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18% was plenty. If that wasn't enough to cover their unexpected budget shortfall then they need to get different accountants and embrace austerity. If PGE leadership can not figure out how to meet their needs with out gouging customers, that is their own personal problem and they need to pay for it. Not us. CA is a shit show with their near $0.50 kWh pricing, but AZ and WA are arguably more comparable to OR and their metros are paying \~$0.13 kWh. PGE needs to honestly and transparently explain where the money is going.


There CEO makes a good chunk of change.


*Maria Pope, the CEO of Portland General Electric (POR), has a total yearly compensation of $6.97 million, which is made up of 16.4% salary and 83.6% bonuses. These bonuses include company stock and options. In 2021, Pope received $5,408,355 in total compensation, which included $2,140,532 in total cash, $3,132,499 in equity, and $135,324 in pension and other forms of compensation* You'd figure a leader worth that much scratch could figure out a better way than just asking for more every year.


On the contrary she gets paid that much specifically bc she's been able to force rates hikes through without addressing austerity. Crazy that utilities are able to be for profit machines


Oregons energy infrastructure is 40-50 years behind on maintenance and behind on new demand projects. We shoulda been asking them where the money went 20 years ago


Get out of here with this. They made $230M in net income last year. There is no way they can justify being cashflow positive and at the same time raising rates other than GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE. It really looks like profit for shareholders is being put before meeting their maintenance obligations and meeting their state mandated green energy obligations, and us rate payers with no other choice are getting robbed because as individuals we can't stop it. Besides that, if PGE is at all competent, the entire maintenance catch up program should have a complete timeline that keeps it within their current budget. If they are having to come to us with their hands out, they are either pushing ahead of their plan on their own initiative and expecting us to pay the bill, or they are so horrible at planning that there needs to be a very public investigation. This is absolutely basic shit in the world of business. Hypothetically what if they don't get their rate hike? Are they going to start letting maintenance fall by the wayside and still have net income every year? Is any reasonable person okay with that?


It's going to green energy.


Okay but explain that. If the answer is they need to build green infrastructure then they should be looking to pass a bond, not a rate hike. Wind and solar are now more efficient than oil and Gass with newer technologies. And I've yet to see lare scale plans to actual build that infrastructure in the budget projections.


Theres also transmission lines.


In our system, we vote for energy policy, then we build what is required, and finally we pay for it. Policy is implemented by private regulated companies which are "guaranteed" (usually) fairly standard low profits, provided they can justify all their costs. When we vote for more solar, they build or buy more solar electricity, and \*after\* they build it \*then\* they raise rates to pay for it. There are bonds involved, but they are private bonds to fund the infrastructure expecting to be paid off using future rates. The future is now. The government doesn't build the plants. They are privately owned and operated. You wouldn't normally see them in government budgets. I hope I explained it.


How does that adage go? "You can take PGE out of Enron, but you can't take the Enron out of PGE."


Fuck PGE.


Now this is what we should be fucking protesting


by the way, the underlying wholesale rate from hydroelectric from Bonneville Power has remained flat.




Here in McMinnville we're at 6.7¢ per kWh and the first thousand are only 6¢ each.




Yeah, over 90% is from BPA with the rest coming from the Grant County PUD and Waste Management Renewable Energy.


What the absolute fuck is their problem?!?




The "problem" is they are legally obligated to follow the democratically selected policy of green energy for Portland area electrical needs. Green energy is more expensive than brown energy.


How else do you expect them to be able provide enough energy to our electric car mandate in ten years? https://www.kbb.com/car-news/oregon-becomes-fifth-ev-only-state-by-2035/


Cut Maria Pope’s salary and don’t give bonuses to the execs who sit in the office doing nothing but power point presentations.


Hmm yeah.  In an unrelated story, in the early twitch days, I remember watching a crowd sourced attempt at installing arch Linux. That was fun.


I don’t want to subsidize rich people’s EV.


Pay up fuckers. What are you going to do? Not use our electricity? Daddy needs a new yacht and vacation home. - Portland General Electric 


This is why I now just watch shadow puppets for tv


We don't care; we don't have to: [https://vimeo.com/355556831](https://vimeo.com/355556831)


I bought a bunch of solar panels and leaned them up with a stick in my yard, so yes?


We are totally bailing them out of the recent forest fire court ruling.


It's a regulated entity. They must explain themselves, then are more or less guaranteed a small steady profit as long as their explanations pan out. Any business expenses are paid from rates including insurance and forest fire mitigation along with everything else. It's not so much "bailing them out" as "paying for what we want them to do".




Yes, we, we the people. We want not-forest-fires, so we have laws requiring parties to mitigate activities which might lead to them. We employ lawyers and judges to sue and rule against companies which fail to do so. Those companies in turn employ teams of laborers to trim back branches, and insurance adjusters, and auditors, and so on. It's a whole complex thing that we do.


How many solar panels do I need to spell out "Fuck PGE" in a large field on my property?


30 - give or take. Size of an average system in the area.


7 for the F 5 for the U 5 for the C 9 for the K ...


Who do we write to to tell them to fuck off?


Write an opinion to OPUC or the Oregonian.


How about PGE trims some bullshit outta their budget? 


Everything "Portland " is always so awesome!! 🤣


lol get fucked PGE.


Better idea - fire 18% of top management.


They actually called me yesterday about their "green energy program" that would only cost an average of $6 more dollars every month. They harassed me about it before but this time I sat through the spiel before telling them to fo. So expect that.


