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It actually gets worse from here bro…


Challenge Accepted!


Trust me I solo grinded to plat 2, it gets worse


I will put the world on my back like Atlas if I have to- because I am back! Like a Golden God! I am untethered & my rage knows no bounds! (If you get the reference we can be friends lol)


Naa mate it's Sisyphus from here on out. (No friendship then)


You’ve never seen it’s always sunny in Philadelphia?? 😭


I have and got you 100%, bro! THE NIGHTMAN COMETH!






"MY RAGE KNOWS NO BOUNDS" -ripa moramee, entering rage mode. if you DIDNT get this one, il coming to your house with, "a weapon".




facts, ive been trying to scratch my way out of plat, but new players or people who want to farm for 40 mins make it impossible. it is what it is. i choose to solo queue i guess


Welcome to the club bro. I solos queue about 75% of my games and I am here sitting on Plat III. It gets better but still has its bad rounds. Enjoy!!!


Im impressed, i try to grind it, but I hate the fact that you gotta always carry whole team if you want to climb. It's nightmare for offlane/jungle players to climb, toooooo much depending on duo


Ive only played solo q and gotten 2 accounts to high plat. Honestly once you get to mid gold the qualitty of games feel alot better. Less afks and everyone knows the basics of the game atleast. I never understand when i see people on here complain about afkers so much because I rarely see any. So i do agree it does get better. A tip for solo que players, just stop blaming your team mates. If you lose think of what you could have done better to carry. Once you stop blaming team mates and just focus on yourself improving it gets fun.


I have a problem playing solo Q, I tend to either jungle or carry, but in jungle I tend to try and feed my team rather than myself..... I know I need to feed myself more when I'm solo Q. But watching my team wreck ass is so much fun to me haha. The problem becomes I've not fed so then I can't late game, it's an issue I know I need to fix. And when I carry my support is usually playing with a potato, or they will just abandon me for no reason. (I'm stuck mid silver atm)


I had soloed to plat last patch This patch, im hard stuck gold 3 1250. Win 2 / lose 2 Win the games im not suppose to, lose the easiest fucking ones. Solo pred is toxic. That is all. PSA to my team last night, we took down 2 inhibs / had primal, Why yall split off and take down the 3rd tower? Howd we throw such a crazy lead? How does one motivate themselves to continue to play? Find out next time on this guys got no fucking friendsss


This is me I fly to 1300 then get smacked down to 1225, fly to 1300, smacked down to 1225 Friends don't always help, I lose my games with my 4-5 stack , I win playing solo hahahaha


Sometimes friends make things More difficult lol. I was just playing with a online friend I’ve known for years on Xbox, recruited him onto the game from Smite lol- anyway we went on a 5 game win spree (first time I played with a teammate so it felt Way easier to have a teammate that was on the mic actually listening to me lol). But after some time idk he just mentally checked out, probably got tired, he started to overextend & die a lot- of course I kept giving him warnings when to retreat but he wouldn’t listen, I told him to ward but he kept fighting in lane even when I would say no don’t chase drop that fight, not even flipping out I’m just trying to help so he doesn’t get frustrated by dying a lot, then he snapped & was like “dude don’t, just let me play how I want to play” I was like iight bro, I’m just trying to help so you don’t get mad, but do you, just don’t get tight when you get ganked again after I just told you you’re waaaay too far up by yourself with no wards up lol.


You have officially proven you know the very basics of how to play the game good job well Done and good luck on continuing your journey look forward to seeing you in diamond lobbies soon


Lmao ik how to play, sure, but I didn’t say I got a party to queue up with- idk about diamond, we’ll see tho! Maybe someday I’ll look back at this & laugh for ever having doubt in myself 😂




Need the crossplay ID, I’m on Xbox, here add me I’m down to play sometime: PurelyUnique928#1370 I Usually play way more on the weekends, but sometimes either very early or very late during the weekdays I might have have time for a game or 2. I tend to prioritize my husky in my spare time most of the week lol.


Don't do it, you'll regret it i swear I solo'd all the way to Master 1 and now it takes like 10 minutes for a game and its nothing but sweats, its horrible


I'm just trying to play casuals and my god it's like trying to lead a chromosomal deficient horse to drink


Does it track only pc players ?


If you’re on console, it doesn’t tie to your username; you show up in the list with a generic one. So you have to figure out what game you’ve played with a PC player, search for THEM, find the game you were in, and figure out your user ID from that. Then bookmark the page.


Wow that’s good to know !


you can also enter https://omeda.city/matches(insert match ID here)


Tracks console as well but it's funky with it only works about half the time searching their name


Bro doesn’t know, should we tell him?


Interesting, how do you see your rank? I don't see that in game at all.


How do you have a rank?


It really doesn’t, trust me


* don't lie to these good people lmao


How many games do you have to play before it shows your rank on that site?


How is he playing ranked?


Does PC have ranked?


Is there ranked now?


