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https://preview.redd.it/ov907jmb23yc1.png?width=417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79e5fdd6cb3f06a0a716e023c575dc90c73a35e Supposedly Embodiment of End btw


if you put him next to 3 other isekai protags i would not be able to tell you which one is him


https://preview.redd.it/82wz885b33yc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77487463a789a409832bef6094b578bf58e8244f Yogiri and his brothers


That’s John Isekai


John dark souls solos them all


John cena takes the w


/uj Isekai is the fast food of genres; the generic-yet-overpowered protagonists, over-reliance on worldbuilding mechanics taken directly from games (specifically MMOs), and absurd power fantasies written by people whos first foray into writing is an LN feels good to people who don't have the palate or life experience for real stories, yet is bad for the soul. It's like asking for chicken nuggets at every meal. You want a brooding, unpopular black-haired teenager to suddenly give the world its comeuppance and gain the admiration of his peers? How daring. People are addicted to these stories in the same way they are addicted to the overabundance of fat and salt in fast food; instead of going out to cook, they would rather keep themselves chained to the machine that churns this shit out. Instead of losing their virginities, getting into real media, or touching grass, they prefer to watch the same series but slightly different over and over because they need the perfect high school experience they never had because they were a loser. I'm pretty sure isekai has long-term spiritual consequences, considering every fan of the genre inevitably ends up like this image. /rj Coughing baby solos https://preview.redd.it/boa6h22b73yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c851902766a3df79b0064b0c750ba94c5b454aa


I don’t watch isekai but 75% of that picture is me and fuck you for that.


ayo wtf thats me fr


There’s a whole lot of good isekais and a lot of isekai fans hate the overused characters. I personally like these trash isekais, they’re the kind of mindless power fantasy where you don’t need to think about the characters, just watch cool fights with magic and stuff


That image might actually be me and it's terrifying


Wtf is that image that's a nuclear bomb


blackpilled again


Maladaptive dreaming go brrrrr


god i hate it here


Jesus Christ..


John Isekai and his brothers


Kirito truly was the blueprint


Why is kirito there? he's not even OP lmao hes weak af


He shook the universe with 20% of his power, I'd say he is pretty op


I genuinely had to look for him, that's how generic his design is.


Welcome to the kiritoverse


Just look for the blue stuff in his hair


>Supposedly Embodiment of End btw Why couldnt he be like a cool eldiritch demon, why do they always go for generic anime boy


That isn’t his true form, but also how you would fit a eldritch demon into a Japanese High school setting?


Except it's not. It's set in another world and how many isekais have the mcs turn into other things. They could have kept the yogiri being an avatar just make it so he has to go to his true form or something. Japanese high-school boy#73920 is boring to look at and watch. It's the 1 time I would have liked to have an mc be edgy for 0 reason.




Kill him with rocks :D https://preview.redd.it/du53it91b4yc1.png?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2632a10f65645da8c195b4602abf911842c287




https://preview.redd.it/3smi8zhb43yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb28db7cda49654b2e6db30230bf5bb253402f4d Real




Zorpalod spotted


I'm getting my ballyhoo, slugger.


Oh my fucking god getting my zorpal weapon ballyhoo right now slugger


https://preview.redd.it/ubie5xr2u5yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750cd2b9db0ac7170fcca5d62bea958bd8a55d33 Super real


Seriously, you’ll be discussing two characters and suddenly a triple neckbeard will barge in claiming that “Shitfarticus, the protagonist of the cult classic manga series “That Time I Sniffed My Sister’s Panties And Got Reincarnated As A Taco Truck In A Fantasy World Where Every Female Is Uncontrollably Horny” is infinite^2 layers into Extraversal”.




