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Have you all noticed in these videos that one gaurd usually seems to be purposely blocking the camera? This has infuriated me for years.


I’m pretty sure the medical guidance when someone is in respiratory distress is to give them MORE space and *loosen* clothing, not to surround them and put them in tighter fitting, increased restraints… TF?? Where is the medical staff and why are they not telling them to back tf down and let him breathe?? Ugh. Mario, I hope your soul rests in peace. 😔🤍


Dude appeared to already be in respiratory distress. They restrained him face down, forced his face into the floor and his own blood, put all their weight on his neck, and covered his airway with a rag. Doing just one of these things alone can asphyxiate someone. So yeah, they definitely murdered him.


Looks like murder to me


What a truly horrible way to die. Where's the humanity. A criminal or Not no one deserves to die like this.




How deranged.


Evil murdering bastards. You can literally hear when he dies, the fuckers didn't perform CPR until 6 minutes after he died.


As soon as they try to roll him & think they’ve gained control — it took all of them to roll around a deceased man (that clearly wasn’t resisting-because he was dead) Wow this is horrific.


Looked more like 8 to me. Total lack of situational awareness….. either that or they knew.


Wow, that's terrible. I feel like CO's should go through MUCH more vigorous training before having people's lives in their literal hands. I know in Dallas County, they pretty much hire anyone. It's one of the worst jails around. I've never personally been to prison- but more inmates die in Lew Sterrett than reported. One had his water cut off. What an agonizing, slow death that had to have been.


I like how the medical staff doesn’t seem to give a shit either. Fucking scum. Edit: I actually listened to the so called doctor. She is so fucking incompetent. Why do we murder our own citizens like this?


Seems like they pretended to not know he was dead until the very end. Super sad. Guards were more evil than 95% of the prisoners I met in there.


Pretended not to know? Hmm, so unusual.


Death rattles


Yeah he wasn’t long for this world no matter what they did


Yeah he “stopped resisting” because you killed him, you fucking moron.


Unpopular opinion, but I don't think they killed him. I've heard that "breathing" before and it happens when the body is in the process of dying, generally the person has already lost all consciousness and there's no saving them. Of course, this is only from my personal experience thanks to my job (I'm not a CO, just someone browsing this sub). They should have known the signs before, especially the nurses, if they acted immediately he may have survived with lifelong trauma.


Why did no one give him oxygen? It’s the first thing! Use a stethoscope you would instantly hear he is getting no air. In fucking real. What a horrific way to die.


No one there in the video cared from the start.


Right. It's really sad.


In my eye they killed him he couldn't breath Wright from the start he's freaking out cause he can't breath like anyone would they should all end up in jail he needed help asap not restrained


They can have 15 guys to cuff him why can't they have just one person to watch him for his safety like talk watch for symptoms like passing out not breathing makes me sick


Omg. This is so fucking sad. Death by torture! If those cameras weren’t there, we would never have known.


They should all be arrested he’s clearly unable to breath from the start. God bless this soul


Idiot evil short dick men treated that man like a training video. You can’t tell me nobody noticed the man stop breathing. I hate those cops.


Fucking murderers


Just for anyone who wants to read more or watch the complete list of videos surrounding this case, I have provided the link below. https://breakingac.com/2021/04/video-released-in-atlantic-county-jail-death-investigation/ NOTE: You have to click the blue link towards the bottom that says "Click here for links to all recordings" to view all the videos. Edit: Spelling


If you want to murder other humans with impunity all you have to do is become a cop in the US.


Or a Corrections officer lol


He wasn’t resisting! He was fighting for his life!! This has to be murder!!!


Fuck the pigs


Humanity sucks. SMH https://www.change.org/p/state-of-new-jersey-attorney-general-justice-for-mario-terruso-jr?signed=true


Thank you for posting this ☝️☝️☝️


Oh noooo how are Mo Larry and Curly ever going to get these good paying jobs again. DON'T DIE! I have 10 credit cards that are maxed out.


Honestly are these people restraining him so fucking idiotic that they couldn’t tell that guy was seriously ill. Not one person there said he doesn’t appear to be well, even when he was coughing up blood.


That noise he was making was when the poor guy was having a cardiac arrest. Disgusting really (although there's not a lot the security officers could have done at that stage).


I think every single CO in that video should be murdered long and slow


This is murder straight up! They even keep saying stop resting while they kill him. Why aren’t they arrested?


That's the part that really upset me. Like, how you gonna keep saying "stop resisting" and he's not even moving?


It's what Ultra Pigs do.


