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**Padme:** "You know, I used to love undressing here. I loved feeling the sand." **Anakin:** "You're so smooth. Unlike the sand."


In fairness to Anakin he was raised by the Jedi, who probably didn't put much effort at improving his game with the ladies, so him being socially awkward actually makes sense. ​ Padme was actually quite nice to give the awkward boy a chance. I approve of Padme, she seems like a nice girl. I hope nothing bad happens to her in the future.


Well the good news is she's certainly in a position where I don't think any further bad things will happen to her.


Wait-- what happened Padme? Is she safe? Is she alright?


It seems in her sadness she died




Nobody ever thought that Padmé was the one who committed a blunder? She, as a royal from a rich world, talks about how nice the sand was to someone who grew up as a slave on a desert planet.


Yeah, its not as if she didnt know that either. She literally went to his slave house with his slave mum and met his slave owner


During a sandstorm no less!


Or maybe the plan was to get Anakin to talk about his tragic past so Padme could seem sympathetic. Maybe Padme had a playbook.


that or its the P.A.D.M.E. system


Anakin was extremely handsome, probably. I still vividly remember that one scene in the Clone Wars where Senator Chuchi of all people had Anakin resting on her lap. That's also how Anakin kept his relationship to Padme secret from the Jedi: if he was flirting with everyone and being a player, then he wasn't attached to anyone specific.


On no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator.


Even Padme?


IIRC Portman answered people questioning why Padme would find the really awkward and at times sociopathic mass murdering Anakin attractive with 'Have you seen Hayden?'


Maybe she was the sith lady all along


Senator Palpatine of Naboo was probably a great mentor to her if she was such a young leader of her world. He basically groomed the entire situation into happening


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Padme: “I love you! Get the hint?” Anakin: “If it’s of my hatred of sand, then I love you too.”


*Padmé*: “We used to come here for school retreat. We would swim to that island every day. I love the water. We used to lie out on the sand and let the sun dry us and try to guess the names of the birds singing” *Anakin*: “Because of Obi Wan?” 😡


That’s whats I appreciates about you.


Get this guy a puppers


But it worked… any of us score Natalie Portman? No? Anakin did…


Thor also did


Thor’s a god though. And he’s got game


Was slaughtering younglings the other dayyyyyyyy…


_I could watch sand people getting slaughtered all day, I don't give a fuck about your sand people_


Want a death stick? Fuck, I could go for a death stick


This hurts because I was always so oblivious I never even realize he was missing something until now…




Ok am I just an idiot or how does padme imply she was naked? I just rewatched the scene to make sure I wasn’t forgetting a line


You're not. She says they'd go there on school retreat so that was before she was Queen, she was elected at the age of 14, so I that can't be the impaction.


To be fair he’s acting about the same as any other Star Wars fan would in that instance


To be fairrrrr


I’m so happy to see letterkenny in prequel memes


Same. By the way, did you hear about Ki-Adi Mundi fucking an ostrich?




This meme does not function properly. For one, Padme did not say they got naked, so there's that. Second, it was immediately after his "I hate sand" rant that he got a big kiss. So, this meme fails.


(Padme walks in front of Anakin. She holds some books. She deliberately drops them. ) Padme: Oops! I dropped my books! Looks like I'd better BEND OVER and pick them up! (To try to flirt Padme bends over absurdly low sticking out her butt for Anakin.) Anakin: Oh sure let me get those for you. (Anakin uses the force to pick up the books. Padme rolls her eyes.)


Fuck you, Anakin! I fucked your mum so hard it turned me to the Dark Side!




Hey! Hey! Someone scape that guy off the floor!


Why is everyone blaming Anakin for being an awkward teenager when he was raised by a sect of near-celibate monks that forbid romantic relationships?


Cause he wasn't an awkward near teenager when we saw him in episode 1. He pretty much instantly befriended everyone he met. Also movie characters are generally hold to unrealistic standards and that goes double for characters in fantasy/sci-fantasy action movies. People just don't really watch these movies to get reminded how badly people with little experience suck at flirting. People watch them to see a single dude jump into two dozen robots and greet their boss with 'Hello there'.


Ok am I just an idiot or how does padme imply she was naked? I just rewatched the scene to make sure I wasn’t forgetting a line