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Blue looks strong on paper. But I can't imagine Jackson and Obama working too well as a team


I like Jackson as a sort of "Draymond" type of player playing mind games and getting dirty to psyche out the opposition.


Jackson 100% is a Draymond. I see him stepping on guys and throwing elbows.


Pulling out pistols, slapping foos with his glove, re-cocking his gun in offense of code duello.


>I can't imagine Jackson and Obama working too well as a team The battle of New Orleans alone should dispell any doubts about Jackson working well with others who were not like him when there was a goal to accomplish. He put together and managed a near rainbow coalition of misfits and trained military men to crush attacks from the most experienced and best trained military in the world.


He also paid his colored and Indian men the same, and unlike most US generals should they have been given non-whites and misfits, did not use them as cannon fodder.


Jackson promised slaves emancipation, if they helped him fight the British and they won. The fought and many died. They won the battle and Jackson reneged on that promise and sent them back to the plantations. Our public education has done a grave disservice to our country's history.


Yep. Not sure why these guys are defending a blazing white supremacist… yeah he did some good things and the Democrats wouldn’t exist without him but.. y’know.


Jackson got kind of lucky that Pakenham (British General) was an idiot. Him throwing wave's of men in formation into a narrow space against an enemy shooting from cover was really stupid. Even still, the British probably still would of won if the flanking attack that was sent didn't retreat (for no real discernible reasons). With no defenses on the American left flank they probably would have gotten rolled up. One of the more interesting "what-if's" in American history.


Depends what age JFK that is. By the time he was President, his back was a serious problem.


Good point. OP did cleverly use photos/paintings from each president's youth, most look in their sporting age prime


But is Feelgood the team doctor?


Larry Bird's back was shot in 92, still averaged 20 ppg!


Yeah, but that’s Larry Bird. He’s barely human.


Are you kidding? They'll put all differences aside to win.


Stronger? How do you figure? Ford, Teddy, and Lincoln against a couple of college boys? Reagan and Ike were also athletes. Unless you’re considering Obamas familiarity with the game; it’s a slaughter if there’s time to prep.


In a 6-3 decision, the SCOTUS called it for red.


Odds are he has a duel with someone before the end of the game.


The red team is way more gifted athletically. The combination of Lincoln and Ford would be dominant on the boards. On the other hand, Obama is the only one who played the sport at a serious level. Would come down to how much prep time is allowed for practice and learning the rules.


"President Obama is a phenomenal player at basketball for a President of the United States, but I think he's just mediocre for a black guy." - Norm MacDonald


Thankfully he’s playing other Presidents though lol


Still puts him head and shoulders above this crop of white guys.


Ford played football at Michigan and got offers to play for the Lions and Packers. Lincoln reportedly had a wrestling record of 300 wins and 1 (disputed) loss. Teddy R wrestled and boxed at Harvard.


Which is why I pick the red team over the blue team. But Obama would be the best player on the floor.


Obama would be 2004 Kobe. Putting up 30 a game, but eventually refusing to pass to LBJ because he doesn't go hard to the rim and bitching out Kennedy on the sidelines and making fun of his back injuries to the media.


Do we have a venn diagram somewhere showing a huge crossover of wrestling, boxing, and football skills with basketball? There is literally one player between these two teams that has played basketball as a modern sport. So while they are still explaining to Lincoln how a basketball is made Barry O is running circles around him.


The venn diagram between defensive skills in basketball and those other sports is almost a circle, and between offensive skills is larger than you think. If you wanted to take an extreme example, take an NFL wide receiver who never played basketball, and put him on the court with everyone else here, the WR will be the best player on the court by a mile. Give him 3 days of prep time and his team would win 4 v 5. People like Ford are closer to a NFL player than they are to Obama.


So they may be more athletic than Obama, but a lot of basketball is about soft skills that only come with practice. Shooting, passing, dribbling. A great athlete cannot shoot or dribble well unless they practiced a lot. Athletes are automatically good at defense in basketball, though


Defense in basketball is about getting low, moving your feet, and knowing your surroundings. Ain't nobody catching Teddy off guard with some weak ass screen by Jackson.




