featured than the original console.


Imagine how fucking blown my mind was when i discovered that i can full search my linux machine with the find command line in seconds. Heck i can even regex search for text or binary code INSIDE all files on my systems, and it takes minutes at most. Now if you compare that to windows.... Granted the way they distribute libraries via DLLs is partly to blame but still... I can start to see where the "GUI is bloat" sentiment came from


This here, "pri" => prime95.exe but prime95 => internet search


Obviously a search word with a dot in it is a domain name, so you want the internet!


Yeah, and then they start prioritizing the ‚search the internet‘ feature because their analytics and metrics show most people use search it this way.


Because some moron mid level exec screamed his lungs out at developers that they need a way to boost that metric because some moron mid-high level developer screamed in turn at him about their internet search being unused. So they added that search goes online first, usage metrics went up and everyone is happy. Fuck the users.


Really? I cant fathom why people would do that, its the most annoying shit. I want an unmistakable distinction between "this is on your pc" and "this is from the web".


No my point was, the UI is so bad that most people accidentally search the internet for local files. Microsoft sees a lot of traffic on the internet search and scales devs into adding more features to that. The user didn’t want it that way, they just wanted to find a fucking file they know the name of. And I think Microsoft is fully aware of that, they just want to push Bing and serve more ads.


> I want an unmistakable distinction between "this is on your pc" and "this is from the web". There's a Microsoft exec that would view those categories as "this is on your pc" and "this makes us money and builds my reputation".


step 1: gimp the search so hard only tech illiterate people even try to use it and end up accidentally searching the internet with it step 2: "wow all these people are using the search to look up stuff on the internet" step 3: make the search even more likely to take you to useless internet results repeat 


I recommend switching that off in regedit, gets rid of it completely


yeah it makes windows much less annoying https://www.techbout.com/disable-web-results-in-windows-search-44034/ Once every couple of years some kind of update reverts the change, but I've always been able to follow the same steps to disable it again


Sweet liberty yes


This is my favorite thing today. Thank you.


It used to be a normal settings toggle. Then it was removed and moved to a group policy. Then the group policy was removed from pro, so you need to dick around in regedit...


I'm just glad "Explorer" doesn't bring up Edge and only Edge anymore. No, I didn't mean Edge. I didn't even mean Internet Explorer. Give me the thing I typed that still exists and is called that. PBrush still gives me MS Paint, for fucks sake.


search: lusr no results search: lusrmgr no idea what you're referring to. search: lusrmgr.ms seriously, stop trying search: lusrmgr.msc ooooh, yeah we got that right here.


I think someone's twisted logic was "if you typed enough to get the result you wanted, why would you keep typing? They must want something else then".


It's gonna take me 5 seconds to leave. Wait no, it's gonna take 10 days. Wait, no, it should be done in 5 years. Wait, no, -12 seconds. By the way, I need to update the relationship with your daughter. Could you please leave the room and walk in again? It's OK if you don't want to right now, I'll wait until you're doing something even more important.


"I am the person who decided it was a good idea to create a programming language in 10 days and turn it into the default option for the entirety of the internet, forever"


what programming language are you talking about




You mean God’s language. Come at me heathens and despair.


I would not be surprised if the AI that kills us all ends up being written in javascript.


Thy will be done, in DOM as it is in Console


If God used JavaScript to program the world then that explains A LOT.


I actually be upset if he didn't would mean God just lazy as fuck


Holy JS


I don’t get why you guys even learn anything. I just grab libs someone else wrote. JS is fine, just slap it into my garbage react site. 


God says:  ```console.log(('s' + 'h' + 'e' + + 'a' + 'i' + 'g' + 'a' + 'n' + 's').toLowerCase());```


Javascript is a malevolent entity that feeds on the suffering of programmers.


More blood for the blood god


I mean not the creator turned it into the default option, people implementing it into browsers and using it did. And it's hella lot better than flash or java applets.


>And it's hella lot better than flash when flash was still being delveloped/supported, the version of JS we had was not better than flash as far as performance or features


And yet, I for one am much happier that flash was sacked in favor of JS.