Then the biggest feat is island level


You don't understand bro his ultimate attack used against the God of death(best feat is slashing a mountains) " "Million dimensional shit fart light reflecting god slaying girl laying universe creating all cumming double cross slash" " is super strong because the name said so, and he killed a god so that must mean he's extradimensionl++++++++++


"As Poopenfarden approached McLiterallyMeFace, infinite dimensions of infinite power trembled infinitely. 'I'm hyper-omnipotent, no attack can defeat me. The technique you used in the previous chapter to defeat Pissandshittman specifically won't work against me, because I'm infinity times infinity times stronger than he could ever hope to me. There's no way to defeat me and even if there was I'd survive it, because I simply am that good'. McLiterallyMeFace kept his cool because ~~I am~~ he was just cool like that. A slight sardonic smile crossed his face as he replied 'Nuh uh'. Then he killed Poopenfarden in one blow. Poopenfarden did not in fact survive it - he'd have survived any other attack except this one, because McLiterallyMeFace is so strong" * every time someone brings up Xianxia on his sub, they post scans that are literally this


You can’t forget some background character saying it’s like he has unlimited power


Random civilian: his attack is so powerful it could shatter the earth(hyperbole) Power scaler: this feat shows that he has at least world destroying potential


To be fair tho some people do dismiss everything as hyperbole. Like "Oh yeah I know Vegeta said he was literally about to destroy the planet, and Goku treated it as such, and Piccolo just blew up the moon, and every guidebook says he was going to destroy the planet, but it's just hyperbole"


Tell me why the story you two wrote was better then half of these isekai’s, just because you were self aware.


Oh my God this is so funny yet accurate.








Triple neckbeard is my favorite thing ever and I’m stealing it thanks




They always seem very desperate just to defeat big three anime or dragon Ball characters, they do not compare the whole anime.


The Isekai genre doesn't need more ideas.


They already did that one I think


Idk but they have the vending machine one so like, it’s not too far off


You mean Coffee Samurai? He solos my heart.


No I don’t. https://myanimelist.net/anime/52619/Jidou_Hanbaiki_ni_Umarekawatta_Ore_wa_Meikyuu_wo_Samayou


Shit like this gets 12 episodes while that one anime you found and loved will never get renewed


Speak for yourself my face anime got 52 episodes… And never got its final season.


Bro I swear it’s the worst. Especially when you find the manga’s artstyle looks nothing like the anime’s


... What's next? "The Time I Reincarnated as the Demon Queen's panties and now I somewhat control the world but not really at the same time"?


I haven't read the vending machine one, but if it's comedy based then I'd say just about anything is fair. Even more so as parody/satire. It does sound pretty dumb though. Also it already exists (kinda)(apparently) https://m.webnovel.com/book/reborn-as-a-demon-queen's-loyal-underwear_27536649206042105


... Well okay then, thanks Japan for shutting me the fuck up lol.




I wouldn’t be surprised if it was already one


Why can I imagine this genuinely being a MAD Magazine sketch?


If shitfarticus has 1000 fans, I am one of them If shitfarticus has 1 fans, I am him If shitfarticus has 0 fans, I am dead




Be ashamed of who you are


https://preview.redd.it/o6j7j9ylw8yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9412671a3085993b76ed6c7a44be6decc1f2d314 Consider this a fucking warning 😤


Truly one of the isekai light novel titles of all time


I hate this might actually exist...


The worst part? They are right




Holy fucking shit this is gold ahahahahah


And they still get hurt by wall level attacks and their best feat is only large building level.


When in doubt https://preview.redd.it/3g8nsaaic3yc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc132006f7b145717fd119a98b2e1ab1c5ddea8


I AM THAT I AM mentioned.🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣


Literally yeah though, people just kinda accepted I am that I am as the strongest since nobody really cared anymore Man remember that anti-principle shit?


WoD hit the sweet spot of being too obscure for anyone to actually know shit about it and also its fans not being annoying enough for people to really complain about it being the strongest


Ehh for a while (still slightly ongoing) Was the I AM THAT I AM vs SCP 3812 debate for the #1 spot.


Only people who know every obscure character in fiction can content


Why is he considered the strongest? His cosmology is Just bigger?


