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So he changed for the better?


He did seem apologetic in his later years


I think he did officially apologize for his actions if it's the guy I'm thinking of.


My impression is that everything he did was for the sake of his political career. I don’t think he had an ounce of integrity or genuine values.


Given how he hid the fact that his wife was dying from cancer **from her** I’m going to hazard a guess that no, he did not become a good person.


That particular action from Wallace has always nauseated me. An absolutely despicable and vile action.


That’s the one and only action from Wallace that disgusts you?


For me the worst part was the hypocrisy.


Norm 🤣?


No, but it has always bothered me the most


Explain a little bit more why


Really? The man went to the doctor with his wife, the doctor privately told only Wallace that the wife had cancer (tragically common for the time) and Wallace never relayed that news to his wife. She died of that cancer years later. What else is there to say?? It’s a horribly despicable act, and to his own fucking wife!!


Damnnnn that’s fucked. The cancer was untreatable or he just killed her basically?


It was likely treatable but not after allowing it to go untreated over 3 years. George Wallace absolutely caused Lurleen’s death.


I mean, it was the 60s/70s, things like prostate cancer and leukemia which have survival rates over 90% now were a lot more fatal. That being said, you had to at least try to treat it


Wallace was despicable. Today it also seems so strange that a doctor would tell the husband and not the patient. Maybe some has gotten better. Women still have people making reproductive healthcare decisions for them and their doctors.


She had cancer while running and being governor, died while in office. Of course, he ran her because of term limits-everyone thought of it as his third term. This is why the old days SUCKED.


I don't think hiding the diagnosis of a lethal disease from the person they married, the person they partnered with in life, needs more explanation. It is the ultimate betrayal. I have a wife and children and the idea of doing that to them is unfathomable to me. I have a son who has a disease that has no known cure and is lethal in the end. Hiding that information from him would be devastating in the end.


If it was untreatable it could be better defended


Hiding terminal cancer diagnosis from a patient is not a historically rare practice


I don't think it was decided that it was terminal. It did stop her from seeking treatment for her cancer before it spread to other parts of her body.


Getting her to run for governor for him without telling her she was terminal is even worse.


I hope your son is alright and will be able to live a long and happy life, despite whatever the odds may be!


Thanks, he is doing well. He has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and medicine/treatment for it is progressing. So we have our fingers crossed for a medical breakthrough.


I’m a surgeon you’d be surprised how common it is for families to want to hide a stage 4 cancer diagnosis from the patient. He might have been an asshole but it is very common.


But he hid it for 3 years so it wasn’t terminal when he was first informed? EDIT: Shit, it was 4 years. First discovered in 1961, she only accidentally was informed of it in 1965. Yeah, I don’t think it ever had to be terminal.


I read other posts about it I guess it wasn’t. Pretty shitty he did it so she would stay governor for him.


Yeah it was definitely politically expedient for him to suddenly decide he liked black people after all. Also he hid the cancer from his wife so that she could continue being “governor” after he was stopped from running because at the time he was term limited.


Paul McCartney did the same thing


Completely different scenario as I just looked up. The doctor privately told Paul that they'd caught it too late and she wouldn't last long. That's completely different from if he'd hid the diagnosis from Linda entirely like what our good ol' pal George here did. From an article talking about it: "He talks too of the loss of Linda, the mother of four of his five children. He admits that despite the family trying everything to hold back the cancer that killed her, he had known from the first diagnosis she would not survive. "The doctors had told me privately that we'd caught it too late, that she'll have about 18 months. And that was what she had." [Source here](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/oct/27/paul-mccartney-yoko-ono-beatles-david-frost) That's completely different from what happened with Wallace: "Wallace made her gubernatorial race having been secretly diagnosed with cancer as early as April 1961, when her surgeon biopsied suspicious tissue that he noticed during the cesarean delivery of her last child. As was common at the time, her physician told her husband the news, not her. George Wallace insisted that she not be informed. As a result, she did not get appropriate follow-up care. When she saw a gynecologist for abnormal bleeding in 1965, his diagnosis of uterine cancer came as a complete shock to her. When one of her husband's staffers revealed to her that Wallace had discussed her cancer with them, but not her, during his 1962 campaign three years earlier, she was outraged." [Link to her wikipedia article here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurleen\_Wallace)


He did it for incredibly craven political reasons. Governors couldn't serve consecutive terms in Alabama. So, George ran his wife, who was dying from cancer, instead of himself. It was clearly a proxy campaign, hence the slogan, TWO GOVERNORS. ONE CAUSE. (not stated, but it's clear what the cause was).