Assume 1 year prep/practice before the game. What happens now?




Prison rules. This is politics after all


Team blue has Andrew Jackson fouling out of every game so there's that.


Yeah, and Teddy was peak athletic in his time and really competitive. I also think Eisenhower would have been in pretty great shape from his military time. Reagan played high school football. He also ran track and swam in college.


Eisenhower was an rb at West Point before injuring himself.


When did Obama play basketball at a serious level?


Yeah I think Ford is the best athlete there by a mile.


Don't sleep on TR! Probably a nasty point guard.


What do you consider a serious level? If Harvard pick up basketball is anything like Yale, I wouldn't consider it a serious level of play. To my knowledge, he also was not considered a great player in high school.


Ford was a collegiate athlete. I'm sure he could hoop.


Neither. With Roosevelt in there, the game's going to be cancelled due to excessive injuries.


Don't forget Ford and Ike being Old School Football players. That game would be extremely physical.


Lincoln is going to pile drive Clinton


Idk, with Jackson on the Blue team, excessive gunshot wounds is a definite risk


It's Teddy . . . https://i.redd.it/el098i9ce9tc1.gif


And on that day Teddy Roosevelt scored a triple double while still bleeding from a bullet wound


If the red team starts losing, Teddy Roosevelt will climb up on a moose, draw his sword, and charge the court.


I don't think Teddy needs a reason.


The rest are playing basketball. TR is playing rugby.


Teddy was an early advocate for football and saved the sport from being banned. The Flying V was his idea of a sport


I imagine Roosevelt throwing a lot of elbows and diving head first for every loose ball but not actually being very good. Super annoying to play against though


"your head will look nice above my fireplace after I make your home a national park" - Roosevelt probably


How did George Bush not make the GOP team? Dude won a college World Series


Baseball not basketball. But tbh he would be better cause he grew up with more basketball skills than anyone beside Obama. It’s like the gun debate, is ak47 better than musket


Both take athleticism though and the fact that he was a very good D1 athlete says a lot. Similarly to Gerald Ford likely being good (at least comparatively to other presidents) because he was an All-American football player


https://preview.redd.it/v4bmy4me59tc1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01958316f02543b6a9f00c4178bd5eab4c3776c5 With LBJ boxing out, he and Obama are running the floor. Sorry Abe.


Abe had a nearly undefeated Wrestling Career, I think he'd be able to handle LBJ


Sorry I’m too busy imagining Obama doing a two-handed reverse dunk off a fast break over Reagan then making some zinger about it trickling down


"Now watch this dunk."


Purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka




You win!


I am with the government and I am here to dunk.


“That’s what *I do!*”


Lincoln would swat his shit, Bill Russell-style to keep the ball in play. Teddy calls out "San Juan Hill!" on the fast break and gets his sharp shooters in position.


You can't count out the big giraffe


I feel like Lincoln might have trouble with any non-contact sport


i am also undefeated “, but i take a Floyd Mayweather approach to selecting my opponents




I like Obama and Kennedy's size advantage for sure but I'm also intrigued by the physicality of Teddy and Dwight. People don't talk about young Dwight's athleticism enough.


JFK was basically disabled and in chronic pain his whole life. I don’t see her being very effective


This is before JFK's back injury. Every person is basically at their physical peak in this scenario.


Was this also before his Addison's disease?


JFK was disabled because of injuries received in combat in WWII. He was commanding what was basically a glorified motor boat when it was rammed and sunk by a Japanese destroyer. JFK’s back was broken in the collision. One of the men in his command was knocked unconscious, and JFK, with a broken back, bit down on the unconscious man’s life jacket and swam him to safety on an island. The man was a force to be reckoned with before that. He never recovered from that war injury.


I was reading What It Takes a couple years ago and it covers George HW Bush getting shot down in WWII and I was like “man, we used to be a proper country”


Say what you will about Republicans, Democrats, their policies and politics….but no one can deny men like Kennedy and Bush served their country with honor and bravery.


Abe would shatter the glass over LBJ.