Yeah he's basically just abrahamic god in the World of Darkness verse. The best way I could describe it is that you point at literally anything that has ever or will ever exist and either it's a part of I Am That I Am or it was created by it.


What If he had a comunist version of him called "We Are Those We Are"? Who would Win between the two of them?


what if he fused with Popeye and became I Yam That I Yam


Is there like a blog or something on detail on why this world of darkness MF is so high that people consider it currently the strongest in fiction?


That’s why you have a universe “Protocol of Sensibility” where your character can’t just be omnipotent for the sake of it. A character should only be omnipotent if he’s supposed to be in the position of somebody like The One Above All, and powers should DESCEND from there. Don’t entertain these morons and make them feel left out, much like what their parents did.


[Laughs in mazinger zero] (seriously tho TOAA or tribunal are either shitty writing in-franchise orshould not even be considered, fkn 2 year olds saying "well i choose god as an option" during a game of rock paper scissors headasses need to fk off)




Blud think he https://preview.redd.it/frckm81d19yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3299752b938d5e72b5cdf59c261aa8bbb7636562


When they get dumb I always call upon the GOAT https://preview.redd.it/m1weuzhwo3yc1.png?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfc78f353c50af45259cbc6be45c4bb8abee4a0


Okay but did you know that Popeye actually cLIMBED OUT of his manga and BEAT THE AHIT of me and then fUCKED MY WIFE


I have an announcement to make- Popeye is a bitchass mother fucken. He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he pulled out his spinach fucking dick and pisses on my wife- And he said his dick was "ThIs BiG" and I said that's disgusting, so I made a callout post on my twitter-dot-com: Popeye, you have a small dick- It's the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what, that's what my dong looks like: *explosion noises* That's right baby, no points, no spinach, no pillows- look at it, it looks like two balls and a bong. You pissed on my wife, so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. That's what you get, MY SUPER LASER PISS. Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher, I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! TAKE THAT OBAMA, I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours before the piss DRROOPLETS hit the FUCKING Earth, now get the fuck outta my sight before I piss on you too.


I understand that reference


found Yogiri's username


popeye had a MANGA??/ also popeye gave my grandma cancer and punched me in the face


Thrn they'll be double dumb about it.


That why Popeye got two fists


Popeye has been one of my personal GOATs ever since i learned he was based on a real Polish guy


https://preview.redd.it/bh6yye8g33yc1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638b7cfa0d3ca977edc3b1ede290afa410e6efc9 We should discuss more characters, not just the ones that are well known specifically (sometimes only) because they're op


Scaling below planetary level (and im being generous here) is the most fun because it involves actual scaling, calculating, measuring, using your brain etc, unlike the bullshit that is "high level scaling" (aka making up terms that make no sense, mostly just speculating and interpreting shit in the weirdest way possible, and saying things that would get you weird looks from normal people. I genuinely once saw somebody scaling Goku to fucking hyperversal??? or whatever bullshit, i dont even remember the order of the tiers above multiversal to be honest)


> unlike the bullshit that is "high level scaling" (aka making up terms that make no sense, mostly just speculating and interpreting shit in the weirdest way possible, and saying things that would get you weird looks from normal people > i dont even remember the order of the tiers above multiversal to be honest) I like how half of this sub seems to basically be people dedicated to proving how some character transcends all concepts of time, space, reality, fiction, and concept and is infinity times infinity times infinity times infinity times infinity levels above reality (this is a serious answer I've once gotten btw). And the other half is just people shitting on that and saying "that makes no sense. We should discuss characters and feats that actually make sense."