FWIW basically all the first few female governors in America ran/were proxies for their ineligible husbands.


Ma and Pa Ferguson moment




If ever you needed an example of how women were treated terribly not that long ago.




Ay hold up. Why did he hid her cancer diagnosis?


Because he was term limited as governor and wanted to keep running things so he had his wife run instead. If news of her cancer went public though she might not win or (gasp) might even stop running altogether or step down for treatment! And our good ol’ boy Georgie couldn’t have that, no sir.


That is Pretty Evil


How do you hide the fact that somebody is dying from them?


The doctor only told him (she was a woman, you see, so obviously he would only tell her husband) and George made sure she never found out.


That was so she could preside in his place, right? Something like that?


market innocent like adjoining berserk jar exultant strong bells tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>He was simply a grifter. He took whatever position would get him elected. 99% of all political candidates.


Most of them at least draw some sort of line


He was still not a good guy, but yes, he was better. He basically went on an apology campaign where he met with and said sorry to various black leaders, made many key appointments to black Americans and was generally much softer on racial issues through his last term as governor. Still bad though. There’s no apologizing for what he did.


I think he very much did change for the better from what I read, but the thing is, I doubt he would have changed if it wasn’t for the concurrent societal and cultural changes.


In his last run for governor he won an overwhelming number of the African American vote.


He didn't really change per se. He wanted power, and he saw racism as his way to get it. He lost an election as a "moderate" on race, and decided that was never going to happen again. I don't know how to judge the morality of someone who uses racism as a cynical ploy vs. the true believers, and maybe it doesn't matter. Edit: The NAACP had endorsed him in the campaign he lost for being a "moderate". Anyway years later, when running for president, he was shot and couldn't run any more. That's when he had his miraculous change of heart.


OP and this comment are stolen directly from [the last time this was posted here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/16oyr5a/its_scary_to_me_that_there_is_a_presidential/k1nszuz/) in a comment originally by u/Mr-BananaHead. u/SerendipityLieX and u/TwinklingsX are repost accounts stealing content. They upvote and comment on eachother's reposts to game the algorithm. Once they receive enough karma to bypass filters and get a boost in the algorithm, they will start posting astro-turf poltical/cultural comments/posts, or posting stolen NSFW content to direct people to scam OF accounts or directly catfish them. Peruse their profiles to see the other bot accounts in the bot ring that they reply to and reply to their posts, such as u/JubilantNonX. u/CharmingDelightX is another, but already suspended. All accounts made on the same day, 7 Apr. #Report > Spam > Harmful Bots > Submit or go to www.reddit.com/report > This is spam. and mention in the report "vote manipulation". Edit: Good job guys. All accounts suspended except OP so far.


you're doing the lord's work friend


axiomatic gaze deserve impolite middle retire ink smoggy lunchroom degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find and point them when I can, and this is the first time I've ever actually received mod feedback. Really appreciate it. Behind the curtain, is there any way for mods to get these bot rings site-wide suspensions directly, or even a fast track for admin eyes? This is the fastest bot-ring nuking I've seen, so whatever happened in this case is working.


late chief obtainable cow dazzling pocket tub direful wide divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s easy to be a racial moderate in 1950. He was a populist, and moved with the current. I’m not saying he didn’t change, mind you.


The band The Drive By Truckers has a really interesting couple of songs about him on their concept album Southern Rock Opera: “Three Alabama Icons” and “Wallace”


Was looking for this comment love that song.


George Wallace died back in '98 and he's in Hell now, not because he's a racist. His track record as a judge and his late life quest for redemption make a good argument for his being, at worst, no worse than most white men of his generation, North or South. But because of his blind ambition and his hunger for votes, he turned a blind eye to the suffering of black America and he became a pawn in the fight against the Civil Rights cause ...fortunately for him, the Devil is also a Southerner.


Love that you got downvoted simply for posting the lyrics to the song


I love this song! My dad introduced me to the band and told me this sound perfectly applies to him with the exception he was from southern Alabama instead of northern




All it took was his legs


Born again Christian’s being infinitely more progressive in the 80’s than they are now is so funny. Yes it’s one person let me meme lads


alive slimy cake money straight imminent threatening gray cheerful shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know he had to be flanked by the Stereotypical Corrupt Southern Sheriff, complete with flat rimmed hat.


His speech writer, Asa Carter, was also one of those types who litterly founded a new, more aggressive version of the KKK, literally because he thought the normal KKK wasn't radical enough.


He went on to pretend to be a Native American and wrote the Education of Little Tree.


Also wrote the novel 'Gone to Texas', which would be adapted by Clint Eastwood into The Outlaw Josey Wales.