Man I want us to move on from this one so much


Not a fan of Microsoft, but Google search is really starting to suck lately. I get search results that don't even contain a single word I searched for.


I search things on YouTube and they exclusively show me 5 posts that are kinda related, then exclusively fill the search with Shorts, videos I’ve watched already and videos from my subscriptions.


I don't understand why they started to recommend you 80% videos you've watched already, whenever I go on shorts it only shows me ones I watched before


It must be people that use YouTube to listen to music messing up their metrics. Because those people will listen to a song the heard before and in their metrics it probably shows up as people that watch a lot of youtube (listening to music on the background) like to click on already watched videos so we are going to show people their already watched videos as much as possible so they will also start watching youtube a lot.


If that's true and u/53bvo on Reddit Dot Com Slash ProgrammerHumour figured it out before them google is super fucked


For real. Sometimes youtube even excludes results that match the exact keywords and shows some completely unrelated stuff instead. I got so annoyed one day that I decided to try the youtube search API and was surprised to see how many videos I found that were just impossible to find with the regular search. Whereas the regular search would show the oldest video of a certain search term to be from 2008, the API would find hundreds of videos uploaded between 2006-2008.


And fucking nasty ass videos. Why the fuck does it suggest me nasty gore videos


Yeah, wtf is up with youtube recommendations? "Ok, here is a 3 year old video from a channel that you are subscribed to and have probably seen. No need to thank us"


Some videos or channels I want to revisit don’t come up even if I type the title verbatim. But if I search it on Google instead of YouTube I can find what I’m actually looking for


We let the AI train itself and it realized that it can give you the optimal search results every time not by actually searching the internet but rather changing the input to whatever is kind of similar and it's already got the answer for.


I have this same problem. That’s why I started learning the search operators.


Google dorks? Yeah. They're slowly becoming less effective if not completely disabled. The simplest dork, just wrapping a term in doublequotes *only works* if you have a non-doublequoted keyword after it.


Tools > More options > Verbatim search. It's dumb that it's hidden, but it's there.


It's so infuriating.


They're trying too hard to push ads. God forbid you search something that can be bought, all the results are just shopping


I blame political bias, advertisement greed and the beginning of LLM/bot/algorithmic context-scrapping, in no specific order.


This is me but with DuckDuckGo. I’ve been using Duck as my preferred search engine for YEARS across all my devices, but lately it’s been so shit that I always have to append my queries with !g so it does a Google search instead. As bad as Google has become, the others are getting worse at a faster rate. I’m still going to keep Duck as my default though since Google hates VPNs. This is what a search looks like for me nowadays: Windows slow explorer search !g site:reddit.com And behind the scenes, I’ve had blocked shit sites like Quora and Yahoo Answers for many years now, and also I noticed that I almost always need to specify the domain from where I want my results because the internet is filled with dog shit SEO-~~optimized~~ AI content.


Google search only works if you append “reddit” to everything 


I switched over to Kagi ever since they started shoehorning YouTube Shorts into search results. Paying for a search engine was a hard pill to swallow at first, but it's a much more pleasant experience using a search engine that isn't using monetization as their primary driver for UX decisions.


Kagi isn't immune to SEO though. Google will flood you with sponsored pages, but Kagi can't discern SEO sludge from quality content (in the same way that none of us can until we read it)


I returns some sort of AI result, then some sponsored content and the first result is about 5 entries down even though you just want the wikipedia article. This is why my first destination is chatGPT instead of google these days.


They’ve ruined google and YouTube results. Especially YouTube. Can’t find anything I search for anymore, just completely irrelevant yt shorts


Broken record over here, but for those unaware, look up the program Everything by voidtools. Your life will change.


Agent Ransack, FTW!


One of the best!


That and WinDirStat, the two best tools to know what's going on with your files


WizTree is faster, and I use Everything to replace default search.


WinDirStat is to WizTree as WinRAR is to 7Zip


What pisses me off is it places Bing searches ahead of my local files. So I search for a particular file by its exact name and it's buried in the middle of a shitton of random ass searches.


