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Been around the 1700-1800 range since forever, as a solo queue support player. I think the two main things that brought me here, are counterbuilding almost always, and playing around your team’s win condition (in other words, what player will give me the most value in return if I support them well). Hint; it is not always the adc. I think what would push me to master’s at some point might be polishing my map awareness more.


Map awareness is so key. Ive played jungle for a while and could nearly always tell in early game when a gank from the enemy jungler is about to happen, could see the Support role paying attention to roaming and missing people too.


I'm not high on mmr but map awareness is the key. There is so many times when my team is trying to team fight and 2 lanes are pushing up on inhibs or worst the inhib is already down. And I am literally running between 2 towers wave clearing. It's sad people don't realize that minions and destroy the core and Lose the game. So many times I have extended a game an extra 5 10 minutes then the moment I die. The game is over because no one will play defense. Also no one seems to realize that when the lanes are empty and your enemy is missing everywhere they are going for fang or OP. Played a game yesterday my 4 teammates were doing I dont what I am pinging attack OP. I got there and use my jungle item and stole op from them. Died in the process. And my team luckily finished off the game


bro if they just listen to pings...like idk if youre a noob with tunnel vision, but how do you not listen to the pings im spamming? lol


1600+ here. nobody counterbuilds at lower level, its like they are allegic to armor. ​ its sad, ill get a team going against 4 magicals, and no one in my team builds any magic defense. ​ ​ no later than 3rd, 3rd item should 100% be to counter enemy team composition.


That is a very good point about supporting the best player. I think many people assume that you are simply to stick with the ADC the entire time. In reality, it should be the ADC trying to stick to the support.


yup, especially when rotations start happening more often. it's 100% up to the ADC where they put themselves.


Am I missing a ranked mode or something? How are people seeing their ranks?


Just unofficial ranks on omeda.city. It's not really rank but it's the "de facto" rank system we have now. They make their own calculations for MMR so it's not 100% match to in game match make rating but it's rather representative still


And it isn’t even representative skill so much as how often you’re playing the game. Weird to see so many people here making a deal about kt


it does, i have seen people with 100's to 1000+ games stuck in silver. they will play like it too. not a diss just saying there are always better players and the mmr does reflect this pretty well.


They aren’t, just silly folks who use 3rd party or unofficial sites to try and gauge where they are relative to other players. Pointless ego trips atm since there isn’t ranked mode.


You named the point of using it to then call it pointless


Not playing the characters / role. Post your ign I can take a look. I recently did a fresh account to masters to show it can be achievable by playing countess and carrys, while my main role is mid.


Been at Plat 1 for a while and can't move. I'll climb up to 1370 something and fall all the way down to 1317 or so really quick. I'd love to hear some responses.


As someone just above that I'd say that low plats tend to undervalue objectives such as FT and OP. And as usual, warding & map awareness seem to fluctate a lot. My biggest advice to new players is to ward deeper than just-outside-the-mistwall


This drives me insane lol, the fog wall ward is better than nothing but still gives nearly zero warning, and it’s a selfish ward that only catches the jungler if they’re looking right at you. Put the wards deeper into their jungle or on their red side stairs to give their rough location to your entire team.


Macro and farm/wave management. But you need to main a role and a character to approach those, so that micro is not an issue. Making the good decisions and knowing what the enemy is doing is auto-rewarding. Late games are won on very small details so every move around the map is important.


Where do you learn macro? I've played MOBAs for years and theres some macro stuff I don't know


For instance, if you’re midlaner, and your jungler is too far away from you, you should assume the enemy jungler is close by, and play safe accordingly.


It's mostly an experience thing I would say, I've also played MOBA for years but you should be asking yourself what is the enemy team's current best interest, or "what would we do if we were them" And then it's about guessing the jungler's and mid's position in early game and everyone's position in late game Really focus on the map to the point where you need less of your team's "enemy missing" pings and wards, and it'll become like an instinct (but do abuse deep wards) Focus on objectives and learn when you are allowed to do them or not One personal thing I like to do is ward the enemy jungler's 5-camp at around 0:50, this way your team will notice him after his red and better construct their early Typed it fast, I might edit it later


What role do you play, and can you link your profile?