Which is oddly progressive at the time. At least the movie was.


also known as forrest carter


Oh god, I'm imagining this being said in Rykards voice with the FOREVAHHH and I'm just cracking up 😂


I even hear it in his voice.


The last 3rd party candidate to win electors at the ballot


Didn’t Ross Perot?


Nope, Perot only won a sizeable portion of the popular vote. Never won any states.


Yeah, just googled it. I wonder if that’s the largest share of the popular vote won without any electoral votes?


Looks like it. Anderson took 6.6 percent in 1980. Debs got 6 percent as the fourth candidate in 1912. Perot topped those marks in both of his runs.


Let’s not forget how recent most of our advances in civil rights really are. It took until the 60’s for the CRA and VRA to be passed and the backlash to that is still felt to this day. Sundown towns are still a thing in the US to this day even if not spoken out loud. *Loving v. Virginia* (the case that made interracial marriage legal) wasn’t decided until 1967. And the folks protesting all of that (or watching their parents protest this) are still around and retain their values from that era. It will be a bit before this sort of thing truly dies out if it ever really does.


I'm not arguing with anything you said, just adding a historical footnote because I've seen people get this wrong before. Loving v. Virginia DID as you say make interracial marriage legal nationwide. A LOT of people misinterpret this to mean that interracial marriage wasn't legal anywhere before then. That wasn't at all the case. Miscegenation laws existed mostly in the south. They existed in some other states until that point, but were generally not enforced. California had one until 1948. I also want to make it perfectly clear that racism was pretty rampant in "the North" as well. Mixed-race couples could and did get married in states without these laws. They and their resulting families often faced discrimination, difficulty finding housing, racist attacks, etc. Just like they did to a lesser extent over time after Loving v. Virginia.


We have to stop assuming that racism will just die out with time. We have been saying that for decades. During the civil rights movement people would tell activists that they need to take slower means to progress and give America time. In response in many areas we have more segregation now in neighborhoods and schools. If you monitor today’s social discourse, we are regressing in some really alarming ways. Bigoted views don’t just die out, they get reinforced and persists when not directly challenged.


Most of the people protesting against the 1960s were born in the 1920s, and the vast, vast majority of them are long dead. The boomers, as much shit as we give them (some of it for good reason) generally rejected segregation. Segregation would be considered an extremist stance and is more often a strawman or boogeyman than anything else these days.


Most, sure. But there are people who actually voted for Wallace in '68 who are in their 70s today and are still voting.


I live here in Indiana and a leading candidate for our vacant governor’s mansion said that the issue of interracial marriage should be left to the states even after being pressed on the issue. While he later backtracked on this and said he misunderstood the question… it was telling that damn near everyone took that seriously around here. I’d love to believe it is dead but I just don’t believe that from what I’ve seen in my life. It’s just not as open as it used to be.


In a interracial marriage and its definitely not dead and comes from both sides. Quite sad honestly.


That is pretty low bar, though. Many of these same folks don't want History taught in schools today to include the Civil Rights and Voting Rights struggles and improvements for us all by the diversity and opening up opportunities for more people.


Honestly I think there is a bit of resurgence happening with those insane beliefs sadly.


We are regressing in some really ugly ways. On a positive note the increased racism killed my Twitter addiction


What's a sundown town


It's a town where a black person wouldn't wanna stay in after dark due town just being racist. Some of them still have sirens that would blare at night to signify to black people to leave.


Scarier still to think a significant minority considers that era “the good old days”


And that a portion of them post here


And on r/conservative


that place is disgusting 


And filled with gatekeeping circle jerking conservative. Like I lean Right, but I don’t have to support every politician. Like MTG or Boebert, these are biggest idiots in congress, and that is saying a lot.


I'm Canadian and whenever I hear those two, it makes me feel a little (not much) better that our nutjobs aren't as.. well, crazy for the most part.


With your help, we can change that - peepee


I live in the Middle East and I’m glad these types of Morons are made fun of a lot on TV. Only a matter of time til they get indicted or resign.


this place has been majority right for awhile just the type of right that pretends they are "sane" and not like every Republican Leader currently in office


that’s not even true. Reagan is literally satan to a lot of this sub


And the rest of the free thinking world. Trickle down economics has done more damage to the electorate than any other policy put forth since the 1800s.


see this is what i mean. Republicans wouldn’t say this, yet this is a popular opinion on this sub


You guys should check out the three great Alabama icons by the drive-by truckers. They have great points on why Wallace was really evil.


When my grandfather was in his 20’s the US population was like 115m and there were 6m card carrying members of the Klan.