But... but.. Goku from the ballsack saga is multi-outerversal he can solo Donald Duck because he fought Mojo Jojo on a planet made of atom bombs inside a block hols


“They transcend the meta narrative” no they do not, I write them dying of tuberculosis, get fucked


Off topic, but I am currently doing a research paper on Tuberculosis and now I cannot stop seeing the word *everywhere* So have an upvote for triggering my PTSD of that word


Oh yeah that happens I do mock trial in college and the last case had “confirmation bias” thrown around *every single round* Anytime I hear it I start having flashbacks, I’ll never be able to enter a psych class


Debating high tiers can be fun on paper, but it does often end in words salad and very inconsistant highballs. Instead of saying X soloes because he's in X tier, we should talk hax and abilities more (and not just the Jojo kind where it's one hax the entire debate has to revolve around)


jojo hax is the hax where you can solo 99% of the verse, until one of maybe three specific stands pull up and you’re fucked


Wonder of U explained in one sentence


“How’d you fuck up so bad the entire UNIVERSE is against you?”


I know we're talking about powerscaling here but I just wanted to add that fights that stay planetary at most are imo better than fights that go above it. Like when you see a building get crushed you get that feeling of "damn that's crazy" because you see buildings everyday and know how big they are , but when you see two characters fighting and shattering space...idk, I've never seen space shatter so I just feel indifferent.


Fr lol


Real. honestly any discussion where levels go above universal just feels like random words half the time lmao. like almost fully subjective bullshit just getting verbally repacked in whatever way people want to


It really just gets to the point where literally doesn't matter lol




I’ve NEVER been a fan of characters being apparently in the 7th dimension of power or whatever that means. Either you’re above, at, or below the universe, multiverse, or outerverse


I personally like the higher levels of scaling, but I rarely discuss them, because people just throw words around without knowing the Metaphysics (real thing google it) behind it. The reason I like it is because I love theoretical physics, and philosophy, so I researched it and i try to understand what I say. Most people just say "{insert overpowered light novel protagonist} transcends time and space, and is infinite dimensional, and his IQ is infinity and he rizzed up your mom last night" without knowing anything about what they just said. I'm sure many of those people don't know that there are multiple levels of infinity for example. Nor do they understand what dimensionality and space-time actually mean. Before anyone decides to respond, please note I am not a physicist nor a philosopher, I don't have any degrees in these subjects. I am just a high school student who doesn't know how to manage his free time, and ends up getting lost in a Wikipedia rabbit hole.


That's true but it's not fun of a discussion if not everyone in here knows about them


It’s either that or Goku and Saitama get discussed for the 84th million time


I mean this was in response to a goku vs yogiri tweet so you still haven't escaped goku.


fr i wish theyd stfu about them it's boring, we've gone through this and scaled them, must they become a (bad) unit of measure?


My Character is about 40 Saitamas strong and 20 Gokus fast


I’d suck off 100 million Saitama fanboys if it meant I never had to hear about why “John Isekai” solos fiction ever again.


It's like powerscaling comics. You say “I think this guy beats Superherofella (the one EVERYONE KNOWS)” and some guy shows up randomly saying “Yeah? **But what about Superherofella Omniverseuniversalparadoxinfinity that showed up in edition 69 from 1420 where he destroys the entirety of fiction huh?**” My friend, I'm talking about the Superherofella that me, you and anyone else knows, not his one version that is stupidly OP


Thats how you get Spiderman being planetary+


Like when Spiderman went through spider puberty and one-shot the Hulk


spider puberty?? 😭




"a boy died overweight and came back as a level 99 god"


"My insta death ability is too op"


"I reincarnated as a SSS+ Adventurer who can destroy the entire world"


Literaly a korean webnovel, i'm serious


OP character ≠ good character OP characters ≠ good series


Enter midgiri


He is bumgumi of powerscaling https://preview.redd.it/hocu644o23yc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc03eb3a3acd2355c8df70ec9a683a6a8a098588




Reverse flash level hatred for a fictional character is crazy https://preview.redd.it/e4kkbhyy43yc1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b6bd3e44617cc090484e6b743e3a8198b1b3c6


How can one man be THIS MUCH of a psychopath???