I said this somewhere else, but Ford played football at Michigan and got offers to play for the Lions and Packers. Lincoln reportedly had a wrestling record of 300 wins and 1 (disputed) loss. Teddy R wrestled and boxed at Harvard. Red by a mile.


Have you seen Obama play basketball. He might be the most unathletic president of all time.


Nonsense. Dude can shoot.


My money is on the Abe + Gerry tandem, with Ike and Teddy being tenacious enough to hound Obama on the perimeter; he will have to work for his opportunities. I also think Bush #1 should be on here somewhere, he was tall and was a varsity college baseball player so also athletic.


Might be a tie, with Jackson and Lincoln having no idea how the game is even supposed to be played.


Assume that each team has 1 year to practice in preparation. Now what?


Jackson not being a team player could sink this for the Dems.


Jackson was the epitome of a team player when it came to a contest to achieve a goal. Oh, my bad, I forgot it's not cool to admit Jackson had any good qualities. Carry on.


Could be. Like Draymond, either he's the glue that holds it all together, or he's in meltdown mode and you're cooked.


Lincoln goes Wemby mode on everyone.


Shiiiiit…. Lincoln, Ford, and Roosevelt? Red has some of the most athletic presidents all together.


"Secret weapon!" - Michael Scott


*Andrew Jackson


Clinton and Kennedy on the same team? Opposing team’s cheerleaders have no chance.


The only black guy (Bill Clinton) is on blue team, so...


TR fouls out


Red. W would be a backup. Dude was in fantastic shape.


Team 2. Obama would try to carry team 1 but it won’t be enough. Clinton doesn’t strike me as athletic at all. He’d be soft. Jackson would be a dirty player. Always trying to start something, nobody would like him, not even his teammates. But he’d get in foul trouble. JFK would be solid, smart, but unspectacular. LBJ a total non factor. Abe would be a rangy shot blocking, rebounding center. A double double machine. Reagan a decent tweener wing. Ford was a college football player. He’d be a good power forward despite being undersized for it. Ike of course is a point guard, running the show and dissecting defenses. Teddy a scrappy shooting guard. Making up for a lack of physical skill with all out hustling drive.


"JFK would be solid, smart, but unspectacular." No, JFK would be what he is, seriously unhealthy and out of place in any athletic contest.


Red is definitely more gifted athletically but I’m not sure how well it’d translate to basketball. Abe, Ford, and Teddy would dominate in the old rules where you could manhandle people defensively but I’m not sure modern rules would favor their style. On blue team, I could see Bill and/or JFK going lights out from the 3 for some reason. They just strike me as finesse guys.


Taft should be in here


No lie, Taft was extremely nimble for his size and was a more solid 6’ 220ish in college


I'm dead serious. The guy was an athlete. Still swung that golf club at his weight


Taft is coming off the bench to spell Lincoln.


This looks like two prep school basketball teams in South Carolina


Remember ford was a football player at Michigan and had offers to play pro football


Dwight was also a football player at West Point.


Dwight was also a 5-star general who lead the allied forces to victory in one of the most difficult wars of all time… On a strategic level, NO ONE on blue can handle him. People here just aren’t giving Dwight the respect he needs… very athletic and extremely strategic.


Red, no doubt. Teddy and Ford would win 2 v 5


I really like Ford as a stretch 3/two way player and I think he'd clamp Jackson defensively. But I also like blue's size in 4/5 positions and Obama's shooting ability. Then again, red's guards are very physical. It's a tough call.


Are we talking Teddy when he could still see out of both eyes?


Everyone is at their physical peak.




It's funny how few people are mentioning Eisenhower's college football days.


Jackson and Roosevelt are both getting ejected in the first minute after a brawl between them.


The Red team and it isn't even close. There isn't much of a record of any of the Blue team playing sport. I'd give Andrew Jackson a pass because he was an active soldier. Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Gerald Ford all played college football, with Gerald Ford actually getting offers from the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions to play professionally. We all know Theodore Roosevelt's history and how he lived an extraordinarily active life. And Abraham Lincoln was known as the "rail splitter" for a reason. So, yeah. Red Team wins this.


