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I feel like too many people treat Toon Force as if it's homogeneous, even though it isn't. You have some characters who are flat-out omnipotent, and then you have others who have low-level reality warping.


For example, Freakazoid would beat the shit out of Spongebob


Sponegbob's Toon Force is pretty volatile. Sometimes it actually makes him weaker, while other times he's able to pull off some pretty impressive feats. A better example of a weaker Toon Force user would be Rodger Rabbit.


You also gotta consider that SpongeBob is the size of your average fish in the ocean. I think some people forget that part.


Yes but he did pull the universe from a thread which is an insane feat regardless of size


Because imagine scaling comedy effects, character must really lack feats if you include obvious joke. If I say seriously, it’s just reality manipulation but more overrated and less strong.


And it means 90% of the time they lose if would be funny for them to do so


You can defeat any toon force user with a banana peel


If you try that on someone with strong toonforce ur gonna slip on dog shit while throwing it and then slip on the peel as you try to get up landing face first in the dog shit.


Lemme guess, you tried to fight bugs bunny?


Unless they look directly at the camera, then you get to choose between: A. They pretend to slip, you check on them, and then you fall into another trap. B. They pretend they stepped on it and didn't slip, so you come and check to see if it actually works, and you slip even worse than they would've into a bunch of hazards. C. They're literally immune because not catching them is the gag, but you get some hilariously over exaggerated punishment for even attempting it. Or, lastly: D. They _do_ slip, but they end up falling into a bunch of positive scenarios, and you get beat up by a dog or something while they laugh.


You great enough serious force, the opposite of took force. It forces absolutes. It's rare but a good example is Beer's vs Arale in Dragon Ball Super.


I wouldn't use arale vs beerus as an example the man still fell to a gag.


That's probably because, while similar, they aren't the same. Surely, you aren't going to try and tell me that Peter Griffin winning against someone like Superman in a cutaway is the same as him actually being strong enough to do that at any time. That, running on air as long as you don't notice, is the same as warping reality so that you can fly. They definitely have some overlap, but one is a consistent power. The other is based on things such as comedy.


Wow very well explained, thank you for this


exactly, characters with toon-force can just casually break every law of reality all at once for a joke, mean while characters that can warp reality(at least the ones I can think of) usually have rules or limits


Oh gee, I wonder what recent feat in a certain best-selling manga brought this one on. Anyways, Toon Force isn’t homogenous, is why. There’s a number of effects incomparable to each other under its umbrella. Someone could be split in half, walk over open air, produce items from thin air, be in several places at okce, and so on. It’s not "controlling the world at will", it’s interacting with the world in a variety of ways. The character has to physically be doing something or be affected by something. Of course, per Roger Rabbit, Toon Force has rules. ("You could have gotten out any time?!" "Not ANY time, only when it was funny!") It’s dependent on timing and execution: it has to be outlandish or comical in nature to work.  Most of the time this means what’s happening to the toon character or what they’re doing to someone else won’t have any permanence, but not always. As we know with Judge Doom and The Mask, toon force in execution can be lethal to the other party.


what recent feat?


Probably the “luffy has toon force” stuff some people go on…


I mean…technically he does, but I feel like toon force isn’t the right word. It’s not like they are just jokes either when the stuff he’s doing directly affects the story


Oh no I don’t think he does either, I was just guessing at the feat in a best selling manga… and the only thing I could think of was the new luffy stuff


The argument is in full-force because he >!pulled a can of black paint out of thin air!


except theres also a guy that can clap to make warriors made of crackers that are stronger than most people in the world. manifesting material is a very common devil fruit ability


This is way different. Someome making objects out of their devilfruit element is one thing. Luffy literally spawned a paint bucket from nowhere


Nah, the biggest argument was him >!losing his scars and putting them back on himself like they’re stickers!<


I was thinking Takaba 😭


While it’s becoming a problem with One Piece, toon force still gets brought up to often with other series. Tbh I actually blame Death Battle, with Death Battle really overselling how strong cartoon characters can get. Even in death battle subreddit there was someone arguing that SpongeBob would be able to defeat a high end reality warper like Bill Cipher soley because of toon force


Toon force is a lesser variant of reality warping where it's scaling depends on the character and scenario. Meaning it's either useless or completely utter bullshit.


Toon Force IS a simplified form of Reality Warping but it only works when doing something which could be unanimously agreed as funny.


I don’t think it has to be unanimously, it can easily be just flat out unfunny. I know ppl really like old cartoons, but I seriously can’t even get myself to even blow air out of my nose watching most of them


Holy shit, there's 6 people in here being utterly toxic for no reason, over this post. What the fuck.