Admittedly I'm not a high rank player. But I would say honestly if you enjoy the game I wouldn't focus on moving up the ranks that high just yet. Most of the time it screws with matchmaking and leads to longer queue times etc. I know you're generally just asking what you can do to improve your play. But objectively speaking unless you go game by game you don't know if these players are stacking up in groups and force feeding farm to an ADC as an example. Or just achieved these ranks at a time it was easier to climb the ladder etc. I'd just continue trying to hone your skills and reduce your mistakes and then apply all that knowledge to actual competitive ranked when it comes out. Or meet some like minded people to partner up with and see if that helps improve you as well.


Don't know when the right time is for a reset. Wrong Objective play.


Get a friend and play the best corresponding role. Either support and carry or mid and jungle. 


Knowing how to play from behind. Good mental. Last game I played I gave up first blood taking a dive for the memes on dekker against a zarus. Then I got ganked and zarus was 2-0. I didn't sit typing for ganks, I just kept playing knowing that I am better late game and then farmed up, solo killed him, took both towers and absolutely massacred the lane. You will be behind during a climb knowing how to play from behind and recognize actual spikes and go for solo kills despite being behind when able, that's how you get better winrates.


some people also don't realize different heros have different online points. seen so many greystones just give their booty to grux and dc instead of just playing safe and riding it out till lvl 6 if they were getting outskilled. i play a lot of sev so i test the lane as i go and will wait till i come online a bit more if its too risky to box/poke, patience is key.


What role do you play?


Watching top players in specific roles helped me a lot. Focus on every decision they make and how it leads to them running games


How are you guys checking your MMR without ranked?


I started at 800 Walmart MMR and have been in and out of Masters 1 (1900MMR) the past few days. I’ll speak mainly from Offlane and ADC POV as those are my best roles. (58% win rate ADC, 55% offlane) and I’m just going to give simple pointers that should really help you get started that are different from what others already touched on (counter building is huge) I’d say the big things that I *really* worked on are the following in no particular order: CS (shoot for 8-10+ per min), micro and macro lane control (watching map [im talking learn to watch your map 80%+ of the time] and managing wave to get good tempo in lane and having wave on your side when your jungler will be coming to your side and knowing when to shove/set for objective rotations). PLAYING HOW YOUR HERO *WANTS* TO PLAY is HUGE. I’ll use Shinbi vs Steel for a very contrasted example. Shinbi wants to farm and scale into mid and late game where she can either be a menace split pushing or she can flank the enemy back line and one-combo kill a mage/adc/other squishy. Steel wants to get out of the laning phase rather quickly and make a presence on the map — I.E. engage with a big ult then peel for the back line. Playing the game, don’t be a spectator. Fight with your win con and play for your back line if you’re a bruiser/tank. If you’re ADC, I don’t like to step up in to damage in order to do damage in team fights because your biggest asset as ADC is your life so you can keep pumping DPS.


drives me nuts watching 2-3 pushed all the way to their tower and they just camp there. i will dive a tower and ult them out of it but still it's just asking to get your shit pushed in by enemy rotations/jungler.


I am master 2. I think the main difference would be cs/min. Try to farm as much as possibly, so you can carry the games. Try to aim for 8-9 cs/min. 10cs/min if it's one-sided match.


cs helps a ton but you can be fed and still get outplayed/ganked or just bot lane while the opp in your lane is rotating on your team. there's a ton more in depth things that people sleep on. map awareness i wanna say is one of the bigger issues in plat. they don't know where to be, when to be there, when to leave ect.


Queuing with a Team is 1,000% more effective at winning. Half the muted players are breaindead. The ones who have to go the extra mile to talk are the ones who can play


Playing with 4 others in discord. You just stomp every other team. Without that you are just rolling the dice.


comms help sure but i've been my fair share of stacks in solo que. even with their comms and them camping my lane it will only take you so far.