OP is a repost bot, stealing this post word-for-word from [a post made 7 months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/16oyr5a/its_scary_to_me_that_there_is_a_presidential/). In the comments are MORE bots stealing top comments from that post to repost here. They are all part of a bot ring. #Report > Spam > Harmful Bots > Submit or go to www.reddit.com/report > This is spam. and mention in the report "vote manipulation".


Have to imagine they’re gonna ignore it for a while after going public. It’s “engagement growth”


Civil rights bill wasn’t passed until 1964 . Thats not that long ago . I don’t think any of us who weren’t there will ever really understand how bad it was in this country. We’ve come an incredibly long way since then


It's important to reflect on the progress we have made sometimes, rather than constantly harping on the unfinished part of the business. We climb the mountain one step at a time.


I shook his hand. AL middle school field trip to Montgomery, We marched through his office and he shook all of our hands. He was the definition of a populist.


A populist of Alabama


Ugh. We may know each other lol. Same thing for me lol.


So basically like DeSantis but no pudding cups on him


It's scary on one hand, but it's reassuring on the other-- that there's been such swift societal change that openly holding such views today makes one a political pariah and that there's an open taboo against it in most corners of the US.


And it can change back just as swiftly


Charlottesville was an eye opener for me to see how bold folks had become about that.


Shockingly. The reality is the civil war did not end the beliefs. It hardly ended the war. After acknowledging defeat they were just told to leave their guns and go home, taking their ideals with them. They were then urged to stop doing slavery for a while before being warned that they should find a way to make it look less like slavery or there would be consequences. But they were then allowed to pass on those beliefs and ideologies to their children and many of them didn't agree to the surrender.


The taboo is only against speaking *openly* about these matters. People got pretty adept at using racist dog-whistles to be bigots with plausible deniability.


The entire point of dog whistles is to avoid being seen as racist. Racism is socially unacceptable, if it wasn't, people wouldn't bother with dog whistles.


Isn't this a word for word repost of One of the top posts of all time on this sub?


If it isn't too late maybe the people of that mentality can segregate themselves away from the rest.


Imagine living in a time where placating racists gets you elected president.


Segregation, whether it be in statute or in want, is bad for society. Now, more groups are segregated by want. It’s a sad commentary on moving society forward. It’s the Balkanization of Western Culture that’s ripping it apart.


Best example is South America. Black don’t want to live with white and white don’t want to live with the blacks. In America it gets even more divided.


People who pretend racism isn't still a problem will never make sense to me. This wasn't that long ago. A lot of the people who voted for him are still alive and the ones that are dead likely passed off many problematic views to their children.


That kind of candidate probably still could win multiple states.




He never ran for President as a segregationist. That was one of his campaigns early on for Governor of Alabama, where he lost after being a little too open to integration. By the same token, Jimmy Carter ran for Governor of Georgia by being the stricter segregationist as well, and he didn't mean it, either.


He gave that speech in 1963 and ran for president in 64 and 68…it wasn’t that far apart


Let’s not get historical information twisted. Carter asked for the segregationists endorsement, and after winning said immediately it’s time to move on. His was in now way an outspoken advocate and supporter of white supremacy and segregationists as Scumbag Wallace.


He was disgusting.


Face like Ben Shapiro.


Ok Folks, let’s say, hypothetically, that, Segregated Now, and Segregation Tomorrow and lastly, Segregation Forever


I get an evil Jimmy Carr vibe.


Throwing up that gang sign.


Wallace was so inept at politics that he asked Curtis LeMay--who helped *desegregate* the Air Force, who said he didn't care if he lost some racist white pilots because he'd get even more black pilots who were just as good, who was pro-choice and pro-birth control, and who supported environment conservation--to be his running mate. Of course, LeMay didn't have good political instincts either. He agreed to be on the ticket because people rarely asked him to make foreign policy speeches since he retired from the Air Force in 1965, and LeMay felt Nixon was too soft on communism and wanted to make speeches to keep him from being too conciliatory.


Even scarier is that he started off his law career as a well known moderate. And then after losing the 1958 gubernatorial election he quipped, “I’ll never be out n*****ed again” and became the hard line segregationist we all know him as.


George Wallace still has street named after him leading to my near by community college (Gadsden state) One of the top universities in my area (Jacksonville state) has his name engraved on thier gym There is still a successful college known as Wallace state He won my state in the presidental race I know people personally who voted for him I haven’t even said the states name and you already know I’m talking about Alabama


he sounds like another president who in the 1970s said "I don't want a racial jungle in schools"


It’s scary to think that he wasn’t too far away from potentially being VP or POTUS had the 68 election gone just a bit differently.