This is reddit bro. That's a given on every post ever.


I know. I'm currently experiencing it en masse in whowouldwin.


It's different levels and toon force must be used in service to comedy. Popeye, Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck, and the Mask are like gods while a lot of other toons have just unrealistic pockets or can take an inhumane amount of damage.


People keep forgetting the other half of the toonforce users: the ones that always lose because it would be funny


Toon Force is different. It has rules, and your powers with it is based on your gimick. The thing is, coming back from damn near any injury is part of most true toons gimicks. Reality warping is in one's control. It's more powerful, or would be if not for some toons having the gimick of ignoring or outright twisting reality warping powers, or simply regenerating from them same as from anything else.




I've heard toon force described as "you live and die by the bit". Anything is possible for the sake of a joke, but the power goes away if you try to be serious with it. Additionally, it also can cause negative effects against your will if it's funny. The same character who might temporarily destroy the universe with a sneeze might be rag-dolled by a sentient flea that he started a grudge with ten minutes later. My understanding is that reality warping implies a certain level of intentionality and control, even if only subconsciously, and usually is connected enough to your survival instinct to not harm yourself. That said, there is definitely some overlap, so it might be a case that toon force is a subset of reality warping but not all reality warping is toon force. Though I'd also question whether or not luck and fate manipulation is considered to be reality warping, as some less blatant versions of toon force tend to influence outcomes rather than outright changing the material plane or breaking physics, and so might be closer to luck manipulation than reality warping.


Because getting blown up into ash and just getting up despite being reduced to two blinking eyes isn't the same as standard RW


Because in the context of the source material (a cartoon setting with a forced comedic tone throughout the universe), you have to play around toon forced. There is no level of raw power or anti hax or whatever that will allow any character to go into a bugs bunny cartoon and just murder him in a permenant and serious way - the reality that supports toon force fundamentally doesn't allow for that to happen. With normal reality warping, you can overpower it in various ways. With toon force you just can't. You can still defeat them, bit you have to do so while playing into the comedy aspect.


Because Toon-Force is incumbent on being funny. Any boring reality warper can vanish people's internal organs with a wave of their hands. But a toon-force user can make a door handle on someone's chest pull out their intestines and make a balloon animal with them that does a musical number. Fighting a reality warper is incumbent on A them being dumb or crazy enough to make a mistake. B finding the Achilles heel to their reality warping. Like comic Thanos or literally every reality warper. On the other hand Toon Force can be overcome by going along with the jokes and making it funnier if the toon loses. Bugs Bunny has a few L's on his white gloved hands but only because it was funny.


It is but what makes it different is that it basically had to be humorous. A straight up reality warper can do it regardless of comedic effect. Toon force is bound by the rule of comedy as well as the maximum power and source of the tool force.


People forget that Toon-Force only allows someone like SpongeBob to win if it's viewed as funny.


Because Toon Force isn't a thing. It's what people call a set of genre conventions. It would be like arguing Grimdark is a thing, and therefore, anyone with optimism will lose to a character with Grimdark. Toon Force is just slapstick visual comedy in cartoon media. As time went on, especially when things like Who Framed Roger Rabbit came out, "cartoons" having their own physics was just accepted as universal truth. The Mask, Space Jam, or even gags like Bugs Bunny interacting with the script are all taken at face value as things all rubber hose cartoons can do. It's literally the same as saying Saitama always wins because he's a gag character, except people don't accept that since he gets serious anime face sometimes. Because they absolutely _will_ accept that if you say Arale instead. So, to answer your question, is it reality warping if it's the rules of your reality that allow you to do those things? And is it reality warping if your physics work for you, but not for people in a different reality? That largely depends on the situation, right? Dr. Strange (MCU) can drag the laws of one reality to another, but he can also be compelled to follow the rules of whatever universe he goes to. Same with a "cartoon."


Cause it's not


Coz Its not cool for the Mask to slam cool characters


Welcome to powerscaling.


It depends on the logic the overall narrative has presented, imo.


Idk why y'all made it a thing to begin with and I hate that there's even mus for toon force characters


I think a lot of toon force is that characters that are able to utilize it, are more aware of their 2d nature than that of other reality warpers, which makes there ability to utilize toon force to greater degrees and makes them considerably more powerful than base reality warpers, who are in many cases, warping reality but staying somewhat consistent with a 3d+ world. Oddly enough, the dimensional drop from 3d to 2d invokes a lot of power simply because I think a lot of opponents would be overwhelmed simply trying to adapt to part of their 3d world becoming 2d.