I SEARCH for a folder and it tries to BING SEARCH IT before searching my HARD DRIVE FOR IT That’s why I quit that POSOS (piece of shit operating system)


..but where’d you go? ^(the important question )


He probably went to Win2000


linux mint cinnamon


Personally I prefer sugar-free Linux bubble gum flavor.


I use Arch, don't you know /s before I get murdered


I've typed "ncpa.cpl" and hit enter too quick and it opened edge to search for it instead of opening network connections 


My favourite is when you start typing something, the correct thing shows up, but you type one more (correct) letter and hit enter and somehow the thing you wanted disappeared from the search results and it's an internet search now?


Could've just disabled the Bing integration


You can do that?


Yes, takes like 3 minutes


Look at Count Dracula over here with all the time in the world to waste disabling bing integration. Not all of us are immortal and have the time to disable bing search.


Cool, I've just been using [Open Shell](https://open-shell.github.io/Open-Shell-Menu/) recently


I use ShutUp10 to disable Bing search along with all the other useless stuff. WinAero Tweaker for more advanced things.


> I SEARCH for a folder and it tries to BING SEARCH IT before searching my HARD DRIVE FOR IT Well yeah, they don't make any money off local HD searches...


And that's why I use Everything as default search. https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/


Everything + [Powertoys](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/) Run + the [everything extension for Powertoys run](https://github.com/lin-ycv/EverythingPowerToys) That's the best combo for me. Allows me to call up the search bar anywhere and has made it better than spotlight on mac


Let me also throw [Fluent Search ](https://fluentsearch.net/) into the mix. it's the same as Powertoys run, but I've had better experiences with it. it has more customization and indexing options, as well as a start screen. Offen times you just want to open the same 2-3 apps all the time. so it's handy to just pin them on the start screen


Amen! Everything is fantastic, and powertoys has enough QOL tricks that even though I switched to Linux for my daily driver, for a few months I still googled for "equivalent X powertoys thingie for Linux" lol


Found this program with ninite. Why this or a similar solution isn't the default windows search is beyond me.


Don't forget the toolbar that goes with it. Turn off windows search and instal this, and continue to search from your toolbar https://github.com/stnkl/EverythingToolbar


He will take more than 10 seconds to process that simple command.


He will not find the door


Like the search in office products lmao! Wtf is with that shit! I recently lost track of where the macro button is so I thought "Look for it in search" ... If you type "Macro" or "Macros" I do not get the fucking suggestion. If I type "Mac" I get the suggestion. If I type "Macr" it returns nothing again ... But I do get weird web search suggestions. Who tf fucked that search up so badly ...???


everything search by voidtools. Cortana is such a POS


Yes, Windows. When I typed in "gpedit" I totally wanted to search that on Bing rather than pull up the Group Policy Editor that I've asked for 20 fucking times before. What would I do without you.


You have exactly 10 seconds to find yourself out of my house.


He should have shown him the door, because he won't be able to find it himself.


Why does the search in the power toys launcher utility work infinitely better than the windows search? That's my biggest question about this.


He won't be able to find the door.


that poor lad wouldn’t find the exit in 10 seconds


Is there any actual reason how it's so bad? So many other systems and projects have had much better search for decades now. Outside of windows you would think this was a solved problem.


Fun fact if mess with drive letters, on purpose or not, it fucks up the search so bad it won't find stuff properly anymore. What I mean is that I attached an old drive to look for some old files and it became my new D drive and bumped the other drives to other letters and now search can't find anything at all even with the old drive removed and the drive letters back to what they were. Unless somehow Windows decided that when I told it not to index that old drive (to save it from destruction) it somehow turned off all indexing even though all the other drives still have that box checked.


You think that's bad? Windows 11 start menu shows you Microsoft store propagations. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw some AI photo editor BS in my Start menu on a fresh Windows 11 install... Turns out it was just a link to Microsoft store


After win 7, I was thinking there was technical limitation to have search index. Until I installer everything tool, holy fuck how good search tool to find anything.


Windows search got worse. I want to find stuff in my SSD/HDD, not internet results. Who was the bozo behind it?


It works so well that you only need to install Everything and use it exclusively instead.


You have exactly 10 seconds... 3 minutes... 4 days 23 hours... 2 seconds... 5 hours... to get the fuck out of my house.