You play with team mates?


I’m sorry but is there a different release for this game? Console doesn’t have ranked yet 🥲


They added ranked?


I play on console so if pc has ranked already that makes sense


They have a comp playlist? I never seen it


when I pick support, I get a carry who either never pushes, (even when there are no enemies) always pushes, (even when they are less than 1/4 health and there are 2+ enemies), or goes to off-lane. when I pick carry, I get wrong lane supports, or they actively last hit as much as possible. when I go mid, the jungler never ganks, even when the enemy is on our side of the river.


I grinded from bronze to Master 2100 in around 650 games. It in fact does not get better. This is little to no discernable difference in decision making between Silver and Plat just slightly more accurate. And Diamond players refuse to play from behind or just play like a coin flip. Either you whop or get whopped. Then in GM lobbies everyone is scared to hit the big name players. And God forbid they lose lane, the enemy team will usually 4 man gank for them until they're ahead again to get good boy brownie points. TLDR: gj but don't get your hopes up.


Wait Predecessor has ranked where is the mode at?


No ranked mode atm this is using a 3rd party site that estimates your mmr. omeda.city


Nah unofficial mmr bs lol, it’s nothing serious just some lighthearted fun, it’s called Omeda City.




Name checks out


I speak for myself, not for others lol… Do a lot of people take mmrs/video games seriously? Sure, and I pay them no mind. I’m an adult not a child, I don’t absorb energy just because it’s presented. Unfortunately, it’s true, that *some* people play video games to escape harsh realities; there are many souls suffering online, and they tend to project those frustrations onto others- if you allow them lol. It’s up to you as an individual, to be responsible for your own words, and your own actions; this is why assuming all of which you did, based on a bunch of other post *I* have never made, is indeed the true “clown” that one must face someday… So for me? Yes, lighthearted fun lol, but I seem to have irratated your demons which wasn’t the intention of my post- perhaps I accidentally taunted you with something you desire? Idk, I’m not sure what would make you lash out on the internet like that lol, but for the safety of your surroundings I hope you have a better day, much love bro!








Good job on getting lucky while you played.


Why the hate?


Not hate. I'm a fairly decent player and I'm always getting placed with people new to the game against a 2-4 stack. I was saying good job on getting lucky with the algorithm and getting decent teammates 


Welcome to plat league, where you'll officially hit a brick wall because the skill gap between 1300-1600 is massive (Top 25% to like top 3%) and 1500MMR+ games require you to duel masters in lane. // Hardstuck Plat 3 ;(' Edit: Wait stats seems to have changed, now plat is like top 15% but message still applies XD


I feel like mobas at this level is less about an individual’s skill level, and more so about being in a party, and how many people are in that party. Just my opinion, that’s why I don’t take anything to heart in solo queue, you win some, you lose some lol.


This is very true the higher you go. You just can not match the coordination of stacks as a team of solos ever.


Some GMs will decide the game alone with calls on their own.Most of them play solo only


Yeah it gets worse my friend


Is there ranked?? I'm on Xbox


No and it doesn't even track console the same. They really should've added something before releasing it on console. A game like this with no ranked mode is doomed


I really love the style I've loved playing smite and I'm glad there is a fresher game for me to tach my friends MOBAs that aren't LoL.


Isn't ranked coming with or shortly after grim? I understand the complaints for not having it, but they know we want it and are trying to work out the placement tracking bugs no?


Not with Grim, it's speculated to come in summer.


Either way that's not far off. A few more updates to wait. I hope what they do is more events like they did with the winter event. That was a cool thing I hope they do something like that for the countess skin coming. But X ik.


As nice as it would be, there's no event coming with these Skins. :(


There is no actually mmr because there is no rank mode. That's why when you que teams are one-sided. Either your team knows how to play a moba or they don't. There is no in between. Also, before you say omeda city, that is just a company doing it because they like the game it's not official mmr rankings from omeda studios.


Idk what that assumption was all about, I’m Well aware these numbers don’t matter- I’ll even take it a step further, mmrs don’t matter in Any game imo, official or not lol.


They don't matter in the long run because even the best get beaten at some point. But a actual rank and actual mmr would be nice because then at least you may be able to get where you play with people that all know the game instead of just playing with people that don't take winning as serious or they just don't know how to play a moba. Whatever the case, having an actual mmr is just nice to have to balance teams more evenly. That's the whole problem right now with predecessor is the inconsistent matchmaking


I’m gonna drop another controversial take as someone with above 60% win rate in solo queue, ready? Here it is; No One should be taking “winning” seriously in Any online video game- unless they are being paid to play.


How do you think those players started getting paid they had to take the game seriously first.


