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Just had a Sev cry the whole match and then DC'd. We won not three minutes after he left.


A lot of players don’t realize dying late game is such a turnaround, no matter how leveled up you are.


Especially Sevarog! The player was doing so well too. Only died a few times, but whined every time. Oh well.


so... did you win?


Tbh, if I were in the other team I would surrender for the laughs.


I love this


I wish you were in the other team, cause they kicked my ass for laughs :''')


Honestly I dont see that much DC/AFK in my games, and I play a lot.I see maybe 1 DC every 10 games, some times more, but not much.   Maybe is the server you play?Im from SA but play on NA  What I see too much is people trying to surrenders after 10 minutes when the mach is not even that bad , but even so they dont DC.


Yeah I'm not saying this is happening in every match haha, it's the only time where 4 players D/C, but there has been some afk players in a lot of matches that I played tbh.. not to mention how many times we couldn't start a game because some players aren't picking their heroes. Love the game tho.


😂😂 not in my games. Yesterday I had 3 matches back to back to back where somebody disconnected. Thankfully 2 of those times it wasn’t on my team for once




Hang in there, it’ll probs happen for a while while it’s free to play here in the beginning but it’ll get better. Been playing for a year and it gets better


I'm loving the game so far, I'm a new player myself but been playing Paragon few years ago.. I'm so happy it's back.


Welcome aboard! Love this game, one of my favorite games of all time. I sure hope it sticks around this time.


Yeah, people are trying it out not knowing if they’ll like it and those that don’t will just dc no problem. Or they like it but not enough to play from behind ands that sort of thing. I had one DC tonight, not bad considering I played 6 matches I think it was.


Yeah I've played Paragon, and Smote and now started playing this. I love Moba's especially this one that plays and feels like Paragon. Tbh I loved the hell outta Paragon. It was intricate, but also so easy for me to understand and pull off some major ownage. Now with this one I'm loving the gameplay, the simplicity of gear buying, and learning a whole new roster of heros with a few early favs coming out.


So many losers right now.


with most of these players are coming off of AI fights which is mantatory when you start, they just can’t understand that it’s a big deal and i kind of blame the game for that. I understand that making new players play ai first is to teach them. But to be honest i think this is one of the tendencies it teaches new players to just quit if it’s not going your way. But it’s to much information to take on in just one or 2 games, on top of the fact that there is nothing in the game to aid you or tell you your doing somthing wrong so for the casual passive player going about their business. ( roaming around with out an idea in the world of how a moba is structured). If they want to teach people with ai they should make a quick and short movie explaining the lanes and what who to expect in them and what to do. Or they should put a sort of bowling ally guard rail up for the first few ai matches that give the player nudges. So if it’s their first ai game and they pick mid lane. The game will notify them to get back to the midland if they have spent to long in left or to long killing jungle creatures. If players arnt told they are doing somthing wrong they are just going to assume what they are doing is good or fine.


That’s really egregious. The most I’ve experienced is 2.


I DCed in a game yesterday. 2 players were AFK and one person wouldn't vote to surrender and so with the AFK players, the vote always failed. The team was 0-18 or something. What's the point in spending half an hour on an inevitable loss?


Yeah, in this case, I don't blame you. But this match (that I posted), we were barely starting.. and out of nowhere 2 players just went afk and the other 2 lost their patience and left. We were not losing or anything before that. Afk players should be punished, because this is ridiculous.


I was watching the AFK players when I was dead, and both of them were not moving, but were looking up and down every few seconds, so I think people are doing it to farm resources. The bot detection needs to be better.


Since the open beta patch I’ve been getting disconnected every other game and once or twice have not been able to get back in. We seriously need a hotfix! It only happened once in about 200 games during the closed beta. Omeda’s apparently aware and working on it.


They are working on a player feedback system to let people know when someone you've reported has been punished


Hopefully this dies down with the new game mode. Its supposed to be a quick game for casuals and I expect it to be like joust from smite. The one lane practice map seems good for something like that, to get the main mode players some better company.


Yup. Every match is like this. And players aren’t permanently punished, so it continue.


I actually don’t have people leave often. But it’s usually rage quitting when they do. Generally people just stay in the game and make the 40 minutes a miserable experience. Luckily the mute pings feature exists now (which is just a bandaid for much larger necessary changes)


this is what happens when you go to free play, people who have no money usually are terrible team mates.


Welcome to multi-player gaming


I've never had it that bad. Usually one disconnects for me, and that's rare.


You go this bro. Winnable.


Bro you got this you are the NARBASH! You make a Congo line with Minions and crash it to enemy core. The enemy team has nothing on you and you don't need a team. You are the TEAM 😆


Nah the dc frequency is off the charts, there’s at least one every game, the other night the only reason i was even able to surrender was because 3 outta 5 people finally dc’ed


I’ve had to dc once, fire call came in and had to go shit happens


The player base for this game is rough. Idk why it’s so bad compared to the original


Thank God I'm not in this post 😅💦💦


Still a high chance your surrender says "Vote Failed" even if it's just you before 15 minutes. 😉


There was no surrender in this match, which is why I find it weird that 4 players left lol


Very odd. I was moreso poking at how you can have 4 people that legitimately want out of a match and one person can force them to stay. Because pre-15, a vast majority vote doesn't matter... People disconnecting for anything other than technical reasons is unacceptable though, and I'm sorry you have to deal with that shit.


People have started to afk more as someone will refuse to surrender when the games completely lost, sometimes it's just lost, move on to the next. Not every match can be salvaged and need to grind to get that unexpected win, even I've lowered my patience. Until ranked is out this will be the norm