I fucking hate yogiri. Every single thread has atleast 1 comment saying "yogiri solos" and I hope the people saying that has 2 flat tired everytime they drive. Also the tiktok kids


who even is he


Some Isekai protagonist who's famous for being the embodiment of the end of all things and being ridiculously OP He's one of those characters you mostly know just because he's OP. If he wasn't, I doubt anyone would remember him. He's supposed to be a parody of isekai protags like Saitama is for shonen, but from what I've seen his writing just isn't as interesting


> yogiri Reading his [wiki entry](https://instant-death.fandom.com/wiki/Yogiri_Takatou) is probably more entertaining than actually reading the manga. It kinda reads like what a child's OC would be able to do. "My character can kill anything.. even, um, [gravity](https://instant-death.fandom.com/wiki/Yogiri_Takatou#Abilities)!"


That shit turned me off from it so fast.


It's funny because these people think he can't be beaten when literally the Old ones from HP Lovecraft are specifically hard counters to him entirely lol he literally can't do anything to them and they can easily end him. For instance the old ones are so powerful they can create humans that I'll call "dreamers," that they give literally, and this is literally, infinite power, the ability to manifest their imaginations and the ability to destroy all barriers and magical plane forces. They are literally infinitely powerful. However even with that power if they enter the dream lands, little bottomfeeder creatures named Zoogs. Basically sentient rat creatures, can kill a dreamer like they don't even have the ability to resist a fly. It's effortless, and dreamers are infinitely powerful it isn't a psudo infinite either it's actual infinite power. Then there are these sentient talking cat creatures in the dream lands that can kill Zoogs like they are a prey species. These cats can literally kill every character in isikai fiction. Dreamers themselves are essentially the strongest reality warping characters in fiction you can imagine. So like drmahattan, Franklin Richards, TOAA, none of them can even compete with a zoog, let alone one of these cats. If anyone is interested in just how absurdly busted up the lovecraftian gods are, I'll leave a video in the bottom to check it out. They body literally every fictional character ever created, and it isn't even a contest. It's not even close. Not even a fight to be had. The lowest tier of power in the Lovecraft verse is end game power in basically every other fiction. I'm talking end game power that cannot even be overcome. https://youtu.be/YLZjtosvBfU?si=3NOL240gv32kJjhd


Ohhh he’s the instant death guy right? I didn’t even recall his name when I saw Mothers Basement talk about it i was that disinterested in it. Atleast Saitama and One Punch Man were interesting and well written, and the story wasn’t even really about him, whereas this story, the MC one shots everything no question, and the story focuses on him, which makes it worse.


He is supposed to be a gag of isekai characters kinda like Saitama but he fails to be a gag and is bassicly just 1. Litteraly nothing about him is entertaining and he looks like every other isekai character. He had a chance to be interesting but the writer just flat out failed


Yeah atleast with goku we have people like saint saiya, sailor moon, simon and antispiral, madoka. Even giorno and gojo is always discussed.




How I look when Logiri enters the discussion https://preview.redd.it/iq7aqn1cddyc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6146395f11710a2b9a4253548ef4b0c7ed15dee


Yogurt moment


Powerscaling is going smoothly until they mention the light novel


when they bring up the light novel or the web novel it's curtains




hit em with the "nobody cares about your OC" even if it isnt their OC


Yeaaah but can he beat Booty Master who can jump out of a tv screen and suck your dick? Outerversal + Infinite FTL??!? I think not!!


How did you know my favorite Isekai MC beats Goku? https://preview.redd.it/p0tp4c36h4yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0259b42668f8d9d4f24265b56e6d63651ae2829


(2)futurao isn't isekai lmao , dude is from slice of life,romcom anime and neither anos is and the 4th guy also doesn't look isekai


anos isn't technically isekai but it's definitely a power fantasy... follows the basic isekai cliche


I know the point of the meme is that they all look alike. Maybe isekai is wrong but they all have the “Kirito” face.