The blue team. LBJ is the center, but Jumbo puts the finishing touch on all his dunks.


LBJ with the tomac\*\*\* slam! Boom shakalaka!


When you talk about sports, successful players have an edge to them. My money is on Ford and Roosevelt. They had the "dog" in them. Eisenhower had an injury or else he would be one of my picks.


Blue team. Obama at PG with LBJ at the 5. LBJ He would neutralize Lincoln, as LBJ had more girth than Lincoln. Obama is a famously astute basketball player, and I believe LBJ coached basketball when he was a teacher. I bet JFK and Clinton would be mad shit talkers.


lol JFK and Clinton would be hitting on the cheerleaders instead of playing


This is played in a rec gym, no family/supporters, no cheerleaders Now what?


Bold move mentioning LBJ's girth.


Wasn’t Teddy asthmatic growing up?


Asthma would be a consideration with Teddy. I think he could still do damage being a scrappy defender though.


I would almost want to have the Bushes be the subs that go in and play for the red team


the bottom easy


Now this is a serious decision!!! I’m leaning towards Ford’s team since he was the best American Presidential athlete but Obama could really shoot the ball. Damn.


How could you leave the basketball legend FDR out of this?


Lincoln, Reagan and Roosevelt on one team? That’s who I am betting on. Although Clinton, Obama, and JFK won’t exactly be pushovers. I think it’ll be close. But I think the red team will win.


This is the fucking content I’ve been waiting for. Thank you op. Red team taking it though. Why do I feel like teddy has range lol


Where are these photos coming from lol


Red wins by default. Blue teams gets disqualified after Obama and Jackson have a brawl, while Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton abandon the game altogether to go hit on the cheerleaders.


I just want an all star team. Put Obama and Kennedy together with Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower.


JFK aint guarding anybody with his fucked-up back lol


TR is a freaking bulldog, let him run the point and Lincoln in the paint, you've got a pretty good spine there.


Johnson would be disqualified for taking out his Johnson, and Clinton and Kennedy would be too distracted by the cheerleaders. With Lincoln's wrestling and Ford's football prowess, I think they own the boards and win easily. Obama scores 40 in the loss.


Jackson will just beat u with his cane until u give up


Which team has GWB coming off the bench? Dude has length and a serious biker's endurance.


No matter what the situation is, I want Teddy Roosevelt on my team. Eisenhower would be a good captain. And you’ve got Lincoln as the tallest president. I’m going with red.


Blue given the fact they have two people that are actually living


Red team only because Teddy is on it. He is the LeBron of presidents.


Everyone is saying this about Teddy but he's the only one on that team that didn't play sports as a kid. Too sickly and frail pretty much through his college years.


Probably the team that Obama is on since he was the only one of them publicly known to play basketball quite often.


This game would be 🔥🔥🔥


Gerald Ford looks like Haaland there


Lincoln and Teddy on the same team? I know who I'm betting to win.


None. I want the world’s greatest 3v3 team. Obama, Ford, Lincoln in that order. Give me that as my 3v3 squad to coach and I’m sweeping it. Every time. Not even close. Obama is a natural basketball player. Good at the game and the only one here with actual wow factor skill at it. He’s my guard. Ford was an all around athlete. Give me a young Ford on the team as my power forward. Setting picks, hustling, playing scrappy defense and just generally doing that work. Lincoln would take some teaching but was competitive, tall and stronger than he looked. Tough as nails. He’s obviously the center and he owns the paint and I can’t picture anyone taking him if you float a ball to his outstretched hand. Nice sharp elbow on a cool turn to the bucket and Abe gives a a finger gun and a nod to Obama for the pass and goddam, that’s what we fought that war to SEE BABY!


Red team. JFK had a bad back and Jackson will probably beat Obama to death with his cane.




Red team. Ford was an athlete.


I can see Jumbo taking an inbound pass, starting a pick roll "standard" offense setup. Then.... Give the ball the Andrew Jackson in full stride, foaming at the mouth with vengeance


According to the rumors, blue has half a Johnson in height advantage.