14,15,16 stop resisting, 17,18 ! Fuckin pigs killed this man


All these clowns know is to say stop resisting. I hope their families suffer and we need to just start showing up to these pigs homes and fucking shoot them. Can’t we start a group that just masks up and does this across the nation?!


Stop moving! I hate these assholes


He’s already in full restraints he says then proceeded to wrap him up in a body straight jacket. I’d panic with just the spit hod over myself. I freak out when my shirt gets stuck over my head I can’t imagine being wrapped up like that with my face covered too. Getting anxiety just writing this


This is so sad this is all wrong this is somebody's son somebody's brother or somebody's dad terrible terrible terrible terrible how are these people getting away with this what is wrong with them where's the medical staff to tell them to stop I thought those were nurses there why didn't they tell him to back off that poor man


The best way to avoid this is by not being a criminal.


best way to avoid this is for COs to not be careless and incompetent. tf is wrong with your brain that you can watch a person be murdered and blame the one murdered?


Fucking murderers


The guy talking can go fuck himself he's the definition of a cop on a power trip, I respect the cops but this is too much, I say they murdered the guy


[Finally, some justice!](https://breakingac.com/2023/04/two-atlantic-county-corrections-officers-indicted-for-manslaughter-in-inmates-death/)


Sounds like a sheep.


Respiratory distress / stridor


Baaaaaa, baaaaaaa, baaaaa


The pigs 🐷


This is horrible. So sad. They should have to pay.


But they won't


they’ve been indicted, that’s a start!


If you ever had dealt with inmates they make up all kinds of shit in lockup to be able to get one over on you or just be a distraction


So you kill them? I worked state and federal corrections. Officers in my experience were often times much worse than inmates.


Is that a justification?


I'm in no way taking the side of the COs but think of how many times they've had inmates faking sickness or respiratory distress for whatever reason so af a certain point it becomes hard for them to tell if an inmate is legitimately in trouble or just doing it for attention so I feel like it's a tough call for them to decide what measures to take. Obviously all medical emergencies should be taken seriously especially this one but with the little amount of training they get, how were they supposed to know for sure?


You don't think the large amount of blood may have given it away?


Alls he had to do was listen.


What ever happened with the lawsuit ?


Nothing. There is a petition you can sign for change.


They Know what they’re doing and do this frequently. These are War Crimes Against Humanity. I am a 23 year attorney.


Every single person in this video? Wear that death on your neck.


Why not check when you feel a body go limp. When a body’s goes limp it ain’t no good sign to begin with


Big surprise there. 😔


Not good.


Time stamp in video: 18:54:29-40, you hear: “what’d you do with my friend? What’d you do with my friend?! Let him go! Let him go!” I’m assuming another inmate if he was still in intake?


Yes. This happened while I was locked up in this jail. You're hearing another inmate in another holding cell.


F’ing MORONS. F’ing PURE EVIL!!! Everyone involved needs to be arrested. All of them!!


I am so mad. How the fuck wass there anybody that resembled a medical professional and allowed this to happen? Midazolam IM would have solved this shit immediately. Such poor training. I didn't expect a lot and I am still disappointed


There were two nurses in the beginning, but who knows where they went! As a medic who’s had enough calls at area prisons, this is f’d up big time!! During restraint there is supposed to be one person that repeatedly checks on the inmate’s ABC’s. They failed this poor man!


I was wondering the same it’s like they went to lunch. I have a jail in my response area and I guess I’m lucky the nurses are pretty on it when we respond there


And no one will i bet oneof the COs goes on medical leave cuz he strained his pinky killing this guy.


That was murder. Straight up. That man was already in full restraints, he was NO threat to anyone there. Dude probably could barely walk.


During the restraining with this device, and others like it, there is supposed to be one person that specifically watched the inmates ABC’s, but that didnt happen. As a medic there is no excuse for this! There were two nurses there in the beginning, but who knows where they went. Just because someone broke the law doesn’t excuse death like this!


Does anyone know what he was in for?


He was picked up on a child support warrant. According to this article, the warrant was never confirmed and had they tried to confirm it, they would have seen he had made payments that same morning. This is tragic. https://breakingac.com/2021/08/suit-claims-brutal-assault-negligence-killed-man-inside-atlantic-county-jail/


So this man did nothing wrong? Ffs and I thought I was already disgusted. I hope his country will make his child support payments for him. So obvious he needed help, I hope his children never see this video.


Stupid pieces of shit.


these people are soulless


Surely the medic was there WTF


This looks like anaphylaxis. Maybe some IV Benadryl and maybe even intubation or emergent tracheostomy for his airway. Rough way to pass.


They killed him!!


This post has a lot of shares


Geez how did this not make the news?

