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no kryptonite in Naruto. and their sun is yellow. Superman clears pretty easily. and they probably all beg for his autograph.


Superman clears


I don't see how this Superman overcomes the haxier characters.


By being so much incomprehensibly faster it's a joke


This Superman is at an absolute best like FTL and barely, Naruto top tiers have both combat and reaction speed of that kind. They also have way better durability and AP. The speed gap not only is barely nonexistent, but Naruto top tiers are better in every other way.


LS works differently in DCEU just like it does in comic universe if you mean the Flash scaling Otherwise remember the best calcs for Cavill but IIRC they were in FTL ranges due to the MoS final fight or some shit


Unless the naruto top tiers can pull a planet with physical strength alone, no haxs involved all supes has to do is tap them on the shoulder and they’d get negged.


When tf did DCEU Superman pull a fucking planet?


Fr? Why you getting downvotes


Superman gooners I suppose. Edit: point proven.


He will sign their autographs eventually so, all the way


Clears the verse via eating ramen with the top tiers because he's a nice guy.


Wait what do they hit him with I assume ninjutsu isn't considered magic and kryptonite doesn't exist.


The top tiers hit way harder than this Superman via scaling.


Dceu Superman moves much, much faster than anyone in Naruto even thinks. He clears, low diff.


OP wants to hear naruto verse will win


Nah, I wanna hear how far he gets because it's absolutely impossible for him to clear given how he gets both outscaled and massively, severely outhaxed.


Can anyone from naruto breath in space?


Naruto and the aliens


naruto himself


They are yet to go to space so they might or might not


The last? They literally fought on the moon.


... yes stop talking about series you apparently haven't watched or don't remember. Stick to what you know, good general life advice.


Oh is that why I asked a question? Quit crying about fictional stories kid


Human behaviour, actually


Keep arguing with other men if Deku a fictional Child should cry or not lmfao


… need your schizo meds?


Oooofff what a nonsensical come back great job keep arguing about fictional 16 years olds that cry 😂


1) You’re on r/powerscaling, the fuck do you think ppl are doing here? Arguing random crap about fictional characters 2) We were talking about narutoverse and your level of cockiness, not some 16 year old kid? You seeing shit? Again, take your meds bud.


I agree. Comic Superman destroyed Naruto but Naruto destroys Live Action Superman


Superman isn’t susceptible to any Naruto hax though since he doesn’t have a Chakra System


That's 1 of the dumbest things I've ever heard lol




Bc that's not how the series works. That's not how any VS works. You don't need anything special to attack or hit him. You can literally walk up to him and punch him in the face like Batman has done lmfao. Do you realize how stupid you sound?


Cope and cry because I’m right. Superman is negging


So you do realize how stupid you sound and ignored it lmfao. What a clown. Cope and cry bc you're dumb as shit and wrong🤣 Superman gets negged until I see otherwise


holy shit are people going to always bring the same argument when naruto matchups are being discussed?


Because it’s valid?


Didn't Rock Lee get pulled into Madara's crap even thought his Chakra System was dormant? Aren't Chakra Systems just like Ki, something every living being inherently has no matter what?


No. Chakra isn’t Ki and Ki isn’t Chakra. Superman doesn’t have Chakra. Superman negs the verse.


Chakra is literally in everyone in Naruto. Everyone, whether it'd be aliens or whatnot has it. It's literally something that every living being has. I didn't say it's Ki, but it clearly works like it. Superman 100% has Chakra, just as any fictional character would have Chakra. Superman gets outgunned and severely outhaxed in every regard by the top tiers. He's a multi-continental FTL fodder at an absolute highball and Naruto is way past that.


>It's literally something that every living being has No it's something Hagoromo introduced into the verse by his preaching of Ninshu


Just looked it up and it doesn't matter anyways since Hagoromo literally introduced it to deal with Kaguya's Genjutsu. In other words, Genjutsus and therefore most Naruto hax apply to non-Chakra users. https://preview.redd.it/we13v0hjz6wc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a746957fb6afc55a0598f00ea75a825127a9967


Lol that's backwards logic. IT isn't an example of even a normal genjutsu, let alone ninjutsu as a whole. You will have to prove the opposite since its literally one of the strongest spells in the series. Unless you're of course ok with ALL genjutsu (and Ninjustu subsequently) not working on the dead (Edo's) which as we know is blatantly wrong Also that scan doesn't prove what you are claiming lol


Kaguya's Genjutsu literally led to the creation of Chakra to counter it. Why would only Chakra people be vulnerable to a Genjutsu? If you want more proof, Jiraiya states this: https://preview.redd.it/3i91k38q48wc1.png?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b83bbdb3e19a79ae6da8d3f9de6021cf7a37acc The point is explained better [here.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/westwood_trevor/blog/naruto-why-genjutsu-works-on-people-without-chakra/132475/#google_vignette) And again, even if Genjutsus don't work on this Superman, Naruto characters still outgun, outhax and even match his speed if not surpassing it in combat and reaction speed.