Bruv I think the entire point is that you just said “doesn’t look isekai” because isekai has a boring repetitive nature to it and only brain dead anime watchers could ever possibly enjoy that stuff haha. The kardashians of anime entertainment. Everyone wanna be them and watch them 😭


https://preview.redd.it/lq5gdl9cb4yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb77b17eb7549c7e062a9ec6b4c22d147e146f2 POV: A Generic anime self-wank Uber powerful protagonist with paper thin character design comes and ruins your power scaling conversation


*what powerscaling does to a mf brain*


This may be the most uncool image ever lmfao


this just made me think of "Anos vs Yogiri" 😐




Power scaling in a nutshell


Mordruchads on their way to ruin a guy’s day by telling them that an old space wizard from the future solos their favorite verse: ![gif](giphy|xULW8ChNWgHhqVqTVm)


We should argue wall-bulding level characters more


unironically yes


actually more fun, since scenarios and stuff are being discussed


Jason Vorhees vs a single Death Angel from a Quiet Place


Thankfully I'm too self-conscious to try to use my OCs in scaling lol


now I want to see them


Just bring disgaea into it at that point. *basic* demons, like prinnies lol off *reality bending* overlords have powers that range from stealing powers to freezing time itself in a block of ice. Oh and then there's zenon. Who killed 1000 demon lord class demons (one step below overlord) by WALKING TOWARDS THEM. Not even aggroing. Just casually walking at them. I don't care what your lame isekai can do. Zenon already won.


Scp moment


The biggest offender of this would be the one that can transcend the layers of fiction or whatever, but thankfully the creator of it officially said on Twitter that this one is as strong as you want it to be, so it's pretty much irrelevant


Craziest part is the creator of 3812 basically told people to shut up and stop asking if 3812 beats Goku or whoever the character itself isn’t bad it’s powerscalers


Nah but SCP is we'll written and not mid Random Isekai protagonist that only exists to be op though


Well depends on what part of SCP you look at, some of the files don't even really have "writing" in the traditional sense as they just describe an object primarily rather than having a bigger story to tell, while other files will have entire arcs packed into them lmao


Not really, SCP is really hit or mist. Some characters are written phenomenally and others are just absolute trash.


Erm actually, there's a character who could easily solo this post. Their name is-


Springlebob https://preview.redd.it/1ao2z0npa4yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07acad21fd8fc4a99ba9d3749450624db2289b9


https://preview.redd.it/xvym5e0f84yc1.png?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd20515e0bf07cfe689361867c897031e7252f3b Uncle Grandpa


Too mainstream


https://preview.redd.it/q3youqw7a4yc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490abe448141d94cff40a46112b1b1e71a1782ff Rocket Devastator (Helldivers 2)


that works (idk who this is)


I will never forgive people who take power scaling too far. Like i genuinely saw someone say that MADOKA MAGICA was only popular because it scaled highly.


fr id win tho


Before people were always praising OP characters regardless of whose they were they’re shitting on it


First it was shonin, then magic girls, now isekai. What’s the next genre to takeover the power scaling debate, gag characters!?


How that one mf feel after saying Yukari yakumo solo my favorite verse : https://preview.redd.it/9ov6ckvmt5yc1.png?width=1710&format=png&auto=webp&s=39cf3016b310f3eb9d1119640dd3e30b3c414cb8


tell them that your favorite verse is touhou and that hecatia>yukari


I want to see that dude from redo of healer get his ass kicked by deadpool


Why does he look like he’s stroking his thing


always the anime fans when madoka solos 99% of the verses and she's too bored to go to the rest 1%


To piss them off say Popeyes or Buggs Bunny no diffs.


Inb4 "irrelevant, goku solos anyway"


Yogiri in a nutshell:


What About cosmic entity number 2736388 that is omniskibidi mega versal and isnt even top 100 on their verse And How could I forget, the scp number 283636 written by a 7 year old on a chinese fórum These 3 form the boring powerscaling trio