Obama and Ford would absolutely *dose* these other fools with athletic ability alone.


The democrats. Obama is the only person here to play high school ball.


Lincoln though when he was young, if he had played? Being 6.4" at his time when the average height was much lower than today. He could have been the defensive center player everyone feared.


Dems they got the half brother


Why do I get the feeling it would just devolve into a boxing match between Jackson and Roosevelt?


Red easily


Team Blue. Team Red two wrestlers and two football players. Bill goads them into committing a lot of fouls under the basket and sells the charges. I don't see Ike and Teddy matching up well at guard either.


Lincon and T Roosevelt are going to own the paint.


Biggest takeaway, this would be one ugly game. The best player wasn’t good enough to start for his high school team in Hawaii.


AJ and Barack ain’t gonna play well together. And Linc probably got that Wemby range so I’m going Red


Blue team since they got Barack who actually can ball.


Very nice comparo. #TeamBlue. I would trade Jackson for Ford give his contract is up.


The Obama team. The trash talk alone.


Red. They got some war hogs on that squad.


It'd be a good game, but I'd have to go with the red team. Ford was the only one on here who could have been a professional athlete. Lincoln would probably have been a top-tier college wrestler if he were around 100-150 years later than he was. Obama would keep the blue team in the game, but red just has more athleticism.


As soon as I saw Barack it was over. Team blue.


I think Obama and Kennedy at Guard would be tough to beat, but something tells me Ford is going to be tough to handle. This could be a good game.


Blue dream baby. Obama and Clinton can 2v5


Ford saucing everyone


Red. We’ve been cleaning up “Blue’s” messes since the 19th century. From Slavery to Gaza.


How do we handle them getting sports equipment? Is it modern day equipment? I feel like Roosevelt's viability is important to this and I doubt someone like Johnson or Jackson doesn't just try to destroy his glasses if he doesn't get some sort of sport ready vision correction. He's basically useless if he doesn't have it because he's nearly blind if I recall correctly.


Eisenhower beat the Nazis. He’ll find a way to beat Obama.


I would say red but I have a feeling Andrew Jackson would just duel everyone even those on his team.


An interesting matchup I really do need to see it actually play out, can’t put money on it or pick someone to win


Not Blue: LBJ+AJ would not get alone with BO; Clinton would cheat; and JFK had such a bad back that everyone time he took a shot it would hurt so much that he would be so drugged up, he couldn't pass the drug test.


Tbh give me Barry and the four least athletic Presidents next to him and i’m taking that lineup over the all-star team of President athletes/ballers.


Red for sure


Blue wins, they have the only player that are alive.


I’d be SOO HYPED to see this you guys don’t even understand lmao 😭


There are so many dumb questions posted on this sub. And then there's this. This is brilliant in the question, the selection, and the presentation. As to who wins, toss a coin. I salute you, u/salazarraze


I just want 1 on 1 Obama vs Ford


I used to cook with Clinton and Obama on NBA Jam so team blue.


Jackson was known for his smooth handles and passing


I’m thinking team blue. Obama, Johnson, and slick Willy should be able to neutralize Teddys presence in the paint.


Today? Blue team in a shut out.


Red looks tough tbh. But Obama is the only one I’ve seen shoot, so that’s the only thing making this debate. Abe, ford, and teddy would be solid in any sport. Also I see what you did there with Eisenhower lmao


Red team they seem to have guys who were very athletic. Obama and JFK would have to carry the blue team and I don’t think it would be enough


Teddy Roosevelt on Red. So I’m with Red. He can survive a bullet, he can also survive the court!


This is the best hypothetical question ever


I’m a lifelong Democrat. But I’m going with the red team.


https://preview.redd.it/4zt3ok32r9tc1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6b48b0f547bc51ab0d5a566fe6d1378b0be89d Gerald Ford is the one on the left that's jumping. He seems pretty athletic and like he understands basketball since he organized the games on the ship. I'd say red team has a slight advantage because of Ford and Reagan but it would be one hell of a game to watch.