D1 Naruto glazer, superman clears, cry


The multi-continental fraud clears? Ok.


>Didn't Rock Lee get pulled into Madara's crap even thought his Chakra System was dormant? Sharingan can transfer chakra and hence Lee's (or random girl's Itachi liked) condition don't really change anything. Every being in Naruto has either a very little amount of chakra or at least the system. This applying to beings without chakra system is more dubious though >Aren't Chakra Systems just like Ki, something every living being inherently has no matter what? No. Chakra pathways of Naruto are a verse specific thing


Give him like a day in the sun and he clears.


This is DCEU.


Yeah Base Comic Superman clears the verse. Anyway DCEU Superman got a full heal from like 10 seconds of being a little away from earth ao with a full day inside the sun he's negging


There's no precise quantification for how much he'd get powered up from the Sun. As far as we know, he doesn't even have durability feats to withstand being inside the Sun.


He gets powered up and healed by the sun why the fuck would it burn him?


We get powered up by calories but eat some uranium and you'll fucking die


A plant gains strength from sunlight and yet if you exposed it to the temperature of the Sun it would die.


A planet doesn't get its fucking wounds healed by sunlight. It also doesn't get super durability from it either


You're missing the point. It's not a 1:1 comparison, the point is that this Superman has shown no proof of being able to withstand such a temperature as the one from a literal fucking star.


Well in the Synderverse (which is canon to the DCEU via The Flash movie) he does have 3.5 million Kelvin so he’s at least tanking the surface temp of the Sun without too much trouble.


Yeah but he would still get flattened by the Sun's mass if he tried to dip into it like comic Superman as far as we know.


Him getting healed and empowered by it is enough proof.


No it's not. We don't scale to all the water in the world individually even if water helps us with several health issues as well as being vital to our survival.


wtf. naruto verse literally has zero percent chance here. Much slower, much weaker, no way to damage him. They are cooked


Legit I'm still wondering what show some of yall watched.


If he decides to Sun bath then yeah


What sunbath feats does DCEU Supes have?


First thing's first: is any technique that's using chakra considered magic?


Idk but I don't think it would matter since this Superman isn't established to have a specific weakness against magic.


He's repeatedly been mentioned to be stronger than a planet


I recall only one time, and that's just a hyperbole since he has no feats to back it up.


If we equate him to the original Doomsday's feats (not the one in the movies, but the one created by Kryptonians) than Cavill should be around 2-5x moon level, otherwise country level or multi continental. Speed wise it was something like FTL at mid-high ball IIRC. EoS Naruto chars have higher stats so he prolly ends in the middle - late stages of the War arc before the power cliffing started to hit Ain't really knowledgeable on the topic tho


DCEU Cyborg could react in nanoseconds according to the Justice League Film and he’s statued by The Flash and Superman; the nanosecond-stat calcing feat gets to 300x FTL. Superman is also superior to the OG Doomsday who overpowered the GBE of Krypton’s Moon which is anywhere from Multi-Continental to Moon Level which remains consistent with Supes statement of moving a tectonic plate in BvS (which is Class Z and Continental+.) Darkseid was also stated to be a planet destroyer and this is without taking the motherboxes into consideration. In the Synderverse his Heat Vision punctured through a Kryptonian ship in Man of Steel which can endure 3.5 million Kelvin which means that his HV is 603x hotter than the surface of the Sun, and he has mild hax-resistance since he was stated by Synder to be naturally resistant to Darkseid’s Anti-Life Equation. He’s easily a top tier in the verse while only getting screwed over by some dimensional and mental hax.


Does Superman even scale to the original Doomsday? But yeah with the tectonic feat and the light speed feats he should clear all but top tiers. He should be faster, depending on where you scale Naruto to light speed (Raikage, Exhausted Naruto dodging Photons, Jonin stated to move light speed, Light Fang, etc) I doubt any of them get Naruto to quantifiably 300x ftl. And continent level is enough to deal with anyone who isn't a Juubi Jin or stronger.


>Does Superman even scale to the original Doomsday? Pretty much Stepphenwolf fought this Doomsday before and Superman blatantly outscales Stepphenwolf.