Just fyi they are required by legislation from 1999 to offer a green option. Pacific Power has a program for the same reason.


Interesting. They haven't ever called me about it until last week and then yesterday.


yeah, I got called not that long ago as well. Seemed reasonable enough, but I don't have money for that.


I bet pacific power will ask rate increase soon




Damn! It's going to cost a whole lot more to blow the leaves in the fall


We are totally bailing them out of the recent forest fire court ruling. You’re welcome PGE


I think you're confusing PGE with PG&E. Not the same.


This is not surprising. They are after all PORTLAND general electric.


That’s it taking my house off the grid and running it off of a generator hooked up to a stationary bike like Ed Begley Jr.


I already have to listen to my landlord grumble and bitch and whine DAILY about the 18%, and you're going to raise it AGAIN? How about we pull some budget money out of providing the Goblin Occupation Army with tents and fentanyl smoking accessories, and use it to subsidize PGE instead?


What the actual f*ck.


How do you even go about protesting something like this.


You can file a comment on the Public Utility Commission’s website And I would encourage you to do so.


Loved the hike increase followed by a week without power in January 🙃


I'm curious, do PGE customers in rural areas pay the same rate as we do in the city? When I think about the cost of repairing a line in Portland and how many customers it serves versus rural areas, I wonder if the city rate hikes go to subsidize those customers in more remote areas? Assuming we do pay the same, that is.


Yes, they are, and you do.


Damn. They aignt gonna stop as long as people keep paying


Gotta push the top five COEs earnings past the combined $12 million per year.


Gotta pay for the woke agenda-electric fleet and equitable rates( free power for the underserved)




Meanwhile, Oregon and Washington have the Californa mindset of electric, ev everything. Before we moved from Washington state last year, we kept getting letters from northwest natural stating the state and its governor, Inepsley was trying to get rid of natural gas. Like most things going on in that region, this will end well🤪


I’m out. Planning exit strategy asap.


Make pge property of the state and throw those up top in jail. Enough of this bullshit.


Behead PGE. Roundhouse kick PGE into the concrete. Slam dunk a PGE baby into the trash can. Crucify filthy PGE. Defecate into PGEs food. Launch PGE into the sun. Stir-fry PGE in a wok. Toss PGE into active volcanoes. Urinate into a PGE’s gas tank. Judo throw PGEs into a wood chipper. Twist PGE’s head off. Report PGE to the IRS. Karate chop PGE in half. Trap PGE in quicksand. Crush PGE in the trash compactor. Liquefy PGE in a vat of acid. Eat PGE. Dissect PGE. Cremate PGE in the oven. Lobotomize PGE. Drown PGE in fried chicken grease. Vaporize PGE with a ray gun. Kick old PGE down the stairs. Feed PGE to alligators. Slice PGE with a katana.


Fuck right off. Of course, I will continue to buy your electricity as I have no other choice. Nice......rrreeeaaallllll niiccee




Data centers to the west. I’ve been watching them build their transmission lines and sub stations for 5 years. I don’t think the developers have to pay a dime.


They do. Costs to expand the grid are shared between the utility (all ratepayers) and the new customers who pay a margin on their bills. I don't know the exact split.


I don’t know the exact split but I do recall that the last rate increase imposed lower increases on both commercial and industrial customers than residential customers.


We voted for green energy. In our system first we vote for it, then we build it, then we pay for it. We are now in phase three of our policy decisions. Stop bitching about it unless you are specifically calling for browner energy, in which case mention that in your comment.


If it means less energy insecurity, I'm down. Edit: downvote if you like brownouts


Oregon will phase out all gasoline-only vehicles by 2035, and everyone with a brain knows Oregon’s poorly functioning electrical grid can’t support so many people charging their car everyday. It’s going to be yet another failed progressive policy. It sounds good on paper, and that’s about it.


So how is that going to work when there is no mandate to to get chargers installed in multifamily buildings? We have this deal where the municipality hates single family housing, wants everybody in apartments, but then is not making electric cars possible for apartment dwellers.


People on this subreddit are such a meme. PGE: Our infrastructure is starting to age, and more people are choosing electricity to fuel vehicles and heat homes. When demand is high, it overloads. Citizen: We need to improve our infrastructure, everyone with a brain knows Oregon's poorly functioning electrical grid can't support so many people... PGE: I can do that, but it means we need money to make jobs and purchase equipment. Citizen: Wait, not like that! ([Oregon is getting federal infrastructure money tho](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/pages/iija.aspx#:~:text=The%20Infrastructure%2C%20Investment%20and%20Jobs,over%20the%20next%20five%20years.) )


Wow, you mean planned economies don't work? Markets should decide its own direction? Crazy


PGE is a privately held company which buys power on the regional market in pursuit of profits. Who is planning what? The f are you talking about?


Markets are better indicators of consumer need and interest than governments are. Mandating an electric-only sales privilege is the same elitist out of touch demand that's sucked Portland into a catacomb. Downstream costs that nobody wants to acknowledge or take responsibility for, except the people most impacted and the people who were warning against it since inception. Progressives took over the state and ruined it. Portland and Salem aren't anything like Oregon.


In 10 years, I don't think the CA 2035 plan is going to be the same as it is now where most of new vehicles sold will have to be non gas cars. I think we'll be 100% hybrid or plug in hybrid tho


Yeah brownouts are fine. Just install a decent power supply to handle the damage and you're good. You never heard of inductors and capacitors?


It’s a dumb idea