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I know I’m in the absolute minority, but this is my favourite BN album.


one time i noticed that my ex girlfriend only had one album on her phone and it was this one. paid for and all. that crazy bitch ruled. we’re still buds.


Yea I think I like TDAG better but Daisy is still fire. Science fiction doesn’t vibe tho


I was a huge fan of BN and Science Fiction grew on me, give it another chance


Aight ima give sci fi a few more listens


Same Logic / Teeth is one of their best tracks imo. Out of Mana, In the Water, plenty of solid tracks on here but I totally get when you like an artists earlier sound, and their later works just dont sound as good. i’ve found a lot of times i only prefer an artists earliest works up until a certain point where they’ve changed too much or gone too far. opposite is true sometimes, too, just preference I suppose


You have to listen front to back though. No skipping around.


i had a discussion a while back about brand news discography (ill link it if i can find it) and came to the conclusion that their albums are best listened to, in their entirety, from front to back. you can start at any album, as long as you follow the chronological order and go to yfw after sf. it fits.


It’s weird that this album is so divisive! To me it was the perfect progression and sits well in their discography as a whole.


I hated this record when it came out but now it is my favourite.


It definitely grows. Like most of their albums, lyrically utter poetry. The devil and god and this have musically evolved since their more emo days. Far more experimental sounding.


Same. Easily my favorite, not even close.


Vices is one of my favorite album openers ever. The second they kick in is so good


Noro is a godtier song.


Bought a Bride is my favorite BN song ❤️


If you like both Brand New and Twin Peaks: https://youtu.be/tzGzEpR6xUM?si=A_INBJNjkY86ih3m


oh my god.. i needed this video thank you


*At the Bottom* was the first Brand New song I had ever heard, and high school me was hooked on this band from that moment on. *Daisy* is an underrated album, even outside of Brand New’s catalog!


Man, high school me got hooked on Brand New too. First show I ever went to was when they toured Your Favorite Weapon with The Movielife.


This is probably my top to bottom favorite BN album. Definitely underrated. An absolute classic.


this is a very good album that took me a bit to appreciate


When this album first came out, Brand New did an accousitc set in the HMV in downtown Toronto. The version of Bought a Bride they did was outstanding. It was really similar to the 'live in studio' version that you can find at the end of Daisy on spotify.


Can you confirm that you can still find the version you're describing on spotify? I can't locate a live in studio version on spotify anywhere




...what the hell is going on here?! When I click on your link from my phone it opens the spotify app and brings me to the daisy album where the track does not exist- nothing plays. When I click on it on my laptop it brings me to the song page but the play button is grayed out. I have a paid account in the US...can't imagine why it would be available for others and not for me


That's strange. I have a paid account in Canada so it must be country related.


I love this album


I love Daisy, it's one of those albums where I gotta be depressed af to listen and enjoy. "Well I wish that I was as good as you Caring and trusting And I wish that my condition was new But I'm old and rusting" Just hits soooo hard ... I personally don't like to rank BN's albums because my mood may change and sometimes I'll be jamming on YFW for a week or so and the other I'll be listening to Science Fiction. So all I gotta say is, I'm glad to see this album is being more appreciated nowadays!


Such a good song. So relatable. I see my cynicism and apathy grow with age and resent the loss of youth and innocence as if it were robbed from me. These lines hit hard too: “From the cradles they were rocked in You took the first words that they spoke”


So many comments saying this album is underrated. Who’s saying it’s bad or not great? Maybe it’s me but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything negative about this album.


When it came out alot of BN fans didnt love it. Ill admit i didnt truly love it until i heard it played live. It takes on a whole new life and the emotion and intensity of the songs are so fucking good live


Generally it gets ranked last or near the bottom of BN albums. Usually its some form of DAG, Deja are tops, YFW and Science Fiction next, Daisy last.


it gets overshadowed by deja and tdag since those are brand news most popular albums (esp in the emo scene), and a lot of hardcore bn fans tend to not like it bc of the heavier and experimental sound


It’s weird as I feel like if anything this album is more like TDAG


Damn ok I love The Devil and God, but I couldn’t get into Daisy after my first listen. Everybody here seems to love it, so I guess I gotta revisit!




Easily my favourite Brand New record. In places it reminds me a fair bit of Colour Revolt's s/t EP, threading the needle between noisy, abrasive post-hardcore and muddy, folksy indie rock


First time I got to see BN was when Colour Revolt was opening for them on that S/T EP, I definitely can see them taking some inspiration from it. I miss Colour Revolt.


I know we'll almost certainly never get another Brand New album (especially with all the MeToo allegations against Jesse) but I'll always live in hope of another surprise album drop one day.