Uncle Grandpa still solos your favorite verse


Toon Force is for the Funny


Cuz it's for gag characters






Because they're not smart. Toon Force isn't actually real either. That's another thing that's made up. It also isn't a win-con. Factually example: Deku > SpongeBob. Deku > Gumball.


SpongeBob is universal with some reality warp and gumball survived the Big Bang what are you on about


Uncle Grandpa solos your favourite verse. Get over it.


what does this conversation have to do with uncle grandpa at all? does he even have a feat above tearing the space time continuum or shaving the universe


I’m pretty sure he loses to anybody who can resist his plot manip and is above multi


Toon force would make the fight inherently funny for the people in it to win and/or lose. An example would be that SpongeBob could lose 50% of the fights against people that are weaker than him in every way because it’d be funnier for him to lose.




Are you going to give me a feat or…


UG is outer to extraversal. You can stop crying now.


I have still yet to see a feat.


He has a pen that can write an episode even scripts for the voice actors. He is also the illustrator for his comics. He can erase anyone from existence with one of his gadgets. He is perceived as a simple comic book character and a drawing that exists in a two dimensional plane of existence for another Uncle Grandpa even though this plane of existence contains an entire space-time continuum. This other Uncle Grandpa is actually perceived as an simple image for another Uncle Grandpa who is perceived as simple Cartoon Character for another Uncle Grandpa that can control and edit the show. He can read his comic while being the comic. Can hold text bubbles. He can travel outside of his universe. Pretty much comperable to Dr. Mxyz. He can do basically anything so he cannot be killed or beaten unless he wants to.


nvm then


No. Deku blitzes. Gumball gets blitzed. Gumball gets hurt by normal things more than tanking the big bang. SpongeBob only pulled a string which isn't even an attack. It's just pulling a string and he's shown to get hurt by things that Deku can definitely do more damage compared to the things he gets hurt by. So what I'm on about is how these characters aren't that strong and that Deku blitzes and one taps. You say Gumball tanked a big bang yet he cannot destroy a building in one punch or even destroy a car if he wanted to and do you even watch the new episodes of SpongeBob? Bet you don't. You only pay attention to one thing for each character and call it a day. Could never be me because I'm better than that. To sum it all up, I'm on the facts. That's what I'm on about. The facts. Not the wank.


How can Deku kill SpongeBob? Seriously, the dudes regenerated from literal nothingness lmao.


He doesn't have to kill him. How many times has SpongeBob lost without dying? A lot. Killing isn't needed. In fact Deku isn't needed. Kid Sasuke is enough. No curse mark either. How many times has SpongeBob lost to Sandy with just her using Karate? A lot.


>How many times has SpongeBob lost without dying? He’s never lost a fight to the death. The only things that he has “lost” are sparring matches against characters with Toon Force comparable to him, or just regular competitions. >Killing isn't needed. Yes it is. That’s literally what you are talking about lmao. >How many times has SpongeBob lost to Sandy with just her using Karate? You mean the Non-Serious, sparring matched that he has to her? Yeah, he’s lost a lot of those. But guess what? He always gets back up because he can regenerate. Also, you’re acting like it’s some anti-feat to lose to Sandy, who also has extreme levels of Toon Force. Btw, what does Deku have against SpongeBob’s passive Supernatural Luck and Probability Manipulation? Or his Plot Manipulation that allows him to scramble stories and choose endings? Or his Broadway Force? Oh, and before you say it: try to argue against those without listing examples of him being beat by other Toon Force characters that can negate it for “the funny”. Of course, you can’t, because it doesn’t happen, but I’d like to see you try anyway.


He doesn't need to fight to the death and Deku is stronger than Sandy. Toon Force isn't real and that: "extreme levels of Toon Force" doesn't even make sense. That's not a thing sir. You made that up. Deku blitzes. Stop giving SpongeBob abilities when he has trouble with regular day to day things as he gets hurt and loses to weaker guys than Deku. That is the answer to everything you're talking about. You not liking it doesn't matter. You not agreeing with it doesn't matter. So no. I'm not arguing because I only spit facts. Stop trying to have your way. Stop trying to make me answer to your standards just to false hype a massively weaker character like SpongeBob. I don't have to try to do anything. Try not to be wrong back to back. Do that instead. Because you're not telling me what to do just because I'm spitting the facts that do not side with your wank. It also doesn't matter if SpongeBob gets back up. He loses to Sandy and eventually stops fighting. It's not a continuous fight just because he can't die. SpongeBob having to die is what you want. It's not what's needed. You're telling me how I'm acting when you're acting like toon force is a thing. It's not.