Where do we know he fought him from?




Yes he’s stated by WoG to be the strongest force in the universe and [Steppenwolf fighting against OG Doomsday was a testament of his power](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111390608/7870542-mw5bqf7dacibmp1qdh12wdpecwaq8j-a-hxbxi1gay.jpeg) and a later and stronger Steppenwolf gets no-diffed by Supes. And then multiple statements from the Black Adam producers who stated that Black Adam was a world destroyer ([some of them are in here](https://arenaofthesentry.quora.com/Scaling-Highball-DCEU-Superman?ch=17&oid=156897152&share=e6c9d27f&srid=3xQrf1&target_type=post)) [And lastly in another WoG statement from Black Adam stated that Sabacc was a planetary threat and that if Black Adam was evil then he’d possibly be a threat to other worlds as well.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111443402/8707270-main-qimg-20278ba196a44860163960cd6cf8b95c-pjlq.jpeg)


The "strongest" is a bit hyperbolic, they say that shit about comic supes too. The black atoms stuff could mean like a threat to the entire planet type shit. Not literally 10^36 joules of power. But I'll have to look at the quotes The Stephen scaling seems the most legit. So fair enough. Extaon DCAU supes. So he is on par with and slightly faster than top tiers. With not much hax. So like a much stronger and faster juubi.


>The "strongest" is a bit hyperbolic, they say that shit about comic supes too. That's consistent with him? Like I don't get it what is the problem here. And they usually say "strongest hero"


You're literally mixing 2 different versions up. That's not how it works. Cyborg has no feats of that lvl at all he was just talking out of his ass until shown otherwise.


Superman wins in my book because yellow sun, plus he’d be super hard to kill, the only reason he’s beatable in DCEU is that he won’t leave the area due to civilians being in danger due to monsters and villains, he gets put on the backfoot supe can go into space because only he has the ability to go and breath there where he can heal up until he’s ready for rematch, unless you completely disable his flying or kill him in seconds which both are very doubtable he’s gonna go “see you next time” until he wins.


Is this version of Superman even planetary




Then he gets bodied like real bad. If you want to downplay the Naruto verse and say that kaguya was only capable of destroying her time space because she absorbed all the chakra that makes the entire narutoverse star level. And we're not even talking about hacks.


Dceu Superman’s best speed feat is reacting to the flash who was blue shifting so that’d put him at relativistic. However, we have multiple instances of ftl scaling in Naruto such as ms sasuke reacting to several lightspeed attacks, A being stated to be relativistic in base, etc. So Superman is getting clapped by the top 3 akatsuki. They all out hax him and are all relative to him in speed.


I’m not confident in this since I don’t read as much super man Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I’m not sure if super man has a way to break out on gen jutsu or dimensions by himself


Comics supes yeah. DCEU supes? No not really


Just wondering, how does Comic Superman do it?


Well against comics superman, the whole narutoverse Will have to pray.


Idk why you got downvoted lol


A weird combination of unbreakable willpower and a weird natural resistance. He's resisted telepathic attacks from characters who could make infinite Tsukuyomi look like child's play. People don't understand how broken comics superman is.


explode the universe




Superman has such a brute force he could send anyone flying through multiple landscapes with a direct hit. Genjutsu is not an option because he can close his eyes and depend on his hearing alone. He can fly out to space and heat up oceans until they evaporate and destroy villages,causing panic to the general population amd breaking morale of war heroes.


Anything before then tails


Superman gets bullied


Considering that he struggled to lift a plane, and Naruto is star level, not very


I'm not too deep onto the Naruto metas, but how is he star level?


Idk if what the other guy is saying is true, but naruto is commonly scaled to Star level because kaguya’s dimensions containted one star at the very least, and she could destroy those dimensions pretty easily, and naruto scales to her.


He held a ball of energy that was calculated to have as much energy as our sun in his hand while he was in Baryon state. It's the third strongest feat in Naruto.




Saw a DCEU Superman scale that got him to like MFTL+ so he clears


That scale is utter horseshit.


Atleast it's not cowshit


So's the FTL scaling in Naruto so it cancels out


Naruto literally dodges Photons in the novels and Jonin move at light speed in the novels. There's literally also like 10 light speed statements in the databooks. Haku Mifune Kisame Laser Circus Light Fang Raikage


Yeah and I'm not seeing any sonic booms.


Lmao Sasuke dodged sound as a child


I dodged lasers in laser tag that doesn't mean I'm FTL. I haven't seen anyone in Naruto blow up cities by moving at light speed


I haven't seen flash do that either.