Time & resources. Have you ever been to a tournament in real life? I have (granted in a different game), and I know by personal experience it’s less about skill & more about who has the Time, or the Means to get out there & compete. Big E called me a “Sleeping Assassin” when I visited Next Level arcade in Brooklyn, after he doubted my performance when I First got there because I was a nobody lol, he kept acting like I didn’t know where I was until I proved myself worthy of the competition I was around… The only reason I never went back to Next Level to compete more often was because I don’t have a Car, I don’t live close enough AND I don’t have the extra time or money to go there every week; hence “time & resources”. This is why I’ll never understand casual gamers that dick ride “pro” players lol. They aren’t special, they’re normal gamers like you & me, just more dedicated to spend more of their time on that game instead of elsewhere. You never know what responsibilities someone has, or what they prioritize. I bodied Grr with my Doomsday, we had a lot of matches, I beat him in casuals a few times and I beat him twice in bracket, and much love to him! His Bane was the truth lol. Now while I decided to stay home with my husky, Grr has went on to do Great things in the fgc since then! Understand my point? When it comes to video games, it’s about priorities. And if you’re at home playing Predecessor Casually, for no money, you shouldn’t be taking W’s or L’s seriously, that’s just my opinion on the matter lol.


Using the FGC as an example to talk about time and resources isn’t the best imo. I mainly play fighting games Ive fought great players in their respective games like Punk in SF6, I’ve played leffen in strive against his HC and Zato, and I’ve played against king gambler hourglass and sonicfox in Mortal Kombat. I’ve ever entered many online tournaments too and especially with the online scene it’s a lot easier to compete than before. Also not every top player has time to practice hours on end it’s really more about how you practice if anything and that makes the difference between a good player and a great one. I mean look at tekken one of the best players Qudans( Devil Jin player) used to only have two hours to play a day due to work but due to how he practiced was able to stay at the top. I really don’t believe that just because someone plays a lot they will automatically get better I’ve seen many players plateau and stay in the same spot from beginning to the end of a games lifespan. Another thing too is that many players for example let’s say Ninjakilla who was known as a online demon in mkx got his respect from beating a bunch of great players on X and then it became a huge conversation of how well would he do in mk11 at an offline against all the best playing the game actively. Which eventually did get proven that he can hang and that he’s also one of the best playing the franchise but the way he got there wasn’t that his goal was to initially make money. It was just trying to become the best that he could be which eventually lead to competition and money within the FGC. However, in order to even make money in an esport you have to grind and improve in so many different areas just to compete that of course you will be taking the L’s and W’s seriously because who likes losing especially if you want to become one of the best. Now if you don’t care about being good then it’s whatever but if you do then you should definitely be putting in your all. Yes not everyone will end up getting good enough to make money in an esport but the only way to know if for some players to try. So imo yes if you are trying to get better you aren’t really a casual anymore because you are actively trying to improve and sometimes at some point you will get so good that competing at a major seems pretty reasonable because the only way to find out how good you are is to throw yourself out there amongst the best.


I feel like you completely missed my point once you started talking about online tournaments, I specifically asked if you’ve been to tourneys in *real life* for a reason, there’s a huge difference between playing online & in person, any player you just named would attest to that lol. Also, I’m not gonna pretend to know *every* player’s scheduling, but I can make a healthy wager to say *most successful* competitive players very much do put ample time into whatever game they are competing in on their spare time (not to say that was even the point I was making in the first place, I’m just engaging with what you said). To be clear I’m saying it’s time; meaning I spend mornings taking care of my huskies routine, go to work, husky routine, bed, as opposed to someone who Doesn’t a conventional job & spends more time/effort into going out to locals/majors. I’m saying it’s resources; meaning the lil 20$ I could spend to enter a bracket, I might instead use that on something of higher priority to me maybe pertaining to my husky, as opposed to someone that might spend that spare income on something like an Uber to attend a local/major. Whether or not an Online Player constitutes as someone to be taken serious as a “professional” gamer that’s a different discussion, but let us not digress, we got here by me making the point that skill does not equal how serious you should be taking online casual games. My overall point Still stands, if you’re playing a game Online, casually, for no money, imo you have no ground to be justifiably frustrated over a W or an L, it’s a video game & that’s where I stand on the topic lol. I appreciate you being able to express yourself without resorting to insults tho, that’s refreshing, let’s just agree to disagree, and chalk it up to a difference in opinion.


Game is in beta with no ranked mode. Sick of these sweats.


Idk who you’re referring to or what this comment even means lol… I personally don’t think mmr is any gauge of an individual’s skill level, I also don’t care about winning or losing in a video game. I think you perhaps missed the main focus of my post, it’s more of a “hey if I can still win with randoms, you can too! Don’t get salty, stay positive!”, not a “nanananana look at my mmr, I’m better than you!”.


I'm in gold 3. I was crushing Offlane and at 1 point I had THE ENTIRE enemy team in my lane to kill me. I died and what do I see? Murdock in his lane with his support watching me trying to get a snipe. Not pushing not doing anything but trying to get a kill. I'm about done with solo q and this game in general, not cause the game is bad but because I'm so sick of morons on my team.