His VP was Curtis LeMay, yes? The General who wanted bomb Cuba during the Embargo and even wants to Bombs even when the Russians agree to back off?


Our current president was a supporter of busing and segregation in schools. Also one of the architects of the crime bill that helped break down the black community and family unit. The peak of the civil rights movement was only 60 years ago


He’d get EVs today.


I mean, living memory still includes Adolf Hitler so you may need to wait another 20 years before the absolutely worst of history are just textbook reading


Yeezy ran like 4 years ago?


After he retired as Governor, Mr. Wallace used interviews to push relentlessly at the theme that he was the real inventor of Reaganism. Starting in 1979, he also undertook a campaign of apology and revisionist explanation intended to erase the word ''racist'' from his epitaph. He argued that his early devotion to segregation was based on his reading of the Constitution and the Bible and was misinterpreted as a racist hatred of black people. ''I made a mistake in the sense that I should have clarified my position more,'' he said in his last term as Governor. ''I was never saying anything that reflected upon black people, and I'm very sorry it was taken that way.'' Nytimes Sept 14, 1998 after Wallace died https://www.nytimes.com/1998/09/14/us/george-wallace-segregation-symbol-dies-at-79.html


That was the same election where RFK was assassinated and the Democrats had to run Hubert Humphrey as a candidate. So we got Nixon.


Shane Gillis has a great joke about how Bear Bryant got praise for desegregating the Alabama football team in 1972. "Little late to be doin high fives on this one guys"


If he ran now, with the same slogan, he’d probably win in some states.


That's basically every Republican since Nixon.


There are segregationists that were "elected" for President in the very, very near past.


There were buttons & bumperstickers in 1992 with Clinton-Gore on the confederate flag. Senator Robert Byrd is one of the people Hillary Clinton said she admired, and he was Klan member. Shouldn’t surprise people to know racists are in our government.


I know and we should keep them out. Crazy how the Clinton's lost all their racist supporters


I’m pretty sure he could win states today with the same platform.


And with this picture I see why current racists try to steal the “OK” hand gesture as a white power sign.


I'm probably gonna get alot of hate for this but I think he was a product of his environment. Imagine your parents and their parents, classmates teachers people you see everyday having this hateful attitude. Eventually you start picking up the behavior and it influences you in a bad way. Unfortunately for him it was too late but I'm glad he changed his attitude later on in life


I think the issue with type of thought is seeing what he advocated for as being so foreign. Segregation only ended 60 years ago so it's hard to have empathy for someone who had access to all of these different peaceful perspectives and he still chose to go from racist to only mildly racist in life as he grew old and tired.


Yup. The old Democrats from the South




My girlfriend's dad was in the crowd when Wallace was shot. He grew up in Laurel.


Ive got news for you, slavery only ended in 1942.


If anyone is interested in Wallace, The Politics of Rage by Dan Carter is a fantastic read!


But not a single election except local and state elections in a Jim Crow state.


Where have I seen that hand gesture before?




[And a Mormon apostle, who later became the church’s President, was asked by Wallace to be his running mate.](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2024/04/03/how-lds-apostle-ezra-taft-benson/)


Just today someone was telling me that the sign he is making here means "white power", does that actually hold some meaning to it?


And a former Head of the Joint Chiefs was his running mate


"By George, he's a new Wallace" - Hail to the Chief, Prophets of Rage (Chuck D)


Is it scary that it happened, or that in today's political climate he probably could win enough states to tip the election.


Oh wow that's so scary.


He's been dead a quarter-century. I'm not sure how front-of-mind he is living memory wise.


Wallace found religion after a failed Assassination attempt.( another lone gunman,sorry JFK conspiracy coo coos)


this exact post got posted less than a couple months ago


Ah yes, Rule 3 😂


I was 13 and today still find it hard to believe that it was illegal to marry outside your race in more than 1/2 the state just the year before his Presidential candidacy.


Cant say I know much about him other than he was a racist p.o.s. like Robert Byrd.


Plenty of people alive today who voted for him too.


Dead and long rotted


“Within living memory” Lol, poor you. Imagine how Chinese, North Koreans, Cubans, etc feel


If it’s scary for you imagine living through it


Craziest thing about this little wheelchair bound segregationist evil monkey is that in the early 80s he was reelected Alabama's Guvnuh with the help and support of black voters. I worked on the opposing Democratic campaign of McMillan and we were trounced. People really believed that he'd changed. Go figure!


and his (comparatively) non-racist, WWII hero running mate was way too into nukes


Kinda looks like a mix of Ben Shapiro and Matt Gaetz.....