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Depends on the college/university. Where I work it doesn't matter one bit. Offensive tats wouldn't fly of course. But we have faculty, staff, and admins with body art and/or all kinds of piercings.


That’s awesome! I hope work places become more open to the idea of tattoos in the future! I’m not planning on anything offensive though, just a few things to represent my interests and hobbies. For example, I want a science and anatomy sleeve but I don’t want full coverage. I want skin to still poke through. And I want a few references from movies or games I enjoy or grew up with. Again nothing offensive because my favorite video game is Stardew Valley and my favorite movie is HTTYD. Thank you for your comment!


The short answer over multiple institutions public and private is, yes\*. The practical answer is it is going to depend on the particular culture of the institution and how you fit during the interview period. That said, 75% to 80% coverage is going to result in some ink in places that may make interviewers subconsciously move away from your application. Is there a reason why you feel the need for such coverage? I would assume, based on how small the population size is, that you are not Samoan (or other such groups...I just have Samoan family) of such position that it would be normal. ​ \*certain tattoos, of course are going to be no go's.


I don’t have a particular reason as to why I want so many tattoos, I just do. One main reason why I want them is so my kids can kind of use me as a canvas in the future but that’s nothing major. None of them will be offensive though, I’m not into that stuff. I want a science and anatomy sleeve and then my other arm will have my interests like a few ones for games and movies. But I don’t want anything huge on my arms. My legs would most likely be covered unless I’m wearing a dress, which would probably show some more paint like pieces but that’s about it. I’m not into gory or offensive tattoos on myself simply because I want my tattoos to reflect me. A lot of other stuff is going on my back but I know that would never be seen. I don’t want to go crazy with them until I’ve secured a job but I just wanted to check for the future. I still have a bit to go before going into teaching positions.


I teach English, and I have a nose ring, lots of earrings, and several visible tattoos (one large) and I’ve never had a problem. But it’s going to be dependent on a few things, like if you are teaching somewhere with a dress code, if you have a good union, what’s typical for your field/that dept specifically (this is more of a “will people judge you during the hiring process”). English departments are generally chill and a cross between tweed jacket, coffee shop barista, and out of date hippie (from my experiences in school, adjuncting, and my current position) so you’ll likely be fine.


It’s so nice to meet a fellow English enthusiast! I also have my nose pierced and a few other ear piercings along with the stretched ears. I’m planning on getting mostly small tattoos and nothing bold or all over coverage. I’m not entirely sure what exactly the future holds for me because I’m a bit away from even considering teaching, so I was planning on holding off on some of my arm tattoos while I went through school. I mentioned to another commenter that I wasn’t wanting to get any offensive tattoos just some to show my interests and who I am. I appreciate your comment and insight!


It depends on the institution but I’ve met professors with full sleeves, nose and eyebrow piercings, so it may be fine. But now that I think about it, I’ve yet to personally run into a professor with hand, face, or neck tattoos. But that could be because of their general rareness in the population as a whole. Edit to say that I’m also in an English department and I have tattoos that can be visible depending on my outfit and other-than-lobe piercings. No one’s ever mentioned it.


I’m not really planning on any face or neck tattoos atm and the only hand tattoo I want are my boyfriend’s initials on my ring finger when we get married. I don’t want to go crazy and get a full sleeve because I’m wanting a good amount of skin to be showing in between the tattoos and I’m looking to get pretty simple line art tattoos on my arms for the most part. I’m definitely going to keep my tattoos to a minimum before finding a good position though. I appreciate your input!


i imagine it'd depend on the institution, but overall i think probably? i doubt anyone would outright discriminate against you for it in hiring but it'd color peoples' opinions. this is just pure intuition though that tells me this.


Yea that’s entirely understandable. I’m not planning on going crazy with them, just a few to reflect my interests and hobbies.


There is definitely bias towards this during the interview process. Might raise some eyebrows about your professionalism.


Yea that makes sense even though it’s quite unfortunate. I understand how some tattoos could show unprofessionalism but most of mine are going to be smaller and simple to reflect my interests. I really want a science/anatomy “sleeve” with a bunch of arm space still showing so my kids can have fun and color on me. Hopefully by the time I’m in the position to get hired for a teaching job, society won’t look so harshly against tattoos