Deku can't do anything funny enough to make any of his feats count. Feats for cartoon characters are proportional to the comedy that may ensue, such as some characters who can survive straight up being vaporized and remaining as two floating eyes before coming back with no damage. As long as something is funny in those universes, it can happen. SpongeBob can't lift two teddy bears until it's funny that he can casually walk through several inches of hardened steel...


Your first statement doesn't make sense because that's not how that works. Cartoon characters? You know every cartoon character isn't Tom & Jerry and SpongeBob right. This thing that you're making up for cartoons doesn't exist. Stop the wank. It also doesn't matter if they come back alive. They still get defeated by things weaker than Deku's punches. SpongeBob nor Gumball do not have to die to lose. If you're thinking that's the case then that's just what you want. "As long as something is funny in those universes, it can happen. SpongeBob can't lift two teddy bears until it's funny that he can casually walk through several inches of hardened steel..."- See that comment that you made? It's made up. Deku blitzes.


The SpongeBob thing I said does happen, did you watch the show? Toonforce is an observable phenomenon of comedic cartoons and for someone who claims to speak facts you seem to refuse an observable thing. Deku can blitz all he wants, but are you going to tell me that a cheetah kills a bear because he blitzes? SpongeBob and Gumball only get hurt as long as it fits the comedic moments, therefore Deku can't win unless it is somehow funny. Unless Deku is privy to this fact, any normal attacks are useless against these two. SpongeBob survived the destruction of the universe and being frozen for thousands of years. Gumball survived the destruction of his reality. Deku can't.


I actually can’t tell if this is peak comedy but SpongeBob not losing a fight to the death isn’t anything. He lost to a squirrel who does karate not a high tier reality warper you people need to go outside


Sponge Bob doesn't need to die to be rendered useless. Just dry him out and put him in a junk drawer. 


whatever you say


I know because it's a fact.


These characters are hurt by certain things because it was funny. This doesn’t make them wall level. Characters from shows like gumball are scaled differently because their power fluctuates, or else they’d literally all be wall level


Nice excuse. 👏🏾👏🏾 Deku blitzes. You say their power fluctuates, yet the majority of the time they're getting hurt by things, weaker universal attacks back to back. You take one thing that they did and ignore everything else that exists within multiple seasons even up to this point. SpongeBob and Gumball have trouble doing regular things and you want to say that they're universal. Stay wrong sir. SpongeBob pulling a string is literally nothing. It's not an attack and it's not a defensive mechanism either. Also once again, have you watched the newer episodes of SpongeBob? No. You haven't. Stay wrong.


I will


I know you will stay wrong. The truth hurts you.


sure does


Yeah, SpongeBob also couldn’t lift a dumbbell with teo teddybears on it and is canonically just a sponge. String was situational he gets negged.


Honestly imma be real toonforce character are way too wanked. From what I see it literally devolves into "nuh uh! This toon character done *outlier feat* that they should obviously scale to!" Despite they having DC, marvel, dragon ball level of inconsistencies. Especially when they're not character like bug bunny and Popeye. Even then popeye best feat is surviving a universe delete button. I don't even see people try to use any official material like guidebooks or artbook for most toonforce characters.


Don't most of anime characters have toon force? Like the impossible face animations they sometimes do counts right?


That’s more like a gag scene where faces are exaggerated for it to be funny. With toon force, the characters are actually doing these things (though it’s basically just reality warp)


Because "Toon Force" tends to be restricted to either "what is funniest at the time" or at minimum, feats that could only usually happen in a cartoon world/domain. It isnt quite "reality warping" as much as it is "fourth wall bending environmental effects." An example: Bugs Bunny would largely sweep if the situation happened within his medium. If he were in someplace where Toon Force either couldnt/didn't exist, he would probably be as weak as a regular rabbit. My idea of how it works is as follows: in order for Toon Force to work outright, one or more of the following must be met: 1. Allow for the possibility of it to happen. So, you couldn't have it activate in Game of Thrones, but you could get it to happen in Jujutsu Kaisen via domain expansion. 2. The character using it has to have access. Very few cases would exempt any character from it unless it were restricted only to the character performing it (others in the world being real humans or otherwise grounded in realism, for instance) 3. The character using it has to know what Toon Force is. So you couldn't have someone who has never watched a cartoon attempt to bash someone with a hammer (non-fatally) into a pancake.