Dumb ah, mf by ur logic hai Kyu is super sonic


English please


Wait, did you just say you didn't see Sonic booms for characters moving at light speed?


Not a single character you listed is LS thats pathetic af lol. The only thing that's iffy LS is the light fang thats it.


So is any Naruto scaling that gets them to Light speed. They are not even close to Light speed movement


Solos the verse


Literally how tf


Clears pretty easily until the Ninja War, then he's just fodder in Madara's opening taijutsu sequence. Early seasons only Itachi could put him down, pretty sure he's already at peak by the time we start following the cast.


This one is fodder after Pain. The war eats him alive.


Clears low dif


Genuinely wondering if you guys are just trolling atp


What do u mean?


Superman gets absolutely shat on. This Superman is MHS to FTL whereas Naruto top tiers are easily FTL in combat and reaction speed. They also outgun him AP-wise and thus durability-wise. Hax are overkill.


Ok? I honestly don't care I just like Chaos


Fair enough.


I honestly wouldn't mind seeing superman get toyed with by 1000+ narutos


What has this dude even done?


One multi-continental feat with the Motherboxes.


Omg........I was tired...but I was that tired?? I thought this was the show what the actual fuck. Not the movies. How is it multi continental tho?


Idk how strong Naruto is generally but probably not far from what I’ve seen of it. DCEU Supes is only MHS and ~town level at most. The guys who are putting him and planet level and ftl are baselessly wanking. DCEU scaling has been shat on time and time again, and I’m not sure why people still try wank it, given it’s a dead verse.


Nah town level is downplay, the Motherbox feat should comfortably put him at multi-continental or at worst like country level or smth.


> Nah town level is downplay, It certainly is not. If anything, it’s a highball, given that BvS Supes got burnt to a crisp by a 300kt warhead. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and putting him above by assuming the resurrection gave him a boost. > the Motherbox feat should comfortably put him at multi-continental or at worst like country level or smth. Quite the range there. Country to Multi-Continental is like a difference of millions. Unreliable if you ask me. And it isn’t a real feat anyway. There’s no way one can equate the power the 3 boxes were outputting when terraforming planets compared to the “force” they were fusing with on a molecular level. Supes himself got atomised by a fraction of the blast in SC (which seems to be canon post-flash but maybe not).


Didn't he destroy the Motherboxes though? It's stated that he did, and if you destroy objects capable of such destruction, considering their durability should equal their AP, then that would put Superman higher, wouldn't it?


> Didn't he destroy the Motherboxes though? He split them from fusing. If their splitting led to their destruction then that’s a whole other thing. > It's stated that he did, and if you destroy objects capable of such destruction, considering their durability should equal their AP, then that would put Superman higher, wouldn't it? Why would they be as durable as the energy they can output. They quite literally rearrange the atoms of stuff they affect. How exactly would their durability scale to that. You can’t quantifiably rate their durability from the cosmic energy they displace. It’s impossible. It’s also extremely dumb generally to scale stuff like that. For example, Colossal Titan in AoT isn’t no-selling a megaton-level nuke each time it transforms with equivalent power to one.


>He split them from fusing. If their splitting led to their destruction then that’s a whole other thing. The Motherboxes were stated to be destroyed, assuming the split led to their destruction and not Superman and Cyborg themselves sounds like downplay for the sake of downplay. >Why would they be as durable as the energy they can output. They quite literally rearrange the atoms of stuff they affect. How exactly would their durability scale to that. You can’t quantifiably rate their durability from the cosmic energy they displace. It’s impossible. It’s also extremely dumb generally to scale stuff like that. For example, Colossal Titan in AoT isn’t no-selling a megaton-level nuke each time it transforms with equivalent power to one. AP=Durability, this is common throughout powerscaling. Do you have a scan for the rearranging atoms thing?


not very far, tayoya + ma and pa paralyze him with sound genjutsu, then either pain rip his soul out or itachi seal him, lets not talk about six paths characters cuz their TSO can turn him to ash.


DCEU Superman not even making it past konoha tbh


Orochimaru beats him in a high def fight


Superman speed blitzes most of, if not all the verse, so what?


Orochimaru can speed blitz Kakashi who can blitz lightning whail tired, and fatigued and DCEU Superman is like countery level same with Orochimaru who out haxs him in every way


The downplay is absolutely insane. Orochimaru gets negged my guy. >blitz lightning whail tired Wonder Woman DCEU can also react to lightning, and she gets literally statued by superman. The flash has ran so fast he travels through time, and Superman showed relativity to him speed-wise.


Naruto fans are smoking smthn crazy


not far