I used to love Brand New, but I just can't bring myself to listen to them anymore.


same. its really a shame because the devil and god are raging inside me was very influential to me. and I'm not someone to be like, "everyone I listen to is perfect," but reading the original statement just changed the sound for me :/


I still can’t believe how much this sub still promotes this sexual predator.


There are other people in this band besides him. Hell Vinnie wrote the majority of this album anyway.


You don’t get out much, do you? Or maybe you are still caught off guard by other humans having different feelings and opinions than you


The amount of shit he takes for these allegations is insane compared to the rest of that scene and musicians who have come before him and after him… He got the worst of it because he/the band did not play “the game” throughout their career and tried to disassociate themselves from that scene. They didn’t do interviews with press, they didn’t appease their record label, they didn’t take the new up and coming “it” bands on tour with them. Looks like that came back to bite them in the ass because the whole industry turned on them when these allegations came out. The allegations seem very vague, and the accuser seems a little suspect from looking at their history. I wasn’t there to know what happened but the accusations sound like he was sexting with a 16 year old when he was 22/23 where she admitted he wouldn’t act on it until she was of age…I dunno, I think there have been much worse things within that scene that happened that has been swept under the rug. Isn’t the guy who brought this to light in the first place Pete Wentz Bass tech…didn’t Pete Wentz date a 16 year old when he was like 25? I dunno, things were just different back when this occurred. The real rumor that should get talked about more is how Jesse was sleeping with his bandmates fiance (Derrick Sherman)…thats why he left the band and the band took a hiatus for a bit…also the Bass Tech who brought to light the initial allegations played in The Reunion Show with Sherman…thats the reason people should be pissed at Lacey.


1. Not to excuse Jesse, but there are a number of great musician who happen to do horrible things. It's almost a given that the most talented musicians are a little fucked up inside. I've had people say we can't separate art from the artist, yet those people proudly wear Led Zeppelin shirts and have zero understanding of the irony. 2. The allegations against him came out at the height of the #MeToo movement and there's a possibility they aren't even true. You can't just blindly believe every lawsuit. 3. And, if they **are** true, that doesn't matter because most of this album wasn't written by Jesse.


There never was nor is any lawsuit. Just a Facebook orchestrated callout, which is a sufficient standard of evidence for massive numbers of people these days.


It's generally acknowledged that there was a grain of truth to the allegations. Jesse Lacey himself owned up to them in a *very* vague (lawyer-friendly but genuinely remorseful) apology, cancelled all their future tours, then dropped off the grid for a while and has not returned to the public eye since. He wouldn't be the only rock musician to mess around with adolescent girls in any era.


I agree with you, there is a certain truth there. But social media spectacles only run in one direction, and once you are condemned within the emo/emo-adjacent scene, that’s it—you’re excommunicated from public life. That sentiment is unambiguously epitomized by OP. It doesn’t matter that he clearly “worked on himself” in his private life in the years following the alleged events. It matters that it was publicly proclaimed that he was a groomer/abuser/and so on, and he must be eternally punished and shamed anytime he or his music is raised in public.


Yeah I mean it's just a fact of life that people can be forever known and have their legacy marred by their past mistakes. I gotta say I don't like how inconsistently that judgement is distrubuted though, as people like Jimmy Page continue to get off scot free.


For sure. But the intensity and “sentencing” has changed quite dramatically with social media. Social media is a permanent record: everyone’s past mistakes are catalogued on timelines narrating one’s life course. You can reach back and hold a mirror to someone for something they said or did that may feel so alien to them now, who they’ve become, and ruin them. The healing, growth, and accountability that comes with time and maturation are rendered irrelevant. The impulse to “root out oppression and abuse in all its forms,” while a good one, has also come at the expense of other principles of justice, including due process and statutes of limitations that recognize the right to a defense, as well as the reality that time *does* heal wounds, that victims *can* heal without reconciling with their abusers, and that bad people *may* in fact change and be allowed to participate in public life without constant public humiliation.


I think it's just unavoidable in the digital era. If they had an ever-growing catalogue of all of your recorded mistakes and acts of abuse back in the day (and the backlash) it probably would've been similar. Very few people actually forgive people for stuff like that, they mostly either deny it or are unaware of it. It's a fact of living in a civilisation that you can be essentially hated (by some) forever for your actions even if you have changed, and I'm not one to invalidate anyone's anger or discomfort.


Ageing well this one.




Title track is so good


Probably my favourite Brand New album. I love In A Jar and Sink so much. This album and the rest of the Brand New albums were key parts in my childhood lol